Instruments and controls
General illustration
(D Door handle
@ Adjuster control for outside mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
@ Power locking switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
© Memory buttons (driver's seat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
® Button for side assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
© Light switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
0 Instrument lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
@ Control lever for:
- Turn signal and high beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
® Multi-function steering wheel with:
- Horn
- Driver's airbag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
- Operating buttons for the audio system
- Rocker switches for tiptronic operation ... .. ...... 153, 160
@ SET button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
@ Instrument cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
@ Reset button for trip odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
@ Switches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
- Tr ip computer .. .......... . .. .... .. .. .... ... .
@ Ignition lock ..... .. .................. ... .. ... .
@ Air outlets ........... ... .. ..... ... ........... .
@ Depending on options
- Radio system
- CD changer
@ MMI Display
@ Emergency flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
@ Glove compartment (lockab le) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Instruments and controls
@ Front passenger
's a irbag ..... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .
@ Depending on options, sw itches for :
- Audi drive select
- Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) ... . .... .. .
@ Deluxe automatic climate control . .. ............. .
@ Ashtray w ith cigarette lighter ........ .... .. .. .. . .
@ Se lector lever for automat ic transmission ....... .. .
@ Depending on options:
- MM I control conso le or
- Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) switch .. .. .
@ !START ENGINE STOP] button ... ............. .
@ Electromechanical parking brake .............. ... .
@ Power top switch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ...... .. .
@ Central power window switch
@ Adjustable steering column ... ..... .... .. . ... ... .
@ Cruise control ......... ...... .. .. .. .. ......... .
@ Release lever for the engine hood ........ .. .... .. .
@ Data Link Connector for On Board Diagnostics (OBD II)
@ Power window switches ........................ .
[ i ] Tips
240 108
110 52
Operation of the Multi Media Interface (MMI) is described in a sepa
rate manual. •
Vehicle care Technical data
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Switching on time , date, temperature display , and
Th e display appears for approx imately 30 seconds w hen you press the
ISE Tj button => page 9, fig. 3 with t he ign it ion off.
Starting the Auto-Check sequence
T he Auto -Check system => page 26 constant ly monitors certain indi
vidua l func tions a nd components of the ve hicle whe n the ign ition is
t u rne d on and w hen the vehicle is mov ing.
Wi th the ignit ion turned o n, you can star t the "A uto -Check sequence"
by pressing the
! SET ] button . You can perfo rm an Auto-Check
sequence when the veh icle is station ary an d the ig niti on i s turned o n
or w hen the veh icle is mov ing slower t han 3 mp h (5 km/h).
Calling up the dr iver information
A ye llow or red symbol appears in the instr ument cluster display,
u su ally wi th a drive r message. T he drive r mes sage disp lay disappea rs
after about 5 seconds. The driver message can be d isp layed aga in by
br ie fl y pr essing the
!S ET ] button.
Setting the speed warning
By press in g t he I SE T] bu tton br iefly, yo u ca n set thres ho ld 1 of the
speed warn ing wh ile yo u are driving =>
page 25. By maintaining pres
su re on t he
!SE TI but ton , you dele te the w arning thres ho ld. •
Digital clock with date display
Digital clock
Fig. 4 Instrume nt
clu ster: t ime an d date
T he date, t ime of day, time and date format can be set in the rad io o r
in the MMI* . You can learn more about this in the MMI manual or in
the radio user's man ual.
[ i ] Tips
• Th e digita l clock turns on for about 30 secon ds w hen the dr iver's
door is opened.
• When the ignition is turned off, the odometer rea ding and the
dig ital clock with date display can be sw itched on for about
30 seconds by press ing the
[ SET I butto n=> page 9, fig. 3. •
Fuel gauge
The f uel gauge wo rks on ly when the ignition is on.
W hen the nee dle rea che s the red a rea, the war ning ligh t in t he ins tru
ment cl uster will illuminate =>
page 34 L.,. Th is means you have
a p pr oxi mate ly 2.1 gallons (8 liters) of f uel left in t he ta nk .
Time to
r efuel!
T he total tank capac ity of yo ur vehicle is liste d in => page 342. .,,
Driver information display
The speed warning symbol '8 (USA models) /8 (Canada models) will
appear briefly in the display when you release the
I SETJ button to
indicate that the maximum speed has been stored successfully .
The maximum speed remains stored until it is changed by pressing
I SETJ button again briefly or until it is deleted by a lengthy push
on the button .•
Speed warning 2: setting a speed limit
The /11/111* or the radio control unit is used to set, change
or delete warning threshold 2.
- Select: Function button I CAR]> Instrument cluster>
Speed warning.
• Speed warning -the warning threshold can be turned on or off .
• Speed warning -a warning tone will sound if you exceed the speed
you have set.
Warning threshold 2 can be set in the speed range starting from
mph to 150 mph (30 km/h to 240 km/h). Settings can each be
adjusted in intervals of 6 mph (10 km/h). •
Auto Check Control
The Auto-Check control monitors the function of certain vehicle
features and components. It simply makes sure these features and
components are working properly. The Auto-Check control works as
long as the ignition is on, as well as whenever the veh icle is driven.
If a component is malfunctioning or if the need for an urgent repair
has been detected, this will appear in the instrument cluster display.
You will also hear an audible warning tone. The displays are color
coded in e ither red or yellow depend ing on their level of priority . A
red symbol means
Danger, a yellow symbol indicates Warning . In
certain situations, information message for the driver appear in addi
tion to the red and yellow symbols.
Th e Auto-Check Contro l will automatically perform a test each time
you switch on the ignition. With the selector lever in
P or N, the
following message appears in the display:
When stationary apply footbrake while selecting gear.
When you a select a different gear (for example: R, D, etc.), the
message will disappear and the Auto-Check function is displayed.
If there is a malf unction, then the malfunction message will appear
about 15 seconds after you start the vehicle. At the same time you
w ill hear a wa rning tone. •
Driver information messages
Driver information messages are shown in the instru
ment cluster display in addition to symbols.
Fig. 20 Instrument
cluster: SET button
For examp le, if the transmission selector lever is not in the P position
when the eng ine is turned off, the following message appears:
Shift to P , otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if
lever is not in P. .,._
Opening and closing
Key set
Fig. 23 Key set
© Master key with remote control
You can centrally lock a nd u nlock your ve hicle and start the eng ine
with the master key with remote contro l.
® Emergency key
The emergency key is not intended for cons tant use. It should o nly be
used in an emergency . Keep it in a safe place and do not carry it on
your key ring.
Key replacement
If you lose a key , contact your a uthori zed Audi dea le r immedi ately to
have the
lost key disabled . Be sure to bring all your keys w ith you .
Data in the master key
During driving, service and maintenance-relevant data is cont inu
o usly s tore d on yo ur maste r key. Your Aud i service adviser can re ad
out this data and tell you about the work your veh icle needs . This
a pp lies a lso to ve hicles with convenience key* .
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Opening and closing
Personal comfort
If two peop le use one veh icle, it is recommended that eac h person
a lw ays uses "t heir own " mas ter key. When t he ig nitio n is tu rned off
or when the vehicle is locked, personal conven ience settings for the
following systems are sto red and assigned to the remo te maste r key .
• Climate co ntrol
• C entra l lo ck ing system
• Seat memory*
• Parking sys tem *
• Audi s ide assist*
• Audi dr ive select*
T he sto red sett ings a re a utomatica lly recalled w hen you unlock the
vehicle, when you open the doors o r when you tu rn o n the ignition .
• Do not leave your vehicle unattended w ith the key in the igni
tion lock. Entry by unauthorized per sons could endanger you or
result in theft or damage the vehicle. Alway s lock all doors and
take the key.
• Do not leave children unattended in the veh icle, especially with
access to vehicle key s. Unguarded acce ss to the ke ys pro vide s chil
dren the opportun ity to start the engine and /or activate vehicle
s y stem s such as the power windows etc . Unsupervi sed operation
of any vehicle system by children can result in serious injury.
• Do not remove the ke y from the ignition lock until the vehicle
ha s come to a complete stop. Otherwise the ste ering column lock
could suddenly engage -causing the ri sk of an accident. .,_
Vehicle care Technical data
Opening and closing
(I) Tips
• The operation of the remote control key can be temporarily
disrupted by interference from transmitters in the vicinity of the
vehicle working in the same frequency range (e.g . a cell phone, radio
• If you open the driver's door with the key left in the ignition lock,
a chime will sound. This is your reminder to remove the key and lock
the door .
• For security reasons, replacement keys are only available from
Audi dealers.
• For Declaration of Compliance to United States FCC and Industry
Canada regulations=>
page 346 . •
Check Light in the master key
The check light in the master key provides information
about different conditions.
Fig. 24 Check light in
t he master key
The check light comes on briefly once when a button is pressed, and
during an "inquiry" by the convenience key system. If the check
light does not come on, the battery is dead and has to be
replaced. In addition, when the battery is dead the symbo l appears
in the instrument cluster display as well as the message :
Please change key battery
Battery replacement => page 38. •
Master key battery replacement
Fig. 25 Remote
master key: Removing
the mechanical key
Fig. 26 Remote
master key: Removing
the battery holder
We recommend having the battery changed by an authorized
Audi dealer. However, if you wish to replace the dead battery
yourself, proceed as follows:
- Press the release button©~ fig. 25 . ..,.
Power locking system
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all doors and
the rear lid simultaneously.
You can lock and u nlock the ve hicle centrally. You have the following
• Remote master key::::>
page 42
• Door hand les with convenience key* => page 43,
• Lock cylinder at the driver's door ::::> page 44, or
• Powe r locking switch inside~
page 45.
Selecti ve unlocking
When they are closed, the door and rea r lid are locked . When
unlocking, you can set in the radio or in the MMI * whether
only the
dr ive r's door or th e entire vehicl e shou ld b e unloc ked::::>
pag e 42.
Automatic Locking
The automat ic lock ing feature locks all the veh icle doors and the rear
lid when you drive faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).
T he car is unlocked agai n once the ignit io n key is removed. I n add i
tion, the vehicle can be un locked if the open ing function in the power
lo cki ng sys tem swit ch o r at one of t he d oor leve rs is a ctuated. The
Auto Lock function can be turned on and off in the rad io or in the
~ page 42 .
Add itiona lly, in the event of a crash w ith a irbag dep loymen t the doors
are automatically u nlocked to allow access to the ve hicle .
Anti-theft alarm warning system
If the anti -theft alarm warning system detects a break-in into the
vehicle, acoustic and visual warning signals are triggered .
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Opening and closing
he anti-theft warning system is activated a utomat ica lly when you
lock the vehi cle. It is dea ctivated w hen unl ocking us ing t he
key ,
with the mechanical key , and when you switch on the ignition .
T he alarm a lso turns off when the alarm cycle has expired .
Turn signals
When you unlock the vehi cle, the tu rn s ignals flash twi ce , when yo u
lock it once . If they do not flash, one of the doors, the rear lid or the
hood is not locked.
Unintentionally Locking yourself out
In the following cases there safeguards to preve nt yo u loc king your
remote master key in the vehicle:
• The vehicle does not lock with the centra l locking sw itch
page 45 if the drive r's door is open.
• On vehicles with convenience key*, if the most recently used
master key is in the luggage compartment, the rea r lid is automati
ca ll y unlo cked again after it is closed;;;> page 46.
Do not lock yo ur vehi cle w it h t he remote m aster key u ntil all doors
and t he rear lid are closed . In this way you avoid locking yourself out
acc iden tally .
• When you leave th e vehicle, alwa ys remove the ignition key
and take it with you. Th is will prevent passengers (children , for
example ) from accidentally being locked in the vehicle should
they accidentally p ress the power locking switch in the front
door s.
• Do not leave child ren inside the vehicle unsupervised . In an
emergency it would be impossible to open the door s from the
outside without the key.
Vehicle care Technical data
Opening and closing
(I) Tips
• In the event of a crash with airbag deployment all locked doors
will be automatically unlocked to give access to the vehicle occupants
from the outside .
• If the power locking system should malfunction, you can lock the
dr iver's door using the mechanical key :::::,
page 46.
• If the power locking system should fail, you can still open the fuel
tank flap in an emergency:::::,
page 2 78 .
• You are well advised not to keep valuables ins ide an unattended
vehicle, v is ible or not. Even a properly locked veh icle cannot provide
the security of a safe.
• If the LED in the upper edge of the driver's door panel comes on
for about 30 seconds after the veh icle is locked, there is a malfunc
tion in the power locking or the anti-theft warning system . Have the
malfunction corrected by an authorized Audi dealership or qualified
repair facility .•
Setting power Locking
The driver can determine the functions for power locking
in the radio or in the MMI *.
In the Central locking menu you can decide which doors
should be unlocked when opening the vehicle.
- Press the [ CAR] function button.
- Select
Central locking . The Central locking menu
For example, if you switch the item Unlocking single door On , the
passenge r's door is no longer included in the power lo cking system,
and will not be unlocked by pressing the unlock button on the master
key remote control. You can continue to unlock all the doors and the rear lid as before.
Press the opening button on the master key twice.
In addit ion to this, the
Auto locking can be switched on and off .
When locking the vehicle, all doors and the trunk lid are locked auto
If you switch
Trunk lid/tailgate On, then the handle on the rear lid
=> page 46, fig. 37 is locked. In this case the rear lid can be opened
with the button
c::J on the master key:::::, fig. 31. If the vehicle has the
Convenience key* feature, then the handle will continue to work even
if an valid key is near the proximity sensor.
If you select
Fold m irrors* On, the automatic outside mirror fold
function is activated -the outside m irrors fo ld when the lock ing
button on the remote master key is operated
ffJ :::::, page 73.
When you select Confirmation tone On, a confirmation tone sounds
when you lock the vehicle. •
Unlocking and Locking the vehicle with the
remote control
Fig. 31 Remote
co ntrol: fu nction
Either the driver's door only or the entire vehicle will unlock
when the unlock button© is pressed once, depending on the
settings in the radio or MMI*
Central locking menu
~page 42 . _.,
- Press button m (@ ) to u nlo ck the ve hicl e=> page 42,
fig. 31 .
- Press button @(@ ) to lock the vehicle=> & in "General
description" on
page 41.
- Press button
- P ush the red
!PANIC] button( @) to activate the panic
funct ion . The horn sounds and the turn signals flash. Push
the red
[PANIC ] button aga in to deactivate the panic func
If the vehicle is unlocked and no door, the rear lid or the hood is
opened wit hin 60 seconds, the ve hicle locks itse lf aga in automat i
cally . This feature prevents the vehicle from being accidentally left
unloc ked over a long pe riod of t ime .
It depends on the set tings in the radio or in the MMI* whether the
entire vehicle is unlocked or on ly certain doors:::,
page 42.
On vehicles with automatic transm ission*, the se lector lever must be
in the P position , otherwise the vehicle cannot be locked .
Read and follow all WARNINGS :::, & in "Gene ral de scription " on
page 41.
[I) Tips
• In orde r to make sure the locking funct ion is wo rking, you should
always keep your eye on the vehicle to make sure it is proper ly locked.
• Do no t use the remo te con tro l if you are inside the car, o therwise
yo u may un inten tionally lock the veh icle, and then you would set
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
ening and closing
the a nti-theft alarm when you try to start the engine or open a door .
In case t his happens any how, p ush t he unlock button
• Use the panic function on ly if you are in an emergen cy si tuat ion. •
App lies to veh icles : w ith conven ience key
Locking and unlocking with convenience
The doors and the rear lid can be unlocked and locked
without operating the master key.
Unlocking vehicle
F ig. 3 2 Convenie nce
k ey: Unlo ckin g vehi cle
doo r
F ig. 33 Co nvenie nce
k ey: loc kin g the
- Take hold of the door han dle . The door is unlocked auto -
matically .
Vehicle care Technical data