To set the date, for example, proceed as follows :
- Press the [R eset] button . The Start menu appears
=> page 41, fig . 30.
- Tap the rocker
switch => page 42, fig. 3 1 until Set
=> page 44, fig. 34 is activated.
- Press the [Reset] button. The men us avai lab le under
- Tap the rocker switc h unti l
Clock => page 44, fig . 35 is
disp layed .
- Press the [Reset] button . The c lock settings menu
appears .
Continued => page 45, "Practica l examp le (part 2)" . •
Practical example (part 2)
Continue w ith se tting the date as follows :
- Tap the rocker
switch => page 42, fig. 3 1 until Date is acti
- If there a n empty box in front o f Date, press the [Reset]
button. Now a check mark appears in t he box .
- Tap the rocker switc h until the date display is activated
and press the [Reset] button. The day flashes.
- Tap the rocker switc h up or down until the correct
number for the day appears . Press the [Reset] button .
Now the month flashes.
- Chan ge the mon th and th e year as needed in the same
Controls and equip
Dri ver information di spl ay
Continued=> page 45 , "Practical example (part 3)" . •
Practical example (part 3)
Close setting the da te as follows:
- Tap the rocker
switch => page 42, fig. 31 until Back is act i
- Press the [Reset] button. The
Set menu appears again .
- Press th e [Reset] butto n again. The Star t menu appears
agai n.•
Tire pressure monitoring system
Applies to veh ic les: with tir e pr essure monitor in g system
General notes
As an adde d safe ty feature, your vehicle has been equ ipped wit h a
tire pressure monitoring sys tem (TPMS) that i lluminates a low tire
pressure te llta le when one or more of your tires is significant ly
under-inflated . The TPMS only provides a low tire pressure warning
and does not reinflate your tires.
According ly, when the low tire pressure te llta le i llum inates, you
shou ld stop and check your tires as soon as possib le, and infla te
them to the proper pressure . Driv ing on a significantly under
inf lated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure.
Under -inflation a lso reduces fue l efficiency and tire tread life, and
may affect the vehicle 's hand ling and stopping ab ility .
0 Note
• Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire
maintenance , and it is the driver's responsibility to maintain correct