[ i J Tips
• The engine oil pressure symbol ~ is not an indicator for a low
engine oil level. Do not rely on it . Instead , check the oil level in your
engine at regular interval s, preferably each time you refuel , and
always before going on a long trip.
• The yellow oil level warning indication requires oil refill or
workshop service without delay . Do not wait until the red oil pre s
s ure warning symbol
~ starts to fla sh before you respond to the
low oil level warning
-... . By then , your engine may already have
s uffered serious damage. •
Yellow symbols
A yellow symbol means WARNING .
Yellow symbols mean:
Controls and equip
Fig . 2 0 Display : lo w
fu el lev el warn ing
( priority 2 )
Driver information display
Low fuel leve l ~ page34
Check engine oil level ~ page34
Engine oil sensor malfunction ~ page34
Light/rain* senso r defective ~ page34
Worn b rake pad s ~ page34
USA models: ~ page34 Speed wa rn ing 1 ..
Canada models: ~ page34 Speed wa rning 1
Dyn amic headl ight ra nge con-
~ page34 trol* defect ive
W inds hield washer fluid level low
~ page34
USA models : ~ page34 Speed warn ing 2
Canada models : ~ page34 Speed war ning 2
Battery voltage too high or too
~ page35 low
Defective light bulb
~ page35
Adaptiv e light* defective ~ page35
Ye llow symbo ls ind icate a p riority 2 mal funct ion - Warning!
When a yellow symbo l appears, a warning tone wil l sound
Check the displaye d functio n as so on as possi ble. I f more than one ._
irechnical data
Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
Several functions in your vehicle can be set, activated and
controlled by means of
Menu s. With these menus, you can addition
ally select which information is to be shown in the DIS (Driver Infor
mation System) disp lay. This functions on ly with the ignit ion
switched on. Operation is controlled through the [Reset] button on
the windshield wiper
lever => page 41, fig. 29.
S ta rt me nu shows you the different types of d isplays:
S et
Menu off
H el p•
Navigate the menu
The menu is opened using the I Reset] button and the
rocker switch on the windshield wiper lever. Inquiries and
settings are carried out.
F ig. 31 W inds hield
w ip er le ver: R es et
butt on and rocker
sw itch
[Reset] button ®=> fig. 3 1 and rock er switch @ functions
Open th e menu
- Press the [Reset) button as often as necessary until the
menu d isplay::::>
page 41, fig. 30 appears.
S elect and set
- Press the rocker switch to move to a menu display.
Sw itch operation ( up/down) resembles the disp lay .
Enter and confirm
- Press the [Reset! button.
Using the rocker switch, you can select the menus in the display or
change settings. The values selected have a red background .
By pressing the [ Reset] button, you activate the selection you made
or confirm the va lues you set. Selected functions are identified by a
check mark. •
Types of display
The DIS (Driver Information System) start menu offers a
choice am ong 4 types of displays.
The following functions reside behind the 4 types of displays in the
menu => page 41, fig. 30 :
Selec t se tting s
• Clock => page 43
• Computer=> page 43
• Speed alarm (speed warning) => page 35
• Tire pressure warning => page 46
• Radio display (switch on/off)
• Language
• Units (changing units of measurement for distance, fuel
consumption, time zone, temperature)
pressures for normal load conditions, p lease see chapter
~ p ag e 297 .
• When the tire pre ssure monitoring sy stem warning light i s lit ,
one or more of your tires is sign ifi cantly under-inflated . You should
s top and check your tire s as soon as possible , and inflate them to
the p rope r pres sure a s indicated on the vehicle's tire pre ssure
~ page 297 . Driving on a significantly under -inflated tire
c ause s the t ire to overheat and can lead to tire failure . Under -infla
tion also is likely to impair the vehicle's handling and stopping
ability .
• Do not adjust tire pre ssure when tire temperature is excessive.
Thi s could lead to serious tire damage and even cause the tire to
burst , with the additional danger of an ac cident .
<£' For the sake of the environment
Driving wi th under -inflated tires reduces fuel efficiency and tire
tread life.
[ i ] Tips
• Each tire should be checked mon th ly when cold and set to the
recommended inf lat ion pressure as specified on the tire pressure
table~ page 297 .
• The tire pre ssur e monito ring system he lp s the drive r to kee p
t rack of the tire pressures. But the d river s til l has the responsibi lity
for maintaining the correct tire p ressure .
• Tire pressure must only be adjusted when th e temperature of the
t ires is about the same as am bien t air temperatu re .
• When tires are replaced , the sensors and va lves must not be
detached or exchanged. Only the valve co re needs t o be rep laced
and, if necessary, the valve and the wheel e lectronics replaced.
Controls and equip
Driver information display
• If you should put different whee ls and tires on your vehic le (e .g.
win ter wheels a nd ti res), you must be certa in that the wheels a nd
tires are compatible with the t ire pressure monitoring system .
O therwise the system will register a ma lfunction and a fau lt
message will be displayed. For more information, contact your Audi
dea ler .•
Ap plie s to veh ic les: with tir e pr ess ure mon ito ring syste m
Significant loss of air pressure 1
The yello w symbo l app ear s in the e ve n t of a s ignific a n t
Jo ss of air pre ss ure.
Fig . 36 Hi -lin e di splay:
y ellow s ymbol w ith
message ....
irechnical data
Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
-Push the I RESET I button.
-Push in the upper (lower) protrusion on the function
se lector switch
@ to select the Sto re pre ssure s option
~ page 49, fig. 41.
Following each intentional change in specified pressures , tire pres
sures must be resaved .
Af ter the pressures are saved, the tire pressure monitoring system
measures the current tire pressures and saves them as the new
specified pressures .
[ i] Tips
• The tire pressure is shown on the tire pressure label. On USA
vehic les, the tire pressure label is located on the driver's side 8-
pillar. On Canada vehicles, the tire pressure labe l is located either on
the driver's side 8 -pillar or inside the fuel filler flap . The tire pressure
label lists the recommended cold tire inflation pressures for the
vehicle at its maximum capacity weight and the tires that were on
your vehicle at the time it was manufactured. For recommended tire
pressures for normal load cond itions, please see chapter
~ page 297.
• The tire pressure monitoring system he lps the driver to keep an
eye on tire pressures. But the driver stil l has the responsibility for
mainta ining the correct tire pressure. •
Applies to vehic les : w it h tir e press ure m onit oring sys te m
Changing a wheel
When you change a wheel, the new tire mus t be initial
Fi g. 4 2 C enter display :
t ir e pr ess ure se lected
Fig . 4 3 Ce nter displa y:
W heel ch ang e se lecte d
-Act ivate and proceed through the menu as specified in
step 1
above~ page 48, .,
___ T_ r
_ a_ n_s _m_ i_s _s _i_o _n ___________________________________________________ _
Manual transmission
Applies to vehicles: w ith 6 -speed manua l transmission
Gearshift lever
The clutch pedal must be depressed all the way before
you can start the engine .
Your Audi with manual transmission is equipped with an
interlock-feature .
-Depress the clutch pedal all the way.
- Start the engine with the gearshift lever in Neutral and
clutch pedal depressed.
0 Note
Always depress the clutch pedal fully when changing gears. Do not
hold the vehicle on a hi ll with the c lutch pedal partially depressed.
This may cause premature clutch wear or damage .
[ i ] Ti ps
• Resting your hand on the gearshift lever knob while driving will
cause premature wear in the transmission.
• The back -up lights go on when you shift into Reverse with the
ignition on .•
Applies to vehicles: with 6-speed manual transmission
Gearshift pattern (6-speed manual
Fi g. 14 6 Gearshi ft
pa ttern: 6-speed
Drive in 6th gear for optimum fuel economy when cruising .
However, if more acceleration is required (when passing, for
example), shift down.
E n gag ing r everse gear (R )
- Move the shift lever all the way to the left past the spring
pressure point, press down, then push forward .
Especially after driving forward, stop the vehicle completely, shift
Neutral and rest the shift lever briefly in Neutral before shifting
Reverse. •
Checking and filling -
& WARNING (continued)
ment. Wait until no steam or coolant can be seen or heard before
carefully opening the hood.
Closing the engine hood
- Pull the hood down until the pressure from the strut is
- Let the hood
drop down and latch in place. Do not try to
it shut; it may fail to engage =:>& .
A hood that is not completely latched could fly up and block your
view while driving.
• When you close the engine hood, check it to make sure the
safety catch has properly engaged. The hood should be flush with
the surrounding vehicle body parts.
• If you notice while driving that the hood is not secured prop
erly, stop at once and close it. •
Working in the engine compartment
Be especially careful whenever you work in the engine
Whenever you must perform any work in the engine compartment,
for example checking and filling different fluids, there is a risk of
injury, burns and accidents. To prevent personal injury always
observe the following WARNINGS . The engine compartment of any
vehicle is a hazardous area
=> & .
• I I • • I
To help avoid injury, before you check anything under the hood:
• Turn off the engine.
• Remove the ignition key .
• Apply the parking brake.
• Move selector lever of automatic transmission to
"P" (Park);
put manual transmission in Neutral.
• Always let the engine cool down. Hot components will burn
skin on contact.
• To reduce the risk of being burned, never open the hood if you
see or hear steam or coolant escaping from the engine compart
ment. Wait until no steam or coolant can be seen or heard before
carefully opening the hood.
• Keep children away from the engine compartment.
• Never spill fluids on hot engine components. They can cause a
• Never touch the radiator fan. The auxiliary electric fan is
temperature controlled and can switch on suddenly.
• Never open the coolant reservoir cap when the engine is still
warm . The coolant system is pressurized and hot coolant could
spray out.
• Protect your face, hands and arm from steam or hot engine
coolant by placing a thick rag over the cap when you open the
coolant reservoir .
• If work on the fuel system or the electrical system is necessary: -Always disconnect the battery.
- Never smoke or work near heaters or open flames. Fluids in
the engine compartment could start a fire .
- Keep an approved fire extinguisher immediately available.
• To avoid electrical shock and personal injury while the engine
is running or being started, never touch:
- Ignition cables
Vehicle care
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
&, WARNING (continued)
crashes and serious personal injuries . Have worn or damaged tires
replaced immediately.
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
low speed.
Glossary of tire and loading terminology
Accessory weight
means the combined weight (in excess of those standard items
which may be replaced) of automatic transmission, power steering,
power brakes, power windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to
the extent that these items are available as factory-installed equip
ment (whether installed or not).
Aspect ratio means the ratio of the height to the width of the tire in percent.
Numb ers of 55 or lower indicate a low sidewall for improved
steering response and better overall handling on dry pavement.
Bead means the part of the tire that is made of steel wires, wrapped or
reinforced by ply cords and that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead separation
means a breakdown of the bond between components in the bead.
means the strands forming the plies in the tire.
&, WARNING (continued)
• Never mount used tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
their "previous history." Old used tires may have been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and loss of vehicle control.
• If you notice unusual vibration or if the vehicle pulls to one side
when driving, always stop as soon as it is safe to do so and check
the wheels and tires for damage.
Cold tire inflation pressure
means the tire pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer
for a tire of a designated size that has not been driven for more than
a couple of miles (kilometers) at low speeds in the three hour period
before the tire pressure is measured or adjusted .
Curb weight
means the weight of a motor vehicle with standard equipment
including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, air condi
tioning and additional weight of optional equipment.
Extra load tire
means a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher infla
tion pressures then the corresponding standard tire. Extra load tires
my be identified as "XL", "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or
"RF" on the side
Gross Axle Weight Rating ("GAWR")
means the load-carrying capacity of a single axle system, measured
at the tire-ground interfaces .
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ("GVWR")
means the maximum total loaded weight of the vehicle.
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
S idewa ll
means t hat port ion of a tire between the tread and bead.
Speed ra ting
extended periods of time. The ratings range from 93 mph (150 km/h)
to 186 mph (298
km/h) => page 306. You may not f ind this informa
tion on a ll tires because it is not required by law .
The speed rating letter code, whe re applicable, is mo lded on the tire
s idewal l and indicates the maximum perm issible road
speeds => &
in "Winter tires" on page 310.
Tire pr essu re m onitorin g sys tem *
means a system that detects when one or more of a vehicle's tires
are under inflated and i lluminates a low tire pressure warning te ll
tale .
means that portion of a tire that comes into contact with the road.
Trea d sepa ration
mea ns pu lling away of the tread from the tire carcass.
Tr eadw ear indi cato rs ( TWI)
mea ns the projections with in the pr incipa l grooves designed to give
a visual indication of the degrees of wear of the tread . See
=> page 303, "T read Wear Indicator (TWI)" for m ore information on
measuring tire wear.
Uniform Tire Qualit y Grading
is a tire information system deve loped by the United States National
H ighway Traff ic Safety Admin istration (N HTSA) t hat is designed to
help buyers make relative comparisons among tires. The U TQG is
n ot a safety rating and not a guarantee that a tire will last for a
prescribed number of miles or perform in a certain way . It simply
gives ti re buyers additiona l info rmation to combine with other
considerations, such as price, brand loyalty and dea ler recommen -dations
. Under UTQG, tires are graded by the tire manufacturers in
t hree areas : treadwear, tract ion and tempera ture resista nce. The
U TQG information on the tires, molded into the sidewa lls .
U .S . D OT Tire Identification Number (TIN )
This is the tire's "seria l number" It begins with the letters "DOT" and
indicates that the tire meets a ll federa l standards. The next two
numbers or letters indicate the plant where it was manufactured,
and t he last four numbers represent the wee k and year of manufac
ture. For example,
DOT ... 2205 ...
means t hat the tire was produced in the 22t h week of 2005. The
other numbers are marketing codes that may or may not be used by
t he t ire manufacturer. This informat ion is used to c ontac t
consumers if a tire defect requires a reca ll.
Veh icle capacity we ight
means the rated cargo and luggage load plus 150 lbs . (68 kilograms)
t imes t he vehicle's total seating capaci ty as listed on the la bel
located either on the driver's side 8 -pillar or on the inside of the fuel
fi ller flap .
Vehi cle max imum l oad on th e tir e
means that load on an ind ividual tire that is determ ined by distrib
uting to each axle its share of the maximum loaded vehicle weight
and d ividing by two.
V ehi cle norm al l oa d on th e tir e
means that load on an ind ividual tire that is determ ined by d istrib
uting to each axle its share of the curb weight, accessory weight,
and normal occupant weigh t (distributed in accorda nce w ith tab le
below=> page 297) and dividing by two . _.,