-Intelligent technology
------~----- ~~--------------------------------------
one side), the spinning wheel is braked, thereby transferring power
to the other drive wheel or wheels (all- wheel drivel. This is done up
to a speed of about 60 mph (100 km/h). Noises from the brake
system signal that wheel spin is being control led.
Driving off
When driving off, always be sure to keep road conditions in mind as
you accelerate. If one drive wheel spins because it is on a surface
with less grip, gradual ly increase the pressure on the accelerator
pedal until the car starts to move. The wheel less able to transfer
power spins.
Overheating of brakes
To prevent the disc brake of the braked wheel from overheating if
subjected to excessive loads, the EDL cuts out temporarily. The
veh ic le remains operational and behaves in the same way as a
vehic le without EDL.
As soon as the brake has cooled down, EDL switches on again auto
• When accelerating on slippery surfaces, such as on ice or snow,
always be careful when depressing the accelerator pedal. Even
with the EDL working, the drive wheels can spin and reduce your
ability to control your car . - Risk of crash!
• The increased safety afforded by EDL does not mean that you
ca n take safety risks. Always adapt your driving style to the road
conditions and traffic situation.
[ i ] Tips
If a fault occurs in the ABS, the EDL is also not functioning. This is
indicated by the ABS warning
light => page 21. •
Anti-Slip Regulation System (ASR)
The Anti-Slip Regulation System prevents the driven
wheels from spinning when the car is accelerating.
General notes
The Anti-Slip Regulation System (ASR) is integrated in the electronic
stabilization program (ESP) . When the vehicle starts up and acceler
ates, the wheels are prevented from sp inning by adjus tin g the
engine power to match the amount of grip availab le from the road
How the system works
ASR performs automatical ly, i.e . w ithout the driver's intervention.
With the aid of the ABS
sensors=> page 240, ASR monitors the
speed of the driven wheels. If the wheels start to spin, the engine
power is reduced automatically until the tires find enough grip to
lock onto the road surface. The system is active across the entire
speed range.
The ASR works in conjunction with the ABS. If a malfunction shou ld
occur in the ABS, the ASR will also be out of act ion.
The ESP is automatica lly activated when the eng ine is started, and
it performs a self-test. You can activate a deactivated ASR, if
requ ired, by pressing
t h e=> page 236, fig . 199 button .
You can deactivate the ASR, if required, by pressing the button (for
less than 3
seconds) => page 236, fig. 199. With the ASR deactivated,
the ESP check light flashes,
see=> page 22.
Normally, the ESP shou ld always be on, however, it may be advanta
geous to turn off the system in certai n special cases when some
degree of wheel spin is desired such as :
• when driving with snow chains
llffll.,__ __ D_r_ iv _ in_.... g,_ a_n_ d __ e_n _v_ ir_o_ n_ m_ e_n_ t _____________________________________________ _
New brake pads
Remember that new brake pads do not have a full braking
effec t during the first 250 miles (400 kilometers) after they
are i nstalled .
New brake pads have to be "burn ished in" befo re they have opti mal
grab =>& .
During the break -in period, you s hou ld avo id putti ng severe loads
on the brakes . Severe loads include, for examp le, sudden hard
braking, in particular at very h igh speeds or, for example, on moun
t ain passes .
New brake p ad s don't h ave th e be st sto pping p ower a nd mu st b e
" brok en -in " durin g th e initial 100 to 1 50 mil es (150 t o 200 kil ome
t e rs) of norm al cit y dri ving . You can comp en sa te for thi s by
pr ess ing the brak e ped al mor e firmly . Thi s al so appli es later when
ne w pad s a re in sta lled. •
Catalytic converter
It is very important that your emission control sys tem
(catalytic conver ter) is functioning properly to ensure that
y o ur vehicle is running in an environmentally sound
-Always use lead-free gasoline => page 267, "Fuel supply".
-Never run the tank down a ll the way to empty.
-Never put too much motor o il in your engine => page 278,
"Add ing eng ine oil
The catalytic converter is an efficient "clean-up " device built into the
exhaust system of the vehicle. The catalyt ic converter burns many
of the po llutants in the exhaust gas before they are released into the
T he exc lusive use o f un leaded fue l is critica lly important for the l ife
of the catalytic converter and proper functioning of the engine.
• Do not park or operate th e veh icle in ar eas wh ere the hot
ex hau st sys tem m ay come in contac t w ith dr y gra ss, bru sh , fuel
s pill or other material which can cau se a fire .
• Do not appl y additi ona l under coating or ru stpr oofing on or
ne ar the e xhau st m anifol d, ex haust pipe s, ca ta lytic converter or
he at shield s. Du ring dri ving , the sub sta nce u sed f or under coating
c ould overhe at and cau se a fir e.
0 Note
• Be aware that just one tank filling with leaded fue l wi ll already
ser iously degrade the performance of the catalyt ic converter.
• Do not exceed the correct engine oi l
level=> page 278.
• Do not drive until the fuel tank becomes comp letely empty . The
engine could misfire . Unburned fuel could also get into the exhaust
system and this could cause the catalytic conver ter to overheat .
• Do not turn off the ignition wh ile the vehicle is moving.
• Do not continue to operate your vehicle under these conditions,
as otherwise fuel can reach the cata lyt ic converter . This cou ld result
in overheating of the converter, requiring its rep lacement .
• To assure eff icient operat ion of the Em iss ion Control System:
- Have your vehicle maintained properly and in accordance with
the service recommendations in your Maintenance
& Warranty
lffll.,__ __ D_r_ i_v _i_n _.g..,_ a_ n_d_ e_ n_v _ i
_ r_o _ n_ m_ e_ n_ t _______________________________________________ _
one half. Never drive faster than the posted speed limit and weather
conditions permit. •
Reducing unnecessary idling
Even when your car is just idling it burns up fuel.
- Shut the engine off when you are not driving the vehicle .
- Do not warm up the vehic le by letting the engine run at
id le .
It makes sense to shut off the engine in traff ic jams, when waiting
for tra ins to pass at rai lroad crossings , or at traffic lights that have
long waits on red. Turning the engine off for just 30 -40 seconds
saves more fue l than is burned starting the engine again .
It takes a long time for the engine to warm up fu lly when it is
running at idle. However, wear and noxious emiss ions are espec ially
high when the engine is warming up . So you should drive away as
soon as you sta rt the engine and avoid running at high rpms w hile
the engine is sti ll warming up.
0 Note
Do not leave engine idling unattended after starting . If warning
lights should come on to indicate improper operation, they would
go unheeded. Extended id ling also produces heat, which could
resu lt in overheating or other damage to the vehic le or other
property .•
Regular maintenance
A badly tuned engine unnecessarily wastes a lot of fuel.
- Have your ve hicle serviced at regular intervals .
By having your vehicle regularly serviced by an Audi dealer helps to
ensure that it runs properly and economical ly . The cond ition of your
vehic le not only affects its safety and abi lity to hold its value, it also
fuel consumpt ion .
Check your oil ea ch time you fill your t ank .
The amount of oil used is related to engine load and speed.
I t is norma l for the oi l consumption of a new engine to reach its
lowest value after a certain mi leage has been driven.
You must drive your vehicle about 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers) before you can properly assess oil consumption .
This also applies to fue l consump tion and engine output .
0 Note
• Have your vehicle maintained properly and in accordance with
t he service recom mendat io n s in your Maintenance
& Wa rranty
booklet. Lack of proper ma intenance as well as improper use of the
vehic le wi ll impai r the function of the emission cont rol system and
cou ld lead to damage.
• Do no t alte r or remove any component of the Emission Contro l
System unless approved by the manufacturer .
• Do not alte r or remove any dev ice, such as heat shields,
switches, ignition wires, valves, which are designed to protec t your
vehic le's Emission Control System and other important veh ic le
components .•
Fewer short trips
Fuel consumption will alw ays be rel atively high on short
t r ips.
- Try to avo id driving short dis ta n ces wi th a cold engine. ~
___ C_ h_ e_c _k _ i_n ~g _ a_n_ d_ f_il _li _n_ g~--------------------------------------------
-Read the engine coolant level in the open coolant expan
tank => fig. 211. With a cold engine, the coolant level
should be between the "min" and "max" markings. When
the engine is warm, the level may be slightly above the "max" marking.
The location of the coolant expansion tank can be seen in the
engine compartment
illustration=> page 275 .
To obtain an accurate reading, the engine must be sw itched off.
The expansion tank in your vehicle is equipped with an electric
coolant level sensor.
When the coolant level is too low, the warning light in the Auto
Check System
=> page 31 will blink until you add coolant and the
level has been restored to normal. Even though there is an electric
coolant level sensor, we still recommend you check the coolant level
from time to time.
Coolant loss
Coolant loss may indicate a leak in the cooling system . In the event
of coolant loss, the cooling system should be inspected immedi
ately by your authorized Audi dealer . It is not enough merely to add
In a
sealed system, losses can occur only if the boiling point of the
coolant is exceeded as a result of overheating.
The cooling system is under pressure and can get very hot. Reduce
the risk of scalding from hot coolant by following these steps.
• Turn off the engine and allow it to cool down.
• Protect your face, hands and arms from escaping fluid and
steam by covering the cap with a large, thick rag.
& WARNING (continued)
• Turn the cap slowly and very carefully in a counter-clockwise
direction while applying light, downward pressure on the top of
the cap.
• To avoid being burned, do not spill antifreeze or coolant on the
exhaust system or hot engine parts. Under certain conditions, the
ethylene glycol in engine coolant can catch fire.
0 Note
Do not add any type of radiator leak sealant to your vehicle's engine
coolant. Adding radiator repair fluid may adversely affect the func
tion and performance of your cooling system and could result in damage not covered by your New Vehicle Limited Warranty. •
Adding coolant
Be very careful when adding engine coolant.
Before you check anything in the engine compartment,
always read and heed all WARNINGS => & in "Working in
the engine compartment" on
page 273.
-Turn off the engine.
-Let the engine cool down.
-Place a thick rag over the coolant expansion tank
=> page 281 , fig. 211 and carefully twist the cap counter
=> & .
-Add coolant.
-Twist the cap on again tightly.
Replacement engine coolant must conform to exact spec ifications
=> page 280, "Coolant". If in an emergency coolant additive G12 + is .,,