Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
Several functions in your vehicle can be set, activated and
controlled by means of
Menu s. With these menus, you can addition
ally select which information is to be shown in the DIS (Driver Infor
mation System) disp lay. This functions on ly with the ignit ion
switched on. Operation is controlled through the [Reset] button on
the windshield wiper
lever => page 41, fig. 29.
S ta rt me nu shows you the different types of d isplays:
S et
Menu off
H el p•
Navigate the menu
The menu is opened using the I Reset] button and the
rocker switch on the windshield wiper lever. Inquiries and
settings are carried out.
F ig. 31 W inds hield
w ip er le ver: R es et
butt on and rocker
sw itch
[Reset] button ®=> fig. 3 1 and rock er switch @ functions
Open th e menu
- Press the [Reset) button as often as necessary until the
menu d isplay::::>
page 41, fig. 30 appears.
S elect and set
- Press the rocker switch to move to a menu display.
Sw itch operation ( up/down) resembles the disp lay .
Enter and confirm
- Press the [Reset! button.
Using the rocker switch, you can select the menus in the display or
change settings. The values selected have a red background .
By pressing the [ Reset] button, you activate the selection you made
or confirm the va lues you set. Selected functions are identified by a
check mark. •
Types of display
The DIS (Driver Information System) start menu offers a
choice am ong 4 types of displays.
The following functions reside behind the 4 types of displays in the
menu => page 41, fig. 30 :
Selec t se tting s
• Clock => page 43
• Computer=> page 43
• Speed alarm (speed warning) => page 35
• Tire pressure warning => page 46
• Radio display (switch on/off)
• Language
• Units (changing units of measurement for distance, fuel
consumption, time zone, temperature)
Fig. 39 Center display :
starting menu
In order for the tire pressure monitoring system to operate
accurately, you have to re-save the specified pressures
whenever you adjust tire pressure, for example, when the load condition of your vehicle changes. Proceed as follows:
Correct the tire pressure
- check the pressure in the tires (including the spare tire),
- adjust the air pressure as needed in accordance with the
information on the tire pressure label.
Reset the system
Push the [RESET] button=> page 48, fig. 38 until Display
Type=> fig. 39 appears.
- Push in the upper (lower) protrusion on the function selector switch
@ to select the Set option. •
Controls and equip
Driver information display
Applies to veh ic les : w ith tir e pressure mon itoring system
Storing the adjusted tire pressure (step 2)
Fig . 40 Center display :
tire pressure selected
Fig. 41 Center display:
storing the tire pres
- Push the [RESET]® button => page 48, fig. 38.
- Push in the upper (lower) protrusion on the function
selector switch
@ to select the Tire pressure option
=> fig. 40.
irechnical data
________________________________________________ T_ i
_ r_e _s_ a_n_ d_ w_ h_ e_e _ l_s __ lllll
Tires and wheels
General notes
Tires may be the least appreciated and most abused parts
of a motor vehicle.
T ires may be the least appreciated and most abused parts of a
motor vehic le. Tires are, however, one of the most important parts
of a vehicle, particu lar ly considering the comparat ive ly sma ll patch
of rubber on each tire that assures that a ll-important contact
between you, your vehicle and the road .
Maintaining the correct tire pressure, making sure that your vehicle
and i ts tires do not have to carry more weight than they can safely
handle, avoiding damage from road hazards and regular ly
inspecting tires for damage inc luding cuts, s lashes irregular wear
and overa ll condition are the most important things that you can do
to help avoid sudden tire failure including tread separation and
b lowou ts .
Av oiding d am ag e
If you have to drive over a curb or similar obstacle, drive very slowly
and as close as possible at a right angle to the curb.
A lways keep chemica ls including grease, o il, gasoline a nd brake
fluid off the tires.
I nspect the t ires regularly for damage (cuts, cracks or blisters, etc .l.
Remove any foreign bodies embedded in the treads.
Storing tire s
Mark tires when you remove them to indicate the direction of rota
t ion . This ensu res you to be ab le to mou nt them correctly w he n you
reinstal l them. When removed, the whee
ls or tires should be stored in a coo l, dry
and preferably dark place.
St ore tires in a vertical posit ion i f th ey are not mounted on r ims, in
a horizontal position if they are mounted on rims.
New tire s
New tires have to be broken in => &.
The tread dept h of new tires may vary, according to the type and
make of tire and the tread pattern .
Hidden damage
Damage to tires and rims is often not readily visible. If you notice
unusua l vibration or t he veh ic le pul ls to one side, this may indicate
that one of the tires has been damaged . The tires must be checked
immediately by an author ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop .
Unidire ction al tires
A unidirectio nal tire can be ide ntif ied by arr ows on the s idewa ll, t hat
point in the direction the tire is designed to rotate. You must fo llow
the specified direct ion of ro tation . This is necessary so t hat these
tires can deve lop their optimum characteristics regarding grip, road
noise, wear and hydroplaning resistance . For more info rmation
=> page 324.
Ne w tire s or tire s that are old , wo rn o r damaged cannot p ro vide
maximum control and braking abilit y.
• New tires tend to be slippery and mu st be brok en in . To redu ce
the ri sk of lo sing control , a c ollision and seriou s per sonal injuries ,
dri ve w ith special ca re for the fi rst 350 mile s (560 km l.
• Driving with worn or damaged tire s can lead to lo ss of control ,
sudden tire fa ilure , in cluding a blowout and sudden deflation ,
Vehicle care
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
make, there w ill be six to eight of t hem evenly p laced around the
tir e. M arks o n the tire s idewall ( for example "TWI " or oth er sy mb ols)
indicate th e positions of the tread wear indicators. Worn tires must
b e re placed . Di fferen t fig ure s m ay apply i n other
c ountr ies=> & .
Tire pressure
Incorr ect tir e p ress ure c auses prematu re wear a nd can ca use
sudden tir e blow -out . For th is r eason, tir e pressur e must b e check ed
at leas t once a month
=> pa ge 299 .
Dri ving style
Drivi ng fa st aro und curv es, heavy acce le ra ti on and ha rd bra kin g
increase tire wear .
Rotating tires for more even wear
For all four tires on your vehic le to have the same service life, we
r ecom mend t hat the front a nd rea r tires ar e rotate d accord ing to the
tire manufacturer 's suggested tire rotation interva ls. Please
r e m emb er t he fo llo wi ng :
• Ti re rotation interva ls m ay d iffer from th e vehic le servic e inter
vals outl ined in y our M aintenance and Warran ty Boo kle t.
• T he longer one tire is used in one location on the vehicle, the
mor e it wea rs a t ce rtain points ; the re fo re, we rec omm end that yo u
fo llow t he ti re manufactu rer's su ggested tir e rotat ion int ervals .
• Vehi cle s with front -wh eel d rive e xper ience mo re trea d wea r on
the front wheels compared to al l-wheel drive (quattro®l .
• Ple as e ro tat e ti res as
sh ow n=> page 303, fig. 220.
• Extra care must be taken when rotating direction -specific tires
=> pag e 32 4.
Wheel balancing
T he wheels on n ew vehic les are bala nced. However, various situa
tions during eve ryday driving can cause them to become unba l
ance d, res ulting i n vi brat ions you ca n us ual ly f eel thro ugh t he
steering whee l. U
nba lanc ed wh eels must be rebalanced to avoid excessive wear on
s tee ring, s uspen sio n an d tir es. A w heel m ust also be reba la nced
when a new tire is install ed.
Incorrect wheel alignment
Incorrect whee l alignment can cause excessive tire wear, impairing
t he sa fety o f the vehicl e. If ti res sh ow ex cessiv e w ear, h av e the
whee l al ignm ent check ed by an autho riz ed Aud i d eal er or qualifi ed
w ork shop.
All Wheel Drive
Ve hicl es wi th qu attr o® must alw ays h ave t ires of t he sa me siz e,
construction and tread type . For deta ils
see=> page 242 .
Sudden tire failure can lead to loss of control , a crash and serious
personal injury!
• Never drive a vehicle when the tread on any tire is worn down
to the wear indicators .
• Especially in wet and slick driving situations , a preferably large
profile depth of the tires is necessary , and an approximately
similar profile depth of the front and rear axle tires.
• The diminished driving safety , caused by too small of a tire
profile, is negatively perceivable especially in handling , in danger
of hydroplaning when driving through deep puddles and ponds,
when driving around curves , and in braking behavior.
• Worn tires are a safety hazard , they do not grip well on wet
roads and increase your risk of "hydroplaning" and loss of control.
• Always keep chem icals that can cause tire damage , such as
grease, oil, gasoline and brake fluid away from tires .
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly ,
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
lower speeds .
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
• Using incorrect or unmatched tires and / or wheels or improper
tire and wheel combinations can lead to loss of control , collision
and serious personal injury .
• Always u se tires , rims and wheel bolts that meet the specifica
tions of original factory -installed tires or other combinations that
have been specifically approved by the vehicle manufacturer.
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly ,
especially at high speeds . Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergen cy and then with special care and at
lower speed s.
• Never mount used tires on your vehi cle if you are not sure of
their "previous history." Old used tires may have been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and loss of vehicle control.
• All four wheels must be fitted with radial tires of the same type ,
size (rolling circumference ) and the same tread pattern. Driving
with different tires reduces vehi cle handling and can lead to a loss
of control.
• If the spare t ire is not the same as the tires that are mounted
on the vehicle -for example with winter tires -only use the spare
tire for a short period of time and drive with extra care . Refit the
normal road wheel as soon as safely possible.
• Never drive faster than the ma ximum speed for wh ich the tires
on your vehicle are rated because tires that are driven faster than
their rated speed can fail suddenly .
• Overloading tire s cause heat build -up , sudden tire failure ,
including a blowout and sudden deflation and loss of control.
• Temperature grades apply to tires that are properly inflated and
not over or underinflated .
• For technical reasons it is not always possible to use wheel s
from other vehicles - in some cases not even wheels from the
same vehicle model.
& WARNING (continued )
• If you install wheel trim discs on the vehicle wheels, make sure
that the air flow to the brakes is not blocked . Reduced airflow to
the brakes can them to overheat , increasing stopping distances
and causing a collision .
• Run flat tires may only be used on vehicles that were equipped
with them at the factory. The vehicle must have a chassis designed
for run flat tires and a factory-installed tire pressure monitoring
s ystem that indicate s a loss of tire pressure . Incorrect use of run
flat tires can lead to vehicle damage or ac cidents . Check with an
authorized Audi dealer or tire specialist to see if your vehicle can
be equ ipped with run flat tires . If run flat tires are used , they must
be installed on all four wheels . Mixing tire types is not permitted.
0 Note
• For tec hnical r eas ons, it is no t gene rally possible to use the
whee l rims from other vehicles . ihis can hold true for wheels of the
same ve hicle type.
• I f the spare tire is different from the tires that you have mounted
on y our ve hicle (f or exampl e wi nter t ires or wide p ro fi le tir es), then
use the spa re tire fo r a short per iod of time on ly and d rive with extra
c a re . Rep lace the flat t ire wi th the ti re m atc h ing t he oth ers o n you r
vehic le as soon as possib le .
• If yo u should put diff eren t w heels a nd tires on yo ur vehi cle (e. g.
winter wheels and tires), you must be certa in that the wheels and
t ires a re co mpatibl e w ith the tire press ur e m onit orin g sys te m.
Otherwise the system will regist er a ma lfunction and a fau lt
mes sage wil l be d isp layed . Fo r mo re info rmation, contact yo ur Audi
dea ler .
0 Note
• When i nsta lling new ti res, be care fu l n ot to damage t he va lves o r
tire press ure mon itoring system* sensors . .,_
___ T_ ir_e_ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_l_
s _________________________________________________ _
Winter tires
Winter tires can impr ove vehicle handling on snow and
ice. At temperatures below 45 °F (7 °C) we recommend
changing to winter tires.
I n some heavy snow areas, local governments may require true
winter or "snow" tires, those with very deeply cut tread . These tires
should only be used in pairs and be instal led on a ll four wheels .
Make sure you purchase snow tires that are the same s ize and
construction type as the other tires on your vehicle .
If your vehic le is equipped with al l-wheel drive*, this will improve
traction during winter driving, even with the standard tires.
H owever, we strongly recommend that you a lways equ ip al l four
whee ls on your vehic le with correct ly fitted winter tires or all-season
t ires, when winter road conditions are expec ted. This also improves
t he vehic le's braking performance and reduces stopping distances.
Summer tires provide less grip on ice and snow.
W inter tires (snow t ires) must a lways be fi tted on a ll four wheels .
If your vehicle is equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system* ,
compatible tire pressu re monitoring sensors must be instal led on
a ll f our winter t ires for the system to function
properly=> page 307.
Ask your authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop for permitted
winter tire size s. Use only rad ial winter tires.
Winter tires lose their effect iveness when the tread is worn down to
a depth of 4 mm (0.157 inch).
Only drive with w inter tires under winter conditions. Summer tires
handle better when there is no snow or ice on the roads and the
t emperature is above 45 °F (7 °C).
If you have a flat tire, see notes on spare
wheel=> page 305 .
Please a lways remember that winter tires may have a lower speed
rating than the tires original ly instal led on your vehicle at the ti me
it was manufactured . Please see
=> page 306 , "Speed rating (letter code)" for a listing of the speed rating letter codes and the
maximum speed at which t he tires can be d riven .
The speed rating letter
code(=> page 2961 i s on the side wa ll of the
tire => page 305.
Winter tire s have maximum speed limits that may be lower than
your vehi cle's ma ximum speed . Al wa ys know the ma ximum speed
before driving off . Never drive fa ster th an the speed permitted for
y our s pecifi c w inter tire s. Thi s will cau se damage to the tire s
lead ing to an a ccident and seriou s per sonal injury to you and your
p ass engers.
Driving fa ster th an the m aximum speed for whi ch the winte r tire s
on your vehi cle were de signed c an cause tir e failure in cluding a
blowout and sudden deflat ion , lo ss of contr ol, c rashe s and seriou s
per sonal injuries . Have worn or damaged tires repl aced immedi
ately .
• Winter tires have ma ximum speed rating that may be lower
than your vehicle' s m axi mum speed .
• Never drive faster than the speed for which the winter or other
ti re s in sta lled on you r vehi cle are r ated .
Always adju st your driving to the ro ad and traff ic condit ions .
Never let the good acceleration of th e win ter tire s and all-wheel
dr ive tempt you into taking extra ri sks. Al ways rem ember :
• When braking, an all -wheel driv e vehicle handle s in th e same
w ay as a front dr ive veh icle .
• Drive ca refully and redu ce your speed on i cy and slippery r oads,
e ven w inter tires cannot h elp under bl ack ice condit ions .
_________________________________________________ G_ e_ n_ e_r _a _l_ i_n _f_o _ r_ m_ a_ t
_ i
_ o _ n
__ __
T he sa fe ty co mplia nce s ticke r
is your assurance t hat your new vehicle complies with a ll applicable
Federa l Motor Vehic le Safety Standards which were in effect at the
t ime the veh ic le was manufactured . You can find t his st icker on the
left door jamb. It shows the mon th and year of production and the
vehic le identification number of your vehic le (perforation) as well as
the Gross Veh icle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Gross Axle Weight
Rating (GAWRl.
Th e high volt ag e wa rning la bel
is located on the lock carrier .
The spark ignition syste m mee ts all requirement s of the Canadi an
Interf ere nc e-C au si ng Equipm ent Regulati ons. •
Gross Veh icle Weight R ating
The G ross Veh ic le Weight Rat ing (GVWR), and the Gross Ax le Weight
Rating (GAWR) for front and rear are listed on a sticker on the left
door jamb .
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating includes the we ight of the basic
vehic le plus fu ll fuel tank, oil and coolant, plus maximum load,
whic h inc ludes passenger weight ( 150 lbs/68 kg per designated
seating position) and luggage weight.
Gr oss Axle Weight Ra ting
The Gross Ax le Weight Rating is the maximum load that can be
app lied at each axle of the
veh ic le =:> & .
Vehicl e cap acit y w eight
The vehicle capacity weight (max. load) is listed either on the
driver's side 8 -pillar or inside the fuel fi ller f lap .
Controls and equip
ment Safety first Vehicle operation
The maximum permissible roof we ight is
165 lb (75 kg ). The roof
weight is made up of the weight of the roof rack system and the
weight of the object being
transported =:> page 117, "L oading the
roof rack".
• The actual Gr oss Axle Weight R atin g at the front and re ar ax les
s hould not ex ceed the permi ssible w eight s, and th eir combination
mu st not e xceed the Gr oss Vehicle Weight R atin g.
• Exceeding pe rmi ssible weight ratin gs can re sult in vehicle
d am age , acc ident s and per son al inju ry.
0 Note
• The vehicle capacity weight figures apply when the load is
distr ibuted even ly in t he ve hicle (passengers and l uggage). When
transporting a heavy load in the luggage compartment, carry the
load as near to the rear axle as possib le so that the vehic le's
handling is not impaired .
• Do not exceed the maxim um permissib le axle loads or the
maximum gross vehic le weight. Always remember that the vehic le's
handling wi ll be affected by the extra load . Therefore, adjust your
speed according ly.
• Always observe local reg ulations. •
The specifications refer to the basic mode l. Differences may occur
depending on the mode l type and options ordered, for example, tire
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
111'1_....::::A::.:l:.!: p :.:h..:.: a:::.:: b:.::e :.:t::i c::.::: a.:..l ..:.: in :..:.:: d:.:e :.:x::..... ___________________________________________ _
Switching between Centigrade and Fahre nheit ...... .... .... ... ....
Changing a flat tire .. .... .... .... 50,318
Changing a wheel ................... 318
Changing engine oil ...... .... ...... . 279
Undercoating .. .... .... .... .... ..
CHECK button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Battery acid leve l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eng ine coo lant level . ... .. .... .... 281
Checking tire pressure ............... 299
Child restraint
Danger of using child restraints in the front seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Child restraints
What types of chi ld restraint anchors are
ava ilable? . .... .... .... ........
Where can I get additional information
about child restraints? ... .... ....
Child safety .. .... .... ....... ... 210 ,215
Additional information .... .... .... 229
Booster seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Convertible child safety seats . . . . . . 216
Convertible locking retractor . . . . . . . 220
Guidance fixtures for lower anchorages
Important safety instructions for using
ch ild safety seats .... .... ... ....
Important things to know when driving
with chi ldren ...................
Infant seats ..................... 215
Installing a child restraint using the
LATCH system ... ... .... .... ....
Lower anchorages .... ....... .... . 225
Mounting and re leasing the anchorage
hook .... .... ...... .... ... .. ...
Older children and safety belts 219
Safety belts and o ld er children .. ... 219
Tether anchors ...... .... .... .... 229
Tether strap .. ....... .... .... .... 230
Which rest raint system should my o lder
chi ld wear? .. ...... .... ... .. ...
Child safety lock ... .... ... .. ...... ... 63
child safety seat
LATCH system ....... .... .... ....
Child safety seats .............. .... . 215
Convertible locking retractor ....... 220
How do I properly insta ll a child safety
· h ' I 7 213 seat in my ve 1c e, .. .... .... ... .
Installing .... .... ... .. .... ......
Safety instructions .... .... .... ... 213
Cigarette lighter ........ .... ... .. ... 120
Alcantara (synthetic suede) ........
Engine compartment .. ... ... .. ... 265
Fabrics and fabric coverings ... .... 261
Instrument pane l .. ... .. ...... .... 262
Interior ...... .... ... .. .... .... .. 261
Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
P lastic and vinyl . .... .... ... .. ... 258
Plastic parts . .... .... .... ... .... . 262
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Trim strips . .... .... ... .... .... .. 257
trim strips . .... ...... .... ... .. ... 258
Cleaning and protection ........ .... . 254
Climate controls ...... .... .......... 125
Air distribution .... .... ..... .. ... 130
Air outlets . .... .... ... ........... 131
Air recirculation ... .... .... ..... .. 128
AUTO (standard setting) .... .... ... 127
Automatic a ir recircu lation ... ..... 129
controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Defrosting/defogging .... .... .... . 131
Description ... .... .... ........... 125
ECON .... ... .. .... ...... .... .... 128
Fan .. .... .... .... .... ... .... ... 129
Key -coded setting . .... .... .... ... 132
Recommended settings ........... 125
Setting the temperature .... .... ... 127
Switching between Fahrenheit and
Centigrade . .... .... .... .... ....
Switching the air conditioning on and off
Using the c limate control economically ..
Warm and cold ... .... .... .... ... 125
Clock ... .... .... .... ... .. ...... .... . 14
Power sunroof ....................
Coat hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Co ld tire inflation pressure .... .... ... 297
Coming-home-function .... .... ...... . 77
Compartments in the door trims ..... . 124
Compass mirror .. .... .... ..... .. .... 93
Consumer Information .... ........... 345
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
See multitronic™ .. .... ........... 149