3. In both vehicles, apply the parking brake firmly.
Notice: Make sure the cables are not on or near pulleys,
fans, or other parts that will move when the engine
starts, damaging the parts.
4. Shift a manual transaxle to NEUTRAL.
Caution: Do not use cables that have loose or miss-
ing insulation, or injury could result.
5. Clamp one end of the first jumper cable to the positive
terminal on the battery. Make sure it does not touch
any other metal parts. Clamp the other end of the
same cable to the positive terminal on the other bat-
tery. Never connect the other end to the negative ter-
minal of the discharged battery.
Caution: Do not attach the cable directly to the neg-
ative terminal of the discharged battery. Doing so
could cause sparks and possible battery explosion.
6. Clamp one end of the second cable to the negative
terminal of the booster battery. Make the final con-
nection to a solid engine ground, such as the engine
lift bracket, at least 450 millimeters (18 inches) from
the discharged battery.
7. Start the engine of the vehicle with the good battery.
Run the engine at a moderate speed for several min-
utes. Then start the engine of the vehicle which has
the discharged battery.
8. Remove the jumper cables by reversing the above
sequence exactly. Remove the negative cable from
the vehicle with the discharged battery first. While re-
moving each clamp, take care that it does not touch
any other metal while the other end remains at-
The Delco-Remy CS charging system has several mod-
els available, including the ∅114D (A-type) or CS114D
(B-type). The number denotes the outer diameter in
millimeters of the stator lamination.
CS generators are equipped with internal regulators.
The Y connection (A-type) or Delta (B-type) stator, a
rectifier bridge, and a rotor with slip rings and brushes
are electrically similar to earlier generators. A conven-
tional pulley and fan are used. There is no test hole.
Unlike three-wire generators, the ∅114D (A-type) or
CS114D (B-type) may be used with only two connec-
tions: battery positive and an ‘‘L’’ terminal to the charge
indicator lamp.
As with other charging systems, the charge indicator
lamp lights when the ignition switch is turned to ON, and
goes out when the engine is running. If the charge indi-
cator is on with the engine running, a charging system
defect is indicated.
The regulator voltage setting varies with temperature
and limits the system voltage by controlling the rotorfield current. The regulator switches rotor field current
on and off. By varying the on-off time, correct average
field current for proper system voltage control is ob-
tained. At high speeds, the on-time may be 10 percent
and the off-time 90 percent. At low speeds, with high
electrical loads, on-time may be 90 percent and the off-
time 10 percent.
The Delco-Remy CS charging system has several mod-
els available, including the ∅114D (A-type) or CS114D
(B-type). The number denotes the outer diameter in
millimeters of the stator laminations.
CS generators use a new type of regulator that incorpo-
rates a diode trio. The Y connection (A-type) or Delta (B-
type) stator, a rectifier bridge, and a rotor with slip rings
and brushes are electrically similar to earlier generators.
A conventional pulley and fan are used. There is no test
Wound field starter motors have pole pieces, arranged
around the armature, which are energized by wound
field coils.
Enclosed shift lever cranking motors have the shift lever
mechanism and the solenoid plunger enclosed in the
drive housing, protecting them from exposure to dirt, icy
conditions, and splashes.
In the basic circuit, solenoid windings are energized
when the switch is closed. The resulting plunger and
shift lever movement causes the pinion to engage the
engine flywheel ring gear. The solenoid main contacts
close. Cranking then takes place.
When the engine starts, pinion overrun protects the ar-
mature from excessive speed until the switch is opened,
at which time the return spring causes the pinion to dis-
engage. To prevent excessive overrun, the switch
should be released immediately after the engine starts.
The engine electrical system includes the battery, the
ignition, the starter, the generator, and all the related wir-
ing. Diagnostic tables will aid in troubleshooting system
faults. When a fault is traced to a particular component,
refer to that component section of the service manual.
The starting system circuit consists of the battery, the
starter motor, the ignition switch, and all the related elec-
trical wiring. All of these components are connected
Distributor distributes the high tension voltage induced
from ignition coil, to each spark plug of each cylinder in
Excessive engine overloading. Check for seized pul-
leys, pumps, or motors on the accessory drive,Overweight engine oil.
DTC P0505 Idle Air Control Valve (IACV) Circuit Fault
Perform an On-Board Diagnostic (EOBD) System
Was the check performed?
Go to Step 2
Go to
System Check”
1. Install a scan tool to the Data Link Connector
2. Operate the engine to idle speed.
3. Transmission in park or neutral and the parking
brake set.
4. A/C is off.
5. Using scan tool, command the Idle Air Control
(IAC) valve up and down between the specified
Does the rpm change smoothly when he
commanded by the scan tool?
Go to Step 3Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the IAC valve connector.
3. Measure the resistance between terminal C and
D of the IAC valve.
4. Measure the resistance between terminal B and A
of the IAC valve.
Is the resistance within the specified value?
40–80 ΩGo to Step 4Go to Step 13
1. Measure the resistance between terminal D and
B of the IAC valve.
2. Measure the resistance between terminal C and
A of the IAC valve.
Is the resistance equal to the specified value?
∞Go to Step 15Go to Step 13
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the IAC valve connector.
3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. With test light connected to ground, probe the
IAC connector terminals.
Does the test light illuminate on D terminals?
Go to Step 6Go to Step 7
With test light connected to B+, probe the IAC
connector terminals.
Does the test light illuminate on D terminals?
Go to Step 8Go to Step 9
Check for an open or short to ground in the IAC high
and low circuits and repair as needed.
Is the repair complete?
Go to Step 15Go to Step 10
1. Idle the engine.
2. Connect a test light to ground, probe the IAC
connector terminals.
Does the test light flash On and OFF for all
Go to Step 11Go to Step 12
Check for an open or a short to voltage in the IAC
valve high and low circuits and repair as needed.
Is the repair complete?
Go to Step 15Go to Step 10
Check the Engine control Module (ECM) connector
for poor connections and repair as needed.
Is the repair complete?
Go to Step 15Go to Step 14
(Left–Hand Drive Shown, Right–Hand
Drive Similar)
Brakes should be tested on a dry, clean, reasonably
smooth and level roadway. A true test of brake perfor-
mance cannot be made if the roadway is wet, greasy, or
covered with loose dirt whereby all tires do not grip the
road equally. Testing will also be adversely affected if the
roadway is crowned so as to throw the weight so roughly
that the wheels tend to bounce.
Test the brakes at different vehicle speeds with both light
and heavy pedal pressure; however, avoid locking the
brakes and sliding the tires. Locked brakes and sliding
tires do not indicate brake efficiency since heavily
braked, but turning, wheels will stop the vehicle in less
distance than locked brakes. More tire-to-road friction is
present with a heavily braked, turning tire than with a
sliding tire.
Because of the high deceleration capability, a firmer
pedal may be felt at higher deceleration levels.
There are three major external conditions that affect
brake performance:
Tires having unequal contact and grip of the road will
cause unequal braking. Tires must be equally in-
flated, and the tread pattern of the right and the left
tires must be approximately equal.
Unequal loading of the vehicle can affect the brake
performance since the most heavily loaded wheels
require more braking power, and thus more braking
effort, than the others.
Misalignment of the wheels, particularly conditions of
excessive camber and caster, will cause the brakes
to pull to one side.
To check for brake fluid leaks, hold constant foot pres-
sure on the pedal with the engine running at idle and the
shift lever in NEUTRAL. If the pedal gradually falls away
with the constant pressure, the hydraulic system may be
leaking. Perform a visual check to confirm any sus-
pected leaks.
Check the master cylinder fluid level. While a slight drop
in the reservoir level results from normal lining wear, an
abnormally low level indicates a leak in the system. The
hydraulic system may be leaking either internally or ex-
ternally. Refer to the procedure below to check the mas-
ter cylinder. Also, the system may appear to pass this
test while still having a slight leak. If the fluid level is nor-
mal, check the vacuum booster pushrod length. If an in-
correct pushrod length is found, adjust or replace the
rod.Check the master cylinder using the following proce-
Check for a cracked master cylinder casting or brake
fluid leaking around the master cylinder. Leaks are in-
dicated only if there is at least one drop of fluid. A
damp condition is not abnormal.
Check for a binding pedal linkage and for an incorrect
pushrod length. If both of these parts are in satisfac-
tory condition, disassemble the master cylinder and
check for an elongated or swollen primary cylinder or
piston seals. If swollen seals are found, substandard
or contaminated brake fluid should be suspected. If
contaminated brake fluid is found, all the components
should be disassembled and cleaned, and all the rub-
ber components should be replaced. All of the pipes
must also be flushed.
Improper brake fluid, or mineral oil or water in the fluid,
may cause the brake fluid to boil or cause deterioration
of the rubber components. If the primary piston cups in
the master cylinder are swollen, then the rubber parts
have deteriorated. This deterioration may also be evi-
denced by swollen wheel cylinder piston seals on the
drum brake wheels.
If rubber deterioration is evident, disassemble all the hy-
draulic parts and wash the parts with alcohol. Dry these
parts with compressed air before reassembly to keep al-
cohol out of the system. Replace all the rubber parts in
the system, including the hoses. Also, when working on
the brake mechanisms, check for fluid on the linings. If
excessive fluid is found, replace the linings.
If the master cylinder piston seals are in satisfactory
condition, check for leaks or excessive heat conditions.
If these conditions are not found, drain the fluid, flush the
master cylinder with brake fluid, refill the master cylin-
der, and bleed the system. Refer to “Manual Bleeding
the Brakes” in this section.
The hydraulic brake hoses should be inspected at least
twice a year. The brake hose assembly should be
checked for road hazard damage, cracks, chafing of the
outer cover, and for leaks or blisters. Inspect the hoses
for proper routing and mounting. A brake hose that rubs
on a suspension component will wear and eventually
fail. A light and a mirror may be needed for an adequate
inspection. If any of the above conditions are observed
on the brake hose, adjust or replace the hose as neces-
This brake system uses a BRAKE warning lamp located
in the instrument panel cluster. When the ignition switch
is in the III position, the BRAKE warning lamp should
glow and then go OFF when the ignition switch returns
to the II position.The following conditions will activate the BRAKE lamp:
Parking brake applied. The light should be on when-
ever the parking brake is applied and the ignition
switch is II.
Low fluid level. A low fluid level in the master cylinder
will turn the BRAKE lamp ON.
Condition Probable cause Correction
Brake Warning Lamp ONBrake fluid leaks.Repair the leaks or add th fluid.
Parking brake switch shorted to
ground.Repair the short ground.
Faulty the fluid level sensor.Replace the sensor.
Stoplamp ONFaulty the stoplamp switch.Replace the stoplamp switch.
Push rod length is short.Adjust the push rod length of the
power booster.
Stoplamp switch circuit shorted to
battery.Repair or Replace the wiring harness.
Poor BrakingBrake fluid lacks or leaks.Repair the leaks or add the fluid.
Brake fluid contamination.Replace the fluid.
Air in the brake system.Bleed the brake system.
Damaged brake lines.Replace the brake lines.
Damaged vacuum hose or faulty
check valve.Replace the vacuum hose or check
Dragging BrakeNo free play at the brake pedal.Adjust the free play.
Weakened the brake pedal return
spring.Replace the return spring.
Faulty master cylinder.Replace the master cylinder.
Air in the brake system.Bleed the brake system.
Pedal Over StrokeBrake fluid lacks or leaks.Repair the leaks or add the fluid.
Poor adjustment of the brake pedal
free play.Adjust the push rod length of the
power booster.
The master cylinder is designed for use in a direct–split
system. Front right brake and rear left brake are served
by the primary piston. Front left brake and rear right
brake are served by the secondary piston.
The master cylinder incorporates the functions of the
standard dual master cylinder, plus a low fluid level indi-
cator and the proportioning valve in the non–antilock
braking system.
The proportioning valves limit the outlet pressure to the
rear brakes after a predetermined master cylinder has
been reached.
Replace all the components included in the repair kits
used to service this master cylinder.
Lubricate rubber parts with clean brake fluid to ease
Do not use lubricated shop air on brake parts, as this
may damage rubber components.
If any hydraulic component is removed or discon-
nected, it may be necessary to bleed all or part of the
brake system.The torque values specified are for dry, unlubricated
Perform all service operations on a clean bench, free
from all traces of mineral oil.
The proportioning valve limits the outlet pressure to the
rear brakes on the non-ABS after a predetermined mas-
ter cylinder pressure has been reached. This is used
when less rear apply force is needed to obtain optimum
braking and is usually found on disc/drum brake configu-
rations. On ABS-equipped vehicles, refer to Section 4F,
Antilock Brake System.
Fluid level sensor is attached at the brake fluid reservoir.
This sensor will activate the BRAKE light if a low fluid
level condition is detected. Once the fluid level is cor-
rected, the BRAKE light will go out.
1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle.
2. Remove the front wheels. Refer to Section 2E, Tires
and Wheels.
3. Visually check the linings for minimum thickness and
4. Measure the thickness.
Important: The minimum thickness of the shoe and lin-
ing together is 8 mm (0.31 in.).
5. Install the shoe and linings in axle sets only.
6. Install the front wheels. Refer to Section 2E, Tires
and Wheels.
7. Lower the vehicle.
Thickness variation can be checked by measuring the
thickness of the rotor at four or more points around the
circumference of the rotor. All measurements must be
made at the same distance in from the edge of the rotor.
If the thickness of the rotor is below 10 mm (0.40 in.),
replace the brake rotor.
During manufacturing, the brake rotor and the toler-
ances of the braking surface regarding flatness and lat-
eral runout are held very close. The maintenance of
close tolerances on the shape of the braking surfaces is
necessary to prevent brake roughness.
In addition to these tolerances, the surface finish must
be held to a specified range. The control of the braking
surface finish is necessary to avoid pulls and erratic per-
formance and to extend lining life.
Using a commercially-available dial indicator, check lat-
eral runout as follows:
Notice: Permissible lateral runout is a maximum 0.05 mm
(0.002 in.). If lateral runout exceeds the specification,
ensure there is no dirt between the rotor and the hub and
that contact surfaces are smooth and free from burrs.
1. Position the transaxle in NEUTRAL.
2. Remove the rotor. Refer to “Rotor” in this section.
3. Fasten a dial indicator to the strut.
4. Set the gauge probe tip to approximately 10 mm
(0.4 in.) from the outer edge of the brake rotor, per-
pendicular to the disc and under slight preload.
5. Remove the dial indicator.
Important: Since accurate control of the rotor toler-
ances is necessary for proper performance of the disc
brakes, refinishing of the rotor should be done only with
precision equipment.
6. Refinish the rotor, if required, with precision equip-
ment. Discard the rotor if it fails to meet the above
specifications after refinishing.
7. Install the rotor. Refer to “Rotor” in this section.
Front wheel speed sensors are installed to the front
knuckle and rear wheel speed sensors are installed to
the backing plate.
Wheel speed sensors are no serviceable. And the air
cap is not adjusted. Front wheel speed sensor ring is
pressed onto the drive axle shaft. Each ring contains 40
equally spaced teeth. Exercise care during service pro-
cedures to avoid prying or contacting this ring. Exces-
sive contact may cause damage to one or more teeth.
Rear wheel speed sensor rings are incorporated into the
hub drum.
ABS features an enhanced algorithm which includes
control of the brake force distribution between the front
and rear axles. This is called Electronic Brake Distribu-
tion or Dynamic Rear Proportioning valve. In an unladen
car condition the brake efficiency is comparable to the
conventional system but for a fully loaden vehicle the ef-
ficiency of the Dynamic Rear Proportioning System is
higher due to the better use of rear axle braking capabili-
No indication is given to the driver when Dynamic Rear
Proportioning is activated. Also, DRP remains active
even in such cases where the anti-lock function of the
ABS is disabled.
Critical Brake Points
Ideal Distribution
Fully Laden Vehicle
Ideal Distribution
Lightly Loaded
Advanced Distribution with ABS
Regular Distribution without Dynamic
Rear Proportioning
Relative Front Brake Force
It illuminates for four seconds immediately after the igni-
tion has been turned on to show that the anti-lock sys-
tem self-test is being carried out. If the light does not go
off after this time it means that there may be a problem
and ABS operation is not available.
If any malfunction or error, including an unplugged
EBCM connector, is detected during vehicle operation,
the light will come on, warning the driver that the ABS is
not operative and brake operation is in conventional,
non-ABS mode.
A Connector has 31 pins which are shown below figure.
And a connector includes a warning switch which
grounds and lights the ABS warning lamp if there is No
EBCM unit plugged in, so that an indication is given that
ABS is not available.
Mechanical Switch