2000 AUDI ALLROAD power steering fluid

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Page 7 of 306

AUDI ALLROAD 2000  Owners Manual TABLE  OF CO
Cigar ette lighter  I Socket  .......  181 
Storage  compartments 
Steering  wheel with 
Audio controls  .......••....  0 

Page 128 of 306

AUDI ALLROAD 2000  Owners Manual f4 
WARNING  continued 
•  If the  brake  warning  light does 
not  go out  with  the engine  running 
and  the parking  brake released,  or 
lights up  while you ere driving,  the 
fluid  level  in

Page 143 of 306

AUDI ALLROAD 2000  Owners Manual CONT
ROLS  AND EQUIPMENT---------------------
•  The  engine  compartment  of any 
motor  vehicle  is a potentially  haz­
ardous  area. Before you  check any­
thing  in the  engine  c

Page 234 of 306

AUDI ALLROAD 2000  Owners Manual When 
adding  fluids, always  make 
sure  that they  are  poured  into the 
proper  container  or filler  opening, 
otherwise  serious damage  to ve­
hicle  systems  will occur. r:Gb To detect  leaks

Page 242 of 306

AUDI ALLROAD 2000  Owners Manual Radiator 
The radiator fan  is driven  by the  engine  via 
the  V-belt.  The viscous  clutch regulates the 
speed  of the  fan  according  to the  tempera­
ture  of the coolant. 
An  auxiliary