Acoustic park assist*
The acoustic parking warning system will
help make parking and maneuvering in tight
places easier for you. But since there are
technical limitations to what it can do, al
ways exercise the utmost care and
attention when parking and when
maneuvering your vehicle in tight
When you are backing up in parking maneu
vers, a _ park assist warning system using ul
trasonrc sensors helps you determine the
distance between your rear bumper, where
the sensors are located, and obstacles be
hind the vehicle.
The parking assist system is activated as
soon as you put the vehicle in Re
verse. A brief tone confirms that the sys
tem is activated.
Distance warning in reverse begins at a dis
tance of about 5.2 ft. (1.60 m) from the ob
stacle. As the distance becomes smaller,
the time inteNal between the audible tones
grows shorter.
112 The
danger zone begins at a distance of
about 1 ft. (0.30 m). Do not back up any fur
ther once you have reached the danger
z _one. The danger zone is signaled by a con
trnuous tone.
• The park assist system is not a
substitute for the driver's own
caution and alertness. Ultimate re
sponsibility always lies with the
driver during parking and similar
• Sensors have dead spaces in
which objects cannot be detected.
Be especially alert for small chil
dren and animals, since they are
not always detected by the sen
• Objects. such as trailer hitches,
thin painted rods, or fences, may
not always be detected by the sys
tem, but they can damage your ve
hicle. Note
• If a warning tone is audible for about 5
seco �ds when you turn on th e ignition, a
fault rs present in the system. Have the
problem corrected by your authorized Audi
• The sensors must be kept clean and free
of ice for the park assist system to function