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Before Entering Car
1. See that windows ; mirrors and
lights are clean.
2. Visually note inJIation condition
of tires.
3. Check that area to rear is clear
if about to back up.
Before Driving Off
1. Lock all doors.
2. Position seat, jmd adjust head
restraints, if
so ¢quipped.
3. Adjus!insidean'd outside mirrors.
4. Fasten seat belts.
5. Check that warning bulbs light
when key
is turned to start
position. .
6. Release parking brake ( and see
that brake warning light turns
off). ,
7. Be sure you understand your car
and how
to 'operate it safely.
Two separate keys are provided
for your car. Each key has a
ent cross section so that it can be
inserted only in certain locks.
• Key with s qua r e hell d
(stamped "e") -for ignition
switch only.
• Key with oval head (stamped
"O")-for all other locks.
The code number of each key is
stamped on the "knock out" plug
in the '
key-bead. Your Chevrolet
dealer removed these plugs
placed them with the spare set of
keys in the special key envelope
. that was given to you at time of
For your protection:
• Record the numbers on the key
envdope and discard the key
• Keep the key envelope in a safe
place such
as YOII! wallet, NOT
In the event
the original keys are
dl!plicates can be made by
your dealer or a locksmith using the
key code information.
Be sure to lock the Klove box
or console
90mpartment and re~
move the key from the car whenever
it is necessary to leave the ignition
key with
an attendant.
Downloaded from manuals search engine STEERING COLUMN CdNTROLS
Anti-. Steering
Column Lock
anti-th eft lock, located on
the right side of the stee ring col
umn, has five positions:
• Accessory -Permits operation
of electr i
cal accessories when
engine is not running. To
gage, push key in and turn
toward you (counterclockwise).
• Lock-Normal parking position.
ock s igniti on and provides added
theft protection
by prevent
ing normal operation of steering
wheel and shift controls . to
po sition and removed until trans
mission is placed in "park".
• Off
-Permits turning engine off
without locking steering wheel and
shift controls.
• Run (ON) -Normal operating
. .
Start -Permits engagement of
NOTE: The ontl-theft otee,lng column lock is not 8:,lubltItUte tor· the parking brake. Always let the , parking brak, when leaving the car una"ended.
If difficulty is experienced in
turning the ignition key and lock
knob to unlock the ignition,
tempt to turn the steering wheel lIS
hard as possible in the direction the
wheels are turned.
At the same
time turn the ignition-lock knob in
a clockwise direction wi(h as.much
as you can apply with your
own hand. Do not attempt to
a tool of any kind to apply addi
tional force on the lock knob, as
this could break the knob.
When leaving your car unattended:
• Set parking brake.
• Place automatic transmission se
lector in Park.
Turnkey to LOCK position.
• Remove key (the buzzer will re
mind you).
• Lock all doors.
IMPORTANT : Do not park your car over combustible materials, such 8S grlss or leaves, which can come Inlo contact with the hot exhaust system and cause such materials to Ignite under certain wind and weather condition ••
Do not I.ave your car unattended with ~ engine running. If the engine
should overheat While your car is -unat·
tended , the temperature warning light or gauge would go unheed9d, which could result in extensive damage to your car.
Downloaded from manuals search engine release the controlputton at the
e,ndof the turn signallever.
'. ~
• Remove your fool from the ac
celerator pedal and desired speed
will automatically
be maintained . /.
• To change autoIllfltic speed set
ting , press
con.tllol button until
it bottom s and
hold until desired
speed is attain!id.
Before releasi~g control button,
hesitate at
th!'!igartially depresse\l
position, th~I},:,remove your foot
from the
ac~,~lerator. If control
is IIW t fully depressed,
whenchangi#g speed setting, the
will resume your previously
To disengage system, lightly de
press brake
, ,.,
The .horn on your Chevrolet
is actuated by firmly pressing on
the pad in the center of the steering
' As a good motorist, use of the
horn should
be kept at a minimum .
However , acquaint yourself
as soon
as possible with this function of
your car, should it ever become
necessary to give a warning to a
pedestrian or another , motorist.
NOTE: For operation of hazard
flasher, see page .3-1, iii section 3,
"In Case of Emergency."
Downloaded from manuals search engine FLOOR· CONTROLS
Braking System
The service brake system is de
signed for braking performance
under a wide range of driving con
ditionseven when the vehicle is
loadedto:its full rated vehicle load.
When replacement parts are
quired, OM and Delco parts are
Power Brakes
• On your Chevrolet if power
assjst to the brakes
is interrupted
due to a staJled engine or some
two or more brake
applications normaJly can
made using reserve power.
• lithe brake pedal is held down,
the system
is designed to bring
the car
to a full stop on reserve
power. However, the reserve
is partially depleted each time
brake pedal is . applied
apd released. ' Do not pump
when brake power assist
has been interrupted except
when necessary in order
to main'
tain steering control on slippery
When reserve power is ex
hausted, the vehicle can still be
stopped by applying greater force
to the pedal.
NOTE: Operation of the brake
system warning light
is covered on
page 2-12 in the section on "In-
strument Panel", .
Parking Brake
• To set parking brake, fully de
pre~s foot ped,al at far left side.
• For maximu!'l holding power,
depress regular brake pedal with
the right foot at the same time.
• To release parking brake,' pull
"BRAKE RELEASE" lever. on
lower left
instr\iment panei. .". -
• As a reminder, the brake system
warning light
is desjgned to
glow whenever the parking
brake control
is not fully re
leased, and the ignition is on.
• Never drive car with parking
brake set
as this may overheat
or otherwise damage rear brakes.
Downloaded from manuals search engine NOTE: "Riding the brake" by rest
ing your foot on the brake pedal
when not intending to brake can
cause abnormally
high brake tem
peratures, excessive lining wear and
possible damage to the brakes,
addition to wasting.gasoline.
• Brakes on th(i; ' car (except for ••.
the parking }prake) are self
adjusting, designed to eliminate
brake adjustments.
• Drum brake adjustment is made
as the brakes are
applied while car is moving
• Disc brake . adjustment is made
automatical1y with each brake
• If excess brakep~dal travel de
velops, drive alternately back-
ward and forward (several
times) and apply brakes firmly
in each direction.
• See )lour dealer if normal pedal
travel is not restored, or if there
is a rapid increase in pedal travel,
which could be a sign of other
brake trouble.
See y6ur dealer also if
ment of the parking brake is
REMINDER: The front disc
brakes have a built-in wear indica
tor that is designed to make a high
frequency squealing,
or cricket-like
warning sound when the linings are
worn to where replacement
is re
quired. The sound will occur inter
mittently or continuously when
wheels are rolling, but will
appear when the brake pedal is ap-
plied firmly. See also the various
brake checks listed in the
let maintenance schedule folder.
Headlight Beam Switch
"High" and "low" headlight
beams are controlled by the floor
button at your left foot. The
cator, located next to the speed
ometer dial, will light up when the
high beams are in use.
Downloaded from manuals search engine INSTRUMENT PANEL AND CONTROLS
1. Fuel Gauge 2. Warning Lighls 3. Speedometer 4. Hi Beam Indicator 5. Odometer
6. Clock 7. Glove Box 8. Windshield Wiper-Washer COntrol 9. Light Switch to. Rear Window Defogger Switch
11. Heater or Optional
Air Conditioner Control
12. Ash Tray 13. Cigarette Lighter 14. Radio and Controls 1
5 . Electrical Tailgate Switch
16. Vent Control 17. Paridng Brake Release
Downloaded from manuals search engine ble'can be located and corrected .
. Driying the car with low oil pillS'
sure can:cause · serious ' engine
Genera~orlndicator Light
The red light will go on when
ignition key is in the "on " posi,
tion, b~f before the engine is
started.'J\fter the engine starts, the
light .
sho'uld go out and remain out.
If the Hght remains on when engine
is runlling, have your Authorized
Chevrolet Dealer locate and cor,
reCI the trouble as soon as possible,
Engine Temperature
Indicator Light
, This indicator light is provided
in the instrument cluster to quickly
of an overheated engine. With
the ignition switch in the
position, the red TEMP indicator
will light to let you know that it is
operating properly. When
the engine
is started , the
red light will go out immediately,
It will light up at no other time
unless for some reason the engine
reaches a dangerously high oper,
atingtemperature. If the light
comes on during
extreme driving
conditions, such
as an extended
idle, turn
off the air conditioner (if
used }.and run the engine slightly
faster than
idle. speed with the
transmission in neutral gear .
If the
light does not go
off within a short
period of time
(F2 minutes), then
tum the engine off until the cause
of the.
overheating is corrected;
Glance at the
Ins.trument cluster
frequently as you drive to see if
this light
is on. '
Brake System Warning
The service .. brake system is a
dual system designed
so that. one
part will provide some braking
action in the event of loss of hy'
draulic pressure in the other part of
the system.
If the ,warning light
"BRAKE," located in the
speedometer face, comes on .and
stays on when the ignition
is on and
'after · the brakes have been firmly
applied, it may indicate that
is a malfunction in one part of the
brake system.
As ~ reminde;, the light is de,
come on with the park,
ing brake applied and the ignition
• The light is also designed to
come on, during ;engine starting
to verify that the bulb is operating
. properly.
• Have system repaired '. if light
does not come
on' during check.
• This warning light, is not a sub
stitute for the visual check of
brake fluid level required
as part
of normal maintenance.
Downloaded from manuals search engine I0'ads imp0'sed by .. trlliler hauling.
Cempensatef0'r thes~ l0'wer gauge
resulting frem these heaVy
'Ib ads t0' produce gO'?d fuel ec0'n
. <,
Engine Temper~'iure. Gauge
This 0'Pti0'n~r',,'gauge indicates
c0'0'lant temperaplre which will
yary with air
teqiperature and 0'P
erating c0'nditi{>,iiS. The ignitien
switch must
be;" 0'n f0'r accurate
the P0'inter to'iim0'vebey0'nd tije
center 0'f the ljimd. Should P0'inter
m0've t0' the line at the "H" end of
the band , stop engine 0'r reduce ,
t0' penllit engine t0' cool.
Headlamp "ON"
Warning Buzzer
The eptienal headlamp reminder
buzzer provides
an audible warn
ing that the main light switch is in
one 0'f the "0'n"P0'siti0'ns ; either
pMking lights Of headlights.
The reminder ,buzzer is actuated
0'nly whenthe igniti0'n switch is
i0' '''OFF'' er "LOCK" posi
Reset th~ cl0'ck,if yeur car is S0'
'equipped, by pulling eut the kn0'b
and turning the hands cl0'ck\\fise if
slew , c0'unterclockwise if fast. This
will, if the
cl0'ck errer is five min
utes er. m0're,~utematicallyc0'm
pen sate f0'r tim.e' gain 0'r l~g, Sev
eral resettings, sev.eral daysi',apart,
maybe needed te pr0'perl y adjust
clOCk mechanism . Have yeur
l0'ck cleaned and 'eiled by a cem"
petent .cl0'ck serviceman "at least
twe years,
Cigarette Lighter
The cigarette lighter. is I0'cated
en the instrument panel face, T0'
operate, push it in, When it be
C0' heated, it aut0'matically P0'PS
eut ready fo r use,
WindshiEild Wiper and
The windshield wiping system
op(;lratesat tW0' speed s and is de
signed t0'wipe clear specific areas
of the windshield under m0'st in
, Clement "''leath
er cenditiens, The
windshielrlwipers w0'rk electri
cally and are not affected ' by en
FIlsh . the centrel levetDewn te
start the electric windshie ld wiper,
tW0'-speed electric wiper has
botli a' "lew " and a "high" speed
Pressing the centrel will send a
ameunt ef water 0'r ether
cleaning agent ent0' the windshield,
Fill the washer
jar only % full
during the winter
te allew fer eX
pansien if the temperature sh0'uld