1976 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO warning light

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine , 
Before Entering Car 
1. See that windows ; mirrors  and 
lights  are clean. 
2. Visually  n

Page 16 of 102

CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine STEERING COLUMN CdNTROLS 
Anti-. Steering 
Column Lock 
anti-th eft lock,  located on 
the right  side of the  stee ring col­
umn, has fi

Page 21 of 102

CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine release the controlputton at the 
e,ndof the turn signallever. 
. ~ 
• Remove  your fool from the ac­
celerator  pedal and desired  speed

Page 22 of 102

CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine FLOOR· CONTROLS 
Braking  System 
The service  brake system is de­
signed for braking performance 
under a wide  range of driving con­

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine NOTE: "Riding the brake" by rest­
ing your  foot on the  brake  pedal 
when  not intending  to brake  can 
cause  abnormally 
high brake tem­

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CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine INSTRUMENT PANEL AND CONTROLS 
1. Fuel Gauge 2. Warning Lighls 3. Speedometer 4. Hi Beam  Indicator 5. Odometer 
6. Clo

Page 26 of 102

CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine blecan be located  and corrected  . 
. Driying the car  with  low oil pillS 
sure can:cause · serious  engine 

Page 29 of 102

CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1976 2.G Owners Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine I0ads imp0sed by ..  trlliler hauling. 
Cempensatef0r thes~ l0wer gauge 
resulting  frem these heaVy 
Ib ads t0 produce gO?d f
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