Downloaded from manuals search engine Operation Foreign
Your car is designed to operate
on unleaded fuel
of approximately
91 reseljl'ch octane number.
If you plan to' operate your car
outs ide . the Continent al limits of
U niled States or Canada, there
is .a possibility that the best fuels
in some countries are so
low in oclane rating that excessive
knocking and serious engine dam
age may result from their
use. Also,
if leaded fuels are used in vehicles
designed for unleaded fuels, it may result
in the
deactivati on of the
catalytic converter, if the vehicle
so equipped , and possibly other
related problems.
The use of leaded
in a vehicle designed for un
leaded fuel
will require different
maintenance intervals.
To obtain in
formation on the
octan~ rating and
availability of non-leaded fuels
available in the countries in which
you plan to travel , and a mainte
nan ce schedule to
be used when
operating on leaded fuel, write to
Chevrolet Motor Division, Service
Department,Detroit, Michigan
48202, (or in Canada write to
General Motors of Canada Limited,
Owner Relations Department,
Oshawa, Ontario LlJ 5Z6), giving:
• The vehicle identification num
ber (on plate on instrument
panel ahead of the steering wheel
and vis ible through the wind
shield , or from registration slip
or title)
• The country or countries in which
you plan
to travel.
It is recommended that you not
operate your car in any country not
having fuels meeting the require
ments of your car's engine
as these
may cause engine damage for which
Ch evr olet is not respon sible under
the term s of the Chevrolet New
Vehicle Warranty or Emission
Control Systems Warranty .
Downloaded from manuals search engine STEERING COLUMN CdNTROLS
Anti-. Steering
Column Lock
anti-th eft lock, located on
the right side of the stee ring col
umn, has five positions:
• Accessory -Permits operation
of electr i
cal accessories when
engine is not running. To
gage, push key in and turn
toward you (counterclockwise).
• Lock-Normal parking position.
ock s igniti on and provides added
theft protection
by prevent
ing normal operation of steering
wheel and shift controls . to
po sition and removed until trans
mission is placed in "park".
• Off
-Permits turning engine off
without locking steering wheel and
shift controls.
• Run (ON) -Normal operating
. .
Start -Permits engagement of
NOTE: The ontl-theft otee,lng column lock is not 8:,lubltItUte tor· the parking brake. Always let the , parking brak, when leaving the car una"ended.
If difficulty is experienced in
turning the ignition key and lock
knob to unlock the ignition,
tempt to turn the steering wheel lIS
hard as possible in the direction the
wheels are turned.
At the same
time turn the ignition-lock knob in
a clockwise direction wi(h as.much
as you can apply with your
own hand. Do not attempt to
a tool of any kind to apply addi
tional force on the lock knob, as
this could break the knob.
When leaving your car unattended:
• Set parking brake.
• Place automatic transmission se
lector in Park.
Turnkey to LOCK position.
• Remove key (the buzzer will re
mind you).
• Lock all doors.
IMPORTANT : Do not park your car over combustible materials, such 8S grlss or leaves, which can come Inlo contact with the hot exhaust system and cause such materials to Ignite under certain wind and weather condition ••
Do not I.ave your car unattended with ~ engine running. If the engine
should overheat While your car is -unat·
tended , the temperature warning light or gauge would go unheed9d, which could result in extensive damage to your car.
Downloaded from manuals search engine Turn Signals and Lane
Change Feature
The tum signal lever is located on
·the l eft side of the steering column
immediately under the steering
wheel. The lever is moved upward
to signal a right tum and down·
ward to signal a left tum. Lamps
on the front and rear of the car
transmit this signal to other motor
ists and pedestrians. The ignition
Use only when vehicle is stopped . For backing vehicle from stop. For standing (Brakes Applied), For forward driving.
Depress accelerator to floor for extra acceleration below 65 mph; depress accelerator half-way at speeds below 30 mph. For driving in hea.vy traffic or on hilly terrain. Shift Into l2 at any veh icle
speed. The transmiss ion will shift into second gear and remain in sec ond until the vehicle speed or throttle are reduced to obtain first gear operation in the same -manner 85 in 0 r a n ge. ~ range posit ion prevents the
transmiss ion from shifti ns to 3rd gear.
For hard pulling through sand, snow or mud, and for climbing or descending steep /lrades. Shift in~o LI at any vehicle speed. Depending upon the axle ratio of the v. ehicte the transmission will shift to sec~nd gear at any
speed above approximately 40 mph and will shift to 1st \gear 2IS speed is reduced below 40. II range position pr~vents the transm iss ion from shifting out of first. gear.
switch must be in the "ON" posi
tion in order for the turn signals to
be operational. This feature pre
vents battery drain if the lever is left
in an
"ON" position when your car
is not in use.
In a normal turning situation
as turning a comer , the turn
is canceled automatically
after the
tum is completed. How
ever, in some driving maneuvers
Downloaded from manuals search engine such as changing lanes on an ex
pressway , the steering wheel
is not
turned back sufficiently after com
pleting the turn to automatically
cancel the turn signal.
For con
,in such maneuvers, the
driver can flash the turn signals by
moving the turn signal lever part
way (to tlie first stop) and holding
it there. The lever returns to the
or canceled position when
the driver releases his hold on the
lever. A
green light on the instrument
cluster flashes to indicate proper
operation of the front and rear turn
signal lamps.
If the indicator lamp
. remains on and does not flash,
check for a defective lamp bulb.
the indicator fails to light when
the lever
is moved , check the fuse
and indicator bulb.
Power Steering
If the steering system power as
sist fails due to some malfunction, or
because the. engine has stalled,
the car can still be steered. How
ever; much greater effort is re
quired particularly in sharp turns.
Tilt Steering Wheel
The optional tilt steering wheel
can be tilted up above normal posi
tion to provide additional room for
entrance and exit
as well as selected
driving positions below normal
height. This permits individual
lection of the most natural position
for all driving conditions.
On long
trips the steering wheel position can
be changed to minimize tension
and fatigue.
till mechanism is operated
by lifting up on the small control
on the left side of the steering
column just below the directional
s ignal , moving the steering wheel
to the selected position, and releas
ing the lever.
Cruise Control
The optional Cruise Control Sys
tem provides automatic speed con
trol for your comfort when driving
on freew a
ys, turnpikes, or other
non-congested highways. The
tem is designed to function above
speeds of approximately
30 MPH.
To enga ge the Cr:uise Control,
as follows:
• Accelerate to desired cruising
speed and partially depress and
Downloaded from manuals search engine release the controlputton at the
e,ndof the turn signallever.
'. ~
• Remove your fool from the ac
celerator pedal and desired speed
will automatically
be maintained . /.
• To change autoIllfltic speed set
ting , press
con.tllol button until
it bottom s and
hold until desired
speed is attain!id.
Before releasi~g control button,
hesitate at
th!'!igartially depresse\l
position, th~I},:,remove your foot
from the
ac~,~lerator. If control
is IIW t fully depressed,
whenchangi#g speed setting, the
will resume your previously
To disengage system, lightly de
press brake
, ,.,
The .horn on your Chevrolet
is actuated by firmly pressing on
the pad in the center of the steering
' As a good motorist, use of the
horn should
be kept at a minimum .
However , acquaint yourself
as soon
as possible with this function of
your car, should it ever become
necessary to give a warning to a
pedestrian or another , motorist.
NOTE: For operation of hazard
flasher, see page .3-1, iii section 3,
"In Case of Emergency."
Downloaded from manuals search engine FLOOR· CONTROLS
Braking System
The service brake system is de
signed for braking performance
under a wide range of driving con
ditionseven when the vehicle is
loadedto:its full rated vehicle load.
When replacement parts are
quired, OM and Delco parts are
Power Brakes
• On your Chevrolet if power
assjst to the brakes
is interrupted
due to a staJled engine or some
two or more brake
applications normaJly can
made using reserve power.
• lithe brake pedal is held down,
the system
is designed to bring
the car
to a full stop on reserve
power. However, the reserve
is partially depleted each time
brake pedal is . applied
apd released. ' Do not pump
when brake power assist
has been interrupted except
when necessary in order
to main'
tain steering control on slippery
When reserve power is ex
hausted, the vehicle can still be
stopped by applying greater force
to the pedal.
NOTE: Operation of the brake
system warning light
is covered on
page 2-12 in the section on "In-
strument Panel", .
Parking Brake
• To set parking brake, fully de
pre~s foot ped,al at far left side.
• For maximu!'l holding power,
depress regular brake pedal with
the right foot at the same time.
• To release parking brake,' pull
"BRAKE RELEASE" lever. on
lower left
instr\iment panei. .". -
• As a reminder, the brake system
warning light
is desjgned to
glow whenever the parking
brake control
is not fully re
leased, and the ignition is on.
• Never drive car with parking
brake set
as this may overheat
or otherwise damage rear brakes.
Downloaded from manuals search engine The vertical outlets on the ex·
treme left and left center of the in·
strument panel may be rqtated or
vanes ad
juStect as desired. '
For additional airflow lap
ers (2) 'are provided under the
steering . 'column '
an9' glove box.
They have vertical ~ir control vane
and are aimed aJ the driver
and passenger
lap,·10cations, Under
the driver's lap .cQOler is an outlet that
is operated ina push'pull
ner for opening, and closing, con·
trolling the amount of air to the
Downloaded from manuals search engine l,nCase of Emergency '
Four Way Hazard
Warning Flasher
• Use the warningJlashe~ to warn
othe~ drivers allY time your ve
hicle becomes a traffic hazard,
ornight. ",
A void stopping on the roadway
if possible, .
.' Turn on the hazard warning
by pt\'shing in on the but,
ton located on the column just
below the steering
wheeL Flasher
be actuated with engine igni
tion either off
or on.
• Turn signals do not work with
hazard flashers operating.
• If the brake pedal is depfessed,
the lights will not flashbutre
main continuously lit
• To cancel the flasher, pull the
button out.
Freeing Car From Sand; etc.
If it becomes 'neces sary to rock
the car to free it from sand, mud
or snow, move the selector lever
on automatic transmission models
from '~D" to "R" in a repeat pat
tern while simultaneously applying
moderate pressure to the accelera-
tor. Do not race engine. For best
possible traction, avoid spinning
wheels while
trying to free the car.
The use of AC Liquid Tire Chain
is recommended for temporary as
sistance when traction is lost on ice
or snow.
Proper lifting and towing equip
is necessary to prevent dam
age to the vehicle during any
ingoperation. State (Provincial in
Canada) and local
laws applicable
to vehicles in tow must be followed.
Detailed towing instructions are
available at your Chevrolet dealer.