"' ,....
"' ...... 0 0 :::,
CD Note
- Auxiliary headlights and other accessories in
front of the cooling-air intake impair the
cooling effect of the coolant. This increases
the risk of the engine overheating during
high outside temperatures and heavy en-
gine load.
- The front spoiler also helps to distribute
cooling air correctly wh ile driving. If the
spo iler is damaged, the cooling effect will
be impai red and the risk of the engine over
heating will increase. See an authorized
A udi dealer or authori zed Aud i Service Fa
cility for assistance .
The tachometer displays the engine speed in rev
olutions per minute
You shou ld shift to the next lowest gear when
the eng ine speed is be low 1,500 RPM. The beg in
ning of the red zone in the tachometer indicates
the maximum permissible engine speed for all
gears once the engine has been broken in and
when it is warmed up to operating temperature.
Before reaching this zone, you should sh ift into
the next highest gear, select the D selector lever position, or remove your foot from the accelera
tor pedal.
CD Note
The needle in the tachometer @
Q page 8,
fig. 3 may only be in the red zone of the
gauge for a short t ime or the engine could be
damaged. The location where the red zone
begins va ries depend ing on the eng ine.
@) For the sake of the environment
Upshifting early helps you to save fuel and re
duce operating noise.
Fuel level
The fuel leve l ind icator only ope rates when the
i gnit io n is switched on. The
tD Qpage 15
turns on if the reserve quant ity of fuel is reac hed.
In strum ents an d ind ic a to r ligh ts
The fue l tank capacity of your vehicle is listed in
the Techni cal Data section
Q page 216.
(D Note
Neve r dr ive until the tank is comp lete ly emp
ty. The irregu la r supply of fuel that res ults
from that can cause engine misfires . Uncom
busted fuel w ill then enter the exhaust sys
tem. This can cause overheat ing and damage
to the catalyt ic converter.
Time/date display
You can switch between the quartz clock or the GPS controlled clock* depend ing on the vehicle
equipment. For mo re information, refe r to you r
MM I Operating Manual.
Outside temperature display
T he instrument cluster display shows the outside
temperature. At temperatures be low 42 °F ( +S
°C), a snowflake symbo l appears in front of the
temperature display.
If your vehicle is stationary or if you a re driving at
very low speeds, the temperature displayed may be slight ly higher than the actual temperature
o utside due to the heat radiating from the en
Do not assume the roads are free of ice based
on the outside temperature d isplay. Be aware
that there may be ice on roads even when the
outside tempe rature is a round 42 °F (+5 °C)
a nd that i ce can increase t he risk of a cc idents.
(0 Tips
You can set the units used for temperature,
speed and othe r measurements in the Info
tai nment system.
Instruments and indicator lights
(D Tips
More informat ion on ref ueling is ava ila ble on
c::> page 156.
c:> Washer fluid level
A pp lies to: ve hicles w ith was her flu id level indicato r
Ill Please refill washer fluid
Fill the washer fluid with the ignition switched
c::> page 169.
~ Engine start system
i ·I 1-'.ngine start system: Malfunction! Please
contact dealer.
Do not switch the ignition off because you may
not be able to switc h it on aga in.
D rive to an a uth o riz e d Aud i de aler or a uth o riz ed
Aud i Serv ice Facility immedia tely to have the
malfunctio n corrected .
Engine start sy stem: Malfun ction . Plea se con
tact dealer .
There is a malfunc tion in the eng ine start ing sys
Drive to an a uthorized Aud i dea ler or authorized
Aud i Serv ice Facility immediately to have the
malfunct io n corrected.
i§i Defective light bulb warning
If th e 1:J indica to r li ght turns on, a b ulb has
fa iled. The mess age in dicat es th e loca tion of the
bu lb .
Re plac e t he bulb immedia tely.
Vehicle lights: system fault!
There is a malfunction in the head lights or the
light switch.
D rive to an a uth o rized Aud i de aler or a uthorized
Aud i Serv ice Facility immediately to have t he
malfunct io n corrected .
-Light bulbs a re under p ressure and can ex
plod e when b ulbs are replaced, wh ic h in
creases the risk of i nju ry .
- With HID headlights (xenon headlights) , the
high-vo ltage component must be handled
correctly . O th erwise, there is a r is k of fa tal
ln JUr y.
i.ID Headlight range control
II Headlight range control sy stem: system
There is a ma lf u nction in the headlight range
contro l system, which may cause gla re for other
drive rs.
Drive to an author ized A udi dealer or authorized
Audi Se rvice Facil ity immed iate ly to have the
malfunction correc ted.
go Audi adaptive light
App lies to: vehicles wi th Audi ada ptive light
r!iJ Audi adaptive light : system fault!
There is a ma lfunction in the adap tive lights. The
headlig hts st ill funct ion.
D rive to an authorized A udi dealer or authorized
Audi Se rvice Facility immediate ly to have the
malfunction corrected .
@.D Light/rain sensor
App lies to: vehicles wit h lig ht/ra in sensor
£1 Automatic headlights /wipers: System fault!
The light/rain sensor is malfunctioning.
The low beams remain sw itched on at all times
fo r safety reasons when the light switch is in the
AUTO position. Yo u can cont in u e to turn the
li ghts on and off us ing the lig ht switch. You can
sti ll contro l all fu nctions that are i ndependent of
the rain senso r thr ough the winds hield wiper lev
e r.
D rive to an authorized A udi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility immediate ly to have the
malfunction correc ted.
...... N r--. N
'"' 0 0 ::, a:,
Lights and Vision
Exterior Lighting
Switching lights on and off
Fig. 32 Instrument panel: l ig ht switc h
Light switch ·'!;5- ·
Turn the switch to the corresponding position.
When the lights are sw itched on, the
;oo: symbol
turns on.
0 -lights off. On some market-specific vers ions,
the daytime running lights* will switch on when
the ign ition is switched on in this position .
-USA model s: the daytime running lights sw itch
on automatically when the ignition is switched
on and the light switch is in the
O position or in
AUTO position (on ly in daylight) . The Day
tim e running lights
can be switched on and off
in the radio or the MMI*
c:> page 36, c:> A.
-Canada models: the dayt ime running lights
switch on automatically when the ignition is
switched on and the light switch is set to the
pos ition, ;oo: o r the AUTO position (o nly in day
li gh t)
c::> A .
AUTO* -automatic headlig hts switch o n and off
dependi ng on br ightness, fo r example in tw ilight,
d ur ing ra in or in tunne ls .
::oo: -Parking lights
io -Low beam headlights
~- All weat he r ligh ts. T urn the swi tch to pa rking
; oo : or low beam head light io . Pull the
sw itch up to the first notch@.
@il -Rea r fog lig hts . T urn the sw itch to par king
l ight
;oo; o r low beam head lig ht gD. Pull the
sw itch up to the secon d no tch @.
Lights and V ision
All-weather lights
T he fro nt lights a re adju sted au to mat ic a lly so
t h at there is less g lare for the driver from his o r
her own lights, fo r example whe n roads a re wet.
Automatic dynamic headlight range control
Your vehicle is equip ped with a headlight r ange
contro l system so that there is less g lare for on
coming traff ic if the vehicle load changes . The
headlight range also adjusts automatically when
braking a nd accelerat ing .
Static cornering light*
The s tat ic co rnering light may be available de
pending on vehicle equipment and it only works
whe n the light switc h is in t he AUTO position. The
corner ing light sw itches on automat ically at
speeds up to approximately 44 mph (70 km)
whe n the steeri ng wheel is at a certain angle. The
area to the side of the veh icle is illuminated be t
te r when tur ning .
-Automatic headlights * are on ly inten ded to
assis t the driver. They do n ot relieve the
d river o f respons ibility to check the head
lights and to turn them on manua lly based
on the current light and vis ibility conditions.
For examp le, fog cannot be detected by the
light sensors . So always switch on the low
beam under these weat her condit ions an d
when dr iv ing in the da rk
gD .
-The rear fog lights shou ld only be turned on
in acco rdance w it h traffic regulations, to
p revent glare for traffic behind your vehicle.
- Always observe legal regulations when us
i n g the lighting systems desc ribed.
(D Tips
- The light sensor for the automat ic head
lights * is in the rearview mir ror mount. Do
not p lace any st ickers in this a rea on t he
w indshield.
- Some exter io r light ing funct ions can be ad
c:> page 36.
Lights and Vision
-If you turn off the ignition whi le the exter ior
lights are on and open the door, a warning
tone sounds.
- In cool o r damp weather, the inside of the
headlights, turn s ignals and tail lights can
fog over due to the temperature d if f erence
between the inside and outside. They will
clear short ly after switch ing them on. This
does not affect the serv ice life of the light
i ng .
Turn signal and high beam lever
The turn signal lever operates the turn signals,
the high beams and the headlight flasher .
Fig. 33 Turn signal and high beam lever
Tu rn signals ¢ 9
The turn s ignals activate when you move the lev
er into a turn s ignal position w hen the ign ition is
sw itched on.
@ -righ t turn signal
@ -left turn s ignal
The turn signal blinks three times if you just tap
the lever.
High b eams and headl ight flasher ~D
Move the lever to the co rrespo nd ing pos it ion .
@ -high beams on
© -high beams off or headlight flasher
II indicator light in the instrument cluster
turns on .
High beams can cause glare fo r other drivers,
w hi ch increases the risk of an accident. For
this reason, only use the high beams or the
headlight flasher when they will not create
glare for other dr ivers.
Adjusting the exterior lighting
The functions are adjusted in the Infotainment
system .
.,.. Sele ct: !CAR ! function b utton> (Car ) Systems *
control button > Vehicle settings > Exte rior
lighti ng.
Coming home, Leaving home*
The coming home fun ction ill umin ates the a rea
outside the vehicle when you tu rn the ignit io n off
and open the driver's doo r. To turn the func tion
on, select
Light s when leaving car > On .
The leaving home illum ina tes the area ou tside
the ve hicle when yo u un lo ck the vehicle . To turn
the function on, se lect
Lights when unlocking >
On .
The coming home and leav ing home func tions
on ly opera te when it is dar k and the l ight switc h
i s in the
AUTO position.
Daytime running lights*
USA models :
the daytime running lights can be
swit ched on/off. Sele ct
On or Off .
Canada models:
this function cannot be sw itched
off . They activate automatically each time the ig
nit ion is switched on .
Emergency flashers
Fig. 3 4 Center conso le: emerge ncy flasher button
The emergency flashers makes other drivers
aware of your veh icle in dange rous situations.
In N 0
~ Cl) m
...... N r--. N .... 0 0 ::, a:,
"' Pr ess the &I. button to switch the emergency
flashers on or off.
You can indicate a lane change or a turn when the
em ergency flashers are switched on by using the
turn signal lever . The eme rg ency flashers stop
t e mporarily .
The emergency flashers also work when the igni
tion is turned off.
(D Tips
You shou ld sw itch the emergency flashers on
- You are the last car in a traff ic jam so that
all othe r vehicles approach ing from beh ind
ca n see you , or if
- You r vehicle has bro ken down or you are
having an emergency, or if
- Your vehicle is being towed or if you a re
tow ing another vehicle .
Interior Lighting
Front interior lighting
Fig . 35 Hea d lin er: fr ont in ter ior l ighting (e xample)
Press th e app licab le button :
~ -Interior lighting on/off .
"' a,
lil-Door contact switch on/off . T he interior light
ing is controlled automatically .
~ -Re ad ing lights * on/off .
Lights and V ision
Rear interior lighting
Applies to: vehicles with rear reading lights
Fig. 36 Rear headl in er: read ing ligh ts (e xampl e)
"'To turn a reading l ight on/off, press the bu tton
~ or~ *.
Interior lighting
Applies to: vehicles with interior lighting
The In terior lighting can be adjusted in the Info
tainment system" .
"'In the Infotainment system*, select: ICARI
fun ction button > (C ar) Syste ms * cont rol but
> Veh icle se tting s > Inte rior lighting .
Instrument illumination
You can adjust the background brightness of the
ins trumen ts and di splay illumina tion *.
F ig. 37 In str ume nt ill umin ation
"' To red uce or increase the b rightness, turn the
thumbwhee l down or up.
(D Tips
The need les and gauges i n the inst rument
cluster illumi nate when the headlights a re off
Automatic dimming rearview mirror*
• Press the button @to switch the dimming
function on the mirror on or off. If the indicator
light @ turns on, the interior and exterior mir
rors* are dimmed when light shines on them
(for example headlights shining from a vehicle
behind you) .
If the glass on an automatic dimming mirror
breaks, electrolyte can leak out . This liquid
can irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory sys
tem. If there is contact with the fluid, flush
immediately with plenty of water. Consult a
physician if necessary.
- Repeated or long-term exposure to electro
lyte fluid can lead to irritation of the air
ways, especially in people with asthma or
other respiratory conditions. Take deep
breaths immediately after leaving the vehi
cle or, if this is not possible, open all of the
doors and windows as wide as possible.
- If electrolyte fluid enters the eyes, flush
them thoroughly with a large amount of
clean water for at least 15 minutes and then
seek medical attention.
- If electrolyte fluid comes into contact with
the skin, flush the affected area with clean
water for at least 15 minutes and then clean
with soap and water and seek medical at
tention. Clean affected clothing and shoes
thoroughly before wear ing again .
- If the fluid was swallowed and the person is
conscious, flush the mouth with water for at
least 15 minutes. Do not induce vomiting
unless this is recommended by medical pro
fessionals. Seek medical attention immedi
(D Note
If the glass on an automatic dimming mirror
breaks, electrolyte can leak out. This liquid
damages plastic surfaces and paint. Clean
this liquid as quickly as possible, for example
~ with a wet sponge.
N r--. N .... 0 0 ::, a:,
Lights and Vision
(D Tips
-If the light reaching the rearview mirror is
obstructed, the automatic dimming mirror
will not function correctly,
- The automatic dimming mirrors do not dim
when the interior lighting is turned on or
the reverse gear is selected.
Sun visors
Fig. 40 Driver 's s ide: sun viso r
The sun visors for the driver and front passenger
can be released from their mounts and turned to
ward the doors
(D . The sun visors can also be
moved* back and forth lengthwise in this posi
The mirror lighting* switches on when the cover over the vanity mirror @opens.
-If t here is a power fa ilure, the pa rking brake
will not set if it is re leased, and it will not
r elease i f it is set¢.&. . See an authorized
A udi dealer or authorized A udi Service Fa
cility for ass istance.
Starting from a stop
Vario us convenience and safety functions may be
ava ilable when the vehicle begins driving, de
pending on vehicle eq uipment .
Starting on hills with the parking brake set
R eq uir ement: the driver's door must be closed .
.,. To start dr iving co m fo rtab ly when o n a hill, set
t he parking brake and begin dr iv ing as usu al.
The brak ing force of the par king brake does not
release automatically until t he wheels build up
enough dr iv ing force .
Starting on hills with hill hold assist
Hill hold ass ist m akes i t ea sie r to st art on hills.
Re qui remen t: the driver's door must be closed
and the eng ine must be r unning .
.,. To activate hill ho ld assist, press a nd ho ld the
brake pedal for several seconds. The veh icle
must be i n an uph ill direction o f travel.
After releasing the brake peda l, the bra king pow
er is ma intained for a brief moment¢
A to pre
ve nt the vehicle from rolling back when starting.
D ur ing th is ti me, you can eas ily beg in to move
your ve hicle.
Appl ies to: ve hicles wit h hil l hol d ass ist
- If you do not begin dr iving immediately or
the engine sta lls after releas ing t he b rake
peda l, yo ur vehicle may begin to roll back
ward. P ress the brake pedal o r set the park
ing bra ke immed iate ly.
- The intelligent tec hno logy of hill hold assist
cannot overcome the lim itations imposed by
natura l phys ical laws . The incr eased comfo rt
of fered by h ill hold ass ist sho uld not cause
yo u to
ta ke safe ty risks.
- Hill hold ass ist cannot hold t he ve hicle in
place on a ll hills (for examp le, if the ground
is s lippery or icy).
- To reduce the r is k of an accident, always
make sure the veh icle is situated safely
w hile stationary .
Driving offroad
General information
Applies to: vehicles with offroad mode
The ele ct ronic st abiliz ation con trol ( ES C) f unc
tions we re enh ance d for driving off road. ESC o ff
road mode can be activated in driving sit uat ions
i n which a whee l lock o r a differential lock func
tion is needed ¢
page 93. The h ill descent as
s ist is a lso available , which automatically brakes
the ve hicle and main tains a constant speed as a
r esul t¢
pag e 94.
However , your Aud i is not an offroad vehicle .
Only drive in terrain that is suitable for the vehi
cle and your driving ability. Never take any un necessary risks!
After driving offroad
- After d riving off road, remove branches and
other deb ris from the rad iator g rille, under
body, and wheels. Look especially fo r fo reign
objects (such as stones) that may be st uck in
the t ire t read.
- Clean the vehicle body and u nderbody a nd i n
spect the veh icle for poss ible damage.
- Clean the windows, headlights, tail lights a nd
the license p late if they are dirty .
- Perform a brake test (espec ia lly after driving
throug h water) .
-Be especially aware a nd at tentive whe n driv
ing un der diff icu lt con ditions . Vehicl e dam
age a nd injuries may o ccur when driving at
e xc es sively high speed s or with i ncorr ec t
d riving maneuvers.
- Always a djust yo ur sp eed and drivi ng s ty le
to the roa ds, terr ain, tra ffi c and weat he r
condition s. Drive especi ally slowly if t here i s
low visibili ty when o ffroad .
Care and cleaning
wash operator to reduce the risk of acci
- To reduce the risk of cuts, protect yourself
from sharp metal components when wash ing the underbody or the inside of the wheel
- After washing the vehicle, the braking effect
may be delayed due to moisture on the
brake rotors or ice in the winter. This in
creases the risk of an accident. The brakes
must be dried first with a few careful brake
(D Note
- If you wash the vehicle in an automatic car
wash, you must fold the exterior mirrors in
to reduce the risk of damage to the mirrors.
Power folding exterior mirrors* must only
be folded in and out using the power folding
- To reduce the risk of paint damage, do not
wash the vehicle in direct sunlight. -
To reduce the risk of damage to the surface,
do not use insect removing sponges, kitchen
sponges or similar items.
- Matte finish painted vehicle components:
- To reduce the risk of damage to the sur-
face, do not use polishing agents or hard
- Never use protective wax. It can destroy
the matte finish effect.
- Do not place any stickers or magnetic
signs on vehicle parts painted with matte
finish paint. The paint could be damaged
when the stickers or magnets are re
@ For the sake of the environment
Only wash the veh icle in facilities spec ially de
signed for that purpose. This will reduce the
risk of dirty water contaminated with oil from
entering the sewer system.
Cleaning and care information
When clean ing and caring for individual vehicle
components, refer to the following tables. The
information contained there is simply recom
mendations. For quest ions or for components that are
not listed, consult an authorized Aud i
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility. Also
follow the information found in¢&..
Exterior cleaning
Component Situation Solution
Windshield wiper
Deposits ¢ page 41, Cleaning windshield wiper blades
Deposits Soft sponge with a mi ld soap solutiona >
Tail lights
Deposits Sensors: soft cloth with solvent-free cleaning solution
Camera lenses Camera lenses: soft cloth with alcohol-free cleaning solu-
Snow/ice Hand brush/so
lvent-free de -icing spray
Wheels Road salt Water
Brake dust Acid-free special cleaning solution
Exhaust tail pipes Road salt Water, cleaning solution suitable for stainless steel, if
Decorative parts/ Deposits Mild soap solution al, a cleaning solution suitable for
Trim stainless steel, if necessary