"' ,....
"' ...... 0 0 :::,
(!) Door handle
Central locking switch
Cent ral locking L ED ......... .. .
Side assist button
Side assist d isplay
H eadlight cont rol sw itch .... .. .
A ir vents with thumbwheel
L ever for turn s ignal and h igh
beams .. .. .... . .......... .. .
® Multifunction ste ering wheel with :
- Horn
- Driver's airbag ........... .. .
- Driver information system con-
trols .. .. ............... .. .
- Audio , te lephone, nav igation and
vo ice recognit ion controls
- Programmable steering wheel
button . .. .. ........... .. .. .
- Rocker switches for tiptronic
mode . ... .. ... ..... ... .. .. .
@ Instrument cluster ........... .
@ Windshield washer system lever
@ I S TART EN GIN E ST OPI button .. .
@ Pa rking brake button ....... .. .
~ Starting the engine when there is a
malfunction or ignition lock . ... .
@ Steer ing whee l adjustment .... .
@ Cruise contro l lever .... ... .. .. .
@ Data link connector for On Board
Diagnostic System (OBD II) .. .. .
@ Inst rument illum ination ... .. .. .
@ Hood r ele as e .... ..... ... .. .. .
@ Automat ic luggage compartment
lid .. .. ... ............. ..... .
@ Power exterior mirror adjustment 38
Coc kpit o ve rv iew
@ Power windows . .. .. .. ..... .. .
@ Child safety lock ............. .
@ Buttons/indi cator lights for:
- Eme rgency flashers .. ..... .. .
@ Infotainment system display (does
not fold away)
@ G love compartment .......... .
@ Front passenger's airbag ...... .
@ Infota inment system control panel
@ Buttons/indicator lights for:
- Drive se lect .. .. ............ .
- E lectronic Stabilization Control
( E SC) . .. .. .. .. ....... ..... .
4 7
- Park ing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
- Hill hold ass ist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
@ Climate contro l system . . . . . . . . . 56
@ Se lector lever (automatic transm is -
sion) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
@ Center conso le w ith:
- Cup holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
- Socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
- USB charging port
(D Tips
-Some the eq uipment listed here is on ly in
sta lled in certain models or is available as
an opt ion.
- The image in the instrument cluster d isplay
depends on the vehicle equipment. A maxi
mum of two versions will be pictured in th is
Owner's Manual.
- A separate operat ing manua l describes how
to operate the Infota inment system .
Opening and clo sin g
Key set
Fig. 13 Your veh icle key set
I X CX) cc
@ Remote control key o r con venience k ey*
The convenience key is a remote control key with
special functions
c> page 26 and c> page 62.
W ith the remote control key, you can lock and
unlock the vehicle and start the engine . To fold
the key out and back in place, press the release button
c> fig. 13 -arrow-.
Repla cing a ke y
If a key is lost, see an authorized Audi dealer or
authorized Audi Service Facility . Have
this key de
activated .
It is important to bring a ll keys with
you .
If a key is lost, you should report it to your
insu rance company.
Numb er of k ey s
You can check the number of keys ass igned to
your veh icle in the instrument cluster d isplay . It
will show you this when you adjust the time
c> page 9. For examp le, the display 1/2 means
you are using vehicle key numbe r one out of two
keys total assigned to the vehicle. This way, you
can make sure that you have all the keys when
purchasing a used vehicle.
Electronic immobilizer
The immob il izer prevents una uthorized use of
the vehicle .
Under certain c ircumstances, the veh icle may not
be ab le to start if there is a key from a different
veh icle man ufact urer on the key cha in.
Always take the vehicle key with you when
leaving the vehicle, even for a short period of
time . This applies particularly when children
rema in in the vehicle. Otherwise the children
could start the engine or operate electrical
equipment such as power windows .
Applies to: vehicles with ignition lock
Do not remove the key from the ign it ion lock
until the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
Otherw ise, the steering lo ck could engage
suddenly and increase the risk of an accident.
@ Tips
- T he opera tion of the remote cont rol key can
be temporarily disrupted by interference
from transmitters in the v ic inity of the vehi
cle working in the same frequency range
(such as a ce ll phone or radio equipment).
- For an exp lanation on conformity with the
FCC regulations in the Un ited States and the
Industry Canada regulat ions, see
c> page 221.
LED and batteries in the remote control key
Fig . 14 Remot e con tro l key: LED
Fig . 15 Remote con tro l key : o pen in g th e cov er
...... N r--. N
'"' 0 0 ::, a:,
@ Tips
-The luggage compartment lid can be oper
ated manually if the vehicle battery is low.
It is necessary to use more force when doing
th is. Move the lid slowly to reduce the
amount of force needed .
- When the vehicle is locked, the luggage
compartment lid can be unlocked separately by p ressing the
c:5 button on the remote
control key. The luggage compartment lid
l ocks automatically when it is closed again.
Luggage compartment lid emergency
The luggage compartment lid can be released
from inside the luggage compartment in an
F ig. 26 Lu gg age compar tment lid eme rge ncy re le ase
.,. Pry the cover off using the key .
.,. Press the lever with the key in the d irection of
the arrow to release the luggage compartment
li d.
Open ing and closing
Child safety lock
The child safety lock prevents the rear doors
from being opened from the inside and the rear
power windows from be opera ted.
Fig. 27 Section of d river 's doo r: control s
Fig. 28 Rear door : ch il d safety lock
Vehicles with III button
"' 0
:::> Q) ID
.,. To act ivate/deactivate the inner door handle
and the powe r window switch for the respective
rear door, press the left/r ight
m bu tton in the
door lJ)' =~ fig . 27 . The indicator light in
the button turns on/blinks.
.,. To activate/deactivate the child safety lock on
both sides, you must press them buttons one
after the other.
Vehicles with ~ button
.,. To deactivate/activate the power window
switch in the rear doors, press the~ button in
the driver 's door @~
fig. 2 7 . The indicator light
in the button turns on/blinks .
.,. To also deactivate/activate the inner door han
dle, open the respective rear door and turn the
key switch with the veh icle key in the direct ion
of the arrow or the opposite d irection of the ar-
~ fig. 28. Ill-
Opening and clo sin g
Always take the veh icle key with you when
leaving the vehicle, even for a short period of
time. Th is applies particularly when children
remain in the vehicle . Othe rw ise children
cou ld start the engine or operate elect rical
equipment (s uch as power windows), w hich
increases the risk of an accide nt.
Power windows
The driver can control all power windows.
Fig. 29 Sect ion of dr ive r's doo r: controls
All power window switches are equ ipped with a
two-stage funct ion:
Open ing and clo sing the window s
.. To open or close the w indow completely , press
the switch down or pull the switch up br iefly to
the second level. The operation will stop if the
switch is pressed/pulled aga in.
• To select a position in between opened and
closed, press/pull the switch to the first leve l
u nt il t he desired window position is reached .
Power window switch es
(D Left front door
@ R ight front door
@ Left rear door
© R ight rear door
- Always take the vehicle key with you when
leaving the vehicle, even fo r a short per iod
of time. This applies particularly when chi l-
dren remain in the vehicle . Otherwise the
children could start the eng ine or operate
electrical equipment such as power win
dows, wh ich increases the risk of injury. The
power windows continue to function until
the dr iver's door or fro nt passenger's door
has bee n ope ned.
- Pay caref ul attention when clos ing the w in
dows. Pinching could ca use serio us inju ries.
- When locking the vehicle from outside, the
veh icle must be unoccup ied since the win
dows can no longe r be opened in an emer
ge ncy.
{1) Tips
After switching the ignition off, you can still
open and close the windows fo r approximate·
l y 10 m inutes. The power w indows do not
swi tc h off until the driver's door or fron t pas
senger's door has bee n opened.
Convenience opening /closing
All of the windows and the panorama roof can
be opened/closed at the same time.
Fig . 30 D river's door: door lock cyli nder
Con venience opening feature
• Hold the key in the open position@¢ fig. 30
until all of the windows are in the desired posi
tion and the panorama roof is tilted open.
Convenience closing feature
• Hold the key in the lock position @ unti l all the
windows and panorama roof are closed .
When the panor ama glass roof is opened/ closed,
the e lec tric s un shade is a lso opened/closed. .,..
-Never close the windows or panorama g lass
roof carelessly or in an uncontrolled man
ner, because this increases the risk of injury.
- For security reasons, the windows and the
panorama glass roof can only be opened
and closed w ith the remote control key at a
maximum distance of approximate ly 2 m
away from the vehicle. Always pay attention
when using the~ button to close the win
dows and the panorama glass roof so that
no one is pinched. The closing process will
stop immediate ly when the~ button is re
leased .
Correcting power window malfunctions
You can reactivate the one-touch up/down func
tion if it malfunctions.
"Pull the power window sw itch up until the win
dow is completely ra ised .
" Release the switch and pull it up again for at
least one second.
" Press the power window switch until the win
dow is comp lete ly lowered.
" Release the switch and press it again for at
least one second. Now you can close the win
dow as usual.
Panorama glass roof
Opening/closing the roof
App lies to : ve hicles wit h panorama g lass roof
Fig. 31 Front hea dliner : panor ama roof butto ns
9 ::, co a,
~ @ Tilting the roof N
~ "To tilt the sunroof completely, press the~ 0
g button up br iefly to the second level. a:,
Opening and closing
"To close the sunroof completely, pull the~
button down briefly to the second level
c::> .&, .
.. To set a position between opened and closed,
press/pull the~ button up to the first level
until the desired position is reached.
® Sliding the roof
.. To open the sunroof completely, slide the but
ton ~ toward the rear briefly to the second lev
" To close the sunroof completely, slide the~
button forward briefly to the second level
c:;> .&,.
"To select a partia lly open pos ition, slide the~
button forward/back to the first level until the
desired posit ion is reached.
© Opening and closing the sun shade
"To completely open the sun shade, briefly press
the right button .
" To completely close the sun shade, br iefly press
the left button.
" To stop the sun shade , press the corresponding
button again.
You can st ill operate the panorama glass roof for
about 10 minutes after the ignit ion is switched
off. The switch is deactivated once the driver's or
front passenger's door is opened.
Be careful when closing the panoramic sun
roof -otherwise serious inju ry could result!
For this reason, always remove the ignition
key when leaving the vehicle.
(D Note
Always close the panorama g lass roof when
l eav ing yo ur vehicle. Rain can cause damage
to the interior equipment of your veh icle, par
ticularly the electronic equ ipment.
(D Tips
- For information about convenience open
ing/closing, refer to
c:> page 32.
- The panorama roof will only open down to
-4°F (-20°).
Automatic dimming rearview mirror*
• Press the button @to switch the dimming
function on the mirror on or off. If the indicator
light @ turns on, the interior and exterior mir
rors* are dimmed when light shines on them
(for example headlights shining from a vehicle
behind you) .
If the glass on an automatic dimming mirror
breaks, electrolyte can leak out . This liquid
can irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory sys
tem. If there is contact with the fluid, flush
immediately with plenty of water. Consult a
physician if necessary.
- Repeated or long-term exposure to electro
lyte fluid can lead to irritation of the air
ways, especially in people with asthma or
other respiratory conditions. Take deep
breaths immediately after leaving the vehi
cle or, if this is not possible, open all of the
doors and windows as wide as possible.
- If electrolyte fluid enters the eyes, flush
them thoroughly with a large amount of
clean water for at least 15 minutes and then
seek medical attention.
- If electrolyte fluid comes into contact with
the skin, flush the affected area with clean
water for at least 15 minutes and then clean
with soap and water and seek medical at
tention. Clean affected clothing and shoes
thoroughly before wear ing again .
- If the fluid was swallowed and the person is
conscious, flush the mouth with water for at
least 15 minutes. Do not induce vomiting
unless this is recommended by medical pro
fessionals. Seek medical attention immedi
(D Note
If the glass on an automatic dimming mirror
breaks, electrolyte can leak out. This liquid
damages plastic surfaces and paint. Clean
this liquid as quickly as possible, for example
~ with a wet sponge.
N r--. N .... 0 0 ::, a:,
Lights and Vision
(D Tips
-If the light reaching the rearview mirror is
obstructed, the automatic dimming mirror
will not function correctly,
- The automatic dimming mirrors do not dim
when the interior lighting is turned on or
the reverse gear is selected.
Sun visors
Fig. 40 Driver 's s ide: sun viso r
The sun visors for the driver and front passenger
can be released from their mounts and turned to
ward the doors
(D . The sun visors can also be
moved* back and forth lengthwise in this posi
The mirror lighting* switches on when the cover over the vanity mirror @opens.
Lights and Vision
Windshield wipers
Switching the windshield w ipers on
F ig. 4 1 Wind shield wiper le ver
F ig. 42 Act uate t he re ar windo w wipe r
Move the windshield wiper lever to the corre
spond ing pos ition:
@ -wipers off
(D -interval mode. To i ncrease/decrease the wip
er intervals, move the switch @ to the left/right.
In vehicles with a ra in sensor *, the wipers turn on
in the rain once the vehicle speed exceeds ap
proximate ly 2 mph (4 km/h) . The higher the rain
sensor sensitivity is set (switch @to the right),
the earlier the windshield wipers react to mois
ture on the windsh ield .
@-slow wiping
@-fast w iping
© -sing le w ipe If yo u hold the leve r in th is posi
tion longer, t he wipers sw itch from s low w iping
to fast wiping.
® -clean the windsh ie ld The wipe rs wipe one
time afte r several seconds of dr iv ing to remove
water drop lets . You can swi tch this func tion off
by moving the lever to position ® within 10 sec
onds of the afterwipe . The afterwipe function is
reactivated the next time you switch the ignit ion
on .
®-wipe the rea r window. The rear wiper moves
about every 6 seco nds.
0 -clean the rea r window . The number of wipes
depends on how long the lever is held in pos it ion
(i) .
-The rain sensor is on ly intended to ass is t th e
driver . The driver may still be responsible
for manually switch ing the wipers on based
on visibility conditions .
- Th e windsh ield may not be treated with wa
ter-repelling windshield coating agents . Un
favorable conditions, such as wetness, dark
ness, and when the sun is low, can ca use i n
creased glare, wh ich increases the r isk of an
accident . Wiper blade chatter is also possi
b le .
- Properly functioning windshield wipe r
blades are required for a clear v iew and safe
~ page 41, Replacing front wind
shield wiper blades.
(D Note
- If there is frost, make sure the windshield
w iper blades are no t frozen to the wind
shield . Switch ing on the w indshield w ipers
when the blades are frozen to the win d
shield can dam age the w iper blades.
- Pr ior to using a car was h, the w indshie ld
w iper sys tem mus t be sw itche d off (lever in
posit ion @). This preven ts the w ipers from
switching on unin tentionally and causi ng
damage to the windsh ield wiper system .
(D Tips
- The windshie ld wipers switch off w hen the
ignition is switc hed off . You can activate t he
windshield wipe rs after the ignition is
switched back on by moving the w indshield
wiper lever to any position .
- Wor n or dirty w indshield w iper blades resu lt
in streaking. Th is can affect the rain senso r*
function. Check your w indshield wiper
blades reg ularly. .,.
"' ,....
"' ...... 0 0 :::,
- The washer fluid nozzles for the windshie ld
washer system are heated at low tempera
tures when the ignition is on.
- When stopping temporarily, such as at a
traffic light, the speed of the windshie ld
wipers automatically reduces by one level.
Cleaning windshield wiper blades
Clean the wiper blades when you see wiper
streaks. Use a soft cloth and a glass cleaner .
Windshield wiper
.. Place the windshield wiper arms in the service
pos it ion ¢
page 41.
"' Fold the w indshield wiper arm away from the
windshield .
Rear window wiper
.. Fold the wiper arm away from the rear window .
Dirty windshield wiper blades can impair vi
sion, which increases the risk of an accident.
Replacing front windshield wiper blades
F ig . 43 Re mov ing w inds hield w iper blades
Windshield wiper service position/blade
replacement position
.. Switch the windshield wipers off (position @
¢ page 40, fig. 41).
"'Switch off the ignition and hold the windshield
wiper lever in position @¢
page 40, fig. 41 un
t il the windsh ield wiper moves into the service
pos ition .
Lights and Vision
"'To bring the wiper b lades back into the original
position, switch the ignition on and operate the
w indshield w iper lever .
Removing the wiper blade
"' Fold the windshie ld wiper arm away from the
windshield .
.. Press the locking knob
(D ~ fig. 43 on the wiper
blade . Hold the wiper blade firmly.
.. Remove the w iper blade in the direction of the
Installing the wiper blade
"'I nsert the new wiper blade into the mount on
the wiper arm @until it clicks into place.
.. Place the wiper arm back on the window.
"' To bring the wiper b lades back into the original
position, switch the ignition on and operate the
windshield wiper lever.
For safety reasons, the windshield wiper
blades should be replaced once or twice each
year .
([) Note
-The windshield wiper blades must only be
replaced when in the service pos ition! Oth
erwise, you ris k damaging the paint on the
hood or the windshield wiper motor.
- You should not move your vehicle or press
the windsh ield wiper leve r when the wiper
arms are folded away from the windshie ld.
T he windshie ld wipers wou ld move back in
to their original position and could damage
the hood and windshie ld.
- To help prevent damage to the wiper sys
tem, always loosen blades which are frozen
to the windshield before operating wipers.
- To help prevent damage to wiper blades, do
not use gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner, or
other so lvents on or near the wiper blades.
- To help prevent damage to the wiper arms
or other components, do not attempt to
move the wipers by hand.