M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Door handle
Audi side assist display
Power locking sw itches
Memory function buttons .. .. .
Aud i side assist button ...... .
A ir vents with thumbwheel
Control lever for:
- T urn signal and high beam
- Audi act ive lane assist . .. .. .
@ Mu ltifunction steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag
- Driver information system but-
tons ... ..... ....... ... .. .
- Audio/video , telephone, navi
gation and voice recognition
- Steering wheel heating . ... .
- Shift padd les (automatic
transmission) ..... ... ... . .
® Instrument cluster ......... .
@ Head-up Display ........... .
@ Windshield washer system
lever .. .. ........ ..... .... .
@ Buttons for :
- MMI display
- Reset bu tton for tr ip odome-
te r .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .
@ Starting the engine if there is a
malfunction ............... .
~ Knee airbag ........... .. .. .
@ Steer ing whee l adjustment, de
pending on equipment:
- mechan ical .......... .. .. .
- electrical .... ....... ... .. .
@ Leve r for:
- Cru ise control system ... .. .
- Adaptive cruise contro l .. .. .
@ Button for sw itch ing the Head
up Disp lay on/off, adjusting the
h eight .. ............. .. .. .
@ Instrument illumination ... .. .
@ Eng ine hood release ........ . 98
46 95
151 24
113 11
2 7
In strument s and control s 9
@ Data Link Connector for On
Board Diagnostics (OBD II)
@ Light switch ... .. . .. ... .... .
@ Buttons for :
- All-weather lights
- Night v ision assistant .... .. .
- Rear fog lights .. .. .. ..... .
@ Power exterior m irror adjust-
ment ...... .. .. ..... ..... . 29
105 44
@ Rea r lid switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
@ Power w indows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
@ MMI display
@ Emergency flashe rs . . . . . . . . . . 45
@ Glove compartment . . . . . . . . . 61
@) Front passenger's airbag . . . . . 151
@ Valet parking feature . . . . . . . . 41
@ Drives (MMI)
@ Buttons/Indicator lights fo r
- Start-Stop-System . . . . . . . . . 81
- Parking system . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
- PASSENG ER AIR BAG OF F . . . . 160
- Rear spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
- Electron ic Stabilization Con-
t rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7
@ Climate controls, depending on
vehicle equipment:
- Three-zone cl imate control . . 70
- F our-zone automatic climate
cont rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
@ Storage compartment or ash-
t ray wit h cigarette lighter . . . . . 59, 59
@ I S T ART ENGINE STOPI button 76
@ MM I controls
@ 12-volt socket, (upho lder 60, 60
@ E lectromechanical parking
brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
@ Selector lever (a utomatic trans-
mission) 109
(D Tips
-Some of the equipment or fea tures
show n in the genera l ill ustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be opt ional equ ipment depending
on your model. Always ask your
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Instrument s and warning /indicator lights 25
- For in formation on the a udio/video and
navigation * functions, refer to the se pa
r ate
M MI owner's manual.
The driver information system is operated us
ing the buttons on the multifunction steering
Fi g. 6 Mult ifu nct io n stee ring wheel: operat ing t he dr iv
er informat ion system
F ig. 7 Driver informat ion system: open ing t he ve hicle
funct ions men u
Operating concept
• Switch the ign ition on.
• To sw itch between the tabs, p ress the rocker
(D to the left or right c> fig . 6 .
• To access addi tional in format io n be low or
above, rotat e th e thumbw heel @dow n or
u p.
• To c onfirm a sele ction, press t he thumb
whee l@ .
• Press the~ button @to open a submen u
for an active tab .
• Press the button
© to access a function for
the programmable steering w heel b utton*.
Acce ss ing Vehicle functions
• Se lect the f irst tab w ith the rocker sw itch
(D .
• Press the button ~@-T he Vehicle func
men u appears c> fig. 7.
• To se lect a menu item, turn and press t he
thumbwhee l@ .
Resetting values to zero
• Sele ct the on-board computer / Efficiency
men u item in the Vehicle func
men u .
... Yo u can now select between the long-term
memory and s hort -term memory .
.,. To reset the values in a memory, p ress and
hold t he thumbwheel @for one second.
Assigning a funct ion t o the
programmable steering wheel button*
• Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Vehicle settings >
Steering wheel button .
The last functi on selected disp lays when you
switch the ig nition on .
('!) Tips
All stored va lues w ill be lost if the veh icle
battery is disconnecte d.
On-board computer
Fig. 8 In strume nt cluster : fuel consump tion
You can ca ll u p t he following information in
the on-board computer:
- Date
- Dr iving t ime (h) from the sho rt-term memo-
- Average consumption in MPG ( l/100 km)
from the short-term memory
- Average speed i n mph (km/h) from the
short-te rm memory
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Instrument s and warning /indicator lights 2 7
Fuel economy messages
Fuel economy messages are disp layed when
fuel consumption is increased by certain con
ditions ~
fig. 10 . If you follow these fuel
economy messages, you can reduce your vehi
cle's consumption of fuel. The messages ap
pear automatically and are only displayed in
the efficiency program. The fuel economy messages turn off automatically after a cer
tain period of time .
To turn an economy message off immediately after it appears, press any button on the mul
tifunction steering wheel.
@ Tips
- If the data are deleted in the efficiency
program, those values are also reset in
trip computer .
- Once you have turned a fuel economy
message off, it will only appear again af
ter you turn the ignition on aga in .
- The fuel economy messages are not dis
played in every instance, but rather in in
tervals over a period of ti me .
Fig. 11 Instrument cluster: O domete r an d rese t but
to n
The odome ter shows you how many miles
(kilometers) yo u have d riven . You can switch
the display from mi les to kilometers and vice
versa via the MMI.
Upper odometer
The trip odometer shows the distance driven since it was last reset. It can be used to meas- ure
short distances. The last digit indicates
1/10 of a mile (100 meters).
You can reset the trip odometer to zero by
pressing the Reset button
Lower odometer
The lower odometer shows the total number
of miles (kilometers) dr iven .
Malfunction message
If there is a malfunct ion in the instrument
DEF will appear in the trip odometer
display area . Contact your authorized Audi
dealer to have the problem corrected .
Time and date display
Fig. 12 Instrume nt cluster: clock and date
You can set the time and the date disp lay in
the MMI. Refer to the MMI owner's manual
for instructions .
When you open the dr iver's door, the date and
time appear in the instrument cluster display
for 30 seconds.
Service interval display
T he service interval display reminds you when
your next service is due .
Fig. 13 Instrumen t cl uster: Serv ice interva l display
28 Instruments and warning /indicator lights
The schedule fo r the next oil change o r inspec
t ion is calculated automatically and d isplayed
according ly . T he display works in two stages :
Service reminder
30 days befo re the ne xt service is due, a serv
i ce rem inder appears in the di splay when yo u
switch the ignit ion on
¢ fig . 13.
Afte r abo ut 5 seconds the display sw itches
b ack to normal. The di sta nce and time re
maining a re update d eac h time the ignition is
switched on unt il the date due for service is
reac hed .
Service due
When the due date for service is reached , the
Service due! appears in the instr u
men t clus ter immedia tely after you switch the
i gnition on. Additionally, a war ning tone
sounds . After about 5 seconds the display
switches back to normal.
Calling up the service schedules
If o r whe n an oil change o r inspect ion is due,
can be shown in the MM I disp lay by select ing
the service interva l disp lay in the car menu .
Select the
! CAR ! function b utton> (Ca r)* s ys
contro l button > Servicing & chec ks >
Service interval displays.
Resetting the service interval display
Your author ized A udi dealer w ill reset the cor
responding service sched ule after perform ing
the app rop riate serv ice on yo ur vehicle. Yo u
a ls o have the possibility to reset the oi l
change schedule after having performed an
oil change according to Audi specifications.
Selec t the
I CAR ! function button > (Car) * sys
cont ro l button > Servicing & checks >
Service Intervals > Re set oil change interval.
(D Note
- Only reset the o il change d isp lay when
you hav e compl eted an o il change .
- If you d isconnect t he battery te rm inals,
no calc ulations can be made for the serv
i ce interv al display during this t ime and
n o servi ce re mi nder w ill appear . Reme m- ber th
at o bse rv ing the p roper service in
tervals is vita lly im po rtant to extend ing
the life of your vehicle, part icularly the
eng ine , and maintain ing its value. Eve n if
the mileage driven is low, the maxim um
p er iod of one year fro m one service to
t he next mus t not be e xceed ed .
@ Tips
The information in the Service Reminder
r ema ins sto red even when the vehicle bat
tery is disconnected.
Head -up Display
Applies to veh icles: w ith Head-up D isp lay
Fig. 14 Exa mple: in dic ato rs in th e Head -up D isplay
Fi g. 1 5 Ins trume nt panel: k nob for t he Head -u p D is
The Head -up D isplay projects cer tain warnings
o r se lected info rmation from the ass istance
syste ms* or na vigatio n* on t he windsh ie ld .
T he disp lay appe ars wi thin the drive r's field o f
vision .
Switching on/off
.,. Press the knob 1rl to switch t he Head-up
Display o n/off ¢
fig. 15.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
If, however, you exceed your saved speed by
6 mph (10 km/h) for longer than 5 minutes ,
the cruise contro l will turn off temporarily.
The green symbol
Ill (US models) t lil (Cana
d ian models) in the display will go out but the
saved speed remains the same .
Presetting your speed
Applies to vehicles: with cr uise contro l
You con preset your desired speed while the
vehicle is not moving.
~ Switch on the ignition.
~ Pull lever into pos ition @ c:> page 84,
fig. 87.
~ Press the lever in the 0 or 0 direction to
increase or decrease yo ur speed .
~ Release the lever to save that speed .
T his funct ion makes i t possible, for example,
to save the speed you want before driving on
the highway . Once on the hig hway, activate
the cruise cont ro l by pull ing t he lever towa rd
@ .
Switching the system off
Appl ies to vehicles: with cruise con trol
Temporary deactivation
~ Press the bra ke peda l, or
~ Press the lever into pos ition @ (not clicked
into place)
c:> page 84, fig . 87, or
~ Drive for longer than 5 minutes at more
than 5 mph (10 km/h) above the stored speed .
Switching off compl etely
~ Press lever into posi tion @(clic ked into
place), or
~ Switch the ignition off.
The system reta ins the saved speed i f yo u de
activa te t he cr uise con trol temporarily. To re
sume the saved speed, release the brake ped
al and pull the lever to position@.
Sw itching the ign ition off erases the saved
speed .
On th e ro ad 85
You shou ld only return to the saved speed
if it is not too fast for the current traffic
conditions - r isk of an accident!
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Tire pressure indicator appears
The tire pressure indicator in the instrument
cluster informs you if the tire pressure is too
low or if there is a system malfunction.
Fig. 205 Display: underinflation warning
Fig. 206 Display: System malfunction
Using the ABS sensors, the tire pressure moni
toring system compares the tire tread circum ference and vibration characteristics of the in
dividual tires. If the pressure decreases in one
or more tires, this is indicated in the instru
ment cluster with a warning symbol
rD] and a
c:> fig . 205.
The tire pressure monitoring system must be
reset via MMI each time the pressures are ad
justed (e.g. when switching between partial
and fu ll load pressure) or after changing or re
placing a tire on your vehicle
c:> page272 . The
TPMS indicator only monitors the tire pres
sure that you have previously stored. You can
find the recommended tire pressures for your
vehicle on the label on driver's side 8-pillar
Tire tread circumference and vibration charac
teristics can change and cause a tire pressure
warning if:
- the tire pressure in one or more tires is too
Tires and wheels 2 71
- the tire has structural damage,
- the tire pressure was changed, wheels rotat-
ed or replaced but the TPMS was not reset
- the spare tire* is mounted .
Warning symbols
[I] Loss of pressure in at least one tire¢.& .
Check the tire or tires and replace or repair if
necessary. The indicator light
rD] in the instru
ment cluster also illuminates <=:>
page 12.
Check/correct the pressures of all four tires
and resetTPMS via MMI.
l!I (Tire Pressure Mon itoring System) Tire
pressure! System malfunction .
Ifljl appears
after switching the ignition on or while driving
fig. 206 and the indicator light rD] in the in
strument cluster blinks for approximately one
minute and then stays on, there is a system
malfunction. Attempt to store the correct tire
c:> page 272. If the indicator light
does not turn off or if it turns on shortly
thereafter, immediately drive your vehicle to
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized repair
facility to have the malfunction corrected.
- If the tire pressure indicator appears in
the instrument cluster display, one or
more of your tires is significantly under
inflated. Reduce your speed immediately
and avoid any hard steering or braking
maneuvers. Stop as soon as possible and
check the tires and their pressures. In
flate the tire pressure to the proper pres
sure as indicated on the vehicle's tire
pressure label<=:>
page 247 . Driving on a
significantly under-inflated tire causes
the tire to overheat and can lead to tire
failure. Under-inflation also is likely to
impair the vehicle's handling and stop
ping ability.
- The driver is responsible for maintaining
the correct tire pressures. You must check the tire pressures regularly.
272 Tires and wheels -Under certain conditions (such as a spor
ty driving style, winter conditions or un
paved roads), the pressure monitor
indicator may be delayed.
- Ask your authorized Audi dealer if run
flat tires may be used on your vehicle.
- The tire pressure monitoring system may
stop working when there is an ESC mal
- Using snow chains may result in a system
- The tire pressure monitoring system on
your Audi was developed using tires with
the "AO" or "RO" identification on the
tire sidewall
c:> page 260. We recom
mend using these tires.
Reset tire pressure monitoring system
If the tire pressure is adjusted, wheels are ro
tated or changed, the TPMS must be reset via
• Before storing the new tire pressures, check
that the current pressures on all four tires correspond to the specified values and
adapt the pressures to the current load <=>page 247.
• Switch on the ignition.
• Select in the MMI: !CAR !function button>
(Car)* systems control button > Servicing &
checks > Tire pressure monitoring > Store
tire pressures> Yes, store now.
Do not store the tire pressure if there are
snow chains on the tire. Otherwise, a sys
tem malfunction may occur.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Certification .... ... .... ... .. .. .. ... 297
Changing a wheel ................... 275
Changing engine o il ........ .. .. .. .. . 230
Chec king
E ng ine coolant leve l .... ... .. .. .. .. . 23 1
Tire pressure . .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. ... 252
Ch ild restra ints
D anger of using c hild restra ints in the
fro nt sea t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Where can I get add it ional information
about child restra ints and their use? .. 19 1
Ch ild restra int system anchors . ....... 187
Ch ild safety .. ............. .... .. ... 173
Convertible locking retractor . . . . . . . . . 184
Important safety instructions for us ing
ch ild safety seats ...... ..... .. .. .. . 177
I mportant th ings to know when dr iv ing
wi th ch ild ren ............ .... .. ... 173
Tether anchors ........... .. .. .. ... 190
Tether straps ... ...... ... .. .. .. .. . 190
Ch ild safety lock
Rear doors ........................ 40
Ch ild safety seats .......... .... .. ... 179
Booster seats ............ .... .. .. . 182
Convertible c hild seats ....... ... .. . 180
Convertible locking retracto r .. ....... 184
H ow do I properly install a child safety
seat in my vehicle? ........ .. .. .. .. . 177
I nfant sea ts ............. .... .. .. . 179
I ns tall ing .. ............. .. .. .. .. . 184
I ns tal ling a child restraint using the
L A TCH system .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. ... 189
LATCH system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Lower anchorages ........ .. .. .. .. . 188
Mounting and releasing the anchorage
hook .. .. .. .. ........ ..... ... ... . 189
Safety instructions ................. 177
Unused safety belts on the rea r seat .. 179
Cigarette lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Cle aning .. .. ............. .... .. .. . 212
Climate control Air vents ... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. 71
Climate controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Climate con trol sy stem
Supp lementary hea ter .. ... .. .. .... .. 74
Climate control (four-zone) Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Inde x 301
Climate control (three -zone)
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Clock .............................. 27
Closing Rear lid ........................... 37
Slid ing/tilting sunroof ......... .... .. 41
Cold tire inflation p ress ure ..... ... .. .. 247
Coming home . .. .. ................. . 46
Compact spare tire .................. 274
Compartments .. .... . ... ...... ... .. . 60
Compliance ....... .. ............... 297
Consumer Information . . . . . . . . . . 136, 294
Consu mption (f uel) ............. .. .. . 25
Contacting NH TSA ................. . 136
Controls Cleaning . ... .. .. .. .. .. ...... ... .. 214
Convenie nce key . ...... ............. . 35
Star ting the engine . ........... .... . 76
S topping the eng ine (START ENG INE
STOP b utton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Switching the ignition on .... ... .. .. . 76
U nlocking and locking vehicle ......... 35
Convertib le child sa fe ty se ats ......... 180
Convertib le locking retractor
Activati ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Deact ivating . .. .. .. ..... .......... 186
U sing to secu re a child safety seat 1B4, 186
refer to Engine coolant ............ . 231
Cooling mode (automatic climate control) 72
Cooling mode (climate cont rol) . . . . . . . . . 70
Cruise contro l
Changi ng speed .. .. . .. .. ... ..... .. . 84
P resett ing your speed ............... 85
Switching off ...................... 85
Switch ing on . .. .. .... ........... .. . 84
Wa rning/ind icator lights ........ .. .. . 23
(upholder .. .. .. .. ... ... ...... ..... . 60
C ur ve lig ht . ... .... ... .. .. ..... ... .. 102
Cylinder managem ent
refer to Cyli nder on dema nd System .. . 25
Cyl inder on demand System
Data recorder ... ...... ............. 194
Date d isp lay .. .. .. .. ............... . 27