24 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Driver information
Fig. 4 Driver information system in the instrument
Fig. S Display: example of th e information line
The driver information system contains infor
mation @ that is displayed on tabs @
c:;, fig. 4. The following content is possible de
pending on vehicle equipment:
Tab Content
1 Vehicle functions :
On-board computer c::> page 25
Efficiency program* c::> page 26
Digital speedometer
Cruise control*
c;, page 84
Adaptive cru ise con trol and braking
r::;, page 86
Audi active lane assist* c;, page 95
Display darkened
2 Indicator lights and messages
Warning when a door, the hood or the rear lid is not closed
Service interval display
c::> page 2 7
Speed warning system c;, page 83
@ ®
Tab Content
3 Night vision assistant* c;, page 105
4 Audio/video
s Telephone*
6 Navigation*
T he second and th ird tabs are only vis ible if at
least one indicator light or message is shown
or if that system is sw itched on.
The status line © is located in the bottom
part of the display
c::> fig. 4. It displays the ex
terior temperature , time, selector lever posi
t ion, trip odometer and odometer.
For some vehicle functions, you can access the
trip information from the temporary memory
c::> page 26 in the line (D c::> fig. 5.
= -
- Never rely exclusively on the outside
temperature display to determine if a
road surface is icy or not. Keep in mind
that road surfaces, especially bridges
and overpasses, could be ice covered and
slippery even at an outside temperature
above 41 °F
(+5 °().
-Always remember, even if the "snow
flake" symbol (ice warning) does not ap
pear in the d isplay, black ice could be on
the road.
- Always reduce your speed and drive with special care in cold weather cond itions
when the chance of encountering icy
road surfaces increases.
(D Tips
-If the vehicle is stationary, or if you are
dr iving at a very low speed, the tempera
ture shown in the d isplay m ight be
slightly higher than the actual outside
temperature . Thi s is caused by the heat
being radiated from the engine.
- Yo u can select the units used for temper
ature, speed and other measurements in
the MMI.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Instrument s and warning /indicator lights 25
- For in formation on the a udio/video and
navigation * functions, refer to the se pa
r ate
M MI owner's manual.
The driver information system is operated us
ing the buttons on the multifunction steering
Fi g. 6 Mult ifu nct io n stee ring wheel: operat ing t he dr iv
er informat ion system
F ig. 7 Driver informat ion system: open ing t he ve hicle
funct ions men u
Operating concept
• Switch the ign ition on.
• To sw itch between the tabs, p ress the rocker
(D to the left or right c> fig . 6 .
• To access addi tional in format io n be low or
above, rotat e th e thumbw heel @dow n or
u p.
• To c onfirm a sele ction, press t he thumb
whee l@ .
• Press the~ button @to open a submen u
for an active tab .
• Press the button
© to access a function for
the programmable steering w heel b utton*.
Acce ss ing Vehicle functions
• Se lect the f irst tab w ith the rocker sw itch
(D .
• Press the button ~@-T he Vehicle func
men u appears c> fig. 7.
• To se lect a menu item, turn and press t he
thumbwhee l@ .
Resetting values to zero
• Sele ct the on-board computer / Efficiency
men u item in the Vehicle func
men u .
... Yo u can now select between the long-term
memory and s hort -term memory .
.,. To reset the values in a memory, p ress and
hold t he thumbwheel @for one second.
Assigning a funct ion t o the
programmable steering wheel button*
• Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Vehicle settings >
Steering wheel button .
The last functi on selected disp lays when you
switch the ig nition on .
('!) Tips
All stored va lues w ill be lost if the veh icle
battery is disconnecte d.
On-board computer
Fig. 8 In strume nt cluster : fuel consump tion
You can ca ll u p t he following information in
the on-board computer:
- Date
- Dr iving t ime (h) from the sho rt-term memo-
- Average consumption in MPG ( l/100 km)
from the short-term memory
- Average speed i n mph (km/h) from the
short-te rm memory
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Night vision assistant
Night vision assistant
with detected pedestrian marking
App lies to vehicles: with night v isio n assistant
Fig . 110 Display: nig ht v is ion assistant
"N ight v is ion assistant with pedestrian detec
tion" uses an infrared camera to monitor the
area in front of your vehicle at night. Within
the limits of the system , it can display objects
up to about 1000 feet (300 meters) away. The
heat image of a pedestrian detected by the
camera is shown in the instrument cluster dis
r::;, fig . 110 . Warm areas appear lighter
and cold areas appear darker .
Pedestrian detection
Applies to vehicles: with n ig ht v ision ass istant
Fig. 111 Display : yellow pedestrian marking
Night vision assistant 105
Fig. 1 12 Disp lay: symbo l w hen infrare d image is not
visi ble
Night vision assistant can detect pedestrians
that are between about 50 and 300 feet (15
and 90 meters) in front of the vehicle, under
ideal conditions .
If a pedestrian is detected
when it is dark outside and the vehicle head
lights are switched on, the pedestrian is high
lighted in yellow
r::;, fig . 111, r::;, page 106,
General information.
If another display such
as navigation replaces the image from the
night vision assistant, the symbo l~,, appears
in a tab
r=;, fig. 112.
(D Tips
If the night vision assistant image does
not appear when the system is sw itched
on, you can access it with the buttons on
the multifunction steering wheel
r::;, page25.
152 Airbag system
detailed information about airbags, safety
belts and child safety in this and the other
chapters that make up the owner's literature.
Please be sure to heed the WARNINGS -they
are extremely important for your safety and
the safety of your passengers, especially in
fants and small children.
Never rely on airbags alone for protection.
- Even when they deploy, airbags provide only supplemental protection .
- Airbag work most effectively when used
with properly worn safety belts.
- Therefore, always wear your safety belts
and make sure that everybody in your ve
hicle is properly restrained .
- Always hold the steering wheel with both
hands on the outside of the steering
wheel rim at the 9:00 o'clock and 3:00
o'clock positions to help reduce the risk
of personal injury if the driver's airbag in
- Never hold the steering wheel at the 12
o'clock position or with your hands any
where inside the steering wheel or on the
steering wheel hub. Holding the steering
wheel the wrong way increases the risk of severe injury to the arms, hands, and
head if the driver airbag deploys.
Objects between you and the airbag will
increase the risk of injury in a crash by in
terfering with the way the airbag unfolds
and/or by being pushed into you as the air
bag inflates.
-Always make sure nothing is in the front
airbag deployment zone that could be
struck by the airbag when it inflates.
- Objects in the zone of a deploying airbag
can become projectiles when the airbag
deploys and cause serious personal in
- Never hold things in your hands or on
your lap when the vehicle is in use .
-Never place accessories or other objects
(such as cup holders, telephone brackets,
note pads, navigation systems, or things
that are large, heavy, or bulky) on the
doors; never attach then to the doors or
the windshield; never place them over or
near or attach them to the area marked
.,AIRBAG" on the steering wheel, instru
ment panel or the seat backrests; never place them between these areas and you
or any other person in the vehicle.
- Never attach objects to the windshield
above the passenger front airbag, such
as accessory GPS navigation units or mu
sic players. Such objects could cause seri
ous injury in a collision, especially when
the airbags inflate.
- Never recline the front passenger seat to
transport objects. Items can also move
into the deployment area of the side air
bags or the front airbag during breaking
or in a sudden maneuver. Objects near
the airbags can fly dangerously through
the passenger compartment and cause
injury, particularly when the seat is re
clined and the airbags inflate.
A person on the front passenger seat, es
pecially infants and small children, will re
ceive serious injuries and can even be kil
led by being too close to the airbag when
it inflates.
- Although the Advanced Airbag System in
your vehicle is designed to turn off the front passenger airbag if an infant or a
small child is on the front passenger
seat, nobody can absolutely guarantee
that deployment under these special
conditions is impossible in all conceiva
ble situations that may happen during
the useful life of your vehicle.
- The Advanced Airbag System can deploy
in accordance with the ,,low risk" option
for 3- and 6-year-old children under the
294 Consumer Information
Consumer Information
Warranty coverages
You r Audi is covered by the following war
- New Vehicle Limited Warranty
- Limited Warranty Against Corrosion Perfo-
- Emissions Control System Warranty
- Emissions Performance Warranty
- California Emissions Control Warranty (USA
vehicles only)
- California Emissions Performance Warranty
(USA vehicles only)
Detailed information regarding your warran
ties can be found in your
Warranty & Mainte
nance booklet .
Operating your vehicle
outside the U.S.A. or
Government regu lations in the United States
and Canada require that automobiles meet
specific emission regulations and safety
standards. Therefore, veh icles built for the
U.S.A . and Canada differ from vehicles sold in
other countries .
If you p lan to take your vehicle outside the
continental limits of the United States or Can
ada, there is the possibility that:
- unleaded fuels for vehicles with cata lytic
converter may not be available;
- fuel may have a considerably lowe r octane
rating. Improper fuel may cause engine
damage ;
- service may be inadequate due to lack of
proper service facilities, tools or testing
equipment ;
- replacement pa rts may not be readily availa
- Navigation systems for vehicles built for the
U.S.A. and Canada will not necessar ily work
in Europe, and may not work in other coun
tries outside North America .
(D Note
Audi cannot be responsible for mechanical
damage that could result from inadequate
fuel, service or parts availability.
Audi Service Repair Manuals and Literature
Audi Official Factory Service Manuals and Lit
erature are published as soon as possible after
model introduction. Service manuals and lit
erature are available to order from the Audi
T echnical Literature Ordering Center at:
Your vehicle has been designed to help keep
maintenance requirements to a minimum.
However, a certain amount of regular mainte
nance is still necessary to assure your vehicle's
s afety, economy and rel iability. For detailed
vehicle maintenance consult your Warranty &
Maintenance booklet.
Under difficult operating conditions, for ex
ample at extremely low outside temperatures,
i n very dusty regions , when towing a trailer
very frequently, etc., some service work
should be performed between the intervals
specified. This applies particularly to:
- oil changes, and
- cleaning or replacing the air filter .
(® For the sake of the environment
By regularly maintaining your vehicle, you
help make sure that emission standards
are maintained, thus minimizing adverse
effects on the environment.
Important considerations for you and
your vehicle
The increasing use of electronics, sophisticat
ed fuel injection and emission contro l sys-
tems, and the genera lly increasing technical