218 Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank
-Blend must contain not more than 15%
Seasonally adjusted gasoline
Many gasoline grades are blended to perform
espec ially we ll for winter or summer driv ing.
During seasonal change-over, we suggest that
you fill up at busy gas stat ions where the sea
sonal adjustment is more likely to be made in
(CT) Note
- Methanol fuels which do not meet these
requirements may cause corrosion and
damage to plastic and rubber compo
nents in the fuel system .
- Do not use fuels that fai l to meet the
specified criteria in this chapter.
- If yo u are unable to determine whether
or not a particular fuel blend meets the
specifications, ask your service station or
its fuel sup plier.
- Do not use fuel for which the contents cannot be identified.
- Fuel system damage and performance
problems resulting from the use of fuels
different from those specified are not
the respons ibility of Audi and are not
covered under the New Vehicle or the Emission Control System Warranties.
- If you experience a loss of fuel economy
or driveability and performance prob l ems due to the use of one of these fuel
blends, we recommend that you switch
to unblended fuel.
Gasoline additives
A major concern among many auto manufac
turers is carbon deposit build- up caused by
the type of gasoline you use.
A lthough gasoline grades differ from one
manufacturer to another, they have certain
things in common. All gasoline g rades contain
substances that can cause deposits to co llect
on vital engine parts, such as fuel injectors
and intake valves. Although most gasoline
brands include additives to keep engine and fuel
systems clean, they a re not equally effec
tive .
A udi recommends using TOP TIER Detergent
Gasoline. For more information on TOP TIER
Detergent Gasoline, please go to the official
website (www.toptiergas.com).
After an extended period of using inadequate
f uels, carbon deposit build-ups can rob yo ur
engine of peak performance.
CD Note
Damage or malf u nct ion due to poor fuel
quality is not covered by the Aud i New Ve
hicle Limited Warranty.
Diesel fuel
Applies to veh icles: w ith diesel engine
Always use ULSD (Ultra Low Su lfu r Diesel)
No. 2. The U LSD No. 2 meets the ASTM D975.
Diesel fuel with concentrations of biodiese l
higher than 5 % s uch as Bl 1, B2O or BlOO are
strictly prohib ited.
Serv ice stat ion fuel pumps are labeled with
the correct fuel information for easy recogn i
t io n by the user. If the diesel fuel pump is not
labeled ask the station operator what fue l is
being dispensed before filling up your vehicle.
ULSD No. 2 may not be available outside the
USA and Canada. Be sure to check before trav
eling to other countries.
ULSD No. 2 can become thicker in very cold
temperatu res, and this can impair the en
gine's start ing and running. Depending on the
season, gas stat ions provide ULSD No. 2 that
flows better in cold temperatures so that you
can continue operating your vehicle as usua l.
CD Note
-Yo ur vehicle's diesel engine was de
signed soley for use with ULSD No. 2.
Therefore, never use gasoline, heating
oil, other fuels or flow improvers. These
conta in substances that will severely
damage the fuel system and the engine.
220 Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank
Refuelling procedure
.. Inse rt the fue l nozzle from the gasoline
pump into the fue l filler neck as far as it will
.. Se lect a medium refuelling rate so that the
no zzle switches off automatica lly when the
tank is full.
Putting the fuel cap back on
.. After filling your tank, twist the fuel fi ller
cap clockwise as far as it will go.
.. Close the fuel filler flap.
To avoid fuel spi lling or evaporating from the
fuel tank always close fuel fi ller cap properly
and completely. An improperly closed fuel fill
er cap may a lso cause the MIL lamp
q poge 29
to come on.
Improper refueling or handling of fue l can
cause fire, explosion and severe burns .
- Fuel is highly flammable and can cause
severe burns and other injuries.
- Failure to shut the engine off while refu
eling and/or to insert the pump nozzle
fully into the fuel filler neck could cause
fuel to spray out of filler neck or to over
flow. Fuel spray and overflow ing fuel can
c ause a fi re.
- Never use a cellular telephone wh ile re
fueling. The electromagnetic radiation
can cause sparks that can ign ite fue l va
pors and cause a fire.
- Never get back into you r vehicle while re
fueling. If in exceptiona l circumstances
yo u must get back in your vehicle whi le
refue ling, make certain that you close
the door and touch metal to discharge
static electricity before touching the fill
er nozzle again. Static electricity can
cause sparks that can ignite fuel vapors
released during refueling.
- Never smoke or have an open flame any
where in or near your vehicle when refu
eling or filling a portable fuel container .
- For your safety, we strongly recommend
that you do not travel w ith a portable fuel container in your vehicle. The con
tainer, full or empty may leak and could
cause a fire, especially in a crash.
- If, under exceptional circumstances, you
must transport a portable fuel container,
please observe the following:
- Never fill a portable fuel container
whi le it is anywhere in or on the vehicle
(for example, in the luggage compa rt
ment, or on the trunk) . Static electrici
ty can build up while filling and can ig
nite fuel vapors causing a fire.
- Always place a portab le fue l container
on the ground before fi lling.
- Always keep the filler nozzle complete
ly inside the portab le container before
and during filling.
- If filling a portab le container made of
metal, the f iller nozzle must always be
in contact with the container. This will
help prevent static electricity from d is
c harging and cause a fire.
- Never spill fuel inside the vehicle or
luggage compartment. Fuel vapors are
highly flammable .
- Always observe local and state/provin
cial laws regarding the use, storage
and transportation of fuel containers .
- Make certain the fuel container meets
industry standards (ANSI/ ASTM
F852 -86) .
(D Note
If any fuel has spilled onto the car, it
should be removed immediately to prevent
damage to the paint .
@) For the sake of the environment
As soon as the correctly operated no zzle
switches off automatically for the first
time, the tank is full. Do not try to add
more fuel because fuel may spill out . In
addition, the expansion space in the fuel
tank will be filled -causing the fuel to
overflow when it becomes warm and pol
l ute the environment .
M N <( I.J '
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(D Tips
-Running yo ur engine while refuelling
may cause vapors to escape or even
cause fue l to spill out of the tank. This
would then shut off the fuel nozzle be
fore the tank is full.
- Do not refuel your veh icle w ith the igni
tion switched on . The fuel gauge may
otherwise not indicate the correct fuel
level afte r refuelling.
- Diesel veh icles * are equipped w ith a die
se l m isf ueling protector. It allows the
vehicle to be f ueled on ly w ith a diesel
fuel pump nozzle . A wo rn o r damaged
no zzle or a nozz le tha t is too small may
no t be able to open the d iesel misfueling
protector. If this is the case, try turning
the nozz le before inserting it in the fue l
filler neck, use a different fuel p ump or
see your authorized Audi dealer or au
thorized repa ir facility for assistance.
- The fuel filler flap of your vehicle is not locked when you lock the vehicle from
the i nside.
Fuel filler flap emergency release
You con open the fuel filler flop by hand if the
power locking system should fail.
Fi g. 18 6 Luggage compa rtme nt: open ing t he s ide t rim
Fu el suppl y and filli ng your fuel t ank 221
Fig . 1 8 7 Right s ide tr im pane l in t he luggage com part ·
men t: emerge ncy re lease m echan is m
Opening the sid e trim
.,. To remove the right side t rim, first remove
the retainer from the mounts ¢
fig. 186.
.. Tu rn both lock ing mechanisms 90° to the
left using a coin or a similar object and re
move the locking mechanisms .
.. Tilt t he retainer upward and pull the trim
out. Lay the trim down o n its s ide, beca use
there is an e lectr ica l w ire on the back.
Fuel filler door em ergency release
The emergency release mechanism is located
behind the right side trim panel in the lug
gage compartment .
.. Loosen the loop
<=> fig. 187from th e retainer
and then pull on the loop carefully
<=> CD .
.. Press on the left side of the fue l filler door
to open
<=>page 219, fig. 184.
(D Note
Only p ull on the loop until yo u feel resist
ance. You w ill not hea r it release. Other
wise you could damage the eme rgency re
l ease mechanism.
Selective catalytic
General information
App lies to vehicles: wit h diesel engine
On vehicles with se lective cata lytic reduct ion,
an urea solution (AdB lue) is injected into the
exhaust system before a nitrogen ox ide cata
lytic co nve rter to reduce nitrogen emissions. ..,
282 Fuses and bulbs
No . Equipment Amps
4 Suspension control system sen-
5 Electron
ic Stabilization Control
(ESC) mod ule
6 Climate
7 Adaptive cruise control 10
Airbag control module, front
passenger's seat sensor system
9 Gateway 5
Garage door opener (Homelink),
10 night vision system contro l 5
11 Image processing (active
ass ist, adaptive cruise control)
12 Dynamic steering 5
13 Terminal 15
in the instrument
14 T
ermina l 15 in the luggage com-
partment 30
15 T
erminal 15 (engine)
16 Starter 40
Fuse panel @ (brown)
No . Equipment Amps
1 Gateway
2 Climate control 10
E lec tronic Stabilization Contro l
(ESC) module
4 Front door (driver's
5 Power seat adjustment (driver's
6 Dynamic steering
7 Su nroof 20
Rear door control module (driv- 15
er's side)
9 Lumbar support (Front passen-
ger seat)
10 Tire pressure monitoring system
11 Su
nroof, rear spoiler (Sportbac k)
12 Driver door
control module
Fuse panel© (red)
No . Equipment
2 Fuel pump
3 Brake light sensor/brake pedal
sensor system
4 AdBlue control module (Diesel)/
Engine acoustics
5 Left rear door contro l modu le
6 Power
seat adjustment (pas-
senger's seat)
7 Horn
8 Windshield wiper motor
Light/rain sensor, heater for vid-
eo camera in windscreen
10 Lumbar support (dr iver seat)
11 Front
passenger door control
12 Right rear door control mod ule
Front passenger side cockpit fuse
assignment Amps
5/7,5 30
7,5 15
Fig. 220 Front passenger side cockpit: fu se pane l w ith
plastic bracket
Fuse panel @ (black)
No. Equipment Amps
1 Head-up Display
2 MMI Display 5
3 CD/DVD changer
4 MMI unit/dr ives 7,5
5 Chip card reader (not
in all coun-
6 Instrument cluster
7 Steering column switch module 5