M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Door handle
Audi side assist display
Power locking sw itches
Memory function buttons .. .. .
Aud i side assist button ...... .
A ir vents with thumbwheel
Control lever for:
- T urn signal and high beam
- Audi act ive lane assist . .. .. .
@ Mu ltifunction steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag
- Driver information system but-
tons ... ..... ....... ... .. .
- Audio/video , telephone, navi
gation and voice recognition
- Steering wheel heating . ... .
- Shift padd les (automatic
transmission) ..... ... ... . .
® Instrument cluster ......... .
@ Head-up Display ........... .
@ Windshield washer system
lever .. .. ........ ..... .... .
@ Buttons for :
- MMI display
- Reset bu tton for tr ip odome-
te r .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .
@ Starting the engine if there is a
malfunction ............... .
~ Knee airbag ........... .. .. .
@ Steer ing whee l adjustment, de
pending on equipment:
- mechan ical .......... .. .. .
- electrical .... ....... ... .. .
@ Leve r for:
- Cru ise control system ... .. .
- Adaptive cruise contro l .. .. .
@ Button for sw itch ing the Head
up Disp lay on/off, adjusting the
h eight .. ............. .. .. .
@ Instrument illumination ... .. .
@ Eng ine hood release ........ . 98
46 95
151 24
113 11
2 7
In strument s and control s 9
@ Data Link Connector for On
Board Diagnostics (OBD II)
@ Light switch ... .. . .. ... .... .
@ Buttons for :
- All-weather lights
- Night v ision assistant .... .. .
- Rear fog lights .. .. .. ..... .
@ Power exterior m irror adjust-
ment ...... .. .. ..... ..... . 29
105 44
@ Rea r lid switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
@ Power w indows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
@ MMI display
@ Emergency flashe rs . . . . . . . . . . 45
@ Glove compartment . . . . . . . . . 61
@) Front passenger's airbag . . . . . 151
@ Valet parking feature . . . . . . . . 41
@ Drives (MMI)
@ Buttons/Indicator lights fo r
- Start-Stop-System . . . . . . . . . 81
- Parking system . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
- PASSENG ER AIR BAG OF F . . . . 160
- Rear spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
- Electron ic Stabilization Con-
t rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7
@ Climate controls, depending on
vehicle equipment:
- Three-zone cl imate control . . 70
- F our-zone automatic climate
cont rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
@ Storage compartment or ash-
t ray wit h cigarette lighter . . . . . 59, 59
@ I S T ART ENGINE STOPI button 76
@ MM I controls
@ 12-volt socket, (upho lder 60, 60
@ E lectromechanical parking
brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
@ Selector lever (a utomatic trans-
mission) 109
(D Tips
-Some of the equipment or fea tures
show n in the genera l ill ustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be opt ional equ ipment depending
on your model. Always ask your
16 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
-If the brake warning/indicator light does
not go out after a few seconds and the
park ing brake is released, or lights up
wh ile you are driving, the fluid level in
the brake fluid reservoir is too low .
If you
believe that it is safe to do so, proceed
immediately at low speed to the nearest
authori zed Aud i dealer o r qualified repa ir
f acili ty and have the brake system in
- Always keep in m ind that after several
brake applicat ions, yo u will need greater
pressure on the brake peda l to stop your
vehicle. Do not re ly on strained brakes to
respond with maxim um stopp ing power
in critical situations. You must allow for
increased brak ing distances . The extra
distance used up by fad ing brakes could
lead to an acc ident.
PARK/( ®) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the
electromechanical parking brake.
If the indicator light . (USA models)/ .
(Canada models) turns on, the park ing brake
was set .
• (U SA models) • (Canada models ) Cau
tion: Vehicle pa rked too steep
If the indicator light blinks and the message
appears, there is not eno ugh braking power to
keep the vehicle from ro lling . The brakes have
overheated. The vehicle could ro ll away even
on a small incline.
P res s brake pedal to relea se parking brake
To release the parking bra ke, press t he b ra ke
pedal and press the button~ or start d riving
with start ing assist at the same time
c::> pageBO .
Please release parking brake
To release the parking brake ma nually, press
the brake pedal and press the button~ at the
same time . T he parking brake on ly re leases
automatically if the dr iver's safety be lt is fas
Ill Parking brak e!
If the Ill ind icator light tu rns o n and this
message appears , the re is a parking b rake
malfunction . Drive to your au thorized A udi
dealer or qualif ied workshop immediately to
have the malfunction corrected .
-L Engine cooling system malfunction
A malfunction in th e engine cooling system
must be repaired as soon as possible.
• Swit ch off engin e and check coolant level
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appea rs, the coolant temperature is too
high o r the coolant leve l is too low.
.. Pull
off the road .
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tu rn
off the engi ne .
.,. Check coolant level
c::> page 231.
.. Add coo lant if necessary c::> page 232 .
.,. Con tinue dr iv ing on ly afte r the engine coo l
ant warning/indicator light goes out .
.. Contact your authorized A udi dealer for as-
sistance if necessary.
If the engine coo lant level is correct, then the
radiator fan may be the ca use of the malfunc
tion .
• Coolant temperature too high! Plea se let
engin e run with vehicl e st ationary
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appea rs, let the engine run at id le for a
f ew m inutes to cool down.
- If your vehicle should break down for
mechanical or other reaso ns, park at a
safe distance from mov ing traffic, turn
off the eng ine and turn on the hazard
warn ing lights
c::> page 45, Emergency
flasher .
-Never open the hood if you see or hear
steam or coo lant escaping from the en
g in e compartment -you r isk being scald
ed. Wait unt il you can no lo nger see or
hear steam o r coolant escap ing .
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
,...., ..,., ,....,
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 19
~/ !J.: Safety systems
The fl (USA models)/ E,I (Canada mode ls) in
d icator light moni tors the safety systems (e.g.
airbags, pretensioners) and illuminates for a
few seconds each time you switch the ignition
If the II (USA mode ls)/ E,I (Canada models)
indicator light does not go out, or if it illumi
nates while you are driving, or if it starts to
blink, then there is a ma lfunction somewhere
in the system.
If the light does not illuminate
when you switch the ignition on, this also means there is a malfunction.
If you have a malfunction in the safety sys
tems, contact your author ized Audi dealer
immediately. Otherw ise the safety sys
tems may not wo rk p roperly in an acci
& Central indicator light
I f the indicator light . or II turns on, check
the message in the instrument cluster.
f;.J ~ Electronic Stabilization Control
If the J.i3 indicator light blinks wh ile driving,
the ESC or ASR (Ant i-Slip Regulation) is active
ly regulating.
If the
G1 indicator light turns on, the system
has sw itched the ESC off. In this case, you can
switch the ignition off and then on to switch
the ESC on again. The indicator light turns off
when the system is functioning fully.
If the
fl indicator light turns on, ESC was re
stricted using the
I ~ OF FI button ¢ page 195 .
Stabilization cont rol (E SC /AB S): F ault! See
owner 's manu al
If the DJ indicator light and the ABS indicator
f;U1 (USA models) 1 11] (Canada mode ls)
turn on and the message appears, the ABS or
electronic differential lock is ma lfunction ing .
This a lso causes the ESC to malfunct ion. The brakes still function with their normal power,
but ABS is not active.
rive to your author ized A udi dealer or quali
f ied wor kshop immed iate ly to have the mal
f unct ion corrected .
If the . (USA mode ls)/ . (Canada mod
e ls) brake system indicator light turns on
together with the ABS and ESC indicator
lights, the ABS/ESC regulating function
may have fa iled. Functions that stabilize
the vehicle are no longe r available. Th is
could cause the vehicle to swerve and in
crease the risk of sliding. Drive ca refully to
the nea rest authori zed Audi dealer or oth
e r qualified workshop and have the ma l
f u nction corrected.
(D Tips
For additional informat ion on ESC and
ABS, refer to
¢page 195.
ABS/(8) Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
This warning/indicator light monitors the ABS
and the elec tronic differential lock (EDL).
The wa rning/indicator light f;U1 (USA mod-
I ii] (Canada models) w ill com e on for a
few seconds whe n the ignition is switched on.
T he light will go o ut after an automa tic check
sequence is comp leted .
There is a malfunct ion in the ABS when:
- The warn ing/indicator light does not illum i
nate when you switch the ign it ion on.
- The warn ing/indicato r light does not go out
after a few seconds.
- The warning/indicator light illum inates
while driving.
The ESC indicator lig ht also illuminates if
there is a malfunction in the ABS. The mes
S tab ilizat ion control (ESC /ABS ): Fault!
S ee owner's manual
also appears in the i n
strument cluster d isp lay and a warning tone
26 Instruments and warning /indicator lights
-Distance d riven in mi les (km) from the
short-term memory
- Current fue l co nsumption in MPG (l/100
k m)
- Sho rt-t erm memo ry overview
- Long -term memo ry overview
The sho rt-term memo ry co llects d riving i nfo r
mat ion from the time the ignition is switched
on un til it is switched off . If yo u con tinue dr iv
i ng wi thin two hou rs a fter switching the igni
tion off, the new val ues are i ncl uded when cal
culating the current trip informa tion .
Unlike the short-term memory , the long-term
memory is no t erased au toma tically. You can
se lec t t he time period fo r eval uat ing trip in
formation yo urself.
For some ve hicle fu nctions, you can access the
tr ip info rmat ion from the tempor ary memory
in t he line
Fuel consumption
The cu rrent fuel consumpt ion can be dis
p layed using a bar
c::> fig. 8 . The average con
sumpt ion (mpg) stored in the short-term
memory is a lso di splayed. Whe n the bar tur ns
g reen, you r vehicle s aves fuel by one of the
followi ng fun ctions:
- Recuperation : When the vehicle is coasting
o r dr iv ing downh ill, ele ctrical energy ca n b e
store d in t he b atte ry. The bar w ill move to
ward 0.
-Cylinder on demand System* : when the de
ma nd for power is low a nd other conditions
are met, the en gine automa tica lly deac ti
vates four cylinde rs . T he driver and passen
gers w ill not eve n notice th is . T he message
4 cylinder mode appears under the bar . T he
cylinders switch on again when more power
is needed .
@ Tips
Fuel cons umpti ons (average an d cur rent),
ra nge and speed are displaye d in metr ic
un its o n Ca nadian mode ls .
Efficiency program
Applies to vehicles: wit h effic ie ncy program
Fig . 9 Trip comp uter : ot her eq uipment
Fig. 10 Display: exa mple of a fue l econo my message
The efficiency program can he lp you to use
less fue l. It shows othe r equipment influenc
ing consumption and fuel economy messages
provide t ips for eff icient driving. The eff ic iency
program uses distance and co nsump tion data
from t rip computer 1 .
To d isp lay the eff ic iency p rogram , call up
hide functions and select t he menu opt io n
Efficiency program .
Other equipment
Other equipment that is cu rrently affecti ng
fuel consumpt io n is liste d in the view
sumer . The display shows up to three other
items of eq uipme nt @
c::> fig . 9. The equ ip
ment using the most fuel is lis ted first. If
more than th ree items us ing f uel are sw itched
o n, the equipmen t that is cu rren tly us ing the
m os t fue l is disp layed .
A scale @also s hows the current total co n
sumption of all othe r equipmen t.
30 Instruments and warning /indicator lights
has been assigned a code. In case of a ma l
function, the component will be identified
and the fault stored as a code in the contro l
module memory.
The MIL light may a lso illuminate if there is a
leak in the on-board fue l vapor recovery sys
tem .
If the light illuminates after a refue lling,
stop the vehicle and make sure the fuel filler
cap is properly closed ¢
page 219.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the
stored data can only be displayed using spe
cial diagnostic equipment (generic scan tool
for OBD) .
In order to connect the special diagnostic
equipment, push the plug into the Data L ink
Connector (DLC). The DLC is located to the
right of the hood release¢
fig. 16.
Your authorized Audi dealer or a qualified
service station can interpret the code and per
form the necessary repair .
Do not use the diagnostic connector for
personal use . Incorrect usage can cause
malfunctions, which can increase the risk
of a coll ision!
Electronic speed limiter
Your veh icle may be factory equipped with
tires that are rated for a maximum speed of
130 mph (210 km/h). This is less than the
maximum speed of you r vehicle. To reduce the
risk of sudden tire failure and loss of control if
the vehicle is operated at excessive speeds,
your veh icle also has an electronic speed limit
er. The electronic speed limiter prevents your
vehicle from go ing faster than the tire speed
rating. For more informat ion ¢
page 260 .
If the engine control unit receives faulty vehi
cle road speed s ignals, the Malfunction Indi
cator Lamp (MIU
¢'4 will illuminate. If this
occurs, contact the nearest authorized Aud i
dealer for assistance. S models
vehicle's top speed is elect ron icall y limit
ed to 155 mph (250 km/h).
If the engine control unit receives faulty veh i
cle roadspeed signals, the Malfunction Indica
tor Lam p (MIL)
¢'4 will illuminate . If this oc
curs, contact the nearest authorized Audi
dealer for assistance.
-= -
Always observe the posted speed limits
and adjust your speed to suit prevailing
road, traffic and weather cond itions. Never
drive your vehicle faster than the maxi
mum speed rating of the tires installed .
48 Clear vis ion
automatically and will go o ut comp letely
when the outside light is very low. This
feature is meant to remind you to switch on the headlights when outs ide light con
ditions become poor.
Sun visors
( )
Fig. 42 Sun viso r
The sun visors for the dr iver and passenge r
can be released from the ir brackets and
turned toward the doors
9 fig. 42@.
The mirror light switches on whe n the cover
over the vanity mirror @opens .
Sun shade
Applies to vehicles: with s un shade
The sun shade is located on the luggage com
partment shelf.
Fi g. 4 3 Sun s hade in lowered position
When the sun shade is in the lowe red posi
tion, it is secured in the retaine r@ .
~ To ra ise ® the su n shade, remove it from
the reta iner .
-Do not use t he sun shade to secure cargo.
The luggage compartme nt cover is not a
surface for storing objects. Objects p laced
on th e cove r could enda nger all vehi cle oc
cup ants dur ing s udden braki ng maneuvers
or i n a crash.
Wiper and washer
Switching the windshield wipers on
Fig. 44 W indshield wiper leve r
Move the windshie ld wiper lever to the corre
sponding position:
@ -Windshield wipers off
(D-Rain sensor mode . The windsh ie ld wipers
swi tch on once the veh icle speed exceeds ap
proximate ly 2 mph ( 4 km/h) and it is ra ining.
T he higher t he rain sensor sensit ivity is set
(switch @to the right), the earlier the wind
shield wipers react to moisture on the w ind
shield. You can deactivate rain sensor mode in
the MMI, which will then activate interm ittent
mode. Select:
I CAR ! funct ion button > (Car )*
cont ro l butto n > Driver as sist > Rain
sensor > Off .
In inte rm ittent mode, yo u can
adjust the interval time using the sw itch @.
@ -Slow w iping
® -Fast wiping
@ -Single wipe. If you ho ld the lever in this
position longer, the wipe rs switch from s low
wiping to fast w iping.
® -Clean the w indshie ld. The wipe rs wipe
one time after severa l seconds of driving to
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Front cupholder
• To open the cupholder, tap the cover
¢fig. 60.
Rear cupholder*
• To open the rear cupholder, press on the
'i @ ¢ fig. 61.
• To adjust the arm@, swing it in the direc
t ion of the arrow.
• Place the beverage in the holder and release
the arm. The arm swings back by itself and
automatically secures the beverage.
• To close the rear cup holder, press on the
center section between the two arms and
push the cupholder in the slot as far as it
will go .
Spilled hot liquid can cause an accident
and personal injury.
- Never carry any beverage containers with
hot liquids, such as hot coffee or hot tea,
in the vehi cle while it is moving . In case
of an accident, sudden braking or other
vehicle movement, hot liquid could spill,
causing sca lding burns. Spilled hot liquid
can a lso cause an accident and personal
- Use only soft cups in the cupholder . Hard
cups and g lasses can cause injury in an
- Never use the cupholder or adapter as an
ashtray -risk of fire.
(D Note
On ly drink containers with lids should be
carried in the cupho lder. Liquid could spill
out and damage your vehicle's e lectronic
equipment or stain the upholstery, etc.
Seats and storage 61
Cooled glove compartment
Applies to vehicles: w ith cooled g love compart men t
The cooled glove compartment only functions
when the AIC system is switched on .
Fig. 62 Glove compartment: sw it c h in g cooling mode
• Turn the knob@counterclockwise to switch
cooling on. The symbols on the knob indi
cate the correct position .
• Turn the knob @clockwise to switch cooling
The glove compartment cooling mode only
functions when the vehicle A/C system is
switched on . If the heating is switched on,
switching the glove compa rtment cooling
mode off is recommended.
Always leave the lid on the glove compart
ment cover closed while driving to reduce
the r isk of injury.
Additional storage
There are a variety of storage compartments
and fasteners in various places in the vehicle .
- Storage compartments in the doors
- Compartment in the glove compartment
(coo led*) . Th e g love compartment can be
locked using the mechanica l key ¢
page 32.
-Storage compartment for (sun)glasses* in
the roof (near the interio r mirror)
- Storage compartments under the center
- Storage compartment on the rear side of
the front seat*. The compartment can hold a
maximum weight of 1 kg. ..,..
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Warm and cold Climate controls
App lies to vehicles: with three -zone cl imate contro l or
four -zone a uto mat ic climate contro l
The climate control system warms, cools and
adds humidity to the air in the vehicle interior.
It is the most effective when the windows and
sunroof* are closed . If the temperature inside
the parked veh icle becomes very warm, open
i ng the w indow br iefly will speed up the cool
ing process.
In all heating mode functions except
the blower on ly switches to a higher speed
once the engine coolant has reached a certain
Condensat ion from the cooling system can
drip and form a puddle of wate r under the ve
h icle. This is normal and does not mean there
is a leak .
Pollutant filt er
The pollutant filter removes pollutants such
as dust and po llen from the air.
The air pollutants filter must be changed at
the intervals specified in your Warranty
Maintenance booklet, so that the air condi
tioner can properly work .
If you drive your vehicle in an area with high
a ir pollution, the filter may need to be
changed more frequently than specified in
your Aud i Warranty
& Ma intenance booklet. If
i n doubt, ask your authori zed Audi Service Ad
visor for adv ice.
K ey coded settings
Three-zone climate control: T he b lower set
ting and air d istribution are stored automati
cally and ass igned to the remote control key
that is in use .
Four-zone automatic climate control: The cli
mate contro l settings are automatica lly stor
ed and assigned to the remote control key
that is in use .
Warm and c old 69
Reduced visibi lity is dangerous and can
cause acc idents .
- For safe driving it is very important that
all windows be free of ice, snow and con
densat ion.
- Comp letely fam il iarize yourse lf with the
proper use and funct ion of the heat ing
a nd ventilation system and especially
how to defog and defrost the w indows.
- Never use the windshield wiper/washer system in freez ing weathe r unt il you
have wa rmed the windshie ld first, using
the heating and ventilation system. The
washer sol ution may freeze on the wind
shie ld and red uce visibi lity.
CJ) Note
- If you s uspect that the air conditioner
has been damaged, switch the system
off to avoid furt her damage and have it
inspected by a qualified dea lership .
- Repairs to the Audi air conditioner re
quire specia l technical know ledge and
special tools. Contact an authorized Audi
dealer fo r ass istance.
@ For the sake of the envi ronment
By reducing the amount of f uel you use,
you also red uce the amount of pollutants
emitted into the air.
(D Tips
- Keep the air intake s lo ts ( in front of the
w indshield) free from ice, snow and de
bris in order to maintain the proper func
tion of the climate control system.
- The energy ma nagement system may
switch the seat heating* or rear window defroster off temporar ily. These systems
are available again as soon as the energy
balance has been restored .
- Air escapes through vents under the rear window. When plac ing items of cloth ing
on the luggage compartment cover, en
sure that the openings are not covered.