Door handle
Power locking sw it ch
Memory buttons (dr iver's seat)
Button for side ass ist
A ir outlets
L ight switch
Control lever for :
- T urn signal and high beam
@ Multifunction steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag
- Audio/video, telephone, navi-
gation and vo ice recogni tion
- Rocker switches for tiptroni c
opera tion ........... .... .
® ISET I button .... .... ... .... .
@ Instrument cluster .. ...... . .
@ Reset button for trip odometer
@ Sw itches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer
- Trip computer ..... ... ... . .
@ Ignition lock .............. .
(8) Adjustable steering column
@ Con trol lever for :
- Cruise contro l ......... ... .
- adaptive cruise control ..... .
@ Instrument lighting .... .. .. .
@ Release lever for the engine
hood .. .. .. .. ........... .. .
@ Data L ink Connector for On
Board Diag nostics (OBD II) . .. .
@ Switch for unlocking the trunk
lid .. .. .. ...... ..... ...... .
@ Adjuste r control fo r outside m ir-
r ors .. .. .. .. ........... .. .
@ Power window switches ... .. .
@ Rad io-Display1l or MMI-Display
l) T he image in t he d is pl ay will app ea r e ither in mu lt ipl e
col ors or in a singl e co lor , de pen din g o n th e vehicl e
e q ui pment. T he m ulti co lo r im age w ill b e used i n this
O w ner's M anual becau se bo th mu lt i co lo r and sin gle
c o lor ver sio ns are almost iden tic al.
In strument s and control s 9
@) Depending on options:
- Rad io system
- CD changer
Emergency flasher
G love compartment (lockab le)
Front passenger's airbag .....
Depend ing o n options, sw itches
- drive select .. .. .......... .
- Electronic Stabilization Con-
trol . ... .. .. .. . .. ... .... .
- Rear window sun shade .. .. .
@ Deluxe automat ic cl imate con-
trol ...... .. .... .......... .
@) Depending on options, selecto r
lever or shift lever for :
- Manual transmission ...... .
- Automatic transmission .... .
@ Ashtray with cigarette lighter
@ Depend ing on options:
- MMI contro l console or
- drive select .. .... ........ .
- Electronic Stab ilizat ion Con-
trol button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
- Power switch for rear window sun shade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
@ I START ENG IN E STOPI button 74
@) Electromec hanical pa rking
brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
(D Tips
-Some of the equipment o r feat ures
show n in the genera l ill ustration may be
standard equ ipment on your vehicle or
may be optional eq uipment depending
on your model. Always as k your author
ized Aud i dea ler if you have a question
about your vehicle.
- Operat ion of the Multi Med ia Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manual.
16 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
-Always observe the warnings in
i=> page 206, before opening the hood
and checking the brake fluid.
- Driv ing with low brake fluid is a safety
hazard. Stop the car and get professional
- If the . (USA
models) ;II (Canada
models) brake system indicator l ight
turns on together with the ABS and ESC indicator lights, the ABS/ESC regu lating
function may have failed. F unctions that
stabilize the vehicle are no longer availa
ble. This could cause the vehicle to
swerve and increase the risk of sliding .
Drive carefu lly to the nearest authorized
Audi dealer or other qualified workshop
and have the malfunction corrected.
- If the brake warning/indicator light does not go out after a few seconds and the
park ing brake is released, or lights up
wh ile you are driving, the fluid level in
the brake fluid reservoir is too low . If you
believe tha t it is safe to do so, proceed
immediately at low speed to the nearest
authorized Audi dealer or qualified work shop and have the bra ke system inspect
- Always keep in m ind that after several
brake applications, yo u will need greater
pressure on the b rake peda l to stop your
vehicle. Do not re ly on strained brakes to
respond w ith maximum stopp ing power
in critical situations. You must allow for
increased brak ing distances . The extra
distance used up by fad ing brakes could
lead to an acc ident.
:fil.J(® ) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the
electromechanical parking brake .
If the indicator light. (USA models)/ .
(Canada models) turns on, the park ing brake
was set . If the parking brake is set when the
ignit ion is off, the indicator light turns off af
ter about 20 seconds. T
he warn ing/indicator light wi ll go out when
the parking brake is re leased.
• (USA model s) /. (Canada mod els) Cau
ti on: Vehicle parke d too steep
If the indicato r light b links and the message
appea rs, there is not enough bra king power to
k eep the vehicle from roll ing . T he brakes have
overheated. The veh icle cou ld roll away even
on a sma ll incline.
Pre ss brak e pedal to rel eas e parking brake
To re lease the park ing brake, press the brake
pedal and press the button(®) or start driving
with sta rting assist at t he same time
i=> page 77.
Pl ease r elea se parking brake
To re lease the park ing brake manually, p ress
the brake pedal and press the button®) at
the same time. The parking brake on ly releas
es automatically if the driver's safety be lt is
Iii Parking brake!
If t he Iii ind icator light tu rns o n and this
message appears, there is a parking brake
malfunction. Drive to your authorized A udi
dealer or qualified workshop immediately to
have the malfunct ion corrected.
~ Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to
put on your safety belt.
T he . warning/ indicator light illuminates
when the ignition is switched on to remind
the driver and (on USA models only) any front
passenger to put on the safety be lt. Addit ion
ally, an acoustic warning (gong) will also
For more Informat ion
c:> page 129, Safety
belt warning light.
In o rder to connect the special diagnostic
equipment, push the plug into the Data Link
Connector (DLC) . The DLC is located to the
right of the hood release ¢
fig. 18.
Your authorized A udi dealer or qualified work
shop can interpret the code and perform the necessary repa ir.
Do not use the diagnostic connector for
personal use. Incorrect usage can cause
malfunctions, which can increase the risk
of a coll is ion!
Electronic speed limiter
Your veh icle may be factory equipped with
tires that are rated for a maximum speed of 130 mph (210 km/ h). Thi s is may be less than
the maximum speed of your ve hicle. To red uce
the risk of sudden ti re failure and loss of con
trol if the vehicle is operated at excessive
speeds, your vehicle has an e lectronic speed
limiter. The electronic speed limiter prevents
your veh icle from going faster than the t ire
speed rat ing . For more informat ion
¢ page 233 .
If the engine control unit rece ives fa ulty vehi
cle roadspeed signa ls, the Ma lfunction Indica
tor Light (MIL)
¢4 will illuminate . If this oc
curs, contact the nearest authorized Audi
deale r for assistance.
Always observe the posted speed limits
and ad just yo ur speed to suit p revail ing
road, traff ic and weather conditions . Never
drive your vehicle faster than the maxi
mum speed rating of the tires insta lled .
Dri ver information di spla y 31
146 Airbag system
To reduce the risk of injury when an airbag
inflates, always wear safety belts properly.
- If you are unrestrained, leaning forward,
sitting sideways or out of position in any
way, your risk of injury is much higher .
- You will also receive serious injuries and
could even be killed if you are up against
the airbag or too close to it when it in
flates -even with an Advanced Airbag
~ page 137.
More important things to know about
front airbags
Fig. 134 Inflated front airbags
Safety belts are important to help keep front
seat occupants in the proper seated pos ition
so that airbags can unfold properly and pro
vide supplemental protection in a frontal col lision.
The front airbags are designed to provide ad ditional protection for the chest and face of
the driver and the front seat passenger when:
- safety belts are worn properly,
- the seats have been positioned so that the
occupant is properly seated as far as possi
ble from the airbag,
- and the head restraints have been properly adjusted .
Because airbags inflate in the blink of an eye
with great force, things you have on your lap
or have placed on the seat could become dan
gerous projectiles, and be pushed into you if
the airbag inflates.
When an airbag deploys, fine dust is released.
This is normal and is not caused by a fire in the vehicle.
This dust is made up mostly of a
powder used to lubricate the airbags as they
It could irritate skin.
It is important to remember that while the
supplemental airbag system is designed to re
duce the likelihood of serious injuries, other
injuries, for example swelling, bruising and
minor abrasions, can also happen when air
bags inflate. Airbags do not protect the arms
or the lower parts of the body . Front airbags
only supplement the three point safety belts
in some frontal collisions in which the vehicle
deceleration is high enough to deploy the air
Front airbags will not deploy:
- if the ignition is switched off when a crash
- in side collisions,
- in rear-end collisions,
- in rollovers,
- when the crash deceleration measured by
the airbag system is less than the minimum
threshold needed for airbag deployment as
registered by the electronic control unit .
The front passenger airbag will also not
- when the front passenger seat is not occu
- when the weight on the front passenger
seat as sensed by the Advanced Airbag Sys
tem indicates that the front airbag on the passenger side has to be turned off by the
electronic control un it (the
light comes on and stays on) .
Sitting in the wrong position can increase
the risk of serious injury in crashes.
- To reduce the risk of injury when the air
bags inflate, the driver and passengers
must always sit in an upr ight position,
must not lean against or place any part
of their body too close to the area where
the airbags are located.
206 Checking and filling
Checking and filling
Engine hood
Releasing and opening the engine hood
The engine hood is released from inside the
vehicle .
Fig . 159 D river' s side footwe ll: e ngin e hood re lease
F ig. 160 Re lease lever u nde r the eng ine hood
Before openin g the engine hood, ma ke s ure
that the windshie ld w ipers are flat against the
windshield. Otherwise, they co uld damage the
pa int on the hoo d.
... Pull the release lever on the left unde r the
inst rument panel in the direction of the ar
c;, fig . 159.
... Raise the hood slightly r::;, .&,
... Press the rocke r swi tch u nder the hood up
c;, fig . 160 . Th is re leases the catch .
... Ope n t he hood.
Hot engi ne co olan t ca n bur n you.
- T o redu ce the r is k o f being burned, never
op en t he ho od if yo u see or hea r steam
or cool an t esc aping from the en gine
c ompartment. Wait unti l no steam or co
olant can be seen or heard before care
fu lly opening the hood.
Closing the engine hood
... Pull the hood down until the pressure from
the struts is reduced .
... Le t the hood
drop down and latch in p lace.
Do not try to push it shut; it may fail to en
r::;, .&, .
A ho od th at is not co mpletely latched
could fly u p an d block your view while driv
in g.
- Wh en you close the engi ne ho od, ch ec k it
t o make sure the sa fe ty ca tch has pro pe r
ly engaged . The hood s hould be flush
wit h the surroun ding vehicle body pa rts .
-If you notice while driv in g that t he hood
is not secured prope rly, sto p at once and
close it.
Working in the engine compartment
Be especially ca reful whenever you work in
the engine compartment.
Whenever you must perform any work in the
engine compartment, for example checking
and filling different fluid s, there is a ri sk of
injury , burns and accidents . To prevent per
sonal injury always observe the following
WARNINGS. The engine compartment of any
vehicle is a hazardous area
r::;, ,&. .
-To help avo id injury, before yo u check any-
thing unde r the hoo d:
- Turn off the eng ine.
- Remove the ignition key.
- Ap ply the park ing brake .
- Move selector leve r of automatic t rans -
miss io n to "P" (Par k); pu t man ual trans
miss ion in Neu tral.
- Al ways let the eng ine cool down. Hot
components wi ll burn skin on contact .
Technical Data
Vehicle identification
F ig. 196 Veh ide Identificat ion Number (VlN) plate: lo ·
c ation on d river 's s ide das h panel
~ fAllftlli. -llllll · NR. ~ W!ru -IIOO -NO.
®i ~W.::·f :l~~ XXXX XXX XXX
©+ ::rw= xxxx I xxxx XXX I xx
2E H JDZ 1LB lA S 18A
3FC SMU 7X l
TL6 3 KA 8EH UlA X98 027
lXW 803 908 824 D2D
7T6 CV7 7KO 4X3 2K2
3L4 4KC 3YO 413 502
1S A 7GB 01A 4GO
Fig. 197 Th e vehicle identification label: ins ide the lu g·
ga ge compar tmen t
Vehicle Identification Number (VlN)
The Veh icle Identification Number is located
in different p laces :
- under the windshield on the driver's side
9fig. 196.
- in the radio or in the MM!*: Select: ICARI
function button > Vehicle ID number (VIN)
or select : I CAR I function button> Car sys
control button > Servicing & checks >
VIN number .
-on the vehicle identification label. Technical Data 261
Vehicle identification label
he vehicle identification label is located in
the luggage compartment near the battery.
T he label 9
fig. 197 shows the follow ing vehi
cl e data :
(D Vehicle Identificat ion Number (VIN)
@ Vehicle type, engine output, transm ission
@ Engine and transmission code
© Paint number and interior
® Optional equipment numbers
T he information of the vehicle identification
label can also be found in your Warranty
Maintenance booklet.
Safety compliance sticker
The safety compliance sticker is your assur
ance that yo ur new veh icle complies with all
applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards which were in effect at the time the
vehicle was manufactured. You can find this
sticker on the door jamb on the driver's side.
It shows the month and year of production
and the vehicle identification number of your
vehicle (perforation) as well as the Gross Veh i
cle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Gross Ax le
Weight Rating (GAWR) .
High voltage warning label
The high voltage warning label is located in
the engine compartment next to the engine hood release. The spark ign ition system com
plies with the Canadian standard ICES-002 .
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR), and
the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for
front and rear are listed on a sticker on the
door jamb on the driver's s ide .
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating includes the
weight of the bas ic vehicle plus full fuel tank,
o il and coo lan t, plus maximum load, which in
cludes passenger we ight (150 lbs/68 kg per
designated seating position) and luggage
weight9 ,:'.Q,..
Engine compartment
Safety instructions ................ . 206
Working the engine compartment 206
Engine coolant
Indicator light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Engine coolant system .......... ... .. 213
Adding coolant .............. ... ... 214
Checking coolant level ..... .. .. .. .. . 213
Checking the engine coolant level . . . . . 213
Radiator fan ............. .. .. .. .. . 215
Engine coolant temperature Temperature gauge .......... .... ... 10
Engine hood Closing .. .. .. ........... .. .. .. ... 206
How to release the hood ... .. .. .. .. . 206
Engine oil ... ................ ... ... 208
Adding .... ................ ... ... 211
Additives . .. .. ........... .. .. .. ... 211
Changing .. ............. .... .. ... 212
Check oil level ........... .... .. ... 211
Consumption ............... ... ... 211
Indicator light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21
Oil consumption . ...... ... .. .. .. .. . 210
Oil grades ..................... ... 208
Pressure malfunction ...... .. .. .. .. .. 17
Sensor defective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Specification and viscosity ... ... .. .. . 208
Engine speed limitation .......... .... . 21
Environment Break-in period ........... .. .. .. ... 188
Catalytic converter ............ ... .. 189
Disposing of your vehicle battery ..... 220
Driving at high speeds .......... .... 190
Driving to minim ize pollution and noise 190
Fu el . .. .. .. .. .. ........... .. .. ... 204
Fu el economy ..................... 190
Leaks under your vehicle ............ 206
Letting the vehicle stand and warm up. 191
Proper disposal of drained brake fluid . 216
Proper disposal of drained engine cool-
ant . .... .. .. ............. .. .. ... 214
Proper disposal of drained engine
oil ...... ... ............. ... 211,212
Recycling used engine oil . .. .. .. .. .. . 211
Roof rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Unleaded fuel . ........... .. .. .. ... 201
What should I do with an old battery? . 220
Index 273
refer to Electronic power control . . . . . . 20
Ethyl alcohol (Fuel) . ................. 202
Event Data Recorder (EDR) ........ .... 180
Exhaust tail pipes Cleaning ... ..... .. ............... 197
Expansion tank .. .... ... ....... ..... 213
Exterior lighting . .. ................. . 43
Exterior m irrors
Adjusting ..... .... ................ 46
Dimming ... ..... .. ................ 47
Heating ........................... 46
Fastening 215
Booster seats .. ...... ......... .... 169
Convertible child safety seats .... .... 168
Infant seats
Flat tire 167
Changi ng ... .. .. .. .. ........... .. 244
flexible fuel ... .. .... ............... 202
Floor mats ... ..... .. ............... 124
Fog lights/rear fog lig ht(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Folding the rear seats ... ............. . 63
Foot pedals . .. .. .. .. ............... 124
For the sake of the environment Gasoline fumes and the environment .. 204
Letting the engine warm up . . . . . . 71, 74
Refueling . .. .. .. ................. 204
Saving fuel by early upsh ifting ... .. .. . 11
Front airbags Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
How they work ... .. . .. .... ........ 146
Frontal collisions and the laws of physics 130
Front passenger's door emergency locking 37
Front seats Adjusting ....... .. ..... .......... 121
Child restraints in the front seat ...... 138
Fuel Additives .... .. ...... ............. 201
Blended gasoline ... . .. .... ........ 201
Consumption .. ... ............... .. 25
Filler neck . .. .. .... .......... ..... 203
Fuel gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12