2013 AUDI A5 COUPE coolant

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Page 12 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 10  Instruments and  warning/indicator  lights 
Instruments  and  warning/indicator  Lights 
Instrument  cluster  and  controls 
The instrument  cluster  is your  central  source of  info

Page 13 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual Instrument s  and  warning /indicator  lights  11 
- Always observe the  warning  in 
¢ page  209,  Engine compartment, be­
fore  opening  the  hood  and checking  the 
engine  coolant

Page 20 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 18  Instrum ent s and  w arn ing /indic ato r  light s 
...L Engine  cooling  system 
A malfunction  in the  engine  cooling system 
must  be  repaired  as soon  as possible . 
• Turn off  engine  a

Page 69 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold Climate  controls 
Th e climate  control  sy stem  warms,  cools  and 
adds  humidity  to  the  a ir in the  veh icle  inter io r. 
It is the  most  effect ive when  the

Page 200 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 198  Trailer  towing 
Tire  pre ss ure 
When  towing  a  trai le r,  inflate  the  t ires  of  your 
vehicle  to the  co ld  tire  pressure  listed  under 
"Full  load"  on  the  label  located  on  t

Page 219 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual -Apply the  parking  brake. 
- Move selector  lever  of  automatic  trans-
mission  to  "P" (Park);  put  manual  trans­
mission  in  Neutral. 
- Always  let  the  engine  cool  down . Hot 

Page 220 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 218  Checking  and  filling 
Engine  compartment 
Engine compartment 
These are the  most  important  items  that  you  can check. 
Fig.  169 Typical  layout  for  containers  and  eng ine  o il fille

Page 225 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual Engine  cooling  system 
The  engine  coolant  performs  two  functions:  it 
keeps  the  engine  from  overheating  and  it pro ­
tects  the  engine  from  freezing  in the  winter . 
The c
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