12 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
disabled. It is also important to notify your in
surance company about the loss .
Setting the speed warning
By pressing the I SETI button br iefly, you can
set threshold 1 of the speed warning while
you are dr iv ing
~ page 79. By mainta ining
pressure on the ISETI button, you de lete the
warning threshold.
Digital clock with date display and
Fig. 5 Instrument cl uster: odo meter
Fig. 6 Instrum ent cl uster : re se t button
Digital clock/GPS controlled clock*
Depending on the vehicle equ ipment level,
you may choose between the quartz clock or
GPS controlled clock* (!j in the radio or in
the MMI*. You can learn more about th is in
the MMI manual or in the radio user's manual.
Odometer /trip odometer
The display of distance dr iven is shown in kilo
meters "km" or in miles "mi".
- USA mode ls - Miles
- Canada models - Kilometers
T he units of measure (kilometers/miles) can
be changed in the radio or
MMI*. You can learn more about this in the MM
I manual or in
the radio user's manual.
T he odometer @ shows the total number of
kilometers or miles that have been driven on
the vehicle .
The trip odometer @shows the distance driv
en since it was last reset .
It can be used to
measure short distances. The last digit shows
distances of
100 meters or 1/10 of a mile.
T he trip odometer can be reset to zero by
pressing the reset button IO .OI
~ fig. 6.
Malfunction message
If there is a malfunction somewhere in the in
strument cluster,
DEF will appear in the trip
odometer and w il l stay on . Contact your au
thorized Audi dea le r to have the prob lem cor
When the ignition is switched on, the data on
t h e ignition key are scanned automat ically .
If an unauthor iz ed key was used,
SAFE is dis
played permanently in the odometer display
field . The vehicle cannot be operated
~ page 33.
(D Tips
-When you switch off the ignition or open
the-driver door, the t ime, date, odome
ter and temperature are displayed for an
add itiona l
30 seconds.
- You can also call up the display with the
! SET !button
~page 11 wh ile the igni
tion is switched off.
· Fuel gauge
T he fue l gauge works only when the ignition is
on .
When the needle reaches the red area, the
warning light
Ii] in the instr ument cluster will
Qpage 21 . Time to refuel!
The total tank capacity of your vehicle is listed
~ page 271. .,,.
Trip computer
The trip computer gives you information on
current and average fuel mileage, average
speed, fuel range and driving time .
Fig. 9 Trip computer display: Average fuel mileag e
The fo llowing information is continuously
eva luated by the trip computer and can be dis
p layed sequentially in the instrument cluster
Fuel range
The estimated cruising range in miles (km)
appears in the display. This tells you how far
your vehicle wi ll be able to travel on the cur
rent tank of fue l and with the same driving
style. The display changes in increments of 6
miles (10 km).
The cruising range is calcu lated based on the
fuel cons umption for the last 18 mi les
(30 km) . If you drive conservatively, the cruis
ing range will increase.
Average fuel mileage
The average fuel economy in MPG (l/100 km)
since you last cleared the memory appears in
this display. You can use this disp lay to adjust
your driving technique to achieve a desired
mileage .
Current fuel mileage
The instantaneous fuel consumption in miles
per gallon (l/100 km) is shown in this display .
You can use this display to adj ust yo ur driving
technique to ach ieve a desired mileage.
Driver information display 25
Fuel consumption is recalcu lated at intervals
of 33 yards (30 meters). This display switches
to gallons/hour (liters/hour) when the veh icle
is not moving.
Average speed
The average speed in mph (km/h) s ince you
last reset the memory appears in the display.
Elapsed time
The length of time that yo u have been driving
s ince you last reset the memory appears in
th is disp lay.
The distance that has been covered since the
last time the memory was cleared appears in
the d isplay .
(0 Tips
- Fuel consumptions (average and cur
rent), range and speed are displayed in
metric units on Canadian mode ls.
- All stored values will be lost if the vehi
cle battery is disconnected.
The trip computer is equipped with two fully
automatic memories as well as an efficiency
program* .
Fig . 10 Tri p computer display: memory leve l 1
You can switch between the trip computer 1
and 2 and the efficiency program* by pressing
I RESET I button @r:::> page 26, fig. 11 .
You can tell which memory leve l is currently
active by the number o r the sign in the display
Fuel economy messages
App lies to vehicles: with trip computer w it h eff ic iency
p rogram
Fig . 16 Display: fuel economy message
Fue l economy messages are disp layed when
fuel consumption is increased by certain con
ditions. If you follow these fuel economy mes
sages, you can reduce your vehicle's consump
tion of fuel. The messages appear automati
cally and are only displayed in the effic iency
program. The fuel economy messages turn off
automatically after a certain period of time.
• To turn a fuel economy message off imme
diately after it appears, press the
button ¢ page 26, fig. 11 @ , or
• Press the function selection switch
¢ page 26, fig. 11 @.
(D Tips
- Once you have turned a fuel economy
message off, it will only appear again af
te r you turn the ignition on aga in.
- The fuel economy messages are not dis
played in every instance, but rathe r in in
te rva ls over a period of time.
Dri ver inform ation di spl ay 29
Service interval display
The service interval display reminds you when
your next service is due.
Fig. 17 Disp lay: Service i nterval display
The schedule for the next oi l change or inspec
tion is ca lculated automatica lly and disp layed
accord ingly. The d isp lay works in two stages:
Service reminde r
30 days before the next service is due, a serv
ice reminder appears in the display whe n you
turn on the ignition¢
fig. 17 .
After about S seconds the display switches
back to normal. The distance and time re
main ing are updated each time the ignition is
tu rned on unt il th e date due for service is
Service due
When the due date for service is reached, the
Ser vice due! appears in the instru
ment cluster immediately after you turn on
the ignit ion. Add it iona lly, a warning tone
sou nds. After about S seconds the disp lay
switches bac k to normal.
Calling up the service schedule s
If or when an oil change or inspection is due,
can be shown in the rad io or
MMI* disp lay by
selecting the service interva l display in the car
menu. Select !CAR ! func tion button>
Servic e
interval d ispl ay
o r! CAR ! function button> C ar
sys te m s
cont ro l bu tton > S ervic ing & check s.
Resetting the servic e interval display
Your author ized Audi dealer will reset the cor
responding service schedule after pe rforming .,.
30 Driver information display
the approp riate service on your vehicle. You
a lso have the possibility to reset the oil
change schedule after having performed an
oil change according to Audi specifications.
I CAR I function button > Service interval
display > Reset oil change interval
function button> Car systems control button
> Servicing & checks > Reset oil change inter
(CT;) Note
If you disconnect the battery terminals, no
calculations can be made for the service
interva l display during this time and no
service reminder will appear. Remember
that observing the proper serv ice interva ls
is vitally important to extending the life of
your vehicle, particularly the engine, and
maintaining its value. Even if the mileage
driven is low, the maximum period of one
year from one serv ice to the next must not
be exceeded.
@ Tips
-Do not reset the display between oil
changes, otherw ise the display will be in
- The information in the Service Reminder
remains stored even when the vehicle
battery is disconnected.
On-Board Diagnostic
system (OBD)
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) II in
the instrument cluster is part of the On-Board
Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
The warning/indicator light illuminates when
the ignition is switched on and goes out after
the engine starts and the idle has stabi lized .
This indicates that the MIL is working proper
l y.
If the light does not go out after the engine
is started, or illuminates while you are driv
ing, a malfunction may exist in the engine sys- tern.
If the
light illuminates, the catalytic con
verter could be damaged.
Continue driving
with reduced power (avoid
ing sustained high speeds and/or rapid accel
erations) and have the condition corrected.
Contact your authorized Audi dea ler.
If the light illuminates, the electronic speed
limiter may also be malfunct ioning. For more
q page 31, El ectronic speed
limiter .
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also
cause the MIL light to illuminate
~page 213.
On-Board Diagnostics
Fig. 18 Locat ion of Data L ink Connector (DLC)
On-Board Diagnostics monitors the compo
nents of your em ission control system . Each
monitored component in your engine system
has been assigned a code . In case o f a mal
function, the component will be identified
and the fault stored as a code in the control
module memory.
T he MIL light may also illuminate if there is a
leak in the on-board fuel vapor recovery sys
If the light illuminates after a refueling,
stop the vehicle and make sure the fuel filler
cap is properly closed
q page 213.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the
stored data can on ly be displayed using spe
cial diagnostic equipment (generic scan tool
for OBD).
In order to connect the special diagnostic
equipment, push the plug into the Data Link ..,.
34 Openin g and clo sing
keys. Unguarded access to the keys pro
vides children the opportunity to start the engine and/or act ivate vehicle sys
tems such as the power w indows etc . Un
supervised operation of any veh icle sys
tem by ch ildren can res ult in serious in
- Do not remove the key from the ignition
lock until the vehicle has come to a com
plete stop. Otherwise the steering col
um n loc k co uld suddenly e ngage -caus
ing the risk of an accident.
@ Tips
- The operation of the remote contro l key
c a n be tempo rarily disrupted by in terfer
ence from tran smi tters in t he v ici nity of
the veh icle work ing in the same frequen
cy ra nge (e.g . a ce ll phone, radio equip
- Fo r security reasons, replacement keys
are on ly available from Aud i dea le rs .
- Fo r De clarat ion o f Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regu la
tions ¢
page 2 76.
Remov ing the mechanic al key
Fig . 20 Remot e mas ter key: re mov ing the mec hanic al
.. Press the release button@¢ fig. 20.
.. Pu ll the mecha nical key @ out of the mas
te r key .
Using the mechan ica l key, you can :
- l ock and unlock* the glove compartmen t on
the passenger's side ¢
page 60.
-lock and unlock t he lockable rear bench seat
and pass -th ro ugh ¢
page 63.
-lock and unlock the vehicle manua lly
page 3 7 if this should not be possible
w ith the master key.
- use the ignition key emergency release
¢ page 35.
Check light and battery in the master
Fig. 21 Re mote mas ter key: re m ov ing th e bat te ry h old
Check light in the master key
The check light@¢ fig. 21 in the mas ter key
provides information about different condi
t ions .
.. The check light turns on br iefly once when a
button is pressed , and during an " inquiry"
by the convenience key system .
.. If the check light does not come on , the
battery is dead and has to be replaced. In
add it ion, when the battery is dead the
ind icator light appe ars in the instrument
cl uster display as we ll as the message
Plea se change key battery.
Master key battery replacement
.. Remove the mechan ica l key ¢ page 34 .
.. Press t he re lease button @¢ fig. 21on the
bat tery ho lde r and at the same time pu ll the
battery ho lder out of the maste r key in the
d irection of the ar row .
.. Insta ll the new battery CR
2032 with the
"+ " sign facing down .
.. Push the battery holder carefully into the
master key.
.,. Install the mechanical key .
The leavin g home function il luminates the
area around the vehicle when unlocking it.
This function can be switched on and off.
c o ming h om e and lea ving home func
tions on ly operate when it is dark and the
light switch is in the AUTO position
¢ page 43, fig. 34.
Auto headlight s*
When the light switch is in the A UTO
page 43 position, the switch-on po int of the
lights can be changed in the automatic driving
light function.
Daytime running lights
USA m odel s:
You can switch the dayt ime run
ni ng lights
on and o ff .
Canada mod els:
The function cannot be
turned off .
It is activated a utomat ica lly each
time the ignition is switched on.
Travel mode*
The headlight beam is asymmetrical. This pro
v ides stronger illum ination on the side of the
road on wh ich you are driving .
If you are driv
i ng in a count ry that d rives on the opposite
side of the road from your own country, th is
will cau se glare for on coming dr ivers. To pre
vent glare:
- Trave l mode must be selected in vehicles
with Xenon headlights*.
- In veh icles with halogen headlights, ce rtain
areas of the head light lenses must be cov
ered w ith wate rproof adhesive covers that
prevent light from passing thro ugh. Fo r
more information, please see your author
ized Audi dea ler or author ized repa ir faci lity .
(D Tips
When trave l mode is activated, a display in
the dr iver information system indicates
this each time you switch the ignit io n on.
Clear vi sion 45
Emergency flashers
F ig. 36 Center console: emergency flasher switch
The emergency flashers makes other moto
rists aware that you or your vehicle are in an
emergency situation .
.,. Press the switch ~¢
fig. 36 to turn the
emergency flashers on or off.
When the emergency flas hers are on, all four
turn signals b link at the same time. The turn
s ignal indicator lights
1111 in the instrument
cluster, as well as the light in the emergency
flasher switch ~ blink likewise.
You can indicate a lane change or a t urn w hen
the emergency flashers are switched on by us
ing the turn signal lever. The emergency flash
ers stop temporarily.
T he emergency flashers also work when the
ignition is turned off.
T he emergency flashers wi ll turn on a utomat i
ca lly if yo u are in an accident where the airbag
has deployed.
(D Tips
You sho uld turn on the emergency f las hers
- yo u are the last veh icle standing in a t raf
fic jam so that any other vehi cles coming
can see you, or whe n
- your vehicle has bro ken down or you are
in an emergency s ituation, o r when
- yo ur vehicle is be ing towed by a tow
truck or if you are tow ing another vehicle
beh ind you.
vehicle speed excee ds the set speed by about
3 mph (3 km/h). At the same time, a wa rning
symbo l appears in the d isp lay . The symbol's
appearance might be different in some mod
e ls.
The speed warning system has two warning thresholds that function independently of
each other and that have somewhat different
pu rposes:
Speed warning 1
You ca n use speed warnin g 1 to set the maxi
mum s peed w hile you are driv ing. Th is sett ing
will remain in effect until you t urn off the igni
tion, assuming that you have not changed or reset the setting.
The . (USA
models) ;a (Canada models)
speed warning symbol in the warning 1 dis
p lay appears when you exceed t he maximum
speed. It goes o ut w hen t he speed fa lls below
the stored max imum speed.
The speed warning symbo l wi ll also go out i f
the speed exceeds the stored maximum speed
by more than about 25 mph (40 km/h) for at
least 10 seconds. The stored maximum speed
i s deleted .
Speed warning 2
Storing warn ing 2 is recommended if you al
ways want to be reminded of a certa in speed ,
for example when you a re traveling in a coun
try that has a general maximum speed limi t,
or if you do not want to exceed a spec ified
speed fo r winter tires.
The . (USA mode ls)/ . (Canada models)
speed war ning 2 symbo l appea rs in the d is
p lay w hen you exceed the stored speed lim it.
Unlike war ning 1, it will not go out u nti l th e
ve hicl e spee d drops be low the stored spee d
Se tti ng s pee d wa rning 2 <=;>page 79.
@ Tips
Even t hough you r vehicle is equipped with
a speed wa rning system, yo u should st ill
On the road 79
watch the spee dome ter to ma ke sur e yo u
are not dr iv ing faste r th an the speed limit .
Speed warning 1: setting a speed limit
Warning threshold 1 is set by the !SE TI but
Fig . 79 SE T button in the instr um ent cl uste r
Storing the maximum speed
.. Drive at the des ired maximum speed.
.,. Press the
!SETI button in the instrument
pane l d isp lay ¢ fig . 79 for 1 second .
Resetting the maximum speed
.. Drive the vehicle at a speed of at least
3 mph (5 km/h)
.,. Press the
ISETI button for more than 2 sec-
T he . (U SA models)/ . (Canada models)
speed warning symbo l wi ll appear brief ly in
the d isplay when you re lease the
!SE TI button
to indicate that the ma ximum speed has been
stored successfully .
The maxim um speed rema ins stored until it is
c h anged by pressing the
!SE TI button again
briefly or until it is deleted by a lengthy push
o n the button.
Speed warning 2: setting a speed limit
The radio or MMI* control unit is used to set,
change or delete warning th reshold 2 .
.,. Select:
I CA R I function b utton> Instrument
cluster > Speed warning .
.,. Select: I CAR I function butt on > Car systems
cont ro l butto n > Driver assist > Speed warn-
ing .
Audi adaptive cru ise control and brakin g guar d 97
Vehicles with manual transmission
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control
The adaptive c ruise control is avai lab le from
the 2nd gear through the 6th gea r in the cus
tomary RPM.
When the adapt ive cruise control is turned on,
you must p ress the clutch to shift gears (as
usual) . When sh ifting normally or when press
ing the cl utch, the adap tive c ruise control re
mains turned on.
Afte r you have engaged the gear, you do
need to press the gas peda l. The adaptive
cru ise control accelerates a utomat ica lly if nec
I f you press dow n on the clutch fo r too long or
shift/coup le improperly, the adaptive cruise
control may turn off automat ically.
{D) Tips
You cannot tu rn on the adapt ive cru ise
contro l during a sh ifting operation.
Audi adaptive cruise
App lies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control
Fig . 1 00 Detect ion range
What c an adaptive cruise contr ol do ?
The adaptive cruise control wor ks in conjunc
tion with a radar sensor installed in the front
of the vehicle¢
page 95 , fig. 97, which is sub
ject to designated system limits ¢
page 97.
Stationa ry objects are d is regarded .
On open roads w ith no traff ic, adaptive cruise
control works like a regular cruise control sys- tern.
The stored speed is maintained . When
approaching a moving vehicle detected up
ahead, the adaptive cruise control system au
tomat ically s lows down to match that vehi
cle's speed and then maintains the distance
that the driver previously stored . As soon as
the system does not detect a veh icle up
ahead, adaptive cru ise contro l accelerates
ba ck up to the stored speed.
Which fun ctions can be controlled?
When you switch adapt ive cruise control on,
you can set the current speed as the "control
speed" ¢
page 98, Switching on and off .
When driving, you can stop cruise contro l
page 99 or change the speed¢ page 99
at any time.
You can also set the distance to the object
ahead and set the adapt ive cru ise control driv
ing program
¢page 100.