2013 AUDI A5 COUPE change time

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Page 14 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 12  Instruments and  warning/indicator  lights 
disabled. It is also  important  to  notify  your  in­
surance  company  about  the  loss . 
Setting  the  speed warning 
By pressing  the I SETI butto

Page 27 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual Trip  computer 
The trip computer  gives you  information  on 
current  and  average  fuel  mileage,  average 
speed,  fuel  range  and  driving  time . 
Fig. 9  Trip  computer  display:

Page 31 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual Fuel  economy  messages 
App lies  to vehicles: with  trip  computer  w it h  eff ic iency 
p rogram 
Fig . 16 Display: fuel  economy message 
Fue l economy  messages  are  disp layed  when 
fuel  con

Page 32 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 30  Driver  information  display 
the  approp riate  service on your vehicle. You 
a lso  have  the  possibility  to  reset the  oil 
change  schedule  after  having  performed  an 
oil change  accord

Page 36 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 34  Openin g and  clo sing 
keys.  Unguarded  access  to  the  keys  pro­
vides  children  the  opportunity  to  start  the  engine  and/or  act ivate  vehicle  sys­
tems  such  as  the  power  w in

Page 47 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual The leavin g home function  il luminates  the 
area  around  the vehicle  when  unlocking  it. 
This  function  can be switched  on  and  off. 
c o ming  h om e and lea ving home func­
tions  on

Page 81 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual vehicle speed excee ds the  set speed by about 
3  mph  (3  km/h).  At  the  same time,  a wa rning 
symbo l appears in the  d isp lay . The symbols 
appearance might  be different  in some mod­
e l

Page 99 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual Audi  adaptive  cru ise  control  and  brakin g guar d  97 
Vehicles with  manual  transmission 
Applies  to  vehicles:  with  Audi  adaptive  cruise  control 
The adaptive  c ruise  control  is avai
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