26 Driver in formation d isplay
¢fig . 10 . The data from the single -trip mem
ory (memory leve l 1) is being displayed if a
appears in the display . If a II is shown, then
the data from the total -trip memory is being
d isplayed (memory leve l 2). The fuel pump
iii indicates the efficiency program*
¢ page 27.
Single-tr ip m emory (Trip computer 1 )
The single-trip memory stores the trip infor
mat ion from the time the ignition is turned o n
until it is turned off. If the trip is continued
w ithin 2 hours from the t ime the ignition was
turned off, the new data will be included in
the calcu lation of the current trip i nfo rma
tion .
If the t rip is inte rrupted fo r more than 2
hours the memory is reset automati ca lly.
Total -trip memory (Trip computer 2)
Unlike the sing le-trip memory, the tota l- tr ip
memory is not reset automatically . Th is per
mits you to evaluate your d riving data for the
enti re pe riod be tween manual rese ts.
Efficiency program*
The effic iency program can help you to use
less fuel ¢
page 2 7.
The trip compu ter is controlled by two
switches on the windshield wiper lever.
F ig . 11 W ind sh ie ld wipe r lever: co ntro ls fo r the tri p
co mp ute r
.. To d isp lay the trip computer memory levels,
press t he
I RES ET I button @¢ fig. 11 re
peatedly unt il the desired memory leve l is
shown in the d isplay. ..
To display tr ip in format ion wit hin a memory
level, press the top or bottom part of the
function se lection switch @.
T he trip computer will not ope rate un less the
ignition is on. W hen you t urn on the ignition,
the function that was in use when you last
turned the ignition off will be displayed .
In add ition to info rmation on the trip comput
er (trip computer 1 and 2 and the efficiency
program *), the digital speedometer and infor
mation regard ing the nav igat ion system* can
also be displayed. To switch the d isp lay be
tween the different information, tap the
I RESET ! button@ briefly.
Sett ing values to zero
To de lete one current va lue from the trip com
puter, se lect the des ired funct ion and press
t h e
I RES ET I button @for at least one second.
The following values can be set to zero
vidually :
- Average fue l mi leage
- Average speed
- Elapsed t ime
- Dis tance
All cur rently d isplayed va lues are deleted in
the eff iciency program*.
In add it ion,
all the values in the single-trip or
the total-tr ip memory can be de leted simulta
neously ¢
page 26.
(D Tips
All stored va lues w ill be lost if the veh icle
battery is discon nected .
Basic Settings for the trip computer
Applies to vehicles: with trip computer
The radio or MMI* operating unit is used for
setting the trip computer's basic settings.
.. Select: Function b utton ICAR ! > In strument
cluster > On -board computer 1 or On-board
computer 2 . .,.
210 Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank
Fig. 169 Rig ht rear veh icle s ide: Open ing t he fuel fille r
fl ap
Fig. 170 Fu el fi ller fla p w ith attached fuel c ap
When activating the central lock ing, the fuel
fi ller flap is automatically un locked or loc ked.
Refuel the vehicle with the ig nition turned
Taking the fuel cap off
~ Turn off the ignition .
~ Press the left side of the fuel fil ler flap to
open it~
fig . 169 -arrow- .
~ Unscrew fuel cap counter-clockwise and
hang i t on the fuel filler flap
~ fig . 170.
Refuelling procedure
~ Insert the fuel no zzle from the gasoline
pump into the fuel filler nec k as far as it will
go .
~ Select a medium refuelling rate so that the
nozzle switches off automatical ly when the
tank is full.
Putting the fuel cap back on
~ After filling your tank, tw ist the fuel cap
clockwise as far as it will go .
~ Close the fuel filler flap. T
o avoid fuel spill ing or evaporating from the
fuel tank always close fuel cap properly and
completely .
-Improper refueling or handling of fuel can
cause fire, explosion and severe burns.
- Fuel is highly flammable and can cause
severe burns and other injuries.
- Failure to shut the engine off while refu
eling and/or to insert the pump no zzle
fully into the fuel filler neck could cause
fuel to spray out of filler neck or to over
flow . Fuel spray and overflowing fuel can
cause a fire .
- Never use a cellular telephone while re
fueling . The electromagnet ic rad iat ion
can cause sparks that can ignite fuel va
pors and cause a fire.
- Never get back into your vehicle whi le re
fue ling.
If in exceptional circumstances
you must get back in your vehicle while
ref ueling, make ce rtain that you close
the door and touch metal to discharge
static electricity before touching the fill
er nozzle again . Static electricity can
cause sparks that can ignite fuel vapors released during refueling .
- Never smoke or have an open flame any
where in or near your veh icle when refu
eling or filling a portable fuel conta iner .
- For your safety, we strongly recommend
that you do not travel with a portable
fuel conta iner in your vehicle . The con
tainer, full or empty may leak and could
cause a fire, especially in a crash .
- If, u nder exceptional cir cumstances, you
must transport a portable fuel conta iner,
p lease observe the following:
- Never fill a portable f uel container
whi le it is anywhere in or on the vehicle
(for example, in the luggage compart
ment, or on the trunk). Static electrici
ty can build up while filling and can ig
nite fuel vapors causing a fire.
- Always place a portable fue l conta iner
on the ground before filling.
256 Fuses a nd bulb s
-No. Consumer
6 Headlight range control sys-
tern/cornering light
7 Headlight (cornering light) Control modules (electro-
mechanical parking brake,
8 shock absorber, quattro sport, trailer hitch), DCDC
9 Adaptive cruise control
10 Shift gate
11 Side assist
1 2 Headlight range control,
parking system
13 Airbag
14 Rear wiper (allroad)
15 Aux
iliary fuse (instrument
1 6 Auxiliary fuse terminal 15
(engine area)
Fu se pa nel@ (brown)
7 Brake light sensor
Fuel pump
Clutch sensor
Left seat heating with/w ith
out seat ventilation
Front left door (window reg-
8 ulator, central locking, mir
ror, switch, lighting)
Two-door models: rear left
w indow regulator, Four-door
11 models: rear left door (win-
dow regulator, central lock-
ing, switch,
12 Rain and light sensor
Fu se p ane l© (red)
3 Lumbar support
4 Dynamic steering
5 Interior lighting (Cabriolet)
No . Consumer
Windshield washer system,
headlight washer system
Vehicle electrical system
control module 1
Vehicle electr ical system
control module
Left rear window regulator
motor (Cabriolet)/sunroof
10 Vehicle e
lectr ical system
control module 1
Right rear window regulator
7,5/20 (Cabriolet)/sun shade motor
12 Anti-theft alarm warning
system 5
Right cockpit fuse assignment
199 Right cockpit: fuse panel wit h plastic cl ip
No . Consume r Amps
F use panel@ (bl ac k)
5 Steering column switch
.. -.. -
Term inal 15 diagnos tic con-
8 Gateway (Databus diagnos-
tic interface) ...