14 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
Engine cooling system
Electromechan ica l park ing brake
r:::;,page 18 ¢page80
Steering column lock
Tire pressure monitor ing
r:::;,page 18
Ignition lock Tire pressure monitoring system
r:::;,page 18
lliliB r:::;, page 246
USA models:
Electronic power cont rol./
Speed warning system ¢page20
r:::;,page 82
Canada models :
Malfunction indicator Lamp
Speed warning system (MIL)
¢ page 21
Ad apt ive cru ise control./
Engine speed limitation
r:::;,page 21
r:::;,page 96
Engine o il level
Yellow indicato r lights r:::;, page 17
Yellow symbols indicate a priority 2 ma lf u nc-
Engine oi l sensor
tion -Warning!
r:::;, page 21
Power top operation
r:::;,page43 ¢page 17
Electronic Stabilization Control
Tank system
(ESC) ./
¢page 21
r:::;, page 19
Electronic Stabilization Control
Warm up engine*
(ESC) ./ ¢
page 208
r:::;,page 19
Windshield washer fluid level
USA models : ¢page 21
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
defective ./
Windshield w ipers
r:::;, page 19 ¢
page 21
Canada models :
Remote control key
Anti-lock braking sys tem (ABS)
¢page 78
defective ./
r:::;,page 19
Battery in remote control key
USA models: ¢page33
Safety systems ./
Defective light bulb warning ' r:::;,page20
¢page 21
Canada models :
Safety systems ./
Fog lights
¢page20 ¢
page 21
Worn brake pads
Rear fog light(s) *
¢page20 ¢page 21
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 21
o Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Ind icator Lamp (M IL) is part
of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
The symbol
¢'4 lights up when the ignition is
switched on and wi ll turn off after the engine
has started and has sett led at a constant idle
speed. This ind icates that the MIL is working
properly .
The warning light illuminates when there is a
malfunction in the engine e lectronic system .
Contact your author ized Audi dealer and have
the ma lfunction corrected .
An improperly closed fue l fi ller cap may also
cause the MIL light to illuminate ¢
page 210.
For more informat ion ¢ page 29.
!?) Engine speed limitation
Applies to vehicles: wit h en gin e speed l im it at ion
(II Do not exceed max. engine speed of
XXXX rpm
The Ill symbo l illuminates when there is an
engine control malfunction . Th e~ indicator
light in the instrument cluster also illumi
nates. The engine speed is limited to the
speed displayed in the driver information sys
tem. Keep in mind that the eng ine speed will
not exceed the value displayed in the driver in
formation system, for example when down
Drive to your authorized Aud i dea ler immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
~ . Engine oil level
II Add oil, max XXXX l. You may cont. driv.
When the symbo l II and driver message ap
pear, add the amount of o il appearing i n the
d isplay at the next opportunity¢
page 217.
If the symbol illuminates, contact your au
thorized Audi dealer and have the o il sensor inspected.
Until you have this done, check the
oi l level each time you refue l just to be on the
safe sid e¢
page 217 .
Bu Tank system
flm Please refuel
If the indicator light turns on for the first
time and the message appears, there are
about 2.1 -2.4 gallons (7 -9 liters) of fuel left
in the tank . T ime to refuel ¢
page 209.
Ii] Fuel tank system malfunction! Contact
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
tank system.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immed i
ate ly to have the malfunction corrected.
If the symbol illuminates, add w indshie ld
washe r fluid to the washer system and also to
the headlight washer system * ¢
page 226.
~ Windshield wipers
£!I Windshield wiper defective
The re is a malfunction with the windshie ld
wipe rs.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected .
~/ }0 10 $ Defective light bulb warning
If the
l':;:'1 indicator light turns on, a bulb has
failed. The message indicates the location of
the bu lb.
- If the
II indicato r light also turns on, then
a fog light has failed. The position of the in
dicator light corresponds with the location
on the vehicle .
- If the
[tD indicator light also turns on, then
a rear fog* light has failed. The position of ..,_
52 Clear vis ion
Clear vision
Switching the lights on and off
Fig . 54 Instr ument pane l: headlight con trol switch
Light switch -~ -
Turn the switch c:> fig . 54 to the correspond ing
position . When the lights are switched on, the
,o o~ symbo l tu rns on.
0 -The lights are off or the dayt ime run ning
lights are on:
- USA models: The daytime running lights are
activated when the light sw itch
c:> fig . 54 is
i n the
O position or the AUTO position (o nly
in dayl ight conditions) . The daytime running
lights function can be turned on and off in
the radio or M MI* menu
Exterior lighting
c:> page 53 , c:> ,&..
-Canada model s: The daytime runn ing lig hts
are activated when the light sw itch
c:> fig . 54
is in the
O p osition, :o o; position or the AUTO
pos it ion (on ly in daylight cond itions) . The
dayt ime running lights function cannot be
tu rned off
c:> &. .
AUTO* -Au toma tic h eadlights switch on and
off depending on b rightness, fo r example in
tw ilight, during rain or in t unnels
c:> &. .
:o o; -Side mar ker lights
io -Low beam headlights
Fog lights /rear fog light( s)*
Press the appropriate b utton c:> fig. 54:
}0 -Fog lights
0$ -Rear fog light(s)
adaptive light*
When switched on, adap tive ligh t ad apts to
curves in the road depending on the vehicle
speed and the steering ang le . This provides
b etter l ighting t hro ugh the curve . The system
operates at speeds between app roximate ly
6 mph (10 km/h) and 68 mph (110 km/h).
Static cor nering light* (vehicles with adaptive
light) - the cornering light switches on at
speeds up to approximately 25 mph (40 km/
h) when a certain steering wheel angle is
reached or when a turn sig na l is activated. The
area to the s ide of the vehicle is illumi nated
be tte r when tur ning .
The adaptive light and the co rnering light only
funct ion when the switch is in the AU TO posi
t ion (automatic headlights*) .
- Daytime r unning lights and automatic
headlights* are only inte nded to assist
the dr iver . Th ey do not re lieve the driver
o f his re sp onsibili ty to check t he head
lights and to t urn them on manua lly ac
cordin g to the c urrent light and visibility
conditions . For examp le, fog cannot be
detected by the light sensors *. So a lways
sw itch on t he headlights
io under these
wea ther conditions and when driving in
the dark.
- Cras hes can happen whe n you cannot see
the road ahead and when yo u cannot be
see n by other moto ris ts. Always tu rn on
the head lig hts so that yo u can se e ahead
and so th at others can see your car fr om
the b ack.
- Pl ease obey all laws w he n usi ng the
lighting sys tems descr ibed here.
(D Note
The rear fog lights * should o nly be tur ned
o n in acco rdanc e with t raff ic regu lation, as
the lights are bright for following traffic. ..,
@ Tips
-The light sensor * for headl ight control is
l ocated in the rear view m irror mount.
You should therefore not apply any st ick
ers to the windsh ield in this area in order
to prevent malfunctions or failures .
- Some exterior lighting functions can be
ad justed
¢ page 53.
-When yo u remove you r key from the igni
tion w hile the vehicle's lights are turned
on, a buzzer sounds as long as the driv
er's door is open .
- In cool or damp weather, t he ins ide of
the headlights, turn signa ls and tail
li ghts can fog ove r due to the tem pera
ture diffe ren ce betwe en the inside and
outside. They will clear shor tly after
swi tching t hem on. This d oes not aff ect
the service life of the ligh ting.
- In the even t of a ligh t sensor malfunc
tion, the drive r is no tifie d in the inst ru
ment cluster disp lay ~
page 2 2.
Turn signals and high beam lever
The lever operates the turn signal s, the high
b eams and th e headlight flash er.
F ig. 55 Turn sig na l an d high beam leve r
Turn signals ¢i ¢
Th e turn s ignals activate when you move the
l ever into a turn s ignal position when the ign i
tion i s sw itched on.
(D -right turn signal
@ -Left turn signa l
T he turn s ignal b links three times if you just
tap the lever .
Clear vision 5 3
High beams and headlight flasher @:D
Move the lever to the corresponding posit io n:
@ -high beams on
@-high beams off or headlight flasher
T he ind icator light
II in the instr ument clus
ter turns on .
Notes on these features
-The turn signals on ly wor k w it h t he ignition
t urned on. The indica tor l igh ts
11 or II in
the instrument cluste r also blink .
- Aft er you have tu rned a corner, the turn s ig
na l swi tches off au tom atically .
- The
high beam wo rks only when the head
lights a re on. The indicator Ligh t. in the
i nstrumen t clus ter illuminates when the
high beams are on .
- The
headligh t flasher works on ly as long as
you ho ld the lev er -even if the re are no
lights switched o n. The ind icator light
Ill i n
the inst rument cluster illuminates when you
use the headlight flasher .
Do not use the high beam or head light
flasher if you kn ow that these could b lind
oncom ing traffic.
Adjusting exterior lighting
The functions are selec ted in the radio or
MM!* .
.. Select : I CAR! function b utton > Exter io r
light ing . Or
.. Select: I CAR I func tion button > Car sys
tems *
control button > Vehicle settings >
Exterior Lighting .
Coming home (light when leaving car )*,
Leaving home (light when unlocking car)*
T he coming home function illumi nates the
area around the vehicle when the ignition is
switched off and the dr iver's door is open ed.
Depend ing o n ve hicl e equ ipment, t he function
can be switched on and off or the length of
time the lig hts remain on* can be ad justed . .._
Warm and cold 71
We recommend pressing the IAUTO I button and setting the temperature to 72 °F (22 °C) .
Fig. 83 Automa tic cl imate control system : con trol
Fig. 8 4 3-zone de luxe auto matic cl imate contro l': co ntro ls
Press the buttons to turn the function s on or
off. Use the d ials to adjust the temperature,
the blower speed and the a ir distribution . The
L ED in a button will light up when the func
tion is sw itched on. The settings are displayed
for a few seconds in the radio or MMI* display .
In vehicles with a 3 -zone deluxe automat ic cl i
mate control systems *, the dr iver and front
passenger side can be adjusted separately.
The settings are also d isplayed in the cl imate
con trol system display .
IOFFI Switching the climate control
system on /off
The IOF FI button switches the climate control
sys tem on o r off .
It also swi tches on when you press the knob. Airflow from outs
ide is
blocked when the climate control system is
switched off .
IACI Switching cooling m ode on /off
The a ir is not coo led and h umidity is not re
moved when cooling mode is switched off .
This can cause fog on the w indows. Cooling
mode switches off automatically when the
outside temperature is be low zero .
1- 1 Sw itching recirculati on mode on /off
In recircu lation mode, the air inside the vehi
cle is circulated and filtered. This prevents the
unfiltered air outs ide the veh icle from enter
ing the vehicle interior . We recommend
84 On the road
Cruise control
Switching on
The cruise control system makes it possible to
drive at a constant speed starting at 20 mph
(30 km/h).
Fig. 94 Control lever w it h push-button
Fig. 95 Dis pl ay: Selected speed
"' Pull the lever to position (D 9 fig . 94 to
switch the system on.
"' Drive at the speed to be controlled .
"' Press button @ to set that speed.
I :i:. ... a,
The stored speed and the green symbol
lij;(l)~i4 (US model) 1B (Canadian model) are
shown in the display
r:::;, fig. 95. The display
may vary, depending on the type of display in
your veh icle.
The speed is kept constant by modifying en
gine power or through an active brake inter
- Always pay attention to the traffic
around you when the cruise control is in
operation. You are always responsible for
your speed and the distance between
your vehicle and other vehicles. -
For reasons of safety , cruise control
should not be used in the city, in stop
and-go traffic, on twisting roads and
when road conditions are poor (such as ice, fog, gravel, heavy rain and hydro
plan ing) - risk of accident.
- Turn off the cruise control temporarily
when enter ing turn lanes, highway exit
lanes or in constr uction zones .
- Please note that inadve rtently "resting"
your foot on the accelerator pedal causes
the cruise control not to brake. This is
because the cruise control is overridden
by the drive r's acceleration.
- If a brake system malfunction such as
overheating occurs when the cruise con
trol system is switched on, the braking
function in the system may be switched
off . The other cruise control functions re
main active as long as the indicator light
[ff;(l)~i4 (US models) ;B (Canadian mod
els) is on.
(D Tips
The brake lights illuminate as soon as th e
brakes app ly automatically.
Changing speed
"' To incre ase/decrease the speed in incre
ments, tap the lever in the
010 direction
r:::;, fig . 94 .
"' To increase/decrease the speed quic kly,
hold the lever in the
010 direction until
the desired speed is displayed.
You can also press the accelerator pedal down
to increase your speed, e .g. if you want to
pass someone. The speed you saved earlier
will res ume as soon as you let off of the acce l
erator pedal.
If, however, you exceed your saved speed by
6 mph (10 km/h) for longer than 5 minutes,
the cruise control wil l be turned off tempora
rily. The green symbol in the disp lay turns
white. The saved speed remains the same.
200 Cleaning and protec tio n
The best way to remove snow from windows
and mirrors is to use a brush. Use a non-abra
plas tic ice scraper -better still, a spray
de icer -to remove
ic e from windows and mir
The windows must not be cleaned with insect remover or wax s ince these can interfere with
the function of the windshield wiper blades (chatter).
Oi l, grease, or silicone residue can be removed
gl ass clea ner or silic on e remo ver. How
ever, wax residue requires the use of a special ly formulated solvent. Please contact your au
thor ized Audi dealer for adv ice on safe prod
ucts for wax removal.
W indows shou ld also be cleaned on the inside
at regular intervals.
Never dry windows with the same chamois
that you use to dry painted surfaces. Wax resi
due on the chamois can impair vision through
the w indows.
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
other information ~
page 194.
-The windshie ld must not be treated with
water-repellent materials . They can in
crease glare under poor visib ility condi
tions such as wetness, darkness, or when
the sun is low on the hori zon. In addi
t ion, they can cause the win dshield wip
ers to chatter.
(D Note
- Never use warm or hot water to remove
snow and ice from windows and mirrors.
This cou ld cause the g lass to cra ck.
- To preven t damage to the wi res of the
rear defogger, do not place any adhe sive
stickers on the inside of the rear window
ove r the wires .
- To he lp prevent d irt from sc ratch ing the
window, always scrape in a forward di
rection -pushing the scraper away from
you -never back and fo rth. -
Water leaking from the ins ide of the rear
windows may damage sensitive electrical components located either under the
rear parcel shelf or in the rear trunk area.
Always ensure that water never leaks
through the body section of the vehicle.
You can do th is by us ing waterproof pro
tection over the vehicle's electrical com
ponents (e.g. when install ing window
tinting) .
- Damage or malfunction of elect rical
c ompone nts due to water damage or any
other o uts ide infl uence is not covered by
the A udi New Veh icle Limited Warranty.
See your Warranty
& Ma intenance book
let for additional detai ls about your war
Cast (light) alloy wheels
Cast (light) alloy wheels require special care.
.,. Wash the w heels with a sponge or hose
brush every other week .
.,. For deep clean ing afterwards, use only a
a ci d-free cast alloy wheel cleaner.
.,. Rub a coat of
liqu id w ax onto the rims every
three month. Be sure to reach and treat all
parts of the rim.
To preserve the decorative appearance of the cast alloy wheels, some special care is neces
sary. In addition to road dirt and salt, brake dust is also corrosive . If left on for too long,
brake dust can cause pitting .
U se only spec ial
acid-free cleaners formulated
for alloy r ims. Safe products are availab le at
your authorized Aud i dealer . Never leave the
cleaner on the rims longer than spec ified on
the label. If not rinsed off promptly, the acid
contained in some cleane rs can attac k the
threads on the wheel bolts .
Never use abrasive o r metal po lish ing clean
ing agents.
If the protective coating has been
c h ipped, e .g. by kicked up road dirt, touc h it
u p as soon as possible . .,..
Have the battery checked when you take your
vehicle in for service. Yo u are well advised to
replace a battery that is older than 5 years.
W ith certa in types o f airbag deployment, the
battery is disconnec ted from the vehicle elec
trica l system for safety reasons
c::> &. in Re
pair, care and disposal of the airbags on
page 154.
Di sconn ecting the battery t erminal s
Some vehicle functions (power w indow regu
l ators, for example) are lost if the battery ter
minals are disconnected . These functions have
to be re learned after the battery terminals are
connec ted again. To prevent this, the battery
should only be disconnected from the vehicle
e lectrical system when absolutely necessary
for repairs .
Vehicl es not driven for long p eriod s
If you do not drive your vehicle over a period
of several days or weeks, electrical compo
nents are gradually cu t back or switched off .
This reduces energy consumption and main
tains starting capability over a longer per iod
c::> page 185.
Some of the conven ience functions may not
operate, such as the inter ior lights or the
power seat adjustment. The conven ience
functions will be ava ilable again whe n you
turn on the ignition and sta rt the eng ine.
Winter operation
During the winter months, battery capacity
tends to decrease as temperatures drop . This
i s because more powe r is also consumed while
start ing , and the head lights, rea r window de
fogger, etc., are used more often .
Avo id unnecessary power consumption, par
ticularly in c ity t raffic or when t rave ling on ly
short d istances. Let you r authorized Audi
dea le r che ck t he capacity of the vehicle bat
t ery before w inte r sets in
c::> page 225. A well
cha rged batte ry w ill no t only p revent sta rting
p rob lems when the weathe r is cold, b ut will
a lso last longer.
Checkin g and fillin g 223
(D Tips
If your vehicle is left standing for seve ral
weeks at extremely low temperatures, the
vehicle battery shou ld be removed and
stored where it w ill not freeze. This will
prevent it from be ing damaged and having
to be replaced .
Working on the battery
Be especially careful when working on or near
the battery.
The battery is located in the l uggage compart
ment under the floor. Before you check any
th ing in the luggage compartment,
read and
h eed all WARNINGS
c::> &_ .
Always heed the safety warnings , when work
ing on the vehicle battery or the vehicle e lec
trical system to prevent injury.
The following WARNINGS are very
important when working on the battery:
Al ways heed the follo wing WARNING SYM
BOLS and safety precautions when working on the battery.
® Always wear eye protection .
/).. Batte ry acid contains sulfuric acid . Al
~ ways w ear glov es and ey e protection .
\!!51 -sparks
- smoking.
A Wh en a battery i s charged , it produces
~ hydrogen g as which i s explosive and
could cau se per sonal injur y.
~ Always keep the battery well out of
'if!:11 reach of children .
Whenever working on t he battery o r on
the electrical system, there is the risk of
injury, accident and even fire . Read and
heed the following WARNINGS: