__________________________________________________ T_i_ r _e _s_ a_ n_ d_ w_ h_e_ e _ l_s __ _
If you wish to improve comfort when operating the vehicle at
normal load (up to 3 o ccupant s), you can adjust tire pres sures to
those specified for normal vehicle load . Before operating the
vehicle at maximum lo ad, you must increase the tire p res sures to
those specified for maximum vehicle load=>& .
Bear in mind that the tire press ure monitor ing system* can only
mon itor the t ire pressu re s you h ave sto red . T he sys tem does no t
recogn ize the load cond it ion of your vehicle.
Th e effectiveness of the ti re pressure monitoring system* wi ll be
impa ired if you store normal load pressu res but then operate the
vehicle at its maxim um loa d=> & . See the
illustration=> fig. 227 for the location of the label on driver's
side B- pillar (colo r of the act ual la bel and ex act l ocation on the
vehicle will vary slig htly).
N ote that the fo llow ing tab le is accurate at the time of going to press
and is subjec t to change. I n the even t of discrepancies , the tire pres
sure label is located on the driver 's side B-pillar always takes prece
dence .
T he table below lists the recommended cold t ire inflation pressures
for the Audi model covered by your Owne r's Literature at t he ve hicle's
capac ity weight and the tire sizes insta lled on the respective models
as original equipment, or as a factory option .
Engine Tire designation Tire pressure front Tire pressure rear
(displace- normal load normal load
ment in
liter) condition (up
full load condition (up
full load
to 2 occu- condition to 2 occu- condition
pants) pants)
4-cylinder 225/50 Rl 7 94H All Season 33 230
36 250
30 2
10 39 270
245/45 Rl 7 95H All Season 32 220 35 240
29 200 38 260
245/45 Rl 7 99H XL All Season 32 22 0 35 240 2 9 200 3 8 260
245 /40 R18 93H All Sea son 35 240 38 260 32 220 41 280
255/35 R19 96V
XL High Performance 32 220 35 240
29 200 38 260
XL= reinforced or extra load tire. It may also appear as xl, EXTRA LOAD , or RF on the tire side wall.
Th e correct tire p ress ure for t he
spare wheel is loca ted on a labe l o n
the driver 's s ide B-pillar.
Beca use technical c hanges may be made to vehicle equipment dur ing
the model year, always compare the tire size des ignation on the t ire
pressu re labe l on yo ur vehicle with the t ires on your vehicle. Make
sure that the tire size informat ion on t he v ehicle labe l is the same as
the size of the t ires o n the vehicle. This is especially important if the
vehicle belo ngs to so meone else or you bo ug ht the vehicle with
Safety first
differe nt r im s/ tires or you bo ugh t the vehicle as a prev iously owned
Remember, yo ur safety and t hat of your passengers also depends o n
making sure that load limits are not exceeded. Vehicle load includes
everybody and everything in an d on the vehi cle. These load limits are
t e chnically refer red to as the veh icle's G ross Veh icle Weig ht Rating
("GVW R"). The Gross Axle Weight Rati ng ("GAWR") is the maximum
load tha t can be applied at ea ch of the ve hicle's two ax les . T he G ross ..
Vehicle care Technical data
lffl!I.___W __ h_a_ t_ d_ o_ I_ d_ o_ n_ o_w_ ? _____________________________________________ _
& WARNING (continued)
• The spare tire is intended only for temporary and short-term
use. It should be replaced as soon as possible with the normal
wheel and tire.
• After mounting the compact spare tire, the tire pressure must
be checked as soon as possible. The tire pressure of the compact
spare tire must be 4.2 bar; otherwise, you risk having an accident.
• Do not drive faster than SO mph (80 km/h). You risk having an
• Avoid full-throttle acceleration, heavy braking, and fast
cornering. You risk having an accident.
• Never drive using more than one spare wheel and tire. You risk
having an accident.
• Normal summer or winter tires must not be mounted on the
compact spare wheel rim.
• For technical reasons, the use of tire chains on the spare tire is
not permitted.
If it is necessary to drive with tire chains, the spare
wheel must be mounted on the front axle in the event of a flat in a rear tire. The newly available front wheel must then be installed
in place of the rear wheel with the flat tire. Installing the tire
chain before mounting the wheel and tire is recommended.
• Loose items in the passenger compartment can cause serious
personal injury during hard braking or in an accident.
- Never store the inflatable spare tire or jack and tools in the passenger compartment.
- Always store all jacking equipment, tools, and the inflatable
spare tire in the luggage compartment.
- Tighten the knurled retaining screw for the inflatable spare
tire securely. •
Changing a wheel
Before changing a wheel
Observe the following precautions for your own and your
passenger's safety when changing a wheel.
-After you experience a tire failure, pull the car well away
from moving traffic and try to reach level ground before
you stop :::> & .
- All passengers should leave the car and move to a safe
location (for instance, behind the guardrail):::>& .
- Engage the parking brake to prevent your vehicle from
rolling unintentionally:::> &.
- Move selector lever to position P :::> & .
- If you are towing a trailer: unhitch the trailer from your
- Take the jack:::>
page 318 and the spare tire :::> page 319
out of the luggage compartment.
You or your passengers could be injured while changing a wheel if
you do not follow these safety precautions:
• If you have a flat tire, move a safe distance off the road. Turn
off the engine, turn the emergency flashers on and use other
warning devices to alert other motorists.
• Make sure that passengers wait in a safe place away from the
vehicle and well away from the road and traffic.
• To help prevent the vehicle from moving suddenly and possibly
slipping off the jack, always fully set the parking brake and block
the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel being changed with the
folding chocks or other objects. When one front wheel is lifted off
What do I do now? Ill ____________ ______;_ __ _
& WARNING (continued)
the ground, placing the Automatic Transmission in "P" (Park) will
not prevent the vehicle from moving.
• Before you change a wheel, be sure the ground is level and
firm. If necessary, use a sturdy board under the jack.
• After installing the inflatable spare tire, make sure that you
replace the flat tire/wheel in its storage area properly and tighten
the knurled retaining screw securely.
0 Note
If you are changing the wheel on a steep incline, use a rock or simi lar
object to block the opposite wheel to prevent the vehicle from
[I] Tips
Obey all laws. •
Changing a wheel
When you change a wheel, follow the sequence described
below step-by-step and in exactly that order.
1. Remove the decorative wheel cover*. For more details see
also =>
page 322, "Decorative wheel covers" .
2. Loosen the
wheel bolts=> page 323.
3. Locate the proper mounting point for the jack and align
the jack below that point=>
page 323.
4. Lift the car with the jack=> page 323.
5. Remove the wheel with the flat tire and then install the
spare tire=> page 325.
Safety first
6. Tighten all wheel bolts lightly.
7. Lower the vehicle with the jack .
8. Use the wheel bolt wrench and firmly tighten all wheel
bolts in a crisscross pattern=>
page 323.
9. Replace the decorative wheel cover*.
Always read and follow all WARNINGS and information~ & in
" Raising the vehicle" on
page 323 and ~ page 326. •
After changing a wheel
A wheel change is not complete without the doing the
- Store and secure the wheel you replaced in the spare
wheel well.
- Replace the tools and the jack in their proper location.
- Check the
tire pressure of the spare tire as soon as
- As soon as possible, have the
tightening torques on all
wheel bolts checked with a torque wrench. The correct
tightening torque is 90 ft lb (120 Nm).
- Have the flat tire
replaced as soon as possible.
[ i] Tips
• If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded and difficu lt to turn
while changing a tire, they should be replaced before you check the
tightening torque. .,_
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data