____________________________________________________ T _r_a _n_ s_m _ i_s _s_ i_ o _ n _ ___._
Be careful when using the kick-down feature on slippery roads.
Rapid acceleration may cause the vehicle to skid.•
Appli es to vehi cles: wit h mul tit ro nic ® Con tin uousl y Va riable Tra ns mi ssion (CVT )
Dynamic shift program {DSP)
The multitronic ® transmission is electronically
The transmission selects the appropriate gear ratio (upshifts and
downshifts) automatically based on preset driving programs.
The transmission will select one of the
economy programs when you
drive at a steady speed or a gradually changing speeds without heavy
acceleration . This gives best fuel efficiency, with early upshifting and
delayed downshifting .
The transmission will automatically select the
sporty shift programs
when you drive at higher speeds, or with heavy acceleration and
frequently changing speeds . Upshifts are delayed to make full use of
engine power . Downshifting takes place at higher engine speeds than
in the economy programs.
The selection of the most suitable shift program is a continuous,
automat ic p rocess . The driver can also make the transmission switch
to a sporty program by
quickly pressing down the gas pedal.
This causes the transmission to shift down into a lower gear ratio and
makes quick acceleration possible (to pass another vehicle) You do
not need to press the gas pedal into the kickdown range . After the
transmission has upshifted, the original program is selected
according to your driving style.
An additional shift program allows the automatic transmission to
select the proper gear for uphill and downhill gradients.
This prevents the transmission from shifting up and down unneces sarily on hills. The transmission will shift down to a lower gear ratio
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
when the driver presses the brake pedal on a downhill gradient . This
makes use of the braking effect of the engine without the need to
shift down manually.
If you are driving in h ills and mountains, the transmission will contin
uously adjust the gear ratio to the road grade. If you press the brake
pedal when driving downhill, the transmission will downshift auto
matically. This increases the braking effect of the engine.
If the cruise control is on when you are traveling downhill, the trans
mission will automatically select a lower gear ratio in order to main
tain the set vehicle speed. This will cause the engine speed to
increase. •
App lies to veh icle s: with m ult itr on ic ® Contin uous ly Va riabl e Tra nsmi ssion ( CVT)
tiptronic ® manual shift program
Using the manual shift program (tiptronic ®) you can
manually shi~ between seven pre-programmed gear
ratios (transmission positions).
Vehicle care
Fig . 162 Center
console: shifting
Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
ffl..__T_ r_a _n_ s_ m_ is_ s_io _ n ___________________________________________________ _
Fig. 163 Display:
manual shift progra m,
selec ted gear
Switching to manual shift program
- Push the selector lever to the right from D. As soon as the
transmission has switched over, the selected gear appears
in the display~ fig. 163.
To upshift
-Push the selector lever forward to the plus position
~ page 159, fig. 162 G).
To down shift
- Push the lever to the minus position Q.
When accelerating , the transmission will automatically shift into the
next higher gear before the engine reaches the maximum RPM.
Wh en accelerating, if you apply a light thrott le, the tiptronic ® will
automatically shift into the next higher gear to save fuel. If you apply
a heavy throttle, the transmission will stay in gear engaged until near
maximum RPM are reached, or until the driver manua lly shifts into a
higher gear.
If you take your foot off the accelerato r pedal when driving down a
steep incline , the tiptronic ® will downshift from the selected gear
into the next lower gear based on road speed and engine RPM. The
automatic downshifting is interrupted as soon as you apply throttle
again .
[I] Tips
• When you shift into the next lower gear, the engine w ill downshift
only when there is no possibility of over-revving .
• When the kick-down comes on, the transmission will sh ift down to
a lower gear depending on vehicle and engine speeds.
• The tiptronic ® is inoperative when the transmiss ion is in the fail
safe mode .•
Applies to vehicles: with mult itron ic ® Cont inuously Variable Transm ission (CV T)
Steering wheel with tiptronic ®
The shift buttons on the steering wheel allow the driver to
shift gears manually.
Fig . 164 Steering
w hee l: Shift buttons
- To downshift, touch the button on the left Q.
- To upshift, touch the button on the right G).
The shift buttons are activated when the selector lever is in D, Sor in
the manual shift program (tiptronic).
Of course, you can continue to use the manual shift program with the
selector lever on the center console . •
Ill Airbag system
Changing th e vehicle 's su sp en sion including use of unappro ved
tire -rim c ombination s can change Advan ced Airbag performan ce
and increas e the risk of serious personal injury in a cra sh .
• Never install suspension component s that do not have the
same performance characteristics as the components or iginally
installed on your veh icle.
• Never u se tir e-rim combinations that have not been approved
b y Audi.
Item s stored b etween the safety belt buckl e and the center
console can cause the sensors in the buckle to send the wrong
information to the ele ctroni c control module and prevent the
Advanced Airbag System from w orking properl y.
• Always make sure that nothing can interfere with the safety
belt buckles and that they a re not obstru cted .
<£> For the sake of the environment
Undeployed airbag modu les and pretensioners might be class ified as
Perch lorate Mate rial -special handling may app ly, see
www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/pe rchlorate . When the vehicle or
p arts of t he rest raint sys tem including a irbag mod ules safe ty belts
w ith pretens ioners are scrapped, all applicable laws and regulat ions
must be observed. Your authorized Audi dealer is familiar with these
requ irements and we recommend that you have your dealer perform
this se rvice for yo u.•
Knee airbags
Applies to veh icles: w it h Knee a irbags
Description of knee airbags
The airbag system can provide supplemental protection
to properly restrained front seat occupants.
! 00 m
Fig. 201 D riv er's kn ee
a ir ba g
The knee airbag for the driver is located in the instrume nt panel
unde rneath the steering whee l:::> fig. 201, the knee airbag for the
passenge r is at about the same he ight in the instrument panel under
neath the g love compartment .
Th e knee airbag offers addit ional protec tion to the dr ive r's and
passenger's knees and upper and lower thigh areas as a supplement
t o the sa fety bel ts.
If the front a irbags dep loy, the knee airbags a lso deploy i n frontal
co llisions above a certain severity=>
page 209, "More importan t
things to know about front airbags" .
Besides the ir normal safety function, safety be lts work to help keep
t he drive r o r front passenger in po sit ion in c ase o f a frontal collision
so that the a irbags can provide protection .
Th e airbag system is not a substitute for your safety belt . Rather, it is
part of the overall occ upant restra int system in your veh icle . Always
remember t hat the airbag system can on ly help to protect you if you
Intelligent technology
Intelligent technology
Notice about data recorded by
vehicle control modu Les
Your vehicle is not equipped with an Event Data Recorder (EDR),
installed by some manufacturers for the express purpose of
capturing data for retrieval after an accident or crash event. EDR's are
sometimes called "crash recorders".
Some state laws restrict the retrieval or downloading of data stored
by ED R's that were installed in a vehicle for the express purpose of
retrieving data after an accident or crash event without the owner's
Although your vehicle is not equipped with an EDR, it is equipped with
a number of e lectronic control modules for various vehicle systems
such as, for example, eng ine function, emission control, as well as for
the airbags and safety belts.
These electronic control modules also record vehicle-related data
during normal vehicle operation for diagnostic and repair purposes .
The recording capacity of the electronic control modu les is limited to
data (no sound is recorded) and only a sma ll amount of data is actu
ally recorded over a very limited period of time and stored when a
system fault or other condition is sensed by a control unit. Some of
the data then stored may relate to vehicle speed, direction, braking
as well as restraint system use and performance in the event of a
crash or other condition. Stored data can only be read and down
loaded with special equipment .•
Electronic Stabilization Program
Ce-ieral lnforrrc:t~on
The ESP improves the vehicle stability.
Fig. 213 ESP button
Fig. 214 Center
console with ESP
ESP is designed to he lp you maintain vehicle control in situations
where the car approaches the limits of "grip", especially when accel
erating and cornering. ESP reduces the risk of skidding and improves
stability under all road conditions.
.,.,___F_ u_ s_e _ s_ a_n_d _b_u _ l_ b_s _______________________________________________ _
No. Consumer Amps
10 Climate control 10
11 Terminal 30 diagnostic connector 10
12 Steering column switch module 5
Fuse Location, Luggage Compartment
Fig. 247 Fuse panel
Read numbers of the fuses in the luggage compartment starting
from inside.
No. Consumer
Fuse panel B (black)
1 Power top control module
2 Trailer control module
3 Trailer control module
4 Trailer control module
5 Electromechanical parking brake
6 Electronic damping control
7 Electromechanical parking brake
20 5
No. Consumer
8 Vehicle electrical system control module 2
9 quattro Sport
10 Vehicle electrical system control module 2
11 Vehicle electrical system control module
12 Terminal 30
Fuse panel C (brown)
Luggage compartment lid control module, vehi
cle electrical system control module
Right front seat heating
DCDC converter path 1
DCDC converter path 2
5 Not used
6 Right upper cabin heating
7 Electromechanical parking brake
8 Rear seat heating
9 Passenger side door control module
10 Left upper cabin heating
11 Passenger side door control module
12 Not used
Fuse panel D (red)
1 Rear center console outlet
2 Front center console outlet
3 Luggage compartment outlet
4 Cigarette lighter
20 5
30 15
30 15
15 5