Safety belts .................. .
Safety belt tensioner ..... ... .. .
Airbag system ........ .... .. .. .
Important th ings to know .. .... .
Front airbags .. ... .. ... ...... . .
Monitoring the Advanced Airbag
System ... ..... .... ..... .. ... .
Side airbags .... ... ...... ..... .
Side curtain airbags (SIDEGUARD™l
Child Safety .. ... ... ..... ... ... .
Important things to know .... .. .
Child safety seats ........ ... .. .
Insta lling a ch ild safety seat .... .
Addit ional Information .... ..... .
Lower anchorages and tether for
chi ldren (LA TCH) .......... ... .. .
203 207
225 Avoid damag
ing the vehicle .....
Operate your vehicle economically
and minimize pollution ......... .
Trailer towing .......... ... .. .. .
Driv ing w it h a trailer ... .... .... .
Trai ler towing t ips ....... ...... .
Vehicle care ........ ... ... .
C lean ing and protection ...... .
Genera l information ........... .
Care of exterior ....... .. .. .. ... .
Care of interior ................ .
Fuel supply and filling your fuel
tank ........ .... .. ... .... ...... .
Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Vehicle operation . . . . . . . . 235 Checking and filling . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Intelligent technology ... ...... .
Notice about data recorded by
veh icle contro l modules ....... .
Electronic Stabilization Program
(ESP) ......................... .
Braking .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .
-advanced power
steering system . ......... .. ... . 236
Driv ing w ith your quattro® . . . . . . 242
Driving and environment . . . . . . 243
The first 1,000 miles (1,500 kml and
afterwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Cata lytic conver ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Engine
hood ......... ......... .
Engine compartmen t .... ... ... .
Engine oil ... ...... ... ....... .. .
Engine cooling system .. .... ... .
Brake fluid . ............... .... .
Ba ttery ...... .......... .... ... .
Windshield/headlight washer
con ta iner .. ........ ... ........ .
Tires and whee ls ..... ......... .
Tires .......... ...... .. .. ..... . 272
2 74
Tabl e of cont ents
Do-it-yourself service . . . 3 15
What do I do now? . ......... ... 316
Jack, tools and spare wheel . . . . . . 316
W hee l change ............... ... 318
Fuses and bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Fuses ........ ......... ..... .... 326
Bu lbs .............. ... ... ... ... 328
Eme rgency sit uations . . . . . . . . . . 330
Genera l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Starting by pushing or towing . . . . 330
Starting with jumper cables . . . . . . 330
Use of jumper cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Emergency tow ing with comme rcial
tow truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Lif ting the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Technical data
General in for matio n
E xplanat ion of technical data . . . . 340
Vehicle identification . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 341
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
irechnical data
[ i J Tips
• The engine oil pressure symbol ~ is not an indicator for a low
engine oil level. Do not rely on it . Instead , check the oil level in your
engine at regular interval s, preferably each time you refuel , and
always before going on a long trip.
• The yellow oil level warning indication requires oil refill or
workshop service without delay . Do not wait until the red oil pre s
s ure warning symbol
~ starts to fla sh before you respond to the
low oil level warning
-... . By then , your engine may already have
s uffered serious damage. •
Yellow symbols
A yellow symbol means WARNING .
Yellow symbols mean:
Controls and equip
Fig . 2 0 Display : lo w
fu el lev el warn ing
( priority 2 )
Driver information display
Low fuel leve l ~ page34
Check engine oil level ~ page34
Engine oil sensor malfunction ~ page34
Light/rain* senso r defective ~ page34
Worn b rake pad s ~ page34
USA models: ~ page34 Speed wa rn ing 1 ..
Canada models: ~ page34 Speed wa rning 1
Dyn amic headl ight ra nge con-
~ page34 trol* defect ive
W inds hield washer fluid level low
~ page34
USA models : ~ page34 Speed warn ing 2
Canada models : ~ page34 Speed war ning 2
Battery voltage too high or too
~ page35 low
Defective light bulb
~ page35
Adaptiv e light* defective ~ page35
Ye llow symbo ls ind icate a p riority 2 mal funct ion - Warning!
When a yellow symbo l appears, a warning tone wil l sound
Check the displaye d functio n as so on as possi ble. I f more than one ._
irechnical data
Driver inf ormation di spl ay
priority 2 malfunction is detected, al l symbols will appear one after
t he other for about two seconds. •
Applie s to ve hicles: with Ligh ting pac kage
Light/rain* sensor defective fif>
~o Aut om atic hea dlig ht s/a utom atic w ipers defe ct iv e
If the symbol il luminates, the light /rain sensor has failed. For safety
reasons the low beams a re turned on permanently with the switch
AUTO. H owever, you can continue to turn the lights on and off
using the light sw itch . In the case of a defect in the ra in se nsor, the
windshield wiper lever functions are still available. Have the
l ight/ra in sensor checked as soon as poss ible at a dealersh ip .•
Fuel supply too low flt)
When the .ffi symbol illuminates, th is means there is about 2 to 2 .5
gallons (8 to 10 l itres) of fue l left in the fue l tank. Time to refuel!
=> page 268 . •
Checking the engine oil level ~ ..
When the ~ symbol illum inates, check the engine o il leve l as soon
possib le => page 277. Top off the oil at your ear liest opportunity
=> page 278 . •
Engine oil sensor defective ~ ...
If the ~-symbo l il lum inates, contact your authorized Audi dea ler
and have the oil sensor inspected . Until you have this done, check
the oi l leve l each t ime you refuel just to be on t he safe side
=> page 277. •
Worn brake pads 0
If the O symbo l illuminates, contact your authorized Audi dealer to
have the front brake pads inspected (on that occasion have the rear
brakes inspected as we ll to be safe) .•
Speed warning 1 8 (USA models)/ 0 (Canada
I f the 0 symbo l il luminates, this means you are driving faster than
the set vehicle speed. Slow
down! => page 35. •
Applies to ve hicles : w ith d ynami c head light rang e adjus tment
Headlight range control defective {a:>
If the t0 illuminates, the dynamic head light range control is no
longer working properly. Have the system checked a nd repaired at
your Audi dealer .•
Windshield washer fluid level too low <;p
If the O symbol illuminates, add windshield washer fluid to the
washer system and a lso fo r the headlight washer system*
=> page 291. •
Speed warning 2
0, (USA models)/ 9. (Canada models)
If the 0 symbol illum inates, this means you have driven faster than
the second set vehic le speed . S low
down!=> page 35 . •
Wiper and washer system
r,··· ,
Windshield wiper ~
The windshield wipe r lever controls both the windshield
w ipers and the washer sys te m .
Fig. 8 6 Winds hiel d
w iper le ver
T he windshield wiper lever=> fig. 8 6 has t he following posi
t ions:
One-touch w iping
- Move the le ve r to p osit ion G) , when you want to wipe t he
Intermittent wiping "V1 (activating rain sensor )*
-Move the lever up to pos ition 0 -
- Move switch © up or down, to adjust the sensitivity of
the rain sensor or to adjust the intermitte nt interval.
Low wiper speed
- Mov e the l ever u p to pos ition G) .
Controls and equip
Clear v ision
High wiper speed
- Move the lever up to position @ .
Automatic wiper /washer
- Pull the lever to pos ition ® (towar d the steering w heel)
and ho ld.
Re lease the lever . The washer stops an d the wipers keep
going f or a bout fou r seconds.
Turning off the wipers
- Move the lever back to posit ion @ .
The windshie ld wipers and washer on ly work when the ignition is
turned on .
The rain sensor* is only activated w ith the wiper lever set to position
G). When it starts to rain, the rain sensor will automa tically activate
the intermittent wiping mode .
To reduce the sensitivity of the sensor, move switch @down . To
inc rease the sensitivity, move the switch up. The higher you adjust
the sensitivity, the faster the sensor will react when it senses mois
ture on the windshield. The pauses between wiper turns depend not only on the sensitivity setting, but on the vehicle speed as well.
The rain sensor wiper interva ls depend on the sensitivity setting as
we ll as vehic le speed. During brief stops, wiper motion will adjust to
the amount of rain on the w indshield.
When the ignit ion is turned on, the washer jets are heated .
With the low beam headlights switched on, pull the wiper lever
towards you only
briefly to c lean the windshield. Ho lding the wiper
lever would also engage the headlight washer system* each time
you clean the windshield and would drain the washer fluid reservoir
irechnical data
Clear vision
• Wip er blades a re c ruc ia l f or sa fe dri vin g! On ly whe n the y are in
good condition are th ey able to cl ear the window s properly to
p rovi de un comp romi sed vis ibilit y. Wor n or damaged wiper bl ade s
are a safety
hazard => page 88, "In stalling new wiper blades "!
• The rain sen sor i s onl y des igned to assist and s upport the
driver. It rem ain s entirely the driver's respon sibil ity to monit or
o ut side weather con dit ions and to manu ally acti va te the wipe rs as
s o on as rain or drizz le reduce s vi sibility through th e wind shield .
• The windshi eld mu st not b e treat ed w ith water -r e pellent m ate
rials. T hey can increa se glare u nder poor visibilit y conditi ons such
as w etness, darkne ss, or when the sun i s low on the hori zo n. In
addition , they can caus e the windshield wipers to chatt er.
0 Note
I n freezing or near freezing conditions :
• Always check that the wiper blades are not frozen to the glass
before yo u turn the wipers on. Loosen a wiper b lade which is frozen
in place before operating the w ipers to prevent damage to the wiper
blade or the wiper motor.
• Do not use the wipers to clear a frosted window . Using the
wipers as a convenient ice scraper will destroy the wiper blades .
• Before you take your vehicle to an automatic car wash , make sure
you have the windshield w iper system switched off (lever in position
0), otherwise the windshield wiper system could get damaged in the
car wash if it should suddenly come on .
[ i J Tips
• The rain sensor is part of the interva l wiping system . Turning off
the ignition will also deactivate the rain sensor. To reactivate the sensor, switch off the interval wiping function, then switch it back
on again. •
If you switch off the ignition with the windshield wiper lever sti ll
in the interva l wipe position and then come back a while later and
drive off, the rain sensor will reactivate itself after the vehicle speed
has exceeded 4 mph (6 km/h) .
• Worn or dirty windshield wiper b lades cause smearing which
can affect the opera tion of the rain sensor . Check the conditio n of
your windshield wiper blades regularly .
• Make sure the washer fluid reservoir in the engine compartment
is topped off before going on a long trip . Look
up=> page 291 for
checking and filling the washer container .•
Rear vvindovv vviper (Q
The wiper lever is also used to operate the rear window
wiper and the automatic wiper/w asher function.
F ig . 8 7 Wip er lever:
a cti vating th e rea r
w indo w wipe r an d
was her
The rear win dow wiper a nd the au tomati c wip er/washer
f un ctions are activate d as fo llows:
Checking and filling -
------------ ----=---a::;;._...a
Coolant expansion tank ( ... L) ...... ... .. ..... .. ... .
Windshield/headlight washer container
( 0 ) ...... . .
Power steering reservoir (green cap)
Before you check anything in the engine compartment, always
read and heed all WARNINGS
=> & in "Working in the engine
compartment" on
page 273. •
Applies to vehicles: with 6 -cy lin d er engine
3.2 liter , 6-cylinder engine (255 hp)
These are the most important items that you can check.
Fig . 206 Engine compartment: 3 .2 liter , 6-cylinder
Battery .. ............... ... .. ...... .... ...... .
Brake fluid reservoir (
... ) . .. ... ... .... .... ...... .
Coo lant expansion tank
(J _)
Engine oil filler cap (
Windshield/headlight washer container
( O ) ... .... .
Power steering reservoir (green cap)
Before you check anything in the engine compartment , always
read and heed all WARNINGS
=> & in "Working in the engine
compartment" on
page 273. •
Engine oil
Engine oil specifications
The engine oil used in your Audi needs the right kind of
The engine in your Audi is a sophisticated powerplant that was built
to exacting specifications . This engine needs the right kind of
engine oil that meets specifications regarding quality and viscosity
so that it can run smoothly and re liably . Choosing the right oil and
changing oil within the time and mileage intervals printed in your
vehicle's Maintenance
& Warranty booklet matters a lot more today
than it did years ago. Audi has developed a special quality standard
f or engine oil that wil l help assure that your vehicle's engine wi ll get
the lubrication it needs for proper operation .
Modern engine lubrication has taken a quantum leap in the last few
years. Many synthetic oils available today provide better engine
lubrication that can outlast traditional petroleum-based oils,
making them a smart choice for use throughout the life of your Audi .
Whether you use synthetic or petroleum -based engine oil, the oil
that you use must conform to Audi's oi l quality standard VW 502 00
to help keep your vehicle 's engine running smoothly and help
Ve hic le care Technical data
_____________________________________________ C_h_ e_ c
_ k_in --= g'--a
_ n_d _ f_il _li _n ..::g ::.-__,-
-Switch off the ignition and all electrical consumers.
First disconnect the minus cab le (usual ly black or brown) and then
the plus cable (usual ly red). Then remove the battery mounting
bracket and remove the battery. •
Replacing battery
The new battery must have the same specifications and
dimensions as the old one.
A replacement battery must have the same spec ifications and
dimensions as the o riginal equipment battery. Specifications are
listed on the battery housing.
When installing the battery, make sure the ignition and all electrical
consumers are switched off.
0 Note
Make sure the ventilation hose on the side of the battery is
connected, otherwise fumes or battery acid can leak out.
~ For th e sake of th e environm ent
Because of the problem of proper disposal of a battery, we recom
mend your authorized Audi dealer change the battery for you.
Batteries contain sulfur ic acid and lead and must always be
disposed of properly in compliance with a ll environmenta l regula
t ions . Dispos ing of vehic le batteries improperly is very dangerous to
the environment. •
Windshield/headlight washer
Using plain water is not adequate for filling the wind
shield washer system and the headlight washer system*.
i w a, a,
Fig . 21 6 Engin e
co mp artment : Wind
s hiel d and head ligh t
w as her f luid contain er
~-~ The washer flu id container is marked with the symbol W on
its cap.
-Before you check a nything in the engine compartmen t,
always read and heed all WARNINGS :::::, & in "Working
in t he engine compartment" on
page 273.
-Lift t he fi ller c ap tongu e to add wash er fluid. You can fil l
the container to the top .
-Press the ca p bac k onto the filler neck a fter fi lling the
You can find the reservoir c a pac ity in the tab le in=> page 343.
Use winterized windshield washer solvent during the cold season
even though the ve hic le is equipped with
h eated wash er jets . It _.,
Vehic le care irechnical data
___ C_ h_ e_c _k _ i_n ~g _ a_n_ d_ f_il _li _n_ g~--------------------------------------------
helps to keep your windshield c lean and prevents the fluid from
free zing in the winter .
Follow the directions on the container for the correct amount to be
used .
0 Note
Do not mix engine coo lant antifreeze or any other additives to fill up
the windshield washer reservoir. •