Instruments and warning /indi cator lights
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Instrument cluster and controls
The instrument cluster is your central source of in formation .
Fig . 2 O vervie w of t he ins trument clu ster
G) Coo lant tempe rature gauge .................... . .
0 Tachometer with time and date display .. ......... .
© Warn ing/indicato r lights ..... .... ... ... .. .... .. .
© Speedometer with odome ter ..... .... .... ... ... .
© Fue l gauge . ....... ... ...... .... .... .... .... .. .
© Bu ttons to se t the:
1 3, 14
- Clock and date display ....................... .
- I nstrument cluster i llu m ination
0 Disp lay screen for:
- Service interval
............................. .
- Driver information sys tem . ...... .... .... ... .. .
© CHECK system button .. .... .... ... .. .... .. ..... .
16 .,_
Switching on the clock and odometer
With the ignition is switched off, the odometer and digital clock with
date disp lay can be switched on for a few seconds by pressing the
button => page 16, fig. 7.
Starting the Auto-Che ck sequence
The Auto -Check
system => page 28 consistently monitors certain
individual functions and components of the vehicle when the igni
tion is turned on and when the vehicle is moving .
With the ignition switched on, you can start the "Auto-Check
sequence" by pressing the CHECK button. You can perform an Auto
Check sequence both when the vehicle is at a standstill and the igni
tion is switched on or when the vehicle is moving not faster than
3 mph (5 km/h).
Calling up the driver informat ion
When a first priority symbo l starts to
flash => page 28 or when a
defective light
bulb=> page 35, has been detected, you can press
the CHECK button to display the driver information. For example:
The information disappears after approximate ly five seconds .
Setting the speed warning
By pressing the CHECK button you can set speed warning
=> page 36, "Speed warning 1: setting a speed limit" while the
vehicle is moving.
Speed warning
2* => page 37, "Speed warning 2 : setting a speed
limit" can only be set with the ignition switched off. •
Controls and equip
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Service interval display
The service interval display reminds you when your next
service is due.
Display remaining distance
Fig. 8 Service interval
display in the instru
ment cluster
With the ignition on, briefly push button G) to disp lay the distance
remaining (miles/kilometers) until the next service is due. You can
recall the service countdown with the engine in idle or while driving
at a slow speed up to
3 mph (5 km/h). The remaining distance will
be upda ted every 300 miles (500 km):
On a new vehicle, or immediately after a service has been
performed, the following message will be displayed:
For the first 300 miles (500 km) of driving after a service, the display
will keep showing dashes. This
is NOT a malfunction . Rather, the
system needs the mileage to (re-)adjust to your driving
style. Only
then can it start generating and updating figures for the distance and
days until the next scheduled service .
irechnical data
Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
Driver information display
Applies to vehicles: w ith Driver information display
General notes
The driver information display inside the instrument
cluster provides you, the driver, with important informa tion.
Fig. 1 O Ins tru ment
c lu st er: ce nte r dis play
The driver information display is located in the center of the instru
cluster:::> fig. 10.
The driver information system updates important information in the center display in clear view of the driver . In an easy to understand
format, the display tel ls you how your vehicle is functioning
at th e
c urr ent m om ent .
For example, the display can te ll you how many
miles (ki lometers) you can still drive until it is time to bring your
vehic le to your authorized Audi dealer for a scheduled Maintenance
Service. This feature helps preventing costly repairs. It is just one of
many different items o f information available for recall. The display also gives you a "status report" whenever the
nd sys te m and
n av igatio n
systems are being used.
Detailed instructions for operating the Aud i Naviga tion System* are
provided in separate manuals.
[ i] Tips
If your vehic le has an automatic transmission, the various display
contents will appear only after you have moved the selector lever
R , D or S. •
Driver information display with on -board
Radio display
Outside air temperature
Door open indicator
Selector lever position tiptronic®
Speed limiter
Auto Check system Driver information
Parking brake warning
Service interval disp lay
Headlight/taillight malfunction ::::> page25
=:> page25
=:> page26
=:> page 144
=:> page34
::::> page 28
::::> page 29
=:> page29
=:> page 17
=:> page 35
[ i J Tips
• The engine oil pressure symbol ~ is not an indicator for a low
engine oil level. Do not rely on it . Instead , check the oil level in your
engine at regular interval s, preferably each time you refuel , and
always before going on a long trip.
• The yellow oil level warning indication requires oil refill or
workshop service without delay . Do not wait until the red oil pre s
s ure warning symbol
~ starts to fla sh before you respond to the
low oil level warning
-... . By then , your engine may already have
s uffered serious damage. •
Yellow symbols
A yellow symbol means WARNING .
Yellow symbols mean:
Controls and equip
Fig . 2 0 Display : lo w
fu el lev el warn ing
( priority 2 )
Driver information display
Low fuel leve l ~ page34
Check engine oil level ~ page34
Engine oil sensor malfunction ~ page34
Light/rain* senso r defective ~ page34
Worn b rake pad s ~ page34
USA models: ~ page34 Speed wa rn ing 1 ..
Canada models: ~ page34 Speed wa rning 1
Dyn amic headl ight ra nge con-
~ page34 trol* defect ive
W inds hield washer fluid level low
~ page34
USA models : ~ page34 Speed warn ing 2
Canada models : ~ page34 Speed war ning 2
Battery voltage too high or too
~ page35 low
Defective light bulb
~ page35
Adaptiv e light* defective ~ page35
Ye llow symbo ls ind icate a p riority 2 mal funct ion - Warning!
When a yellow symbo l appears, a warning tone wil l sound
Check the displaye d functio n as so on as possi ble. I f more than one ._
irechnical data
Warm and cold -
Warm and cold
Climate controls
The air conditioner is fully automatic and is designed to
maintain a comfortable and uniform climate inside the
We recommend the fo llowing settings:
- Select and set a temperature between 71 °F (+22 °C) and
84 °F (+29 °C).
- Press the [AUTO
I button.
With this setting, you attain maximum comfort in the least amount
of time . C hange this sett ing, as des ired, to meet your personal
needs .
The climate contro ls are a combination of heating, ventilation and
cool ing systems, which automatica lly reduce humidity and coo l the
air inside your vehicle .
The air temperature, air flow and air distribution are automatically
regu lated to achieve and maintain the desired passenger compart
ment temperatu re as quickly as possible.
The system automatically compensates for changes in the outside
temperature and for the intensity of the sunlight entering the
veh ic le. We recommend you use the
Automati c mode=> page 127
for year-round comfort.
Please note the follow ing :
Turn on the air conditioner to reduce hum idity in the veh ic le. This
a lso prevent the windows from fogging up.
Controls and equip
When the outside temperature is high and the air is very humid,
c o ndensat ion from the evaporator may drip under the vehicle. This
is normal and does not ind icate a leak.
If the outside temperature is low, the fan norma lly on ly switches to
a higher speed once the engine coolant has warmed up suff iciently .
The air conditioner temporarily switches off when you drive off from a standstill using ful l throttle to save engine power.
The compressor also switches off if the coolant temperature is too
high so that the engine can be adequate ly cooled under extreme
loads .
Air p ollut ants filt er
The air po llutants fi lter (a combined part ic le filter and activated
charcoal filter) reduces or e liminates outside air pol lution (dust, or
pollen) from enter ing the vehic le .
The air po llutants filter must be changed at the intervals specified
in you r Maintenance
& Wa rranty booklet, so that the air cond itioner
can proper ly work.
If you drive your vehic le in an area with high air pol lution, the filter
may need to be changed more frequently than speci fied in your
Audi Maintenance
& Warranty book let. If in doubt, ask your autho
ri zed Aud i Service Adv isor fo r advice .
Reduced vi sibility i s da ng erou s and can cause accident s.
• For safe driving it is very important that all windows be free of
ice , snow and cond ensa tion .
• Fully familiarize yourself with the proper us e and function of
the heating and ventilation sy stem and e speci ally how to defog
and defrost the window s.
____________________________________________ ln_t_ e_ l_ li _,..g "- e_ n
_ t_t_e _c_ h_ n_o _l_o _....g ,_,y'-----'""
• when driving in deep snow or on a loose surface (to allow the
wheels to dig in to reach firm ground)
• when trying to "rock" the vehicle free when it has become stuck .
The system should be reactivated once you are no longer in such
Both, the ABS and EDL systems are still functioning even if the ESP
is switched off.
The increased safety afforded by ASR does not mean that you can
take safety risks. Always adapt your driving style to the road conditions and traffic situation.
[ i] Tips
To ensure that the ASR works properly, all four wheels must be fitted
with identical tires Any differences in rolling radius of the tires can
cause the system to reduce engine power when this is not desired.
also::::;, page 305, "New tires and replacing tires and wheels". •
General information
What affects braking efficiency?
Operating conditions and driving habits
The brakes on today's automobiles are still subject to wear,
depending largely on operating conditions and driving
habits::::;, &.
On vehicles which are driven mostly in stop -and -go city traffic or
which are driven hard, the brake pads should be checked by your
authorized Audi dealer more often than specified in the
& Warranty booklet.
Controls and equip ment Safety first Vehicle operation
On steep slopes, you should use the braking effect of the engine
This way, you prevent unnecessary wear on the brake system. If you
must use your brakes, do not hold the brakes down continuously.
Pump the brakes at intervals.
Moisture or road salt
Under certain conditions, for example, when driving through water
or very heavy rain, or even after washing your vehicle, the braking
effect can be reduced due to moisture (or in freezing conditions ice)
on the brake pads. A few cautious brake applications should dry off
the brake pads or remove any ice coatings.
The effectiveness of the brakes can be reduced when the vehicle is
driven on a salt -covered road and the brakes are not used. Likewise,
you clean off accumulated salt coating from brake discs and pads
with a few cautious applications of the
brake::::;, &.
There may be a tendency for dirt to build up on the brake pads and
corrosion to form on the discs if the car is not driven regularly or
only for short trips with little use of the brakes .
If the brakes are not used frequently, or if corrosion has formed on
the discs , it is advisable to clean off the pads and discs by braking
firmly a few times from a moderately high
speed ::::;,& .
Faults in the brake system
If you should notice a sudden increase in brake pedal travel, then
one of the two brake circuits may have
failed::::;, &.
Low brake fluid level
Malfunctions can occur in the brake system if the brake fluid level is
too low. The brake fluid level is monitored electronically.
• You should perform braking maneuvers for the purpose of
cleaning the brake system only if road conditions permit. Other
road users must not be put at risk - you may cause an accident!
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
lffll.,__ __ D_r_ i_v _i_n _.g..,_ a_ n_d_ e_ n_v _ i
_ r_o _ n_ m_ e_ n_ t _______________________________________________ _
one half. Never drive faster than the posted speed limit and weather
conditions permit. •
Reducing unnecessary idling
Even when your car is just idling it burns up fuel.
- Shut the engine off when you are not driving the vehicle .
- Do not warm up the vehic le by letting the engine run at
id le .
It makes sense to shut off the engine in traff ic jams, when waiting
for tra ins to pass at rai lroad crossings , or at traffic lights that have
long waits on red. Turning the engine off for just 30 -40 seconds
saves more fue l than is burned starting the engine again .
It takes a long time for the engine to warm up fu lly when it is
running at idle. However, wear and noxious emiss ions are espec ially
high when the engine is warming up . So you should drive away as
soon as you sta rt the engine and avoid running at high rpms w hile
the engine is sti ll warming up.
0 Note
Do not leave engine idling unattended after starting . If warning
lights should come on to indicate improper operation, they would
go unheeded. Extended id ling also produces heat, which could
resu lt in overheating or other damage to the vehic le or other
property .•
Regular maintenance
A badly tuned engine unnecessarily wastes a lot of fuel.
- Have your ve hicle serviced at regular intervals .
By having your vehicle regularly serviced by an Audi dealer helps to
ensure that it runs properly and economical ly . The cond ition of your
vehic le not only affects its safety and abi lity to hold its value, it also
fuel consumpt ion .
Check your oil ea ch time you fill your t ank .
The amount of oil used is related to engine load and speed.
I t is norma l for the oi l consumption of a new engine to reach its
lowest value after a certain mi leage has been driven.
You must drive your vehicle about 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers) before you can properly assess oil consumption .
This also applies to fue l consump tion and engine output .
0 Note
• Have your vehicle maintained properly and in accordance with
t he service recom mendat io n s in your Maintenance
& Wa rranty
booklet. Lack of proper ma intenance as well as improper use of the
vehic le wi ll impai r the function of the emission cont rol system and
cou ld lead to damage.
• Do no t alte r or remove any component of the Emission Contro l
System unless approved by the manufacturer .
• Do not alte r or remove any dev ice, such as heat shields,
switches, ignition wires, valves, which are designed to protec t your
vehic le's Emission Control System and other important veh ic le
components .•
Fewer short trips
Fuel consumption will alw ays be rel atively high on short
t r ips.
- Try to avo id driving short dis ta n ces wi th a cold engine. ~
___ C_ h_ e_c _k _ i_n ~g _ a_n_ d_ f_il _li _n_ g~--------------------------------------------
prevent the formation of harmful deposits, sometimes called
"sludge", that over time can lead to expensive repairs.
At the time of printing, engine oils available in the U .S . and Canada
that meet the exacting specifications of Audi oil standard VW 502 00
are synthetic engine oils. This does not mean, however, that every
synthetic engine oil will meet Audi oil standard VW 502 00. So
always be sure that you use an approved oil.
To help prevent the formation of harmful deposits use only oil with
the following specifications printed on the oil container:
Audi oil standard VW 502 00
Oil container labels may carry the specification singly or in combi
nation with other designations and oil quality standards.
Engine oils are graded according to their viscosity. The proper
viscosity grade oil for your engine depends on climactic or seasonal
condi tions where you drive. You can use oil wi th a viscosity grade of
SAE 5W40 across all temperature ranges for normal driving condi
tions .
However, if engine oil viscosity grade SAE 5W40 is not available, you
can also use viscosity grade SAE 5W-30 or SAE 0W-40 as long as it
meets Audi oil quality standard VW 502 00 specifications.
Because engine oil that meets the Audi oil standard may not be
available everywhere when you need it, we strongly recommend
that you always carry with you an extra quart (liter) of oil that
expressly conforms to the VW 502 00 specification, in case you have
to top off the oil while on the road.
Only if the level of the oil is at or below the minimum mark on the
oil dipstick -and no oil that expressly conforms to Audi oil standard
VW 502 00 specifications is available - may you top off with a high
quality engine oil, preferably synthetic -based , that meets ACEA A3,
ACEA A5 or ACEA B5, API SL or ILSAC GF -3 specifications, but even
then, only in viscosity grades SAE 5W -40, SAE 5W -30, or SAE 0W -40 .
However, during the entire time between oil change intervals, never top off with more than a total of 0
.5 qt/liter engine oil that does not
conform to Audi oil specification VW 502 00.
For more information about engine oil that has been approved for
your vehicle, please contact either your authorized Audi dealer or
Audi Customer Relations at 1 (800) 822-2834 or visit our web site at or Here you will also find a
current list of oils (manufacturers, brand names etc.) that conform
to Audi oil standard VW 502 00.
Changing the engine oil
The engine oil and oil filter must be changed according to the
mileage (kilometers) and time intervals specified in your vehicle's
Maintenance & Warranty booklet. Do not exceed these intervals -
harmful deposits from old engine oil can reduce engine perfor
mance and can lead to expensive engine repairs.
Changing the oil at the recommended intervals is so very important
because the lubricating properties of oil decrease gradually during
normal vehicle use. If you are not sure when you have your oil
changed, ask your authorized Audi Service Advisor.
Under some circumstances the engine oil should even be changed
more frequently . Change oil more often if you drive mostly short
distances, operate the vehicle in dusty areas or mostly under stop
and-go traffic conditions, or when you use your vehicle where
temperatures stay below freezing point for long periods.
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil look dark after the
engine has been running for a short time. This is normal and is not
a reason to change the oil more often than recommended.
Damage or malfunctions due to lack of maintenance
It is essential that you change your oil at the recommended intervals
using only engine oil that complies with Audi oil standard
VW 502 00. Your Limited New Vehicle Warranty does not cover
damage or malfunctions due to failure to follow recommended
maintenance and use requirements as set forth in the Audi Owner's
Manual and Maintenance & Warranty booklet. Your dealer will have
to deny warranty coverage unless you present to the dealer proof in