® Reset button for Service indicator .... ... .. .... ... .
@ Reset button for trip odometer .... .... .... ...... .
The instrument cluster illuminates whenever you switch on the ign i
tion with the
vehicle headlights off. The instrument cluster illumina
tion dims automatically as the daylight begins to fade away . It goes
out completely when the outside light is very dim . The reason for
this is to remind you to turn on the headlights when the light condi
tions become poor.
Engine coolant temperature gauge
The engine coolant gauge 0~ page 12, fig . 2 only works when the
ignition is on. To prevent damage to your engine, please note the
f o llowing important points:
Engine cold
As long as the needle remains at the left end of the gauge, the
engine still has not reached its operating temperature. Avoid high
engine speeds, heavy engine loads and heavy throttle .
Normal temperature
When the engine has reached its operating temperature, the needle
wi ll move into the midd le of the gauge and remain there. If the
engine is working hard at high outside temperatures, the needle
may turn further to the right. This is no cause for concern as long as
J_ warning light in the instrument cluster does not illuminate.
When the
_t_ warning light starts to flash, this can mean one of two
th ings : either the coolant
temperature is to o high, or the coolant
level is too low~ page 31 .
• Always observe the warning in ~ page 265, "Engine compart
ment" before opening the engine hood and checking the engine
c oolant level .
Controls and equip
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
& WARNING (continued )
• Never open the engine hood if you see or hear steam, or if you
see engine coolant dripping from the engine compartment . You
could burn yourself. Let the engine cool off first so that you cannot
hear or see any steam or engine coolant.
0 Note
• Mounting additional lights or accessories in front of the air inlets
reduces the coo ling effect of the radiator . At high outside tempera
tures or high engine load, the engine cou ld overheat.
• The front spoi ler has been designed to properly distribute the
cooling air when the vehicle is moving. If the spoiler is damaged,
this could reduce the cooling effect and the engine could then over
heat. Ask your author ized Audi dealer for assistance .•
Tachometer {engine rev counter)
The tachometer indicates the engine RPM (revolutions per
The tachometer 0 ~ page 12, fig. 2 is the left one of the two large
c lock -type displays.
The engine turns at a speed
1,000 times the sin gle digit in the
display, e .g . if the needle points at the "2", the engine turns at
2,000 RPM.
If the engine RPMs drop below 1,500, you shou ld downshift to the
next lower gear. The red area at the end of the scale indicates
maximum permissible engine RPMs after the break-in period.
Before reaching this area, you should either shift into the next
higher gear or ease your foot off the accelerator pedal.
When the ignition is switched off, the odometer reading and the digital clock with date display can be switched on for a few seconds
by pressing the CHECK
button~ page 12, fig. 2 @ . •
Instrument cluster illumination
It is possible to adjust the instrument cluster illumination.
Fig. 4 In str um ent
c luster i lluminatio n
- Press the"+" button to increase the brightness .
- Press the"-" button to dim the br ightness.
A light sensor in the instrument cluster contro ls the illumina tion for
the instrument cluster, the center conso le and the displays.
The illumination for the instrument cluster lights up whenever you
sw itch on the ignition with the
vehicle h eadlight s off. As the
daylight fades, the instrument c luster illumination likewise dims
automatically and wi ll go out comp lete ly when the outside light is
very low . This feature is meant to remind you to switch on the head
lights when the outside light conditions become poor .
Controls and equip
In st rum ents and w arning /indi cator li ght s
Speedometer with odometer
The speedometer shows you the vehicle speed, and the
odometer shows you how many miles (kilometers) you
have driven .
miles 1S3. 9
Fig . 5 Sp eedom eter
c lose-u p: od omete r
di sp lay
The odometer and trip odometer are located inside the speedom
eter .
• USA models -Miles
• Canadian models -Kilometers
Low er odom ete r
The lower odometer shows the total number of miles (ki lometers)
d riven .
Upper odometer (tri p odometer )
The upper odometer shows the total number of miles (kilometers)
driven since you last reset the odometer to zero . You can use this
odometer when you want to keep track of how many miles (kilome
ters) you have driven for a single trip or errand. The last digit indi
cates 1/10 of a m ile (100 meters) . You can set the trip odo meter back
to zero by pressing the reset
button~ fig. 5. -..
irechnical data
Instruments and warnin g/indi cat or li ghts
Se rv ice re mi nder
As soon as less than 1,200 m iles (2,000 ki lometers) of driving are left
before the next due service, the fo llowing message wi ll be disp layed
when you switc h on the ignition:
SE RV IC E IN 1 ,200 Ml (2,000 KM )··· DA YS
After about five seconds the display switches back. Each time you
sw itch on the ignition, the distance wil l be updated until the next
service date is reached .
Ser vic e due
If service is due immediately, SERVI CE! wil l appear in the display
immediately after switching on the ignition . The disp lay switches
back after about five seconds.
Re settin g th e dis pl ay
Your authorized Audi dealer wi ll reset the disp lay after performing
t he scheduled service. If the service is not performed by an autho
ri zed Audi dealer, the display must then be reset as follows :
• Switch off the ignition .
• Press and hold the Service button
G):::::, page 17, fig . 8, then
switch on the ignition . One of the following messages appears in
the display:
• Press the reset button 0 unti l either of the fol lowing messages
appears in the disp lay :
After about five seconds the display switches back .
[ i ] Tip s
• Do not reset the display between service interva ls . Doing so will
resu lt in an incorrect d isp lay.
• The service display information wi ll remain intact even if the
battery is disconnected .
• If a pr iority 1 mal funct ion is detected (red symbol), you cannot
display the distance remaining. •
Reset button
The "0.0" button:::::, page 17, fig. 8 0 performs the fol lowing func
t ions:
R es etting th e trip od om ete r
The upper odome ter (tr ip odometer):::::, page 15 can be reset back to
zero by pressing the reset button.
R ese ttin g th e se rv ic e int erva l
The service interva l display :::::, page 17 can be reset by pressing t he
reset button (first se lect the "reset" mode in the service indicator
display). •
Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
The speed warning system warns the driver if he exceeds a previ
ously stored maximum speed . A warning tone wi ll sound as soon as
the vehic le speed exceeds the set speed by about 6 miles per hour
(10 km/h) . At the same time, a warning symbol appears in the
display~ fig. 21 .
The speed warning system has
t wo wa rning thre sholds that func
tion independent ly of each other and that have somewhat different
Sp eed w arnin g 1 -
You can use speed warning 1 to set the maximum speed while you
are driving . This setting will remain in effect until you turn off the
ignition, assuming that you have not changed or reset the setting.
The speed warning symbol (USA models)/ (: (Canada models) in
the warning 1 disp lay appears when you exceed the maximum
speed. It goes out when the speed falls be low the stored maximum
speed .
The speed warning symbol will also go out if the speed
exceeds the
stored maximum speed by more than about 25 mph (40 km/h) for at
least 10 seconds. The stored maximum speed is de leted.
Setting speed warning 1
~ page 36 .
S pee d w arni ng 2
Storing warning 2 is recommended if you always want to be
reminded of a certain speed, for example when you are traveling in
a country that has a genera l maximum speed limit, or if you do not
want to exceed a specified speed for winter tires.
The speed warning 2 symbol, (USA models)/ (Canada models) appears in the disp lay when you exceed the stored speed limit .
Unlike warning 1, it wil l not go out until the vehicle speed drops
below the stored speed limit .
Setting speed warning 2
~ page 37.
[ i ] Tip s
Even though your vehicle is equipped with a speed warning system,
you shou ld still watch the speedometer to make sure you are not
driving faster than the speed l imit. •
Speed warning 1: setting a speed limit
Warning thresh old 1 is set by the CHECK button .
Storing the maximum s pee d
- Drive at the desired maximu m speed.
Fig. 22 C HECK button
i n t he in strum ent
c lust er
Briefly press the CHECK button ~ fig. 22 .
Resetting th e ma ximum sp eed
Drive the ve hicle at a speed of at least 3 mph (5 km/h)
Press the CH EC K butto n for at least two seconds .
The speed warning symbo l r I· (Canada models) appears briefly
in the display when you re lease the button to indicate that the
maximum speed has been stored success ful ly . The maximum speed
will remain stored in the system until it is changed by briefly
pressing the button again or until it is reset by holding down the
button for at least two seconds. •
Speed warning 2: setting a speed limit
Switches in the wiper arm are used to operate warning
threshold 2.
Controls and equip
Fig . 23 CHECK button
in the instrument
Fig. 24 Wiper arm:
function selector
Driver information display
Saving a maximum speed
-Turn off the ignition.
-Briefly press the CHECK button in the instrument cluster
=> fig. 23 . The odometer and the digital clock will now be
-Press the CHECK button for at least two seconds. The
currently stored maximum speed
or the crossed out
symbol for warning 2 will appear in the display if a maximum speed has not yet been set.
Press the function selector switch in the wiper
arm @
=> fig. 24 up or down to change the set value. The values
increase or decrease in increments of 6.2 mph (10 km/h).
Resetting the maximum speed
-Turn off the ignition.
- Briefly press the CHECK button in the instrument cluster
=> fig. 23. The odometer and the digital clock will now
illuminate briefly.
-Press the CHECK button for at least two seconds. The
currently stored maximum speed will appear in the
-Press the reset button in the wiper arm ©=> fig. 24 until
the display shows the symbol for speed warning 2 crossed out with a line.
The odometer and the digital clock displays will go out again a few
seconds after this adjustment is completed. •
irechnical data
Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
Trip computer
A pplie s to v ehicl es: w ith trip com pu te r
The trip computer gives you information on current and
average fuel consumption rates, average speed, cruising
distance and driving time.
Fi g. 25 Trip computer
di sp lay: c urre nt
mi leag e
The fol lowi ng information is eva luated by the trip compu ter and
shown in th e display :
Cruis ing range
Driving time
Average fuel consumption
Average speed
Ins tantaneous fuel consumption
=:> page 40
=:> page 40
=> page 40
=:> page 41
=:> page 47
The five different information contents -cruis ing range, driving
ti me, ave rage fuel economy , average speed and ins tan taneous fuel consumpt
-rota te in the display in the same sequen ce as they
appear in the
table =:> fig. 25. •
Applies t o ve hic les: with t rip co mpute r
The trip c omputer is equipped with tw o fully automatic
F ig . 2 6 Tr ip co mput er
d isp lay : m emor y le vel 1
A smal l tag -arrow -=:> fig . 26 identifies which memory leve l is
current ly being displayed . The tag
"1 " indicates the single-tr ip
memory leve l 1, the tag "2 " the complete -trip memory leve l 2.
S ingle -t rip m emor y
The singl e-trip memory stores the trip information from the time th e
ignition is turned on until it is turned off . If the tr ip is con tinued
within two hour s from the time the ignition was turned off, the new
data w ill be included in the ca lculation o f the current trip in forma
tion . If the trip is interrupted for
more than two hours , the memory
is automatically reset to zero . _..
Comple te- tri p m emory
Unlike the single -trip memory, the complete -trip memory is not
reset automatically . This permits you to evaluate your driving data
for the entire period between manual resets. •
Applies to ve hicles: with trip com puter
Reset button
On the underside of the wiper arm sits the Reset button
for scrolling through the trip information displays.
Fig . 27 W iper lever :
reset button
Each time the reset button is briefly pressed, the display will rotate
t o the next readout in the sequence :
• single -trip memory (memory level 1)
• complete-trip memory (memory level 2)
• display off
[ i] Tip s
• To scroll through the various readouts in the display, press the
reset button
briefly . If you keep the reset button pressed for at least
Controls and equip
Dri ver inf orma tio n di spl ay
one second, the current readout value (for example, the current
mileage => page 38, fig. 25) will be reset to zero.
• Fault messages from the Auto -Check Control will appear in the
display even when it is off. •
Applies to ve hicles : with tr ip compute r
The trip computer is controlled by two switches located
on the wiper arm .
Selecting the functions
Fig. 28 Wiper ar m:
co ntr ols fo r the t rip
co mputer
P ush in the upper (lower) protrusion on the function
selector switch
@ to scroll up (down) t hrough the trip
computer functions
~ fig . 28. Keep the switch pushed
until the desired display appears .
Re setting the function to z ero
Select the desired function.
Push the reset button
@ for at least one second.
Technical data
Driver inf ormation di spl ay
You can reset the following values to zero using th e reset button:
• driving time
• average mileage
• average speed
The trip computer will not operate unless the ignition is on. When
you turn on the ignition, the function that was in use the last time
you turned the ignition off, wil l appear in the display . Briefly press
the function selector switch
@ or the reset button ® to set the
driving time
alarm=> page 40.
[ i ] Tips
All stored values w ill be lost if the veh ic le battery is disconnected. •
Applies to vehicles: with trip computer
Cruising range
The cruising range display helps you plan your trips.
The estimated cruising range in miles (kilometers) appears in the
d isplay . Th is te lls you how far you r vehicle wi ll be able to trave l with
the amount of fuel left in the tank and with the same driving style .
The disp lay counts down in 6 mile- (10 km-) s teps.
The cruising range is ca lculated based on the fuel consumption for
the last 18 miles (30 km). If you drive conservatively, the cruising
range wi ll increase .•
App lies to vehicles: with trip computer
Driving time
The driving time display reminds you when it is time to
take a break.
The length of time that you have been driving since you last rese t
the memory appears in this display. If you want to keep track of your driving
time from a given point in time, reset the memory at this
point in time by press ing the reset
butto n=> page 39, fig. 28 @ .
Sin gle -trip m emor y
If you stop driv ing for more than 2 hours , the driv ing t ime value will
be reset automatically .
Complete-trip memory
The driving time va lue remains in memory when the ignition is off.
When you resume driving, t he additio nal driving ti me is added on to
the previous value.
D riv in g time alarm
After you have been driving for two hours, the display wil l automat
ica lly switch to the driving t ime d isplay
2 :00 . The driving t ime
display wil l also flash. This driving time alarm reminds the driver to
take a break fro m driv ing.
To turn off the driving time alarm, briefly press the function selector
switch or the rese t button
~ page 39, fig . 28.
If you continue your trip or take a break o f
less than ten minutes, a
new a larm wi ll be disp layed at driving times of
4 :00 , 6 :00 etc.
However, the driving time alarm counter wi ll be reset if you take a
break of more than ten minutes. •
Applies to vehicles: with tr ip computer
Average fuel consumption
The average mileage indica tion allows you to anticipate
your refueling stops well ahead in time.
Th e average fuel economy i n MPG (1/100 km) s ince you last cleared
the memory appears in this display. You can use this disp lay to
adjust your driving technique to achieve a desired mi leage. I f you
want to determine the fuel economy for a new time period, reset the
memo ry using the reset
button => page 39, fig. 28 . After you have
reset the display, a zero will appear for the first 100 feet (30 metres) . .,_