2008 AUDI A4 AVANT key battery

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Page 55 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual Master  key  with  remote  control 
The remote  control  allows  you  to  lock  or  unlock  the 
vehicle  electronically. 
Fig . 46  Fold-up master 
key  with  remote 
-To fold  the  key  out

Page 56 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual Opening  and  clo sing 
Master  key  battery  replacement 
Each  master  key  contains  a  battery  housed  under  the  
F ig.  48  Mas ter  key: 
o p enin g the  cover 
We  recommend  having

Page 58 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual Opening  and  clo sing 
& W ARNI NG (c onti nued ) 
• Do  not  le ave  ch ildr en  in side th e vehicle uns upervi sed.  In  an 
em erge ncy  it  would  be  i mpos sible  to open t he doors from  th

Page 66 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual Openin g and  closing 
Anti-theft  alarm  system 
The anti-theft  alarm  triggers  an  alarm  if  anyone  attempts  
to  break  int o the  vehicle. 
The anti-theft  alarm  system  trigger

Page 138 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual ___ o_ n_ t_h _e _ r_o _a_ d __________________________________________________  _ 
temporarily  interrupted  to  conserve  battery  power. After  the  engine 
has  started,  release  the key  and  it

Page 160 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual ___ H_ o_ m_ e_L_ i_n _k_ ® __________________________________________________  _ 
Applies to vehicles:  with  Home link®  univer sal rad io  frequency  remote contro l 
Programming  the  HomeLink �

Page 275 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual Checking  and  filling -
& WARNING (continued) 
ment. Wait  until  no  steam  or  coolant  can be  seen  or  heard  before 
carefully  opening  the  hood. 

Page 355 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual Alph ab eti ca l  ind ex -
Climate  controls  ...... .... ...... ..  127 
Switching  on  ....................  127 
When  should  I use AUTO?  ......... 127 
Auto  Safety  Hot
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