Master key with remote control
The remote control allows you to lock or unlock the
vehicle electronically.
Fig . 46 Fold-up master
key with remote
-To fold the key out and back in place, press the release
~ fig . 46 .
Th e transmitt er and battery are located in the head o f the remo te
control. The receiver is located inside the vehicle. The maximum
effec tive range depends on several things. Remember, if the battery
is weak, the effective range decreases.
If you need to replace the remote control , o r if you need to have it
repaired, you must see your authorized Audi dealer. Only then can
you use the key again.
[ i] Tips
• If the ignition is switched on, the remote control system is deac
tivated .
• The remote control system can be affected by other systems
operating in the same frequency range close to the vehicle, such as
mobile telephones, television broadcasting stations, etc. •
Controls and equip
Opening and closing
Check light in remote master key
The check light in the remote master key indicates the
state of charge of the battery.
State of master key battery
Fig . 47 Check light in
the master key
When a button is pressed , the check light flashes=:. fig . 47 (arrow) .
If the check light does not come on or flash, the battery is dead and
has to be replaced.
Ba ttery
replacem ent =:. page 54. •
irechnical data
Opening and clo sing
Master key battery replacement
Each master key contains a battery housed under the
F ig. 48 Mas ter key:
o p enin g the cover
We recommend having the battery changed by an autho
rized dealership. However, if you wish to replace the dead
battery yourself, proceed as follows:
- Pry apart the
base~ fig. 48 @ and the cover ® car efully
with a coin .
- Remove the cover (arrow).
- Remove the dead battery from the cover .
- Install the new battery. Please make certain t hat the"+"
sign on the battery faces down . Correct polarity is shown
on the cover.
- Place the cover w ith the new battery on the key base and
press both parts together.
ffi For the sake of the environment
Dispose of dead batteries properly so as not to pollute the environ
ment .
[ i ] Tip s
The replacement battery must be the same specification as the
original. •
Electronic immobilizer
The immobilizer prevents y our vehicle from being started
b y u nau thor ized pers ons.
Inside the key head there is a computer ch ip. Th is ch ip automatically
deactivates the e lectronic immobilizer when you insert the key in
the ignit ion lock. When you remove the key from t he ignition lock,
the electron ic immobili zer is automatical ly activated once again .
[ i ] Tips
• Your engine can only be started using the factory -equipped key
=> page 16.
• You may not be able to start your vehicle if an ignition key of a
different vehicle make is also located on your set of keys. •
Opening and clo sing
& W ARNI NG (c onti nued )
• Do not le ave ch ildr en in side th e vehicle uns upervi sed. In an
em erge ncy it would be i mpos sible to open t he doors from the
out side w it h out the key .
[ i] Tips
• In the event of a crash with airbag deployment all locked doors
wi ll be automatically unlocked to give access to the vehicle occu
pants from the outside .
• If the power locking system should fail, you can still open the
fue l tank flap in an emergency =>
page 271.
• You are well advised not to keep va luables inside an unattended
vehicle, visible or not. Even a properly locked vehicle cannot provide
the security of a safe!
Keyless entry remote control
General description
The remote controls allows you to :
• lock or unlock the vehicle
• selectively unlock the rear lid.
The turn signals will flash briefly whenever you lock or unlock the
veh ic le . Also, the interior light will come on or go off whenever you
open or close the driver's door.
T he transmitter and battery are located in the head of the remote
control. The receiver is located inside the vehicle. The maximum
effective range depends on several things. Remember, if the battery
is weak, the effective range decreases .
The remote-contro l key contains a fold-out key that you can use to
manually lock or unlock the vehicle and to start the engine . I
f you need to replace the remote control, or if you need to have it
repaired, you must see your authorized Audi dealer. Only then can
you use the key again .•
Unlocking and locking the vehicle with the
remote control
How the remote cont rol works.
To unlock the vehicle 0
- Press button @.
Fig. 4 9 Rem ote
co ntrol: fu nct ion
b utto ns
- Press bu tton @ two times within two seconds to unlock
all doors and th e rear lid .
To lock the v ehi cle 6
- Press button ® => & in "General description" on
- Watch that a ll turn signal lights flash once .
Openin g and closing
Anti-theft alarm system
The anti-theft alarm triggers an alarm if anyone attempts
to break int o the vehicle.
The anti-theft alarm system triggers an audible alarm and turns on
t he emergency flasher if an unauthorized interference with the
vehic le is sensed by the system .
How is the anti-theft al arm sy stem swit ched on ?
The anti -theft alarm system is switched on when you lock the
dr iver's door manually using your key, o r w hen you use the remote
control. The system is activated approximate ly 30 seconds after the
vehic le is locked. T he indicator light on top of the door trim s tart
flashing rapidly for 30 seconds and then b link slowly.
How is th e anti -theft alarm system switched off ?
The anti-theft alarm system is switched off only when you use the
r emote contro l to unlock your vehicle. If you do not open a doo r
within 60 seconds after you have un locked with the remote control,
the vehicle wi ll loc k itse lf aga in automat ical ly .
If you lock just the driver's door using your key , the front
passenger 's door, the rear and the fue l filler flap remain locked.
I f you use the veh icle key to unlock the driver's door, the other
doors , the rear lid and the fuel tank flap will remain locked . The
a lar m system wil l not be deactivated u nless you insert the key in the
ignition switch within 15 seconds and turn on the ignition . If you fail
to do this, the alarm wi ll sound.
Wh en w ill t he anti th eft ala rm sys tem b e trigg ere d?
When the vehicle is locked, the ala rm system monitors and pr otects
the fo llowing parts of the vehic le:
• engine compartment
• luggage compartment •
• veh ic le incline
• ignition
• factory installed radio .
When the system is activated , the alarm will be triggered if one of
the doors, the engine hood or the rear lid are opened, or if the igni
tion is turned on or the radio removed or if the vehicle incline has
been changed .
The anti -theft alarm system wi ll also go off when you unlock the rear
lid with yo ur key and open it. The alarm is switched off again when
you c lose the rear lid .
The anti -theft alarm system wil l also go off when the battery is
You can also trigger the alarm by pressing the PANIC button on your remote c ontro l. This wil l a lert other people in case of emergency.
Press the
PANI C button again to turn off the a larm .
How i s the anti-theft alarm switched off when
trigg ere d ?
The ala rm system is switched off when you un lock the veh ic le using
the remote contro l or when the ignition is switched on . The a larm
wi ll also switch itse lf off when it co mes to the end of its cyc le .
Em ergen cy flash er
The emergency flasher wil l b link briefly when the doors, engine
hood and rear lid are properly closed .
I f the emergency flashers do not blink, check the doors, engine hood
and rear l id to make sure t hey are proper ly c losed . If you close a
door, the hood or the rear lid with the anti -theft a larm switched on,
the emergency flas hers wil l b link only after you have closed the
door or lid .
___ o_ n_ t_h _e _ r_o _a_ d __________________________________________________ _
temporarily interrupted to conserve battery power. After the engine
has started, release the key and it will return to position
Before the starter can be operated again the key must be turned
back to position
G) . The non-repeat lock prevents you from
damaging the starter when the engine is running.
• Never remove the key from the ignition lock while the vehicle is
moving. The steering wheel will lock causing loss of control.
• If you have to leave your vehicle-even for just a minute- always
remove the ignition key and take it with you. This is especially
important if you are going to leave children behind in the vehicle.
The children could start the engine or use other vehicle controls.
Unsupervised use of vehicle controls (for example, power
windows) can cause serious personal injuries.
[ i] Tips
If the vehicle battery has been disconnected and then reconnected,
then you must leave the key in position
0 for about 5 seconds
before you can start the engine. •
Ignition key safety lock
The ignition key can only be removed when the selector
lever is in the
"P" (Park) position.
After switching off the ignition, the ignition key can only be
removed from the ignition lock when the selector lever is in the
(Park) position. After you have removed the key, the selector lever is
locked and cannot be moved. •
Starting and stopping the engine
Starting the engine
The engine can only be started with your original Audi
-Set the parking brake.
-Move the selector lever to the neutral position (automatic
transmission: selector lever in P or N)
=> & .
-On vehicles with manual transmission, fully depress the
clutch pedal.
-Turn the ignition key to position 0 => page 135, fig. 143
- do not depress the gas pedal when starting the engine!
-Let go of the key as soon as the engine starts.
A cold engine may at first be loud after it has been started. This is
due to the hydraulic valves building up the oil pressure . This is
normal and no need for concern.
If the engine does not start immediately, stop trying after 10
seconds and then try to restart the engine about 30 seconds later.
What to do if the engine does not start
• ~ page 330
• ~ page 332, "Emergency towing with commercial tow truck"
Never start or let the engine run in a confined or enclosed area.
Exhaust fumes from the engine contain carbon monoxide, a color
less and odorless gas. Carbon monoxide can be fatal if inhaled.
• Never leave the engine idling unattended. An unattended
vehicle with a running engine poses a danger of personal injury or
___ H_ o_ m_ e_L_ i_n _k_ ® __________________________________________________ _
Applies to vehicles: with Home link® univer sal rad io frequency remote contro l
Programming the HomeLink ® Universal
Remote Control
The Homelink® Universal Remote Control is programmed
in two phases: inside the vehicle at the overhead keypad
and outside the vehicle at the front bumper.
Fig . 159 Driver's side
sun visor, folded up:
Homelink ® keypad
Fig. 160 Front bumper,
left side : location of
transmitter unit
For best results, the battery in your original remote control
should be new or fully charged before you start program
ming. If your garage door opener receiver (located in the
garage) is equipped with an antenna, make sure the
antenna is hanging straight down. For newer garage door
openers utilizing a rolling code, follow the procedures
=> page 161, "Rolling code programming" .
Before programming 1. Set the parking
brake =>& .
2. Tur n the ignition on. Do not start the engine!
Phase 1: programming the overhead keypad
3. Fold the sun visor flat up against the roof liner.
For first time programming only, press and hold the two
outside buttons
G) and @until the light emitting diode
(LED) @=> fig. 159 begins to flash after approximately 20
seconds. Release both buttons.
- This procedure erases the factory -set default codes and
does not have to be repeated to program additional
remote controls.
5. Press the button for the transmitting channel you wish to
G) ,@ or @ and keep holding this button until the
indica tor
light@ starts flashing slowly.
- You now have 5 minutes in which to copy the signal from
your remote control onto the Homelink® transmitter unit.
6. Then take the original remote control for the gate or
garage door opener to the transmitter located in the
front bumper of your
vehicle => fig. 160.
Checking and filling -
& WARNING (continued)
ment. Wait until no steam or coolant can be seen or heard before
carefully opening the hood.
Closing the engine hood
- Pull the hood down until the pressure from the strut is
- Let the hood
drop down and latch in place. Do not try to
it shut; it may fail to engage =:>& .
A hood that is not completely latched could fly up and block your
view while driving.
• When you close the engine hood, check it to make sure the
safety catch has properly engaged. The hood should be flush with
the surrounding vehicle body parts.
• If you notice while driving that the hood is not secured prop
erly, stop at once and close it. •
Working in the engine compartment
Be especially careful whenever you work in the engine
Whenever you must perform any work in the engine compartment,
for example checking and filling different fluids, there is a risk of
injury, burns and accidents. To prevent personal injury always
observe the following WARNINGS . The engine compartment of any
vehicle is a hazardous area
=> & .
• I I • • I
To help avoid injury, before you check anything under the hood:
• Turn off the engine.
• Remove the ignition key .
• Apply the parking brake.
• Move selector lever of automatic transmission to
"P" (Park);
put manual transmission in Neutral.
• Always let the engine cool down. Hot components will burn
skin on contact.
• To reduce the risk of being burned, never open the hood if you
see or hear steam or coolant escaping from the engine compart
ment. Wait until no steam or coolant can be seen or heard before
carefully opening the hood.
• Keep children away from the engine compartment.
• Never spill fluids on hot engine components. They can cause a
• Never touch the radiator fan. The auxiliary electric fan is
temperature controlled and can switch on suddenly.
• Never open the coolant reservoir cap when the engine is still
warm . The coolant system is pressurized and hot coolant could
spray out.
• Protect your face, hands and arm from steam or hot engine
coolant by placing a thick rag over the cap when you open the
coolant reservoir .
• If work on the fuel system or the electrical system is necessary: -Always disconnect the battery.
- Never smoke or work near heaters or open flames. Fluids in
the engine compartment could start a fire .
- Keep an approved fire extinguisher immediately available.
• To avoid electrical shock and personal injury while the engine
is running or being started, never touch:
- Ignition cables
Vehicle care
Alph ab eti ca l ind ex -
Climate controls ...... .... ...... .. 127
Switching on .................... 127
When should I use AUTO? ......... 127
Auto Safety Hotline ................. . 175
Auto-C heck Contro l ...... .... ... .... .. 28
Au toma tic transmission ...... .... .. 30
Manua l transmission .. ...... .... .. 29
Automa tic a ir recircu lation ........... 129
Automatic belt retractor .......... .... 181
Automat ic car was h
See Washing ...... .... ... .... .... 255
Automatic headlight control ........... 73
Automatic Sh ift Lock (ASU .. ..... 145, 152
Automatic transmission 6-speed automatic transmission 143, 144
Ign it ion key safety lock . ...... .... . 136
Shift but tons .. ...... .... .... 148, 155
Steering wheel wit h tiptronic® . 148,155
See also mu ltit ronic™ ... .. ...... .. 149
Automat ic trans mission (6 -speed)
Automat ic Shift Lock (ASU ... .. ... . 145
Driving .. .. .. .... .... ..... .. .... 1 43
Dynamic shift program ... .... .... . 146
Fa il- safe mode . ...... .... .... .... 149
Kic k-down ... .... .... .... ... .... . 146
Manual shift program (tiptronic®) .. 147
Average speed ....................... 41
Avoid damaging the vehicle .. ...... .. 245
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Battery .....
.... .... .... .... ... 285, 288
Battery location ins ide the eng ine
compartment .. ...... .... .... ... 285
Charging . ............ ........... 289
Checking battery acid level . ........ 288
Connecting .... .. ..... .... .... ... 290
Disconnecting ............ .... ... 290
Important warnings when working on the
battery ... .. .... .... .... .... ... 286
Removing the battery ... .. .... .... 290
Replacing the battery ............. 29 1
Winter operation . ................ 285
Working on the battery ............ 286
Bat tery vo ltage .. ... ... .... .... .... .. 35
Before driving ...................... 167
Blended gasoline . .... ............... 267
Body cavity sealing ...... .... .... ... . 260
Booster seats .......... .... .... ..... 218
How do I properly instal l a booster seat in
my vehicle? ... .. .... .... .... ... 218
Safety inst ructions ... .. .... .... ... 218
Brake assista nt ..... .... .... .... .... 241
Brake booster .......... ...... .... ... 240
Brake f luid
Changing the brake flu id ...... .... 284
Check ing the brake fluid leve l ...... 284
Reservoi r .... .... .... ..... .. .... . 28 4
What is the correct brake f luid level? 284
What shou ld I do if
t he brake fluid warning
l igh t comes on? ... .. .... .... .... 284 Brake system
...... .... .... .... .. 31,284
Anti -lock Brake System (ABS) ........ 21
Brake fluid ....................... 284
Brake f lu id spec ificat ions for refi ll and
replacement ..... .... .... .... ... 28 4
Brake pads ...................... 244
Warning/indicator lights ...... ...... 23
Brakes ...... .... .... .... ... .... .... 239
Adverse cond itions affec ting bra ke
performance ...... .... .... ..... 239
Break -in period ....... ........ ...... 243
Brake pads ........... .... .... ... 244
Tires .. .... ....... .... ...... ..... 243
Bu lbs .. ...... .... .... ... .... .... ... 328
Ca lif o rnia Pr opo sit ion 65 War ning ... .. 274
Batte ry specific . ...... .... .... .... 287
Capacities .......................... 343
Car care . .... .... ........... .... .... 254
Interior .... ... .... .... .... .... ... 261
Plastic and vinyl .... ............. . 258
Weatherstrips .... ... .. ...... .... . 259
Ca re of exterior ..... .... .... .... .... 254
Care, service and disposal Safety belt tensioner .............. 186
Cargo area
See Loading the luggage compartment .
Cargo net .......................... 108
Catalytic converter ...... .... .... .... 24 4
Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data