___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
&, WARNING (continued)
crashes and serious personal injuries . Have worn or damaged tires
replaced immediately.
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
low speed.
Glossary of tire and loading terminology
Accessory weight
means the combined weight (in excess of those standard items
which may be replaced) of automatic transmission, power steering,
power brakes, power windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to
the extent that these items are available as factory-installed equip
ment (whether installed or not).
Aspect ratio means the ratio of the height to the width of the tire in percent.
Numb ers of 55 or lower indicate a low sidewall for improved
steering response and better overall handling on dry pavement.
Bead means the part of the tire that is made of steel wires, wrapped or
reinforced by ply cords and that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead separation
means a breakdown of the bond between components in the bead.
means the strands forming the plies in the tire.
&, WARNING (continued)
• Never mount used tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
their "previous history." Old used tires may have been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and loss of vehicle control.
• If you notice unusual vibration or if the vehicle pulls to one side
when driving, always stop as soon as it is safe to do so and check
the wheels and tires for damage.
Cold tire inflation pressure
means the tire pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer
for a tire of a designated size that has not been driven for more than
a couple of miles (kilometers) at low speeds in the three hour period
before the tire pressure is measured or adjusted .
Curb weight
means the weight of a motor vehicle with standard equipment
including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, air condi
tioning and additional weight of optional equipment.
Extra load tire
means a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher infla
tion pressures then the corresponding standard tire. Extra load tires
my be identified as "XL", "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or
"RF" on the side
Gross Axle Weight Rating ("GAWR")
means the load-carrying capacity of a single axle system, measured
at the tire-ground interfaces .
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ("GVWR")
means the maximum total loaded weight of the vehicle.
__________________________________________________ T_ ir_e_ s_ a_ n_d _ w_ h_ e_ e_l_s _____ llll
means the space between two adjacent tread ribs.
L oa d ratin g (code)
means the maximum load that a t ire is rated to carry for a given
inflation pressure. You may not find this information on all tires
because it is not required by law.
M ax imum l oad r atin g
means the load rat ing for a t ire at the maximum permiss ib le infla
tion pressure for that tire.
Ma ximum l oaded vehicle we ight
means the sum of :
(al Curb weight
(b) Accessory weight
(c) Vehicle capacity weight, and
(d) Production opt ions weight
M ax imum (permissibl e) infl ati on press ure
means the maximum cold inflatio n pressure to wh ich a t ire may be
inflated. Also ca lled "maximum inflation pressure ."
No rm al occ upant we ight
means 150 lbs. (68 ki lograms) times the number of occupants
seated in the vehicle up to the total seati ng capacity of your vehicle .
Occupant distributi on
means distribution of occupants in a vehicle .
Outer diameter
means the overal l diameter of an inflated new tire.
Ove rall width
means the linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewa lls of
an inf lated t ire, including elevations due to labe ling, decorat ions, or
protective bands or ribs .
means a layer of rubber -coated para lle l cords.
Pr odu ction opt io ns weig ht
means the comb ined weight of those installed regular product ion
options weighing over 5 lbs . (2.3 kg) in excess of those standard
items which they replace, not previously cons idered in curb weight
or accessory weight, inc luding heavy duty brakes, ride levelers, roof
rack, heavy duty ba ttery, and specia l trim .
Radi al pl y tir e
means a pneumat ic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the
beads are laid at substantially 90 degrees to the centerline of the
tread .
Recomm ended infl ati on p ress ure
see => page 294, "Cold tire inflat io n pressure".
Reinfor ced tir e
means a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher infla
tion pressures then the corresponding standard tire. Reinforced
t ires my be ide ntified as "XL", "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" on the
means a metal support for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon
wh ich the t ire beads are seated.
Rim di ameter
means nom inal d iameter o f the bead seat. I f you change your whee l
size, you wi ll have to purchase new tires to match the new rim diam
Rim siz e design ation
means rim diameter and width.
R im width
means nominal distance between rim flanges .
Vehicle care
__________________________________________________ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _ __. 11111
/b, W ARNING (continued )
• Never mount u sed tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
their "previou s history. " Old used ti res may ha ve been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failu re and loss of vehicle control.
New tires and replacing tires and wheels
N ew tires and wheels have to be bro ken i n.
Fig . 22 1 Tire spe cificati on code s on the sidewall of a tire
No .
Passenger car tire (where applicable)
Nominal w idth o f tire in mi llime ters
Ratio of height to width (aspect ratio)
Radia l
Rim diameter code
© Load index and speed rating
1ju.s. DOT tire identification number
Sever snow cond itions
Tire ply composition and materials used
Max imu m load rating
@ Treadwear, traction and temperature grades
@ Maximum permissible inflation pressure
The t ires and rims are ess ential parts of the ve hicle's design . T h e
tires and rims approved by Audi are specially matched to the char
ac ter is ti cs of th e vehicle and can mak e a major contribution to good
road holding and safe hand ling when in good condition and prop
erly i nflated
=> /b, .
We recommend that a ll work on tires and wheels be perfo rmed by
an au thorized Audi dealer . They a re familia r with recommended
procedures and have the necessary specia l tools and spare parts as
we ll as the proper facilities fo r dispo sing of the o ld tires.
Authori zed Audi d ea lers have the n ecessa ry in for mati on abo ut tec h-
nical requirements for instal ling or changing tires and rims . _...
Vehic le care Technical data
___ T_ ir_e_ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_l_
s _________________________________________________ _
R ep laci ng tires a nd whee ls
T ires shou ld be replaced at least in pairs and not ind ividually (for
examp le bo th front tires or both rear tires together!.
On v ehicles with tire pressure monitoring system *, be sure to read
and heed the informat ion
=> page 307.
A lways buy rep lacement radia l tires that have the same sp ecifica
t ions as the tires approved for your veh ic le by Aud i. Replacement
tires must always have the same load rating specification as the
orig ina l equipment or approved optional t ires listed in the table
=> page 297.
Audi -approved specification tires are specially matched to your
vehic le and its load limits, and can contribute to the important road
holding, driving characteristics, and safety of the vehicle . The table
(=> page 297) lists specifications of the tires approved for the Audi
models covered by your Owner's Literature .
The tire pressure labe l located either on driver 's side 8 -pi llar or
inside the fuel fi ller
flap(=> page 297, fig. 218) lists the specifica
tions of the origina l equipment tires installed on your vehicle at the
time it was manufactured .
Federa l law requires tire manufacturers to place standardized infor
mation on the s idewall of all
tires => page 305, fig. 221 . This informa
tion identifies and describes the fundamental characteristics, the quality grade of the tire and a lso provides a tire identification
number for safety standard certification and in case of a recall.
Tir e specificat ions
Knowledge of tire specifications makes it easier to choose the
correct tires . Ra dial t ires have the tire specifications marked o n the
sidewall, for example :
P235 / 45 R 1 7 94 H
This contains the following informat ion:
P Indicates the tire is for passenger cars (where app licable)
2 35 No minal t ire wid th i n mm of the tire fro m sidewall edge to side
wall edge. In general, the larger the number, the wider the tire
45 Height/width ratio in percent (aspect ratio)
R Tire construction: Radial
17 Rim diameter code (in inches)
94 Load rat ing code
H Speed rating letter code
X L (or "xi", "EXTRA LOAD" or "RF") indicates that the t ire is a "Rein
forced" or an "Extra Load" ti re
M +S (or "M/S") Ind icates that the tire has some mud and snow capa -
The tires cou ld also have the information of direction of rotation
=> page 293.
Tire m anuf acturing date
The manufacturing date is a lso indicated on the tire sidewall
(possibly on ly on the
inner side of the wheel):
"DOT ... 2205 . ..
" means, for example, that the tire was produced in
the 22th week of 2005.
S peed r ating (le tt e r code )
The speed rating letter code on the whee ls indicates the maximum
permissible road
speeds => & in "W inter tires" on page 310 .
p up to 93 mph ( 150 km/h)
Q up to 99 mph (158 km/h)
R up to 106 mph (170 km/h)
s up to 110 mph (180 km/h)
T up to 118 mph (190 km/h)
u up to 124 mph (200 km/h)
H up to 130 mph (210 km/
V up to 149 mph (240 km/h)3
z over 149 mph (240 km/h)31
3> For tires w ith a maximum speed capabi lity over 149 mph (240 km/h) , tire
manufacturers sometimes use the letters " ZR."
__________________________________________________ T_ ir_e_ s_ a_ n_d _ w_ h_ e
_ e_l_s __ fflll
• Never drive without the valve stem cap. The valves could get
• If the sensors must be replaced, then the valve must also be
replaced at the same time.
For the sake of the environment
Dispose of old tires in accordance with the local requirements.•
Uniform tire quality grading
• Tread wear
• Traction AA A B C
• Temperature A B C
Quality grades can be found where applicable on the tire side wall
between tread shoulder and maximum section width
=> page 305,
fig. 221.
For example: Tread wear 200, Traction AA, Temperature A.
All passenger car tires must conform to Federal Safety Require
ments in addition to these grades .
Tread wear
The tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate
of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified
government test course .
For example, a tire graded 150 would wear one and one half (1 1/2)
times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100.
The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual condi
tions of their use, however , and may depart significantly from the
norm due to variations in driving habits, service practices and differ
ences in road characteristics and climate.
The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, Band C.
Those grades represent the tire's ability to stop on wet pavement as measured under controlled conditions on specified government
test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may have
poor traction performance
=> & .
The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, representing
the tire's resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissi
pate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified
indoor laboratory test wheel.
Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to
degenerate and reduce tire life, and excessive temperature can lead
to sudden tire
failure =>& .
The grade C corresponds to a level of performance which all
passenger car tires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard No. 109. Grades Band A represent higher levels of
performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum
required by law .
The traction grade assigned to this tire is based on straight-ahead
braking traction tests, and does not include acceleration,
cornering, hydroplaning or peak traction characteristics.
The temperature grade for this tire is established for a tire that is
properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, underinfla
tion, or excessive loading, either separately or in combination, can
cause heat buildup and possible tire failure.
Vehicle care
Tires and wheels
&, WARNING (continued )
• Only u se wheel bolts that belong to the rim being installed.
• Never use different wheels bolt s on your vehi cle .
• Alway s maintain the correct tightening torque for the wheel
bolts to reduce the risk of a wheel los s.
If the tightening torque of
the wheel bolts is too low , they can loosen and come out when the
vehi cle is moving. If the tightening torque is too high , the wheel
bolts and threads can be damaged and the wheel can become
loose .
0 Note
The specified torque for the wheel bolts is 90 ft lb (12 0 Nm) with a
tolerance of± 7,4 ft lb(± 10 Nm). Torque whee l bolts diagonally.
After changing a wheel, the torque must be c hecked as soon as
possible with a torque wrench -preferably by an authorized Audi
d ea ler or qua lifi ed works hop.•
Low aspect ratio tires
Your Aud i is factory -equipped with low aspect ratio tires . T hese tires
have been thorough ly tested and been selected specifical ly for your
mod el for t he ir superb perf or mance, r oad feel and ha ndling u nder
a variety of driving conditions . Ask your authorized Audi dealer for
mo re deta ils.
The low aspect ratio of these tires is indicated by a numeral of
55 or
i n the ti re's size designatio n. The numeral rep resents the ra tio
of the t ire's sidewa ll height in relation to its tread width expressed
in percentage . Conventiona l tires have a height/width ratio of 60 or
m ore.
The performan ce of low -aspe ct-ratio tires is part icularly sensitive to
improper inflation pressure . It is therefore important that low
aspe ct ratio tires are inflated to the specified pressure and that the
inflation pressure i s regularly checked and maintained. Tire pres- sures should be checked at least once a month and always before a
trip => page 299, "C heck ing tire pre ssure" .
What you can do to avoid tire and rim damage
Low as pect r ati o ti res can be da maged more easi ly by impact w ith
potho les, curbs, gullies or ridges on the road, particularly if the tire
i s u nde rinfl ated.
I n order to min imize the occurrence of impact damage to the t ires
of your vehic le, we recommend that you observe the fo llowing
precautions :
• Always maintain recommended inflation pressures . Check your
t ire pr essu re every 2,000 miles (3,000 k m) a nd add air if necessary .
• Drive careful ly on roads with potholes, deep gu llies or ridges.
T he im pac t from driving t hroug h or ov er suc h ob stacl es ca n
damage your tires. Impact with a curb may also cause damage to
yo ur tir es .
• After any impact, immediately inspect your tires or have them
inspec te d by the neares t au thori ze d Aud i dealer. Replac e a
damaged tire as soon as possible.
• I nspect you r ti res eve ry 2,0 00 m iles (3,000 km) for damage and
wear. Damage is not always easy to see. Damage can lead to loss of
a ir a nd und eri nfl ation, whic h cou ld eve ntual ly ca use tire fa ilur e. If
you be lieve that a tire may have been damaged, rep lace the tire as
s o on as p ossi ble.
• T hese tires may wear more quickly than others .
• P lease a lso remember that, whi le these tires de liver respons iv e
handling, they may ride less comfortably and make more noise t han
other choices.
Reduced performance in winter /cold season
c onditions
A ll tir es a re desig ned f or certai n purposes. The low a spect rati o,
u ltra hi gh pe rf ormance t ires or igin a lly ins tal led on your ve hicle are
intended for maximum dry and wet road performance and handling .
Th ey a re not su itab le fo r co ld, snowy or ic y weat her co nd it io ns. If
_____________________________________________________ D_a_ t_ a _ ___.11111
Ap plies to vehicles : w ith 2 .0 lite r 4-cyl. engine
200 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. turbo engine
En gin e da ta
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
No . of cy linders
Stroke Bore
Compression rat io
Dim ensio ns
Length (with licence plate bracket)
Width (across mirrors)
Height (unloaded, incl. roof rails)
T urning circle diameter (curb to curb,
Ca pac itie s
F u el t ank
-Total capacity
- Reserve (of total capacity) approx.
Wind shield and headlight * w as her fluid contain er
Engine oil
approx. fi lter change
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
hp@ rpm
lb-ft@ rpm
C ID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm)
200 @ 51 00 -6000
@ 1950 -5000
121 (1984)
3.65 (92.8) 3.25 (82.5) 10.5: 1
Pr emium unle aded (91 AKI) Recommended for maximum engine performance. Fur
details=> page 267, "Gasoline"
in (mm)
in (mm)
i n ( mm)
ft. (ml
ga l/litres
quarts/I it res
quarts/I it res
180 (4586)
76.3 (1937)
57 .2 (1453)
36.4 (11.1
front-wheel drive
18.5 / 70.0
2.1 / 8.0
5.1 / 4.8
4.5 / 4.5
16.6 / 63.0
Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
llffl __ D_ a_ ta ______________________________________________________ _
Applies to vehi cles: with 3 .2 liter 6-c yl. engine
255 hp, 3.2 liter 6-cyl. engine
En gin e data
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
No. of cylinders
Disp lacement
Compress ion ratio
Dim ension s
Length (with licence plate bracket)
Width (across mirrors) Height (un loaded, incl. roof rails)
Turning circle diameter (curb to curb, approx .)
Ca pac ities
Fuel tan k
-Total capacity
-Reserve (of total capacity) approx.
Windshield and headlight* wa sher fluid container
Engine oil
approx. fi lter change hp@rpm
lb-ft@ rpm
CID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm) 255@ 6500
243 @3250
190 (3123)
3 .65 (92 .8)
3 .33 (84 .5)
10.1 : 1
P remium unle aded (91 AKI) Recommended for maximum engine performance . Fur
t her
details~ page 267, "Gasoline"
in (mm)
in (mm)
in (mm)
ft . (ml
quarts/litres 1
80 (4586)
76.3 (1937)
57.2 ( 1453)
36 .4 ( 11 .1 l
front -wheel drive
18.5 / 70 .0
2.1 / 8 .0
5 .1 / 4.8
8 .1 / 8 .1 quattro
16.6 / 63 .0