2008 AUDI A4 AVANT jack points

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Page 320 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual ___ w_ h_ a_t _ d_ o_ l_d _ o_ n_ o_w _ ? ______________________________________________  _ 
Storing  the  replaced  wheel 
- Place  the  replaced  wheel  inside  the  spare  wheel  well in 
the  lugg

Page 337 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual Emergency  situations -
Rear  hook  up 
These  s te p s  app ly  fo r  w in chi ng  the  vehi cle  on to  a  car 
c arr ier  w ith  the  re a r  f ir st. 
- Have  the vehic le a

Page 338 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual lll9....__E_ m_ e_ r 
- g==-- e_n _c_ y,__ s_ i_ t _u _a _ t_ i_o _n _ s _____________________________________________  _ 
Lifting  points  for  workshop  hoist  or  floor  jack  
If  you  must  lift

Page 350 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual llffl _ __::C:::.::: o:.:.n.:.: s:::.::: u:.:.m .:.:.: e:.: r~ I n:..:.:. f.:: 
o :.:.r .:.m :.:.:: a:.: t:.:. i.::o :.:.n.:.... _____________________________________________ _ 
&, W ARNING  (continue

Page 360 of 368

AUDI A4 AVANT 2008  Owners Manual -Alphabetical  index 
Ignition key  135 
Ignition  lock  ... ... .. .... .... ...... . 135 
Electronic  immobiliz er ..... ........  54 