___ w_ h_ a_t _ d_ o_ l_d _ o_ n_ o_w _ ? ______________________________________________ _
Storing the replaced wheel
- Place the replaced wheel inside the spare wheel well in
the luggage compartment.
- Tighten the knurled retaining screw clockwise to secure
the wheel in place.
- Disengage and lower the floor panel before you close the
luggage compartment lid again.
Loose items in the passenger compartment can cause serious
personal injury during hard braking or in an accident.
• Never store the spare wheel or jack and tools
in the passenger
• Always store all jacking equipment, tools, and the spare wheel
in the luggage compartment.
• Tighten the knurled retaining screw for the spare wheel
[ i] Tips
Check the inflation pressure of the spare tire periodically to keep the
tire ready for use. •
Wheel change
Before changing a wheel
Follow these points for your own and your passenger's
safety when replacing a wheel.
After you experience a tire failure, pull the car well away
from moving traffic and try to reach
level ground before
stop ~& .
-All passengers should leave the car and move to a safe
location (for instance, behind the
guardrail) ~& .
-Apply the parking brake firmly ~& .
-Move selector lever to position P on an automatic trans-
mission; put manual transmission in
first gear~& .
-If you are towing a trailer: unhitch the trailer from your
- Take the
tool case and the spare tire ~ page 316 out of
the luggage compartment.
You or your passengers could be injured while changing a wheel if
you do not follow these safety precautions:
• If you have a flat tire, move a safe distance off the road. Turn off
the engine, turn the emergency flasher on and use other warning
devices to alert other motorists.
• Make sure that passengers wait
in a safe place away from the
vehicle and well away from the roadway and traffic.
• To help prevent the vehicle from moving suddenly and possibly
slipping off the jack, always fully set the parking brake and block
the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel being changed . When one
front wheel is lifted off the ground, placing the Automatic Trans-
Emergency situations -
Rear hook up
These s te p s app ly fo r w in chi ng the vehi cle on to a car
c arr ier w ith the re a r f ir st.
- Have the vehic le ali gne d cent ered wi th the ca r carr ier
r a mp.
- Attach the win ch hook to t he
rear to wline eye
=> pa ge 334, fig. 237 .
- On ce th e ca r is po sit io ned on t he car ca rrie r, ha ve safety
c hain (s ) a ttach ed t o the
fron t towline eye => pag e 333an d
ti ghte ned .
[ i] Tips
Chec k carefu lly to ma ke sure the veh icle is hoo ked up securel y
b ef ore mov ing the ca r up the ca r ca rrier r amp. •
Lifting the vehicle
Important safety precautions
Be aware of the following hazards before l ift ing the vehic le w ith a
w ork sho p ho is t or f lo or jack :
• The vehicle should never be lifted or jacked up from underneath
the engine oil pan, the transmission housing , the front or rear axle
or the body side members . This could lead to serious damage.
• Use lifting equipment with padded contact surfaces to avoid
damage to the underbody or chassis frame.
• Alternatively, cover the contact surfaces on workshop hoist or
floor ja ck with rubber pads before lifting.
• Before driving over a workshop hoist , check that the vehicle
weight does not exceed the permissible lifting capacity of the hoist. •
Before driving over a workshop hoist , ensure that there is suffi
cient clearance between the hoist and low parts of the vehicle .
To reduce the risk of serious injury and vehicle damage:
• Always lift the vehicle only at the special workshop hoist and
floor jack lift points illustrated
=> fig . 239 and => fig . 240 .
• Failure to lift the vehicle at these points could cause the vehicle
to tilt or fall from a lift if there is a change in vehicle weight distri
bution and balance . This might happen, for example, when heavy
components such as the engine block or transmission are
removed .
• When removing such heavy components, anchor vehicle to
hoist or add corresponding weights to maintain the center of
gravity . Otherwise , the vehicle might tilt or slip off the hoist ,
causing serious personal injury .
Do-it -yourself service
lll9....__E_ m_ e_ r
-' g==-- e_n _c_ y,__ s_ i_ t _u _a _ t_ i_o _n _ s _____________________________________________ _
Lifting points for workshop hoist or floor jack
If you must lift your vehicle with a floor jack to work
underneath, be sure the vehicle is safely supported on
stands designed for this purpose.
Lifting points, front and rear
~ w 00 CD
Fig. 239 Driver's side:
front lifting point
behind forward wheel
Fig . 240 Driver's side:
rear lifting point ahead
of rear wheel well
The positions of the front and rear lifting points are indicated by
raised triangular markings below the door sill on either side . The lifting points themselves are located on the floor pan reinforce
ment ribs running along the length of the car.
Lifting with vehicle jack
Refer to=> page 321. •
Lifting with workshop hoist and with floor
- Use lifting equipment with padded contact surfaces to
avoid damage to the underbody or chassis frame.
- Alternatively, cover the contact surfaces on workshop hoist or floor jack with rubber pads before lifting.
- Read and heed WARNING ::}
& in "Important safety
precautions" on page
-Locate the proper lifting points ~ page 336, fig. 239 and
=} page 336, fig. 240 .
- Adjust the lifting arms of the workshop hoist or floor jack to align with the lifting points.
llffl _ __::C:::.::: o:.:.n.:.: s:::.::: u:.:.m .:.:.: e:.: r~ I n:..:.:. f.::
o :.:.r .:.m :.:.:: a:.: t:.:. i.::o :.:.n.:.... _____________________________________________ _
&, W ARNING (continued )
• Always support your vehicle with safety stands if it i s neces
sary to work underneath the vehicle. The jack supplied with the
vehicle is not adequate for this purpose and could collapse
causing serious personal injury .
• If you must work underneath the vehicle with the wheels on
the ground , always make sure the vehicle is on level ground , that
the wheels are always securely blocked and that the engine
cannot be started .
• Always make sure the transmission selector lever (automatic
transmission) is in
" P " (Park position) and the park brake is firmly
ffi For the sake of the environment
• Changing the engine settings wi ll adverse ly affect emission
l eve ls . T hi s is detri menta l to th e envi ro nm ent and increas es fu el
consumption .
• Always observ e env ironmenta l re gulations w hen disposing of
old e ngine oil, used brake f luid, dirty engine coo lant, spent batteries
or worn out tires .•
Additional accessories,
modifications and parts replacement
Additional accessories and parts
Alway s co nsult an autho rized Audi de aler before
pu rchasing acc essories .
Your vehicle incorporates t he latest safety d esig n f eatures ensuring
a high standa rd of active and pas sive safety . Th
is saf ety could be compromised by non -approved changes to the
v ehi cle . F or thi s re aso n, if par ts have to be re pla ced , pl ease obs erve
th e fo llow ing points when insta lling add itional acc essories :
A pproved Aud i accesso ries and gen uine Audi pa rts a re avai la bl e
fr om authori zed Aud i dea lers .
Th ese dealers also have the necessary faci lities, tools and tra ined
spec ia li sts to in sta ll th e parts an d acce ssor ies pr op erly .
Using the wrong spare parts or using non -approved accessories
can cause serious personal injury .
• Use only accessories expressly approved by Audi and genuine
Audi spare parts .
• These parts and accessories have been specially designed to
be used on your vehicle .
• Never install accessories such as telephone cradles or
beverage holders on airbag covers or within the airbag deploy
ment zones . Doing so will increase the risk of injury if airbags are
triggered in an accident!
• Before you check anything in the engine compartment , always
read and heed all WARNINGS
=> page 265.
0 Note
• I f item s ot her than ge nuin e Audi s pa re pa rts, add- on eq uipment
and accessory items are us ed or if r epair wor k is not performed
according to s pecified methods, thi s can re sult in severe damage to
your v ehicle's eng ine and body (suc h as c orros io n) a nd advers ely
affect yo ur vehic le 's wa rranty.
• Th e manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage w hich occurs
d ue t o fa ilur e to comply w it h these stipu lation s.•
-Alphabetical index
Ignition key 135
Ignition lock ... ... .. .... .... ...... . 135
Electronic immobiliz er ..... ........ 54
Ignition lock posit ions .... .... ...... . 135
tant things to do before driving ..
Improperly worn safety belts
Ind icator light
Airbag system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 , 199
Indica tor lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 19
Infant seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
How do I properly install an infa nt seat in
my vehicle? .............. ...... 215
Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Ins ide rear view mirror .... ....... .... . 90
Installing child safety seats
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Inst rument cluster il lum ination ........ 15
In strument panel
Illum ination ...... ........ ... .... . 78
Inst rument panel and controls .. ....... 12
Ins truments and controls
Genera l ill ustration .... ....... .... . 11
In terior lights ....................... 81
Ambient lighting .................. 82
Luggage compartment ............. 83
Rear ............................ 82
Jack and tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Jumper cables
.......... .... .... .... 331
Jump -starting 330
Key ...... ..... .. ...... .... ... .. .... 52
Battery replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Coded settings .. .... ....... ..... 132
Convenience opening and closing of windows ... .... ... .. .... .... ... 59
Emergency key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Key replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Master key .......... ...... .... ... 52
Valet key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Key-coded settings Climate controls .. ........ ....... 132
Keyl ess entry remote control
Keys 53, 56
Electronic immobilizer ...... .... ... 16
Kick-down ...... ....... ...... .. 146, 153
LATCH ............................ 225
Description ...................... 225
Guidance fixtures for lower anchorages .
Ins talling a child restraint .. .. .. ... 228
Location ......... .... .... .... ... 225
Mounting and re leasing the anchorage
hook .. ...... ...... .... ... .. ... 229
Leather ..... .. ...... ... .. .... .... .. 262
Cleaning ........................ 263
Le aving -home-function ............... 77 Lifting jack
......... .... .... .... .... 321
Lifting points ...... ...... ... .. .... .. 336
Lifting/raising the vehic le ............ 335
Light sensor defective ................ 34
Light sensor package
Automatic headlight contro l .. .. ... . 73
Lights Coming-home/leaving-home-function 77
Emergency flasher ................ 79
Front fog lights ............... .... 76
Headlights ....................... 72
High beam ..... .. .... .... .... . 72, 80
High beam warning/indicator light .. . 23
Instrument pane l il lumination . ...... 78
Rear fog lights ..... ............... 76
Side marker lights ................. 72
Turn signals ...................... 80
Xenon headlights ...... ..... .. .... 79
Loading the luggage compartment ... . 173
Loading the roof rack .. ....... .... ... 117
Locking Power locking switch .............. 59
Rear lid .......................... 61
Remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Using the key .. .... .... ..... .. .... 58
Lower anchorage locator button ...... 225
Luggage Stowing ........................ 173
Luggage compartment Attachment hooks . ........ .... ... 112
Cargo net .... .... .... ........... 108
Fastening eyes ................... 108
Light ............................ 83