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Downloaded from manuals search engine 0 TI-? 1995 Chevrolet Cavalier Owner’s Manual
Seats and Restraint Systems .............................................................
This section tells you how to use your seats and safety belts properly. It also explains the “SRS”
(Air Bag) System.
This section explains how to start and operate your Chevrolet.
This section tells you how to adjust the ventilation and comfort controls and how to operate your
sound system.
YourDrivingandtheRoad ..............................................................
Here you’ll find helpful information and tips about the road and how to drive under different conditions.
ProblemsontheRoad ..................................................................
This section tells you what to do if you have a problem while driving, such as a flat tire or engine
overheating, etc.
ServiceandAppearanceCare ............................................................
Here the manual tells you how to keep your Chevrolet running properly and looking good.
Maintenanceschedule ..................................................................
This section tells you when to perform vehicle maintenance and what fluids and lubricants to use.
Customer Assistance Information ........................................................
This section tells you how to contact Chevrolet for assistance and how to get service publications. It also
you information on “Reporting Safety Defects” on page 8-4.
Here’s an alphabetical listing of almost every subject in this manual. You can use it to quickly find
you want to read.
FeaturesandControls ..................................................................
Comfort Controls and Audio Systems .....................................................
Index ........................................................................\
4- 1
5- 1
9- 1
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Downloaded from manuals search engine GM -
GENERAL MOTORS, GM and the GM Emblem,
CHEVROLET and the Chevrolet Emblem and the
name Cavalier are registered trademarks
of General
Motors Corporation.
This manual includes the latest information at the time it
was printed. We reserve the right to make changes in the
product after that time without further notice. For
vehicles first sold in Canada, substitute the name
“General Motors
of Canada Limited” for Chevrolet
Motor Division whenever it appears in this manual.
Please keep this manual in your Chevrolet,
so it will be
there if you ever need it when you’re
on the road. If you
sell the vehicle, please leave this manual in it
so the new
owner can
use it.
Litho in
Part No. 10277238 A 0 Second Edition
AUTOMOTIVE Natlonal institute for
We support voluntary
technician certification.
For Canadian Owners Who Prefer a
French Language Manual:
Aux propriktaires canadiens: Vous pouvez vous procurer
un exemplaire de ce guide en fraqais chez votre
concessionaire ou au
DGN Marketing Services Ltd.,
1500 Bonhill Rd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1C7.
@Copyright General Motors Corporation 1994
All Rights Reserved
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Downloaded from manuals search engine The Heritage of Chevrolet ......................
The dynamic William C. “Billy”
Durant shifted gears
from making
carriages to making cars,
forming half the team that gave
I birth to Chevrolet. I
Lauis Chevrolet, the other half of the team,
at the wheel
of his experimental “Classic
Six, ” which entered production in 1912.
That year 2999 vehicles were produced.
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Downloaded from manuals search engine Bli
In 1932 Chevrolet introduced the
Synchro-Mesh transmission and
offered a host
accessories-including such
niceties as a clock!
I I I The legacy of America’s favorite I I I I I sportscar began in 1953, when 319
I launched the first use of a fiberglass
I I hand-assembled white Corvettes
body in a production cal: I I
Page 7 of 340
Downloaded from manuals search engine r
60's automotive excitement
included Chevrolet landmarks
like the Corvette Sting Ray,
the sporty Camaro, and
powerplants like the
327 V8.
Your new Chevrolet continues a tradition of quality and value.
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Downloaded from manuals search engine How to Use This Manual
Many people read their owner’s manual from beginning to end when they first receive their new vehicle. This
will help you learn about the features and controls for
your vehicle. In this manual, you’ll find that pictures and words work together to explain things quickly.
A good place to look for what you need is the Index in
the back
of the manual. It’s an alphabetical list of all
that’s in the manual, and the page number where you’ll
find it.
Safety Warnings and Symbols
You will find a number of safety cautions in this book.
We use a box with gray background and the word
CAUTION to tell you about things that could hurt you if
you were to ignore the warning. In the gray caution area, we tell
you what the hazard
Then we tell you what to do to help avoid or reduce the
hazard. Please read these cautions. If you don’t, you or
others could be hurt.
You will also find a circle with a slash through it in this
This safety symbol means
“Don’t,’’ “Don’t do this,”
“Don’t let this happen.”