Downloaded from manuals search engine FUSES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS
The wiring circuits in your vehicle are protected from short circuits by a combination of fuses, circuit breakers; and fusible thermal links in the wiring itself. This greatly reduces
the hazard of electrically caused fires in the automobile.
The fuse junction box is located under the right side of the instrument panel.
headlight wiring is protected by a circuit breaker in the light switch. An electrical overload will cause the lights to go on an,d off, or in some cases to remain off. If this happens , have your headlight wiring checked right away. Besides a fuse, the windshield wiper motor is also protected by a circuit breaker. If the motor overheats, due to overloading caused by heavy snow, etc., the wiper ·will remain stopped until the motor cools. Be sure to have the cause of the over· loading corrected. Circuit breakers for power windows and power door locks are located on the bulkhead in the engine
Radio ........................................... 10 Amp.
......... ......................... ......... 25 Amp .
Stop, .Rear & Front, Hazard Lamps, I.P. Indicators .. 20 Amp.
Sig .. B.U. Lamps .............................. 20 Amp.
AlC .............. ........................ 25 Amp .
Inst. Lamps, Radio Dial Lamp, Heater Dial Lamp, WIS Wiper Lamp, Cigarette Lighter & Ash Tray Lamp .. 5 Amp.
Gages Warning Lamps, Cruise Control , Brake Alarm,
Oil, Rear Defogger, Fuel Gage, Headlight Buzzer, Seat Belt Warning Buzzer, Temp., Gen., Idle Stop . 20 Amp.
Box Lamp, Dome Lamp, Luggage Lamp, Clock, Hood, Cigarette Lighter, Courtesy Lamps,
Key Warning .................................... 20 Amp.
Tail, Parking and
Side Marker Lamps, License Lamp 20 Am·p.
Choke Heater . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 20 Amp .
not use fuses of higher amperage rating than those recom· mended above.
Fusible Links are incorporated into the wiring system. These
are wires
of such a gage that they will fuse (or melt) before damage occurs to an entire wiring harness in the event of an electncal overload. See your Chevrolet Dealer if 1usible link replacement becomes necessary.