Instruments and indicator lights
"O~ I I ~ ,,
USA models: safety systems
¢page 17
Canada models: safety systems
¢page 17
Brake pads
¢page 17
Electromechanical parking brake
¢page 14
Tire pressure monitoring system,/
¢page 229, ¢page231
Tire pressure monitoring system
¢ page 229, ¢ page 231
Engine control (gasoline engine),/
¢page 17
Engine control (diesel engine),/
c::>page 17
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
¢page 17
Diesel particulate filter*
¢page 17
Engine speed limitation
¢page 18
Engine oil level
¢page 15
Engine oil sensor
¢page 18
Engine warm-up request
¢page 18
Battery charge
¢page 14
Tank system
¢page 18
Washer fluid level
¢page 18
Windshield wipers
¢page 18
Remote control key
¢page 69
Remote control key
¢page 71
Battery in remote control key
Bulb failure indicator
¢page 19
Rear fog lights
<=>page 19
Headlight range control system
¢page 19
Adaptive light*
Light/ra in sensor
¢ page 19
Active lane assist*
¢page 97
Suspension control*
<=> page 19
¢page 81
<=>page 81
Steering lock
¢page 15
Engine start system
<=>page 15
Brake booster
<=>page 16,
Central indicator light
¢page 10
Electromechanical power steering,
dynamic steering*
¢ page 124
Rear spoiler
<=>page 125
Air suspension*
¢page 16
Sport differential*
¢page 19
Ad Blue*
<=>page 195
Ad Blue*
¢page 195
.... N
" N .... 0
\.J '
General information
Breaking in
A new vehicle must be broken in, and the break
in distance should be 1,000 mi les ( 1,500 km). Do
not drive at speeds that w ill exceed
2/3 of the
maximum permitted engine speed
(RPM) for the
first 600 miles (1,000 km) , and avoid full accel
eration during this period . You may gradually
start increasing the
RPM and the speed between
600 miles (1,000 km) and 1,000 miles (1,500 km).
During the first hours of use, the engine has a
higher internal friction than later on when all
moving parts have settled into place with each
How the vehicle is driven during the first 1,000
miles (1,500 km) also affects the engine quality.
Drive at moderate engine speeds after the initial
break-in per iod, part icularly when running a cold
engine . This will reduce engine wear and improve
the mileage .
Do not drive at too
low of an engine speed (rpm).
Shift down if the engine stops running "smooth ly" . Extremely high eng ine speeds are automati
cally reduced .
New tires
If your vehicle is running on new tires, drive pa r
ticularly careful for the first 350 miles (500 kilo
meters) after fitting .
New tires tend to be slippery and must also
be "broken-in". Be sure to remember this dur
ing the first 350 miles (500 kilometers).
Brake gently . Avo id following closely behind
other vehicles or other situations that might
require sudden, hard brak ing.
Avoid damaging the vehicle
When you are driving on poor roads, or over
curbs, steep ramps, etc., make certain that low-
D riving
lying parts such as spoilers and exhaust system
parts do not bottom out and get damaged .
T h is is espec ially true for veh icles with low-slung
chass is (sports chassis)* and fully loaded
Warming up/cooling down
Appl ies to: Sand RS models
By warming up/cooling down the engine careful
ly, you can he lp reduce unnecessary strain on
your vehicle when driving in a sporty style.
The engine speed is limited when the engine is
cold -the full engine output is not available.
When the engine is at operat ing temperature,
the engine speed limitation moves to a higher
RPM range. The tires also only reach their full
road holding capab ility once they have warmed
up .
Your vehicle also has an after-run cooling fea
ture . However, cooling down is still important.
The engine and the brakes as well as the exhaust
system and the transmission become very hot
when driving in a spo rty style . Before you shut
the vehicle off, you should cool down the vehicle
by driving a few miles at low speeds with light ac
Driving through water on roads
Note the following to reduce the risk of vehicle
damage when driving through water, for example
on flooded roads:
- The water must not be any higher than the bot
tom of the vehicle body .
- Do not drive faste r than walking speed.
= -
After driving through water or mud, the effec-
tiveness of the brakes may be reduced due to
moisture on the brake rotors and brake pads.
A few careful brake applications should dry
off the brakes .
(D Note
-Vehicle components such as the engine,
transmission, suspens ion or electrical
Turn off ignit ion before lea ving vehi cle. Batte ry
i s di schar ging
This message appea rs if the driver's door is
opened while the ignition is sw itched on . Always
switch off the ignition if you are leaving the vehi
cle. Also see
9 page 73.
Shift to P and turn off i gnition b efore l eaving
ca r, otherwi se vehicle can roll aw ay
This message appears if the driver's door is
opened while the igni tion is sw itched on and the
selecto r lever is not in t he P posit ion. Move the
selecto r lever in to the P pos ition and switch the
ignit ion off when you exit the vehicle. Otherwise
the vehicle could roll. A lso see
9 page 73 .
Starting the engine when there is a
It may not be possible to start the engine under
certain circumstances, for example if the battery
in the vehicle key is drained, if interference is af
fected the key or if there is a system malfunc tion .
Fig. 77 Center console/remote control key : starting the
engine if there is a malfunctio n
Requirement: the message Key is not r ecog
nized . Hold ba ck of key again st mark ed area .
See owner 's manual
must appear and the DJ in
d icator light mus t turn on.
• Hold the remote control key in the location in
dicated as shown in the illustrat ion
f >l) c::> fig . 77 .
• Press the b rake pedal.
• Press the
~ engi ne will s tart .
.... N
" N .... 0
~ ll Market -specific
Drivi ng
• Drive to an authorized Audi dea ler or author
ized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the malfunction corrected.
@ Tips
You can view the message again by pressing
Start-Stop system
Applies to: veh icles w ith Start/Stop system
T he Sta rt/Stop system can help increase fue l
eco nomy and reduce CO2 emissions.
In Start/Stop mode, the engine shuts off auto
matically when the vehicle is stopped, such as at
a traffic ligh t. The ignition rema ins switched o n
dur ing this stop phase. The engine w ill restart
automat ica lly when needed.
Applies to A7 Sportback: the Start/Stop system
activates automatically once the ignit ion is
switched on.
Applies to 57 Sportback: the last Start/Stop sys
tem setting is restored when the ignit ion is
switched on.
Ba sic requirements for Start /Stop m ode
- The driver's door must be closed .
- The driver's seat belt much be fastened.
- The hood must be closed.
- The vehicle must have dr iven faster than
2.5 mph (4 km/h) since the last time it stop
ped .
- A trailer must not be hitched to the vehicle.
(D Note
A lways swi tch the Sta rt/S top sys tem off when
driv ing th ro ugh wa ter
c::> page 71.
© Tips
The engine stops short ly before the ve hicle
comes to a s top
l) .
-Hill hold assist cannot hold the veh icle in
place on all h ills (for example, if the ground
is slippery or icy).
- To reduce the risk of an accident, always
make sure the vehicle is situated safely
wh ile stat ionary.
Automatic transmission
The automat ic tra nsmission is cont rolled e lec
tronically . The transmission sh ifts up or down au
tomatically depending on which drive program is
Whe n a
mod erate dri ving style is used, the
transmission selects the most economical driving
mode. The transmiss ion upshifts at a lower RPM
and downshifts at a higher RPM to improve fuel
The transm ission switches to a spo rty mode after
a kick-down or when the driver uses a
spo rt y
driving style
characterized by quick accelerator
pedal movements, heavy acceleration, frequent
changes in speed and traveling at the maximum
If desired, the driver can also select the gears
manually ( tipt ronic mod e) 9 page 79.
A ppl ies to: ve hicles w ith 5 tro nic t ra n smi ssio n
The S tronic is a dual-clutch t ransmiss ion . Power
is transferred using two clutches that work inde
pendently from one another. They replace the
torque converter used in conventional automatic transmissions and allow the vehicle to accelerate
without a noticeable inter ruption in tract ion .
App lies to: ve hicles w ith a tipt ro nic tra ns mi ssio n
Power is transferred using a torque converter.
Selector lever positions
Fi g. 81 Inst rument cl uster: se lector leve r pos it ions
The selector lever position that is engaged is
shown in the instrument cluster d isplay .
P -Park
This selector lever position prevents the vehicle
from ro lling. You can only shift into Park when
the veh icle is
stationary 9 ,1. .
To sh ift in and out of the P selecto r lever posi
tion, press the interlock button in the selector
l ever
while pressing the brake pedal. This only
works when the ignition is turned on.
R- Reverse
Only s hif t into reverse gear w hen the veh icle is
stationary and the engine is running at idle
speed ~
To se lect the R sele ctor leve r position, press the
interlock button
while pressing the brake pedal
at the same time. The back -up lights switch on in
the R position if the ignition is switched on .
N -Neutral
The tra nsmission is in idle in th is posi tion ~ ,1. .
DIS -Normal position for driving forward
In the D/S se lector lever position, the transmis
s io n can be operated e ither in the normal D mode
o r in the S sport mode . To select th e S sport
mode, pull the selector leve r back br iefly . P ull ing
the leve r back ag ai n will sele ct the normal D
mode. The ins trument cluster display shows the
selected driving mode .
.... N
" N .... 0
<.,;) 'SI'
In the normal m ode D, the tr ansmission auto
matica lly selects t he suitab le gear ratio . It de
pends on en gine load, vehicle speed and driving
Select the
s p o rt m od e S for sporty driving. The
ve hicle makes full use of the engine's power .
Shifting is more noticeable when accelerat ing.
To move from selector lever position N to D, you must press the brake pedal and the vehicle must
be traveling less than 1 mph (2 km/h) or be sta
tionary ¢.&. .
-The veh icle can roll even if the ignition is
switched off.
- Never select R or P while driving, because
this increases the risk of an accident.
- Power is still transmitted to the wheels
when the eng ine is running at idle. To pre
vent the veh icle from "creeping", you must
keep your foot on the brake in all selector
lever positions (except P) when the eng ine is
running . Otherwise, th is increases the r isk
of an accident.
- Do not inadvertently press the accelerator
peda l w hen the veh icle is stopped if a gear is
engaged. Ot herwise the veh icle will start to
move immediately, even i f the parking bra ke
is set. This cou ld res ult in a crash .
- T o de cre ase the risk of an accident, these
lector lever must be in the P posi tion and
the parking brake must be set before open
ing the hood and working on a r unning en
gine. Always read and fo llow the applicable
q page 199, Working in the en
gine compartment.
(D Tips
- Drive select: sporty shifting character istics
can be selected us ing the
Dy namic driving
mode.Sw ill appea r in the instrument clus
ter display instead of D.
- If you accidenta lly select N while driv ing,
take your foot off the accelerator pedal and
wait for the engine to slow down to idle be
fore selecting D/S.
D rivi ng
-If there is a powe r failure, the se lector lever
wi ll not move out of the P position. The
eme rgency re lease can be used if t his hap
¢ page 81.
Selector lever lock
The selector lever lock prevents you from select
ing a gear accidentally, causing the vehicle to
Fi g. 82 Selector lever lock
T o release the se lector lever lock:
" Switch the ignit ion on .
" Press the brake pedal
while pressing the inter-
lock butto n.
Automatic shift lock (ASL)
The selector lever is locked in the P and N posi
t ions when the ig nit ion is switched on. The re
move it from t hese positions, the driver must
press the b rake peda l and press the lock button
at the same time. The following message ap
pears in the inst rument cluster display when the
selector lever is in the P or N posi tion to remind
t h e driver:
Brake pedal mu st be applied to shift from P
The automatic shift lock only funct ions when the
vehicle is stat ionary or at speeds be low 1 mph
(2 km/h) . At higher speeds, the lock is automati
c a lly deactivated in the N pos ition .
The selector lever is not locked when shifting
quick ly throug h N, for example from R to D. This
makes it possible to free the veh icle when it is
stuck by "rocking" it. The selecto r lever lock en-
gages if t he lever stays in t he N pos it ion longer ...
"'T o shift up one gear, tap the shi ft paddle 0
¢ fig. 84.
"'To shift down one gear, tap the 0 sh ift paddle .
The transmission automatically shifts up o r down
before critical engine speed is reached .
Appl ies to: RS mode ls: when accelerating, the
transmission does
not a utomat ically shift to the
next gear shortly before the maximum pe rm itted
engine RPM is reached .
The transm ission only a llows manual shifting
when the engine speed is within the permitted range.
Kick-down enables maximum acceleration.
When you press the accelerato r peda l down be
yond the resistance point, the automatic trans
miss io n downshifts into a lower gear, depend ing
on vehicle speed and engine RPM. It shif ts up in
to the next higher gear once the max imum speci
fied engine RPM is reached .
I n t iptroni c mode, the t ransmission does
not au
tomatically sh ift down into a lowe r gear. If you
m ust accelerate, for example to pass a veh icle,
you must shift manually .
Please note that the wheels could spin on
slick or slippery roads when kick-down is ac
Applies to: RS 7 Spo rtback perfor man ce
The max imum engine torque is temporar ily in
creased in overboost. Overboost is activated
when nearing full throttle in the S position and
when the engine is at operat ing temperatu re .
The bars in the boost p ressure indicator are red
¢page 87.
= -
Please note that the wheels could spin on
slick or s lippery roads when overboost is ac
' Launch control program
App lies to: vehicles with S tronic
The launch control program provides the best
possible acceleration when starting from a stop .
Requirement: the engine must be at operating
temperature and the steering wheel must not be
turned .
"' Deactivate the Start/Stop system*¢
page 73.
The LED in the jr,;i ••I button turns on .
"' Switch the Electronic Stabilization Control
(ESC) sport mode on¢
page 121. The Iii indi
cato r light turns on.
"' Pull the selector leve r back out of the D/S posi
tion b riefly to selec t the S position or se lect t he
DYNAM IC driv ing mode in d rive sele ct
<=:> page 106.
"'Press the brake pedal firm ly with your left foot
and hold it all the way down for at least one
second .
"' At the same time, press the gas peda l all the
way down with your right foot until the eng ine
reaches and stays at a high RPM level.
"' Remove your foot from the brake peda l w ith in
five seconds ¢,& .
-Always a dapt your driving to the traff ic flow.
- On ly use t he Launch cont rol program when
road and traffic con dit ions allow it an d oth
er drivers will no t be endange red o r bot h
ered by your driving and the veh icle's accel
eratio n.
- Please note that the d rive wheels can spin
and the vehicle can break away when sport mode is switched on, especially when the
road is slippery.
- Once the vehicle has started moving, press
I ~ OFF! button b rief ly to turn the sport
mode off.
(D Tips
- The transmission temperat ure may increase
significant ly after using the launch control
prog ram . If that happens, the prog ram may
not be ava ilab le for a few minutes. It will be
available again after a coo l-down period.
-When accelerating using the la unch control
program, all vehicle parts are subject to
heavy loads . T hi s can lead to increased
Transmission malfunction
ml Tran smission : ple ase press b ra ke peda l and
s e le ct gear aga in
Press the brake pedal and se lect the desired se
lector lever posit ion aga in. You can then continue
ml Transm ission o verheat ing : Please dri ve con
ser vat ively .
The transm ission temperature has increased s ig
nificantly due to the sporty driving manner. D rive
in a less sporty manner until the temperature re
turns to the normal range and the indicator light
switches of .
ml Transmission malfunction: You can continue
dri ving
There is a system malfunct ion in the transmis
sion . Yo u may continue driving. Drive to your au
thor ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
F acility soon to have the ma lfunction corrected.
ml Transm ission m alfun ction: You can continue
dri ving with limited functionality
There is a system malfunction in the t ransm is
sion . T he transmission is sw itching to emergency
mode. This mode only sh ifts in to certa in gears or
will no longer shift at all. The engine may stall. D rive to an authorized Audi dea ler or authorized
Aud i Service Facility immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected.
Applies to: vehicles with S tronic transm ission
ml Ii) Tra nsm is sion malfunction : No reverse
gear. You can continue driving
There is a system malfunct ion in the transm is
sion. The transmission is sw itchi ng to emergency
mode. This mode only shifts in to certa in gears or
will no longer shift at all. The engi ne may stall .
~ You cannot engage the reverse gear . Drive to an ....
~ author ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi Service N .... 0 co <.,;) 'SI"
D rivi ng
Facility immed iate ly to have the malfunction co r
rected .
ml Transmiss ion malfunction : Stop vehi cle and
shift to park.
Do not continue dr iving. Se lect the P selector lev
er posit ion and see an authorized Audi dealer or
authorized Aud i Serv ice Facility for ass istance .
(D Note
If the transm ission has switched to emergen
cy mode, drive to your authorized Aud i dea ler
or authorized Audi Service Facility immediate l y to have the ma lfunction co rrected.
Selector lever emergency release
If the vehicle 's power supply fails, the selector
lever can be released in an emergency.
F ig . 85 Fro nt center conso le: eme rge ncy release for the se
lector leve r
... To reach the emergency release mechanism, re
move the ashtray insert* .
... Loosen and remove the small cap in the asht ray
mou nt
Q fig . 85 .
... You now have a ccess to a pin. Using a screw
driver or sim ila r object, press the pin down and
hold it in that position .
.,. Press the re lease button in the selector lever
and move it into the N position.
Only move the selec tor lever out of the P posit io n
whe n the ignition is switched on . If the veh icle
must be pushed or towed d ue to a power failure
(for example, the vehicle battery is drained), the
selector lever must first be moved to the N posi
t ion using the eme rgency re lease mechanism.
Trailer towing
Trailer towing
Driving with a trailer
General information
Your Audi was designed primarily for passenger
If you plan to tow a trailer, please remember that
the additional load will affect durability, economy and performance.
Trailer towing not on ly places more stress on the
ve hicle, it also ca lls for more concentration from
the dr iver.
F or this reason, always follow the operating and
driving instructions provided and use common
@ Note
If you are going to tow a trailer, you must ac
tivate the tra ile r operation mode
¢ page 82, Operating instructions.
Technical requirements
Traile r hitch
Use a weight-carrying hitch conforming to the
gross trai ler weight. The hitch must be suitab le
for your ve hicle and tra iler and must be mounted
securely on the vehicle 's chassis at a
locat ion . Use on ly a trailer hitch with a re
movable ba ll mount . Always chec k w it h t he t rail
er hitch man ufactur er to make s ure t hat you a re
using the co rrect hi tc h.
Do not use a bumper hitch.
The hitch m ust be installed i n such a way that it
does not interfere with the impact -absorbing
bumper sys tem . N o mod ificat ions should be
made to the vehicle exhaust and b rake systems .
Fr om t ime to t ime, che ck t hat all hitch mo unti ng
bol ts rem ain securely faste ned.
W hen you are not tow ing a tra iler, remove the
tra ile r hitc h ba ll mount . This prevents the hitch
from ca using damage shou ld your veh icle be
s truck from behind¢ &..
Trailer brakes
If your trailer is equipped wi th a bra king sys tem,
c h ec k t o be sure that it con forms to all regu la
The trailer hydrau lic br ake system mus t not be
directly connecte d to the vehicle's hydr auli c
brake system .
Safety chains
Always use safety chains between your vehicle
a nd t he tra ile r.
Trailer lights
Trailer lights must meet all regulations. Be sure
to check w ith your Aud i dea ler for correct wir ing,
switches and relays.
If you a re unab le to see the traffic behind you us
i ng the regular outs ide mir rors, then you
must in
stall extended mirrors. It is important that you
always have clear vision to the rear.
Afte r remov ing the tra ile r hi tch, do not s to re
i t in yo ur vehicle. In cas e of sudden brak ing,
the hit ch could fly fo rwa rd and injure you or
your pas sengers.
Operating instructions
Maximum trailer weight
A tra ile r f or yo ur vehicle is lim ite d to a typical
cla ss 1 or class 2 trailer.
Trailer load distribution
Be sure the load in the trai ler is held sec urely in
place to p revent it from shifting forward , back
ward or si deways .
Never allow a pas senger to ride in a trailer ¢ &.
in Driving instructions on page 84.
Engine cooling system
Towing a tra ile r makes the engine wor k harder . It
i s impo rtant that the cooling system's perform
ance is up to the additional load. Ma ke sure that
the cooling system has enoug h fluid.