(!) Door handle
Audi side assist display
Power locking sw itches
Audi side assist button ........ .
A ir vents with thumbwheel
Contro l lever for:
- Turn signal and high beam
- High beam assist .......... . .
- Audi active lane assist ....... .
(J) Multifunction steering wheel with:
- Horn
- Driver's airbag .... ..... ... . .
- Driver information system but-
tons . ......... ....... ..... .
- Audio/video, telephone, naviga
tion and voice recognition but
- Shift paddles and~ button for
manual shifting ... ..... ... . .
@ Instrument cluster .......... . .
® Windshield washer system lever
@ Head-up Display ........... .. .
@ Buttons for:
- Start -Stop -System . ..... ... . .
- MMI display
- Electronic Stabilization Control
(ESC) .. .. ............. .. .. .
- Emergency flashers ........ . .
@ Starting the engine if there is a
malfunction ..... ....... ..... .
@ Knee airbag ................ . .
~ Buttons for:
- Steering wheel adjustment ... .
- Steering wheel heating .. .... .
@ Lever for:
- Cruise control system ..... .. .
- Adaptive cruise control .... .. .
@ Button for switching the Head-up
Display on/off, adjusting the
height .. .. ............... .. .
115 10
@ Instrument illumination ....... .
@ Engine hood release .......... .
@) Data Link Connector for On Board
Diagnostics (OBD II) .......... .
@ Light switch . .. .............. .
@ Buttons for :
-All-weather lights .......... .
- Night vision assistant ........ .
- Rear fog lights ............. .
@ Power exterior mirror adjustment
Rear lid switch ... ...... ...... .
Power windows .............. .
Memory function buttons ...... .
MMI display
Indicator lights/buttons for
- Parking system ............. .
- Rear window power sun shade
@ Glove compartment .... ...... .
@ Front passenger's airbag ...... .
@ Valet parking feature ......... .
@ Analog clock .. .. ............ .
@ Climate contro ls ............. .
@) MMI controls
<.§ Selector lever (automatic transmis-
sion) . .. .. .. .. .............. .
@ Center console with cupholder .. .
@ E lectromechanical parking brake
{I) Tips
41 26
112 73
- Some of the equipment or features shown
in the general illustration may be standard
equipment on your vehicle or may be op
tional equipment depending on your model.
Always ask your authorized Audi dealer if
you have a question about your vehicle.
- Operation of the Multi Media Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manual.
Seat s and sto rage
Seats and storage
General information
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
The safety belts and the airbag system can only
provide maximum protection if the front seats are correctly adjusted .
There are various ways of adjusting the front
seats to provide safe and comfortable support
for the dr iver and the front passenger . Adjust
your seat properly so that:
- you can easily and quickly reach all the switches
and controls in the instrument panel
- your body is properly supported thus reducing
physical stress and fatigue
- the safety belts and a irbag system can offer
maximum protection ¢
page 146.
In the following sections, you will see exact ly
how you can best adjust your seats.
There are spec ial regulat ions and instr uctions for
installing a c hild seat on the front passenger's
seat. Always follow the information regarding
child safety provided in
¢ page 168, Child safe
ty .
Incorrect seating position of the driver and all
other passengers can result in serious person
al injury.
- Always keep your feet on the floor when the
vehicle is in motion - never put your feet on
top o f the instr ument pane l, o ut of the win
dow o r on top of the sea t cushion. This ap
plies espe cially to the passenge rs.
If your
seat ing pos ition is inco rre ct, you increase
the risk of injury in the case of sudden brak
ing or an accident . If the airbag inf lates and
the seating position is incor rect, this could
result in personal injury or even death.
- It is important for both the driver and front
passenge r to keep a d istance o f at least
10 inches (25 cm) between themselves and
the steering wheel and/or instrument pan el. If you're s itting any closer than this, the
airbag system cannot pro tect you properly.
In addition, the front seats and head re
straints must be adjusted to your body
he ight so that they can give you maximum
protection .
- Always try to keep as much distance as pos
sible between yourself and the steer ing
wheel or instrument panel.
- Do not adjust the driver's or front passeng
er's seat while the veh icle is moving. Yo ur
seat may move unexpectedly, causing sud
den loss of vehicle contro l and personal in
jury. If you ad just yo ur seat while the veh icle
is moving, you a re o ut of po sition.
, Driver's seat
The correct seat position is important for safe
and relaxed driving .
We recommend that you adjust the dr iver's seat
i n the following manner:
.. Adjust the seat in fore and aft direction so that
you can easi ly push the pedals to the floor
while keep ing your knees slightly bent¢
A. in
Why is your seat adjustment so important? on
page 58 .
.. Adjust the bac krest so that whe n you s it w it h
your back agains t the backrest, yo u can s till
gras p the top of the steering wheel.
.. Adjust the head res traint so the uppe r edge is
as even as possib le w ith the top of you r head. If
that is not possible, try to adjust the head re
straint so that it is as close to this pos it ion as
possible ¢
page 64.
Neve r place any objects in the dr iver's foo t
well. An object could get into the pedal area and inte rfere with pedal function. In case of
sud den bra king or an ac cident, you w ould no t
be ab le to b rake o r accelerate.
restraints that are not properly adjusted in
creases the risk of ser ious or fatal neck in
jury dramatically.
- Read and heed all WARNINGS
¢page 132,
Proper adjustment of head restraints.
- Vehicles with a pass through in the center
console have seating for four. The long cen
ter console between the two rear seats is
Memory function
Applies to: vehicles with memory function
The memory functio n allows you to quickly and
eas ily store and recall personal seating profi les
for the driver, front passenger and outer rear
seats* . The memory function is operated through
the master key and the memory buttons in the
driver's/front passenger's doors and the rear
The driver's seating profi le is stored and assigned
to the master key each time the vehicle is locked.
When you open the door, the seating profile is
Remote control
master key
Seat X
Head restraint X
Steering wheel* X
Safety belt* X
Both exterior rea rview X
Remote control key
Applies to: veh icles with memory function
To assign the driver's seat settings to the remote
control key when locking the vehicle, the function
must be switched on .
~ Select: I CARI function button > Car systems
control button > Vehicle settings > Seats >
Driver seat > Remote control key > On .
Seats and storage
not a seating position. Therefore, a safety
be lt is not provided.
(D Tips
-To prevent the head restraints from running
into the headliner, they retract automatica l
ly when moving the seat forward or upward.
- Correctly adjusted head restraints and safe
ty be lts are an extremely effective combina
tion of safety features.
automat ically recalled. If two people use one ve
hicle, it is recommended that each person always
uses "their own" master key .
T wo seating profiles can be stored in eac h of the
drive r's/front passenger's doors and one seating
profi le in each of the rear doors*. Once stored,
these seating p rofiles can be reca lled at any time.
Th e following sett ings are stored:
Memory button
Driver Front passenger Outer rear seats*
@ Tips
If you do not want another driver's settings to
be assigned to the remote control key, switch
off the memory function using the MMI or the
IOFF I button ¢p age 66.
Adjusting steering wheel position
The steering wheel position can be adjusted for
height and reach .
Fig. 87 Sw it ch for steering wheel adjustme nt
Fi rst, adjust t he driver 's seat cor rect ly.
• To adjust the height, press the switch up/down.
The steer ing column w ill cont inue moving as
lo ng as yo u are pressing the sw itch .
• To move the steering whee l forward or back,
press the switch forward/back. The steering
column will continue moving as long as you are pressing the switch .
There m ust be at least 10 inches (25 cm) be
tween your chest and the center of the steering
wheel. If you cannot sit more than 10 inches (25
cm) from the steering whee l, see if adaptive
equipment is available to help you reach the ped
als and increase the distance from the steering
For detai led information on how to adjust the
driver's seat, see
9 page 59 .
In vehicles with the memory function*, the steer
ing column settings are stored together with the
seat pos ition.
Improper use of steer ing whee l adjustment
and improper seating position can cause seri
ous personal injury.
- Ad just the steering wheel col umn only when
the vehicle is not moving to prevent loss of
vehicle control.
- Adjust the driver's seat or steering whee l so
that there is a minimum of 10 inches (25
cm) between your chest and the steering
wheel <=>
page 130, fig . 151. If you cannot
maintain th is minimum distance, the airbag
sys tem cannot p rotect yo u properly.
- If physical limitations prevent you from sit
ting 10 inches (25 cm) o r more from the
steer ing whee l, che ck wit h your author ized
Aud i dea le r to see if adap tive equipmen t is
ava ilable.
- If the steer ing whee l is aligned w ith yo ur
face, the s upplementa l dr iver's a irbag can
not provide as much protection in an acci
dent . Always make sure that the steering
wheel is alig ned with your chest.
- Always hold the steering wheel with your
hands at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock posi
tions to reduce the risk of personal in jury if
the dr iver's airbag dep loys.
- Never hold the stee ring wheel at the 12
o'clock position or with your hands inside
the steering wheel rim or on the steering
wheel hub . Holding the steering wheel the
wrong way can cause serious inj uries to the
hands, a rms and head if the drive r's airbag
Easy entry feature
The easy entry feature makes it easier to enter
and exit the vehicle by automatically adjusting the ste ering wheel.
• Select in the MMI: ICAR lfu nction button> Car
s ys tems
control button > Vehicle settings >
Seats> Driver 's seat > Easy entr y> On.
When the easy entry feature is turned on, the
steering wheel moves up to the park position
whe n you switch off the ign ition . Af ter you enter
the veh icle, the steering wheel moves to the stor
ed pos ition as soon as you switch o n the ignition .
Airbag syste m
Airbag system
Important information
Importance of wearing safety belts and
sitting properly
Airbags are only supplemental restraints . For
airbags to do their job, occupants must always
properly wear their safety belts and be in a prop
er seating position.
For your safety and the safety of your passen
ge rs , before driving off, always :
"' Adjust the driver's seat and steering wheel
properly ¢
page 130,
"'Adjust the front passenge r's seat properly
¢ page 59,
"'Wear safety belts p roperly ¢ page 140,
"'Always properly use the proper child restraint
to protect children
¢ page 168.
In a coll is io n, airbags mus t inflate within the
blink of an eye and wi th considerab le force. The
supp lemental airbags can cause injuries if the
driv er or th e front s eat passeng er is not s eated
properly. Therefore in order to he lp the airbag to
do its job, it is important, both as a dr iver and as
a passenger to sit properly at all t imes.
By keeping room between your body and the
steering whee l and the front of the passenger
compartment, the a irbag can inflate fully and
completely and provide supplemental protect ion
in certain frontal collisions¢
page 130, Correct
passenger seating positions .
For details on the
operation of the seat adjustment con trols
¢ page 59.
It's especially important that children are proper
ly restra ined
¢ page 168 .
There is a lot that the driver and the passengers
can and must do to help the ind iv idual safety fea
tures installed in your Audi work together as a
system .
Proper seating posit ion is important so that the
front airbag on the drive r side can do its job. If
you have a physical impairment or cond ition that
prevents you from s itting properly on the driver
seat with the safety be lt properly fastened and
reaching the peda ls, or if yo u have concerns w ith
regard to the function or operation of the Ad
vanced Airbag System, please contact your a u
thori zed Audi dea ler or qua lified workshop, or
ca ll Audi Customer Relations at 1-800-822-2834
for poss ib le modifications to your vehicle .
When the airbag system dep loys, a gas generator
will fill the airbags, break open the padded cov ers, and infla te between the steering wheel and
the driver and between the instrument panel and
t h e front passenger . The airbags w il l deflate im
med iate ly after deployment so that the front oc
cupants can see t hrou gh the windsh ie ld again
without i nterruption.
All of th is takes p lace in the b link of an eye, so
fast that many people don't even rea lize that the
a irbags have deployed. The airbags a lso infla te
with a g re at deal of force and nothing should be
i n the ir way when they deploy. Front airbags in
combination with properly worn safety belts slow
down and limit the occupant 's forward move
ment . Together they he lp to prevent the driver
and front seat passenger from hitting pa rts of
the ins ide of the vehicle while reduc ing the fo rces
acting on the occupant dur ing the cras h. In th is
way they help to reduce the risk of injury to the
head and uppe r body i n the crash . Airbags do not
protect the arms or the lower pa rts of the body.
Both front airbags will not inflate in all frontal
collisions . The t riggering of the a irbag system de
pends on the veh icle decelerat ion rate caused by
t h e coll is io n and regis tered by the ele ctroni c con
tro l unit . If this ra te is be low the refe rence value
programmed in to the contro l unit, the airbags
will not be trigge red, even tho ugh the car may be
badly damaged as a resu lt of the collision. Vehi
cle damage, rep air costs or even the lack of vehi
cle damage is not necessarily an indication of
whether an a irbag should inflate or not .
Since the circumstances will vary cons iderab ly
between one co llision and another, it is not possi
ble to define a range of veh icle speeds that will
cover every poss ible kind and angle of impact
that w ill always t rigger t he a irbags . Important
factors i nclude, for examp le, the nat ure (hard or
soft) of the object which the ca r hits, the angle of
i mp act , vehicle speed , etc. The front airbags will .,.
exceptional circumstances and the
PASS ENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not
come on and stay on, immed iately install
the rear-fac ing ch ild safety seat in a rear
seating pos it ion and have the airbag system
inspected immediately by your Audi dealer .
If, in exceptio nal circumstances, you must in
stall a forward-facing chi ld restraint on the
front passenger's seat:
- Always make sure the forward-fac ing seat
has been designed and ce rtified by its man
ufact urer fo r use on a front seat with a pas
senger front and side airbag .
- Always follow the manufact urer's instruc
tions prov ided with the ch ild safety seat or
- Always move the passenger seat into its
rearmost position in the seat's fore and aft
adjustment range, as far away from the air
bag as possib le before installing the child
restraint. The backrest must be adjusted to
an upr ight position.
- Always make sure that the
light comes on and stays on all the
t ime whenever the ignition is switched on.
{D) Tips
Always replace chi ld restraints that were in
stalled in a vehicle dur ing a crash . Damage to
a child restraint that is not visible could cause
it to fail in another collision situation.
Advanced front airbag system and children
Your veh icle is equipped with a front "Advanced
Airbag System " in compliance w ith United States
F edera l Moto r Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS)
208, as well as Canada Motor Ve hicle Safe ty
Stand ard (CMVSS) 208 as appli cable at the t ime
your vehicle was manufactured .
The Advanced Airbag system in your ve hicle has
been ce rtified to meet the "low-risk " requ ire
ments for 3 -and 6-year old children on the pas
senger side and small adults on the driver side .
The low risk deployment criteria are intended to
Ch ild safety
reduce the risk of injury through interaction with
the airbag that can occur, for example, by being
too close to the steering wheel and instr ument
panel when the airbag inflates. In addition, the
system has been cert ified to comply with the
"suppression" requirements of the Safety Stand
ard, to turn off the front airbag for infants up to
12 months who are restrained on the front pas
senger seat in ch ild rest raints that are lis ted in
the S tanda rd .
Even thoug h your veh icle is equipped with an Ad
vanced Airbag system, all ch ildren, especially
those 12 yea rs and younger, sho uld a lways ride
i n the back seat properly restra ined for their age
and size . The airbag on the passenger side makes
the front seat a potentia lly dangerous p lace for a
child to ride. The front seat is not the safest place
for a ch ild in a forward-fac ing ch ild safety seat. It
can be a very dangerous place for an infant or a
larger ch ild in a rearward-facing seat .
Advanced Airbags and the weight -sensing
mat in the front seat
T he Advanced A irbag System in you r vehicle de
tects the presence of a n in fan t or child in a ch ild
restra int on the front passenger seat using the
weight-sensing mat in the seat cushion and the sensor below the safety belt latch on the front
passenger seat that measures the tension on the
safety belt.
The weight-sensing mat measures total weight
of the child and the chi ld safety seat and a child
blanket on the front passenger seat. The weight
on the front passenger seat is related to the de
s ign of the child restra int and its "footprint" , the
s ize and shape of the bottom of the c hild re
straint as it s its on the seat. The weight of a chi ld
r estra int and its "footprint " va ry for different
k inds of child restra ints and for the different
models of the same kind of ch ild rest raint of
fered by child restraint manufacturers.
T he weight ranges for the individ ual types,
makes and mode ls of chi ld restrain ts that the
N HT SA has spec ified in the Safety Standard to
gether with the weight ranges o f typical infants
and typical 1 year-old chi ld have been stored in .,.
Driver side cockpit fuse assignment
Fig . 227 D river sid e cockpit: fuse panel with plastic bracket
Fuse panel @ (brown )
No . Equipment
1 Light switch
2 Emergency start coil (driver iden tification)
3 Left rear door con trol module
4 Head -up display
5 Ho rn
6 Interior lights (headliner)
Steering column lever, m ultifunction
8 steer ing whee l cont ro ls, steering wheel
heati ng
10 Powe r steering column adjustment
1 1 Dr iver door co ntro l mod ule
12 Diagnostic con nector, light/rain sensor
13 Radio rece iver, par king heater
14 Power steering column adjustment
15 Powe r stee ring, A/C comp resso r
16 Brake booster
Fuse panel © (black)
No . Equipment
1 Front seat heating
Fuses and bulbs
Fuse panel © (black)
2 Windshie ld w ipers
3 F ron t ex terior lig hti ng
4 Sliding/tilting s unroof
5 Dr iver power w indow
6 Driver's seat (pneumatic)
7 Pano rama su nroo f
8 Dynam ic steering
9 F ron t ex terior lig hting
10 W indshie ld/head light washer system
11 Left rea r powe r window
12 Panorama su nroof
Front passenger side cockpit fuse
Fig. 228 Front passenge r side cockp it: fuse panel with
p last ic b racket
Fuse panel @ (black)
No . Equipment
1 Ant i-theft alarm system
2 Transmission contro l modu le
3 Front climate control fan
4 Engine supply
6 Engine control module