fill up at busy gas st ations where the season al
adjustment is more likely to be made in time .
(D Note
-Me thanol f uels which do not mee t these re
quirements may ca use corros ion and dam
age to plastic and rubber components in the
fuel system .
- Do not use fuels that fai l to meet the speci
fied criter ia in this chapter.
- If you are unable to determine whether or not a particular fuel blend meets the speci
ficat ions, ask your service station or its fuel
- Do not use fuel for which the contents can
not be identif ied.
- Fuel system damage and performance prob
lems resulting from the use of fue ls differ
ent from those specified are not the respon
s ibility of Audi and are not covered under
the New Veh icle or the Emiss ion Control
System Wa rrant ies.
- If you experience a loss of fue l economy or
driveability and performance prob lems due
to the use of one of these fuel b lends, we
recommend that you switch to unblended
Gasoline additives
Applies to: vehicles with gasol ine engine
A majo r concern among many au to manufactur
ers is carbon deposit build- up caused by the type
of gasoline yo u use.
A lthough gasoline grades d iffer from one manu
f a cturer to ano ther, they have cer tain things in
common . A ll gasoline grades contain substances
that can cause deposits to collect on vita l engine
pa rts, such as fue l injectors and intake valves . Al
though most gaso line brands include additives to
keep engine and fuel systems clean, they are not
equally effective.
Aud i recommends using TOP TIER Detergent Gas
oline. For more informat ion on TOP TIER Deter
gent Gasoline, please go to the official website (www.toptiergas .com) .
Fuel and R efueling
After an extended period o f using inadeq uate
fuels, carbon deposit bui ld-ups can rob your en
gine o f peak performance.
(D Note
Damage or ma lf u nction due to poo r fue l qual
ity is not covered by the A udi New Vehicle
Limited Warranty .
Diesel fuel
Applies to: vehicles with diesel engine
Always use ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel) No. 2 .
The ULSD No . 2 meets the ASTM 0975.
Diesel f uel w it h concen tratio ns of b iod iesel h igh
er than 5 % such as Bl 1, B20 or BlOO are strict ly
prohibited .
Se rvice station fuel p umps are labe led with the
correct f uel i nfo rmat ion for e asy recog nition by
the user.
If the d iesel f ue l pump is no t labeled
ask the station operator what fuel is being dis
pensed before fil ling up your vehicle .
UL SD No . 2 m ay not be available ou tside the USA
and Canada . Be su re to check befo re t raveling to
other countries .
UL SD No . 2 c an become thic ke r i n ve ry cold tem
peratures, and this can imp air the engine's s tart
ing and running. Depend ing on the sea son, gas
stations provide ULSD No . 2 that flows better in
cold temperatures so that you can continue oper
at ing your vehicle as usual.
@ Note
- Your vehicle's diese l engine was designed
sole ly for use with ULSD No . 2 . Therefo re,
neve r use gasoline, heating oil, other fuels
or flow improvers. These contain substances
that will severely damage the fuel system
and the engine . Such damage will not be
cove red by your New Vehicle Limited War-
r a nty.
- If you put a ny amo unt of incorrect fuel in
the fuel tank, do not sta rt the eng ine under
any circumstances. Imme diately contact the
Technical data
Vehicle identification
F ig. 239 Vehi cle Ident if ication N umber (VlN) plate : loca·
tion on dr iver 's side dash pane l
CD+ ~t :1 :: xxxxxxxx xx x x x xxx xxx
®i ~:J ·f lfils~~ XXXX XXX XXX
®-+ ~N:a=i~l xxxx ; xxxx xx x ; xx
E0 A
7D 5 4UB 6
2E H
J0Z lL B l
A S lB A
3FC SM U 7Xl
F 0 A 9G3 0G7 0YH 0JF
TL 6 3KA 8EH UlA X 98 Q Z7
lXW 803 908 824 020
7T6 C V7 7 K0 4 X3 2 K2
4KC 3Y0 413 502
lSA 7GB 01 A 4G0
XX . X XX X XX X xxxx
Fig. 240 The vehicle identificat ion label- inside the lug
gage compartment
Veh icle Identification Number (VlN )
The Vehicle Identification Number is located in
different p laces:
- under the windshield on the driver's side
¢fig. 239.
-in the MMI: Select: Function button ICAR I > Car
systems > Servicing
& checks > VIN number .
~ -on the vehicle identification label.
0 J:
"". rl I.Cl U"I
rl I.Cl rl
Technical data
Vehicle identification label
The veh icle identification label is located in the
luggage compartment in the spare wheel we ll.
T he label¢
fig. 240 shows the following vehicle
(D Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
@ Vehicle type, eng ine output, transm ission
@ Engine and transmission code
@ Paint number and interior
® Optional equipment numbers
T he information of the veh icle identification label
can also be found in your Warranty
& Mainte
nance booklet.
Safety compliance sticker
The safety compliance sticker is your assurance
that your new vehicle complies w ith all applicable
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards which
were in effect at the time the vehicle was manu
factured. You can find this sticker on the door
jamb on the driver's side. It shows the month and
year of production and the vehicle identification number of your vehicle (perforation) as well as
the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR).
H igh voltage warning label
The high voltage warning label is located in the
engine compartment next to the engine hood re
lease. The spark ignition system complies with
the Canadian standard ICES-002.
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR), and
the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for front
and rear are listed on a sticker on the door jamb
on the driver 's side.
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating includes the
weight of the basic vehicle plus full fuel tank, oil
and coolant, plus maximum load, which includes
passenger weight (150 lbs/68 kg per designated
seating position) and luggage weight
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