compartment exceeds 131 °F (55 °C) . Once the
temperat ure falls below 131 °F (55 °C) again,
the cooler switches on again automatically.
- the battery is adequately charged . The cooler
switches off automatically if the vehicle battery
voltage falls below a minimum level. This pre
vents the battery from discharging. The cooler
switches back on again automatically when the
battery voltage increases again (e.g. after start
ing the engine) .
The cooler cools to 42.8 °F
(+ 6 °C) and the freez
er cools to 21.2 °F (- 6 °C) in optimum cooling
conditions . The cooling performance is affected
by the temperature in the luggage compartment .
The temperature inside the cooler will be higher
if the luggage compartment is hot .
To avoid putting the occupants at any risk,
please observe the following safety rules:
- The maximum capacity is 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs.).
- Never overload the cooler. This could cause
injury in the event of a collision or sudden
- The cooler lid must always be kept closed
while you are driving. Make sure the retain
ing catch is securely engaged. The contents
of the cooler could be thrown forward into
the passenger compartment in the event of
a collision or under sudden braking -risk of
- Inflammable liquids, gas canisters, etc.
must not be stored in the cooler -risk of ex-
plosion! This also includes any products that
might emit volatile or inflammable gases.
- liquids will freeze at temperatures at or be
low 32 °F (0 °C) and may cause glass bottles
to burst!
(D Note
- The ventilation openings for the cooler are
located on the back panel trim in the lug
gage compartment and
must be kept clear
at all times.
- If the cooler is not functioning properly,
switch it off to prevent further damage .
Have it checked by a qualified workshop.
Seats and storage
App lies to : vehicles wit h coo ler
Fig. 83 Rear center a rmrest
The cooler is located in the rear cabin behind the
center armrest or behind the sliding cover (de
pending on the equipment fitted in your vehicle) .
The cooler and freezer only work when the igni
tion is on.
Opening / closing the cooler
• To open the cooler, pull the re lease lever CD
c:::>fig . 83.
• To close the cooler, push the lid back into its
original position. You should hear the release
CD engage if the lid is properly closed.
Switching on/off
• Press button @ c:::> fig. 83 to switch the cooler
on/off . The symbol in the button is lit when this
function is activated .
• Press button @ to switch the freezer on/off.
The symbol in the button is lit when this func
tion is activated .
(D Tips
-Always try to leave the lid open for as short
a time as possible to prevent condensation
- Do not put hot food or drinks in the cooler.
Driving with your
With All Wh eel Drive , all four wh eels are driven .
General information
With All W heel Drive, power is dis tribute d to all
four wheels . This happens automatically depend
ing on your dr iving style and the road conditions
at the time . See also¢
page 190 . With the sport
d ifferent ial*, power d istr ibution to the rear
wheels is variable and can be adjusted with Audi
d rive select*
¢ page 106. Always read and fo llow
safety preca utio ns ¢ ,&. .
Winter tires
When drivi ng in the w inter, you r vehicle with All
Wheel Drive has an advantage, even with reg ular
tires. In winter road cond itions it may be adv isa
b le to mount w inte r tir es (or a ll-season tires) for
i mproved d riveab ility and bra king : these tires
must be mounted on
all four wheels . See also
¢ page 251, W inter tires.
Snow chains
Where snow chains are mandatory on certain
roads, this normally also a pplies to vehicles w it h
All Whee l Dr ive ¢
page 251, Snow chains.
Replacing wheels /tires
Veh icles w ith All Wheel Drive must always have
tires of the same s ize. A lso avo id tires wi th d iffer
ent tread depths. For detai ls see page
¢ page 243.
Off-Road driving?
Your Aud i does not have e nough g round clear
a nce to be used as an off-road vehicle . It is there
fore best to avoid rough tracks and uneve n ter
r ain as m uch as possible . Also refe r to
¢page 197.
_& WARNING ,~ -
Always adjust you r driv ing to road and t raffic
conditions . Do not let the extra safety affo rd
ed by All Wheel Drive tempt you into taking
extra risks.
Sma rt Technology
- Although the A ll Whee l Drive is very effec
tive, always remember that braking capacity
is limited by t ire tract ion. You shou ld there
fore not dr ive at excessive speeds on icy or
slippe ry road surfaces .
- On wet road surfaces, be careful not to dr ive
too fast because the front wheels could be
g in to slide on top of the water (aquap la n
ing) . If th is should oc cur, you will have no
warn ing from a sudden increase in engine
speed as with a front-wheel d rive vehicle.
Always d rive at speeds which are suited to
the road conditions -risk of c rash.
Energy management
Starting ability is optimized
Energy management controls the distribution of
electrical energy and thus op timizes the availa
bility of electrical energy for starting the engine .
If a vehicle with a conventional energy system is
not driven for a long pe riod of time, the battery is
discharged by id ling curre nt consumers (e.g. im
mobilize r) . In certain circumstances i t can resu lt
in t he re being i nsufficien t energy ava ilable to
sta rt the engine.
Intelligent energy manageme nt in you r vehicle
hand les the distribution of electrical energy .
Start ing ability is markedly improved and the life
of the ba ttery is ex tended.
Bas ica lly, energy management cons ists of
tery diagnosis , idling current management
dynamic energy management .
Battery diagnosis
Battery d iagnosis continuously dete rm ines the
state of the battery. Sensors determine battery
vo ltage, battery current and battery tempera
tu re. This de termines the current state o f ch arge
and the power of the battery .
Idling current management
Idling current management reduces energy con
sumption while the vehicle is standing. With the ..,_
@ For the sake of the environment
Because of the problem of proper disposal of
brake fluid as we ll as the special toots re
quired and the necessary expertise, we rec
ommend that you have the brake fluid
changed by your authorized Audi dealer .
General information
Under normal operating conditions, the battery
in your Audi does not need any maint enance.
high outside temperatures or long daily
drives we recommend tha t you have the electro
lyte level checked by a service facility. The elec
trolyte level should also be checked each time
the battery is charged ¢
page 233.
Have the battery checked when you take your ve
hicle in for serv ice. You are well advised to re
place a battery that is older than 5 years .
With certain types of airbag deployment, the batte ry is disconnected from the vehicle electri
cal system for safety reasons¢
& in Repair, care
and disposal of the airbags on page 159 .
Disconnecting the battery terminals
Some vehicle functions (power window regu la
tors, for example) are lost if the battery te rmi
nals are disconnected. These functions have to be
relearned after the battery terminals are con
nected again. To prevent th is, the battery should
only be disconnected from the vehicle e lectr ica l
system when abso lutely necessary for repairs.
Vehicles not driven for long periods
If you do not drive your vehicle over a period of
several days or weeks, electrical components are
gradually cut back or sw itched off. This reduces
ene rgy consumption and ma inta ins starting ca
pability over a longer period ¢
page 195. Some
of the convenience functions may not operate,
such as the interior lights or the power seat ad
justment. The convenience funct ions will be
ava ilable again when you switch on the ignition
and start the engine.
Checking and Filling
Winter operation
During the winter months, battery capacity tends
to decrease as temperatures drop . This is be
cause more power is also consumed while start
ing, and the headlights, rear window defogger,
etc., are used more often.
Avo id unnecessary power consumption, particu
larly in city traffic or when traveling only short
distances . Let your authorized Audi dealer check
the capacity of the vehicle battery before winter
sets in ¢
page 233. A well charged battery will
not only prevent starting problems when the
weather is cold, but will also last longer .
(D Tips
If your vehicle is left standing for several
weeks at extremely low temperatures, the ve
hicle battery should be removed and stored
where it w ill not freeze . This will prevent it
from be ing damaged and having to be re
Working on the battery
Be especially careful when working on or near
the battery.
The battery is located in the luggage compart
ment under the floor . Before you check anything
in the luggage compartment,
read and heed all
Always heed the safety warnings, when working
on the vehicle battery or the veh icle electrical
system to prevent injury.
The following WARNINGS are very important
when working on the battery:
Always heed the following WARNING SYM·
BOLS and safety precautions when working on
the battery.
Always wear eye protection.
Battery acid contains sulfuric acid. Al-
ways wear gloves and eye protection.
Check ing and F illing
warm water and baking soda to neutralize
the acid.
CD Note
Never use a fast charger as a booster to start
the engine . This will serious ly damage sensi
tive electronic components, such as control
units, relays, radio, etc., as well as the battery
Battery replacement
T he new battery must have the same specifica
t ions and dimensions as the original equipmen t
bat tery.
Int elli g ent en ergy managem ent in your vehicle is
responsible for distributing the electrical energy
throughout your vehicle
r=> page 195. The intelli
gent energy management system will keep the
engine battery charged better than veh icles w ith
out this system . To make sure the addit ional
e lectrical energy is avai lab le once again after you
have changed the battery, we recommend that
you install batteries of the same type and manu facture on ly (the same as those installed at the
time your vehicle was delivered). Specifications
are listed on the battery housing. Your author
i z ed dealer must code the battery in the energy
management system to enable you to use the en
ergy management functions correctly after re
placing the battery .
The new battery must have the same capacity,
voltage (12 volts) , amperage, construction and
plug sealing .
When installing the battery, make sure the igni
tion and all electrical consumers are sw itched
CD Note
- Make sure the ventilation hose on the s ide
of the battery is connected, otherw ise
fumes or battery ac id can leak out.
- Vehicles with the Start-Stop-System* are equipped with a special cycle-proof AGM battery . Installing a d ifferent type of bat
tery can cause problems in the vehicle elec -
trical system. When replacing the vehicle
battery, always install one with the same
specifications as the original battery .
- Battery mounts and clamps m ust always be
secured correctly.
- Read and follow the warnings under
¢ page 231, Working on the battery before
performing any work on the battery .
@ For the sake of the environment
Because of the p roblem of proper disposal of
a battery, we recommend your authorized
A udi dealer change the battery for you . Bat
teries contain sulfur ic acid and lead and must
a lways be disposed of properly in compliance
with all environmental regulations . Disposing
of veh icle batteries improperly is very danger
ous to the environment .
Windshield washer
Fig. 204 En gin e compa rt ment: washer fluid rese rvoir cap
The w indshield washer fluid reservo ir Q conta ins
the cleaning solution for the w indshield and the
headlight washe r system ¢
fig. 204, ¢ page 222.
The reservoir capacity is found in
r=> page 2 78 .
To reduce the risk of lime scale depos its on the
spray nozzles, use clean water with low amounts
of calcium. Always add w indow cleaner to the wa
ter . When the outside temperat ures are cold , an
anti-freez ing agent shou ld be added to the water
so that it does not freeze. ..,.
(a) Curb weight
(b) Accessory weight
(c) Vehicle capacity weight, and
(d) Production options weight
Maximum (permissible )
inflation pressure
means the maximum cold infla
tion pressure to which a tire may be inflated. Also called "maxi
mum inflation pressure ."
Normal occupant weight
means 150 lbs . (68 kilograms)
times the number of occupants
seated in the vehicle up to the to
ta l seating capacity of your vehi
c le .
Occupant distribution
means distribut ion of occupan ts
in a vehic le .
Outer diameter
means the overall diamete r of an
inflated new tire.
Overall width
means the l inear distance be
tween the exter iors of the side
walls of an infla ted tire , including
elevations due to labeling , deco
rations, or protective bands or
r ibs.
2 4 0
means a layer of rubber -coated
pa rallel cords.
Production options weight
means t he comb ined we ight of
those insta lled regular production
options weighing over 5 lbs . (2 .3
kg) in excess of those standard
items which they replace , not pre
viously considered in curb weight or accessory weight, inc luding
heavy duty brakes, ride levelers,
roof rack, heavy duty battery, and
special trim.
Radial ply tire
means a pneumatic tire in which
the ply co rds that extend to the
beads are laid at subs tantially 90
deg rees to the centerline o f the
tread .
Recommended inflation
see~ page 239, Cold tire infla
tion pressure.
Reinforced tire
means a tire designed to operate
at highe r loads and at h igher in
flat ion pressures than t he corre
spond ing standa rd tire . R ein
forced tires may be identified as .,.
Emergency situations
This chapter is intended for trained emergency
crews and working personnel who have the nec
essary tools and equipment to perform these
ope rations.
Starting by pushing or
(D Note
Veh icles with an automatic transmission can
not be started by pushing or towing.
Starting with jumper
If necessary, the engine can be started by con
necting it to the battery of another vehicle .
If the engine shou ld fail to start because of a dis
charged or weak battery, the battery can be con
nected to the battery of
another vehicle, using a
pair of jumpe r cables to start the engine.
Jumper cables
Use only jumper cables of suffic iently large cross
to carry the starter current safely. Refer
to the manufacturer's specifications.
Use only jumper cables with
insulated term inal
clamps which are dis tinct ly marked :
plus(+) cable in most cases colored re d
minus( -) cable
in most cases colored blac k.
Batteries contain electricity, acid, and gas.
Any of these can cause very serious or fatal in
jury. Follow the instructions below for safe
handling of your vehicle's battery.
- Always shield your eyes and avo id leaning
over the battery whenever poss ible.
- A discharged battery can freeze at tempera
tures just below 32 °F (0 °C) . Before con
necting a jumper cable, you must thaw the
Emergency situations
frozen battery completely, otherwise it
could explode .
- Do not allow battery acid to contact eyes or
skin. Flush any contacted area with water immediately.
- Improper use of a booster battery to start a
vehicle may cause an exp losion.
- Vehicle batteries generate exp losive gases.
Keep sparks, flame and lighted cigarettes
away from batteries.
- Do not try to jump start any vehicle with a
low acid level in the battery .
- The vo ltage of the booster battery must also
have a 12-Volt rating. The capacity (Ah) of
the booster battery should not be lower
than that of the discharged battery. Use of
batter ies of different voltage or substantial
ly different "Ah" rating may cause an exp lo
sion and personal injury .
- Never charge a frozen battery. Gas trapped
in the ice may cause an explosion.
- Never charge or use a battery that has been
frozen . The battery case may have be weak
ened .
- Use of batter ies of different voltage or sub
stantially different capacity (Ah) rating may
cause an exp losion and injury. The capac ity
(Ah) of the booster battery should not be
lowe r than that of the discharged battery.
- Before you check anything in the eng ine
compartment, always read and heed all
r::!)page 220.
(D Note
-Applying a higher voltage booster battery
will cause expensive damage to sensitive
electronic components, such as control
units, relays, radio, etc.
- Th ere must be no electrical contact between
the vehicles as otherwise current could al
ready start to flow as soon as the positive
(+) terminals are connected.
(D Tips
- The discharged battery must be properly
connected to the vehicle's e lectrica l system. ..,.