General information
Applies to: vehicles with side assist
Fig. 113 D riving sit u atio ns
Fig. 114 Rear of the vehicle: position of the senso rs
S ide a ssist fu nctions a t speeds above app roxi
ma tely 19 mph (30 km/h).
@ Vehicles that are approaching
:i: .,. a,
In ce rtain cases, a vehicle will be classified as
cr itica l for a lane change even if it is still some
what far away. The faste r a ve hicle app roaches,
t he soo ner the d isplay in the exterio r mirror w ill
t urn on.
@ Vehicles traveling with you
Ve hicles traveli ng w ith you are ind icated i n the
exte rior m irro r if they are classified as critical for
a lane change. All vehi cles detec ted by side assist
Aud i side assist
are indicate d by the time they ente r your "blind
spot", at the latest.
© Vehicles left behind
If you s low ly pas s a vehi cle that s ide ass ist has
de te cted ( the differe nce in speed between t he
vehicle and you r vehicle is less than 9 mph or 15
km/h), the display in the exterior mirror turns on
as soon as the vehicle enters your blind spot.
T he disp lay w ill not turn on if you quickly pass a
vehicle th at side ass ist h as de te cte d (t he differ
ence in speed between the vehicle and your vehi
cle is greater tha n 9 mp h or 15 km/h).
Functional limitations
The radar se nsors are des igned to detect the le ft
and right adj ace nt lane s when the ro ad l anes are
the normal width . In certa in situations, the dis
play in the exterior mirror may turn on eve n
though there is no vehicle located in the area
that is critical for a lane change. For example:
- if the lanes a re narrow or i f yo ur are dr iv ing on
the edge of you r lane. If t his is the case, the
system may have detected th e vehicle in anoth
er lane that is
not adjacent to your cu rrent lane.
- if you are dr iv ing through a curve. Si de assist
may react to a vehicle that is one lane over
from the adjacent lane.
- if side assist reacts to ot her objects (such as
high or disp laced guard ra ils).
- In poor weather conditions. The side assist
fu nctions a re limited .
D o no t cover the r adar senso rs
c> fig. 114 wit h
stickers, deposits, b icycle wheels or other o b
jects, because th is wi ll affect the f unction . Do not
u se side assist when towing a t railer . For infor
mation on cleaning, refer to
c> page 206.
- Always pay attention to traffic and to the
area around your veh icle. S ide assist cannot
replace a driver' s attention. The driver alone
is always respo nsib le for la ne cha nges and
s im ila r dr iv in g ma neuve rs.
(D Tires for passenger vehicles
(if applicable)
P indicat es a tir e for a p asse ng er
vehi cle. T indi cates a tire de sig
nated for tempor ary us e.
@ Nominal width
Nominal width of the tire be
tween the sidew alls in millime
ters. In general: the larger the number, the wider the tire.
@ Aspect ratio
Height /width ratio expressed as a
@ Tire construction
R indicates a radial tire.
® Rim diameter
Siz e of the rim diameter in inches.
@ Load index and speed rating
The load ind ex indi cates the tire' s
lo ad-ca rry in g ca pacity.
The speed rating indicates the maximum permitted speed¢.&
W inter tires o n page 251 .
"EXTRA LOAD", "xl" or "RF" indi
cate s that the tire i s reinfor ced or
is an Extra Load tire.
Speed rat- Maximum permitted speed
up t o 93 mph ( 150 km/h)
Q up to 99 mph (160 km/ h)
Speed rat- Maximum permitted speed
R up to 106 mph (170 km/h)
s u p to 11 0 mph ( 180 km/h)
T up to 118 mph (190 km/h)
u u p to 124 mph ( 200 km/h)
H up to 130 mph (210 km/h)
V up to 14 9 mph (2 40 km/h)al
z above 149 mph (240 km/h)al
w up to 168 mph (270 km/h)al
y up to 186 mph (300 km/h)al
a) For tir es ab ove 149 mph (2 40 km/h),
t ir e man ufact ure rs sometimes use the
co de "Z R".
(j) US DOT number (TIN) and
manufacture date
The m anufac ture date i s listed on
the tire sidewall (it ma y only ap
pear on the inner side of the tire):
DOT ... 2215 ...
means, for example , that the tire
was produced in the 22nd week of
the year 2015.
@ Audi Original equipment
Audi Original equipment tire s
with th e designation "AO " or "RO"
have been sp ec ially matched to
your Audi. When used correct ly,
these t ires meet th e highest
s tandar ds of safety and h andling.
Your authorized Audi dealer will
be happy to provide more infor
mation .
Wheel s
® Mud and snow capability
"M/5" or "M+S" indicates the tire
has characteristics that make it
suitab le for driving on mud and
snow. ~ indicates a winter tire.
@ Composition of the tire cord
and materials
The number of plies indicates the
number of rubberized fabric lay
ers in the tire . In general : the
more layers, the more weight a
tire can carry. Tire manufacturers
must also specify the materials
used in the tire. These include
steel, nylon, polyester and other materials.
@ Ma ximum permitted load
This number indicates the maxi
mum load in kilograms and
pounds that the tire can carry.
@ Uniform tire quality grade
standards for treadwear,
traction and temperature resistance
T readwear, traction and tempera
ture ranges ~
page 253.
@ Running direction
The arrows indicate the running
direction of unidirectional t ires.
You must always follow the speci-
fied running direction
~ page 264 .
(8) Maximum permitted
inflation pressure
This number indicates the maxi
mum pressure to which a tire can
be inflated under normal operat
ing condit ions.
Glossary of tire and loading
Accessory we ight
means the combined weight (in
excess of those standard items
which may be replaced) of auto matic transmission, power steer
ing, power brakes, power win
dows, power seats, radio, and
heater, to the extent that these
items are available as factory -in
stalled equipment (whether in
stalled or not).
Aspect rat io
means the rat io of the height to
the width of the tire in percent.
Numbers of 55 or lower indicate a
low sidewall for improved steer
ing response and better overa ll
handling on dry pavement.
(a) Curb weight
(b) Accessory weight
(c) Vehicle capacity weight, and
(d) Production options weight
Maximum (permissible )
inflation pressure
means the maximum cold infla
tion pressure to which a tire may be inflated. Also called "maxi
mum inflation pressure ."
Normal occupant weight
means 150 lbs . (68 kilograms)
times the number of occupants
seated in the vehicle up to the to
ta l seating capacity of your vehi
c le .
Occupant distribution
means distribut ion of occupan ts
in a vehic le .
Outer diameter
means the overall diamete r of an
inflated new tire.
Overall width
means the l inear distance be
tween the exter iors of the side
walls of an infla ted tire , including
elevations due to labeling , deco
rations, or protective bands or
r ibs.
2 4 0
means a layer of rubber -coated
pa rallel cords.
Production options weight
means t he comb ined we ight of
those insta lled regular production
options weighing over 5 lbs . (2 .3
kg) in excess of those standard
items which they replace , not pre
viously considered in curb weight or accessory weight, inc luding
heavy duty brakes, ride levelers,
roof rack, heavy duty battery, and
special trim.
Radial ply tire
means a pneumatic tire in which
the ply co rds that extend to the
beads are laid at subs tantially 90
deg rees to the centerline o f the
tread .
Recommended inflation
see~ page 239, Cold tire infla
tion pressure.
Reinforced tire
means a tire designed to operate
at highe r loads and at h igher in
flat ion pressures than t he corre
spond ing standa rd tire . R ein
forced tires may be identified as .,.
"XL" "xl" "EXTRA LOAD" or "RF" ' ' '
on the sidewall.
means a metal support for a tire
or a tire and tube assembly upon
which the tire beads are seated .
Rim diameter
means nominal diameter of the
bead seat. If you change your
wheel size, you will have to pur
chase new tires to match the new
rim d iameter.
Rim size designation
means rim diameter and width.
Rim width
means nominal distance between
r im flanges.
means that portion of a tire be
tween the tread and bead .
Speed rating (letter code )
means the speed at wh ich a tire is
designed to be driven for exten d
ed periods of t ime . The ratings
range from 93 mph (150 km/h)
to 186 mph (298 km/h)
¢ table
on page 237.
Yo u may not find
ci this information on all tires be-:c
; cause it is not required by law. V,
-"' -
T he speed rating letter code,
where applicable, is molded on
the tire sidewall and indicates the
maximum pe rmissible road
¢ & in Winter tires on
page 251 .
Tire pressure monitoring
means a system that detects
when one or more of a vehicle's
tires are underin flated and illum i
na tes a low tire pressure wa rning
means that port ion of a tire that
comes into contact with the road.
Tread separation
means pulling away of the tread
from the tire carcass .
Treadwear indicators (TWI)
means the projections within the
principal grooves designed to give
a visua l indication of t he degrees
of wear of the tread . See
¢ page 245, Treadwear indicator
for mo re info rma tion on measu r-
ing tire wear. .,.
.,.Che ck th e tir e s idewall
(c:::> page 2 3 6, fig. 205 ) to deter
min e th e des ig nated load r atin g
for a spec ific tir e.
Wheel bolts and rims
Wheel bolts
Wheel bolts must be clean and loosen/t ighten
easi ly.
R ims with a bolted rim ring* or with bolted wheel
covers* consist of m ultip le pieces. These compo
n ents were bolted toge ther using specia l bolts
a nd a specia l procedu re. You must not repair or
disassemble them¢
Wheel bolts that are t ightened or repaired in
co rrectly can become loose and result in loss
of vehicle control, which increases the risk of
an acc ident. For the correct tightening specifi
cation, refer to¢
page 260.
-Always keep the wheel bolts and the
threads in the whee l hub clean and free of
- Only use wheel bolts that fit the rim.
- Always have damaged r ims repaired by an
authorized Audi dealer or authorized repair
facility. Never repair or d isassemble rims
yourself, because th is increases the r isk of
an acc ident .
Winter tires
W inte r tires s ignificantly improve the vehicle's
h andling when d rivi ng in winter condit ions. Be
cause of the ir constr uction (width, compound,
t read pattern), summe r ti res provide less trac
tion on ice and snow.
"'U se winte r tir es on all four wheels.
"' Only use winter t ires that a re approved for your
"' Please note that the maximum permitted
speed may be lower with winter tires
¢ &, .
Wh eel s
Your authorized A udi dealer or authorized re
pair facility can inform you about the maximum
permitted speed for your tires.
"' Check the tire pressure after insta lling wheels
¢page 246.
The effectiveness of winter tires is reduced great
ly when the tread is worn down to a depth of
0.157 inch (4 mm). The characteristics of winter
tires also decrease greatly as the tire ages, re gardless of the rema ining t read .
-Never d rive faster than the max imum pe r
mitted speed for your tires. This could ca use
the t ires to heat up too mu ch. This in cr eases
the r isk of an accident because it can ca use
the t ire to burst.
- Always adapt your driving to the road and
traffic cond itions. Drive carefully an d reduce
your speed on icy or slippery roads. Even
winter t ires can lose tract ion on black ice.
@ For the sake of the environment
Reinsta ll summer tires a t the app ropr iate
time, beca use they prov ide bette r handling
when roads are free of snow and ice . Summer
tires cause less road noise, tire wear and fue l
consumpt ion.
(D Tips
You can also use all season tires instead of
winter tires . Please note that in some coun
tries where winter tires are required, on ly
winter tires w ith the
& symbo l may be per
Snow chains
Snow chains improve traction in the snow.
"' On ly install snow chains on the front wheels.
"' Check and co rrect the seating of the snow
chains if necessary after driving a few feet. Fol
low the instructions from the manufacturer.
"' Note the maximum permitted speed when dr iv
ing with snow chains. Do not exceed 30 mph
(SO km/h) . ...
Snow chains not only improve the driving in win
ter road conditions, but also the broking.
Use of snow cha ins is o nly pe rm itted with certain
r im/t ire combinations due to tec hni cal reasons.
Check with an authorized Audi dealer or author
ized repair faci lity to see if yo u may use snow
cha ins .
The snow c ha ins must have
low-profile lin ks and
m ust not be thicker than 0 .4 inch (10.S mm), in
cluding the lock.
You mus t remove the c hains whe n driving on
roads that are
free of snow. When roads are free
of snow, snow c hains can impair handling and
damage the tires, and the chains wi ll quickly be
destroyed .
Using inco rrect snow chains or insta lling snow
chains incorrectly can result in loss of vehicle
cont rol, which inc reases the risk of an acc i
dent .
{CT) Note
-Snow cha ins can damage the rims/wheel
covers* if the chains come into d irect con
tact with them . Remove the wheel cove rs*
first. Use coated snow chai ns.
- Using snow chains that add more than 0.4
inch (10.5 mm) of he ight can severely dam
age the wheel hous ings and other vehicle
- Do not i nstall and use snow chai ns if there is
a malfunct ion in the adaptive air suspen
s io n, because the vehicle he igh t will be very
l ow. If you drive wi th snow ch ains anyw ay,
the wheel ho usings and other vehi cle com
ponen ts can be severely damaged .
(D Tips
When using snow chains, it m ay be useful t o
sw itch on sport mo de
¢page 192.
Low aspect ratio tires
Your Aud i is factory-equipped with low aspect ra
tio tires . These ti res have been tho roughly tested
and been sele cted specifica lly for your mode l for
their superb performance, road fee l and hand ling
u nder a var iety of dr iv ing cond it ions. Ask your au
thori zed Audi dea ler fo r more details.
The low aspect rat io o f these tires is indica ted by
a n umera l of
55 or less in the tire's size designa
t ion . The n umera l represents the ratio of the
tire's sidewall height in relation to its tread width
expressed in percentage. Convent iona l tires have
a height/width ratio of 60 or more .
The performance of low-aspect-ratio tires is par
t ic ularly sensitive to improper inflation pres
It is the refore important that low aspect
ratio tire s are inflated to the specified pressure
and that the inflation pressur e is regularly
checked and maintained . T ir e pressures should
b e c hec ked at l east on ce a month and alway s
befor e a long trip
¢ page 246.
What you can do to avoid tire and rim
Low aspect ratio tires can be damaged more eas i
l y by impact with potholes, curbs, gullies or
ridges on the road, particularly if the tire is un
In orde r to mi nimi ze the occur rence of impact
dam age to the tires of yo ur vehicle, we recom
mend tha t you observe the following preca u
- Always ma intain recommended i nflation pres
sures. Check yo ur tir e pressure eve ry 2,0 00
m iles (3,000 km) and add air if necessary .
- Dr ive ca refully on roads w ith potholes, deep
gullies o r ridges. The impac t from dr iv ing
through or over such obstacles can damage
your tires. Impact with a curb may a lso ca use
damage to your ti res.
-After any impact, immediate ly inspect you r
tires or have them inspected by the nearest au
thorized A udi dealer. Replace a damaged tire as
soon as possible.
- Inspect your tires every 2,000 mi les (3,000 km)
for damage and wear. Damage is not always
easy to see . Damage can lead to loss of air and
underinflation, wh ich could eventually cause
tire fa ilure . If you be lieve that a tire may have .,.
Tech nical data
Gross Axle Weight Rating
The G ross Ax le We ight Rating is the max imum
load that can b e applied at each axle of the vehi
cle ¢& .
Vehicle capacity weight
The vehicle capacity we ight (max . load) is l isted
eithe r on the dr iver's side 8-pillar o r inside the
fue l filler f lap.
- The actual Gross Axle Weight Rating at the
front and rear axles shou ld not exceed the
permissible weights, and their comb inat ion
must not exceed the Gross Veh icle Weight
Rating .
Length in (mm)
Width in (mm)
Width (across m irro rs) in (mm)
He ight (unloaded) al in (mm) -
Exceeding permissible weight ratings can
result in vehicle damage, accidents and per
sonal injury.
(D Note
- The vehicle capacity weight figures apply
when the load is distributed evenly in the
vehicle (passengers and luggage) . When
transporting a heavy load in the luggage
compartment, carry the load as near to the
rear axle as possible so that the vehicle's
hand ling is not impaired .
- Do not exceed the maximum perm iss ible
axle loads or the maximum gross vehicle
we ight. Always remember that the vehicle 's
hand ling will be affe cted by the extra load .
T herefore , adjust your speed acco rd ingly.
- Always observe local regulations.
202.2 (5135) 202.6 (5 147) 207 .3 (5265)
76.7 (1949) 76.7 (1949) 76.7 (1949)
83.1 (2111) 83.1 (2111) 83 .1 (2111)
57 .5 (1460) 57.4 (1458) 57 .9 (1471)
• > T h e heigh t of th e ve hicl e depends on the tir es and the s uspensio n.
When driving up steep ramps, on rough roads,
over curbs, etc . it is important to remember that
some parts of your vehicle , such as spoilers or ex-
Fuel tank: total capacity
Windsh ield and headlight* washer fluid conta iner
haust system components, may be close to the
ground . Be careful not to damage them .
gal (liters) approx. 21.7 (82.0)
quarts (l iters) approx. 5 .29 (5 .0)