2016 Audi A8
2016 Audi S8
Thank you for choosing an Audi -we value your trust in us.
Your new Audi will allow you to experience the best in groundbreaking technolo
gy and premium quality equipment a vehicle has to offer. We recommend that
you read your Owner's Manual thoroughly so that you quickly become acquaint
ed with your Audi and make use of all of its features.
In addition to explaining how the different features work, we provide many use
ful tips and information concerning your safety, how to care for your vehicle and
how to maintain your vehicle's value. We also give you useful tips and informa
tion on how to drive your vehicle more efficiently and in an environmentally
friendly manner.
In the Owner's Manual, you will also find the Operating Manual for your Info
tainment system and the vehicle maintenance schedule.
We hope you enjoy driving your Audi and we wish you safe and pleasant motor
In addition to this Owner's Manual, your Audi
comes with the
- MMI Operat ing Instructions
- Warranty
& Maintenance booklet.
If you are missing one of these publications, or if
you believe that the information is not complete,
contact your author ized Audi dealer for assis
MMI Operating Instructions
contain detailed description of the Aud i Mu lti
Media Interface (MMI) includ ing the nav igation
system, the sound system and the hand held
The Warranty & Maintenance booklet
explains how you can keep your Audi in top driv ing condition by having it serviced regu larly and
contains detailed information about the warran
ties covering your Aud i. Always have the booklet
with you when you take your veh icle to an author
iz ed A udi dealer for serv ice. Your Audi Serv ice Ad
visor w ill record each scheduled service and can
answer any questions you may have regarding
h ow to maintain your vehicle.
In Canada,
the vehicle literature is also available in French.
To obtain a copy, co nta ct you r dealer or write to:
Au Canada, on peut se procurer un exemplaire en
frarn;ais de ce document aupres du concession
naire ou de:
Aud i Canada
Client Assistance
Assistance a la Clientele
777 Bayly Street, West,
Ajax, Ontario LlS 7G7
If you sell your Audi
all literature should be left in the vehicle to make
the Warranty terms as well as all operating, safe
ty and maintenance informat ion ava ilable to the
next owner.
Owner 's Literature
If you change your address or if you bought
this Audi used
be sure to send in a "Notice of Address Change" I
"Not ice of Used Car Purchase" post card. This
card can be found in the Warranty
& Mainte
nance booklet or obtained from your authorized
Audi dealer.
It is in your own interest that we are able to
contact you should the need arise.
Consumer inf orm ation
today's a utomo biles, have steadily re duced the
scope of maintenance and repairs whic h can be
carried out by veh icle owners.
Also , sa fet y and
en vironmental
concerns place very strict limits
on the nature of repairs and adjustmen ts to en
g ine and transmission parts wh ich an owner can
perform .
Maintenance, adjustments and repairs usually re
qu ire special tools, testing devices and other
equ ipment available to specially trained work
shop personnel in order to assure proper per
forma nce, re liability and safety of the veh icle and
its many systems .
Improper maintenance, adjustments and repairs
can impair the operation and reliab ility of your
ve hicle and eve n void your vehicle warranty .
Therefo re, proof of se rvicing in a ccordance w ith
the m aintenance sched ule may be a condition for
up ho ld ing a possible wa rranty claim made within
the wa rranty pe riod.
Above all , ope rational safety can be adversely af
fected, cre ating unne cessa ry risks fo r you and
your passengers.
I f in doubt about any servicing, have it done by
your author ized Audi dealer or any other properly
eq uipped and qualified workshop . We strongly
urge you to g ive your author ized Audi dealer the
opportunity to perform a ll scheduled mainte
nance and necessa ry repairs. Your dealer has the
facilities, origina l parts and tra ined specialists to
keep your veh icle runn ing properly.
P e rforming limited maintenance yourself
The fo llow ing pages describe a limited number of
procedures whic h can be performed on your vehi
cle with ordinary tools, should th e need arise and
tra ined personnel be unava ilable. Before per
forming any of these procedures, always thor
ough ly read all of the app licab le text and carefu l
ly follow the instructions g iven . A lways rigorously
observe the
WARNINGS prov ided .
Befo re yo u check anything in the engine com
partment, always read and heed all WARNINGS
c::> & and c::> & in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 220 .
-Ser ious personal in jury may occur as a result
of imp roperly performed maintenance, ad
justments or repairs .
- Always be extreme ly careful when work ing
on the vehicle . Always follow commonly ac
cepted safety practices and general com mon sense. Never r is k personal in jury.
- Do not attempt any of the mainte nance,
checks or repairs described on the following pages if you are no t fu lly fam iliar with these
or other proce dures with respect to the ve
hicle, o r are uncert ain how to p ro ceed.
- Do not do any work wi thout the prope r tools
a nd equi pmen t. H ave the necess ary wo rk
done by your authorized Au di dealer or an
other properly equipped and qualified work
- The engine compartment of any motor vehi
cle is a potentially hazardous area . Never
reach into the a rea around or touch the radi
ator fan. It is temperature controlled and
can switch on suddenly - even when the en
gine is off . The radiator fan switches o n au
tomatically when the coolan t reaches a cer
tain tempe ra ture an d w ill cont inue to run
until the coolant tem pe rature d rops.
- Always sw itch off the ignition before anyone
gets under the vehicle.
- Always support your vehicle with safety
stands if it is necessary to work underneath
the vehicle. The jack supp lied wi th the veh i
cle is no t adequate fo r thi s pu rpose a nd
could collapse causing serious personal in
Jury .
- If you must wor k unde rneath the vehicle
w ith the wheels on t he g roun d, always make
sure the vehicle is on level ground, that the
wheels are always sec urely blocked and that
the engine cannot be started.
- Always make sure the transmission se lector
lever (automatic t ransm iss ion) is in "P"
(Park position) and the pa rk brake is ap-