2016 AUDI S8 maintenance schedule

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AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual 2016  Audi  A8 
2016  Audi  S8 
Thank you for  choosing  an Audi -we  value your  trust  in us. 
Your  new Audi  will  allow  you to  experience  the  best  in groundbreaking  technolo­

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AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual In addition  to  this  Owners  Manual, your Audi 
comes  with  the 
- MMI  Operat ing Instructions 
- Warranty 
& Maintenance  booklet. 
If you are  missing  one of these  publications,  or  if 

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AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Consumer  inf orm ation 
todays  a utomo biles,  have  steadily  re duced  the 
scope  of  maintenance  and  repairs  whic h can  be 
carried  out  by veh icle  owners. 
Also , sa fet y and 
en viron