M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
Electromechanical parking brake
opage 15
Tire pressure mon itoring system
o page 251
Tire pressure monitoring system
opage 251
Electronic power control ./ (alter
native to
o page20
Glow plug system
(alternative to
[m )
Malfunction indicator Lamp (MIL)
Diese l particulate fi lter* clogged
o page20
Engine speed limitation
opage 21
Engine oil level
o page 17
Engine oil sensor
o page 21
Request to warm eng ine by driv
in g
o page 21
opage 16
Tank system
opage 21
Windshie ld washer fluid level
o page 21
Windshie ld wipers
o page 21
Remote contro l key
o page 75
Remote contro l key
o page 77
Battery in remote control key
opage 31
Defective light bulb warning
opage 21
Instruments and indicator lights
Rear fog light(s)
opage 21
Headlight range control
opage 22
adaptive light*
opage 22
Light-/rain sensor faulty
opoge 22
Audi active lane assist*
o page 95
Transmission (tiptronic)
opage 112
- S tron ic
opage 112
Electronic steering column lock
opage 17
Engine start system
opage 17
Brake booster
opage 18
Electromechanical steering, dy
namic steering*./
o page 192
Air suspension*
opoge 17
Sport differential*
opage 22
Rear spoiler
opage 193
Refill Ad Blue*
opage 214
AdBlue malfunction*
opoge 214
Other indicator lights
Turn signals
o page22
USA models: Cruise control*
opage 83
Canada models: Cruise control*
opage 83
Adaptive cruise control *
Opening and closing
Opening and closing
Key set
F ig . 17 Key set
@ Remote cont rol key w ith me chanical key
You can centrally lock and unlock your vehicle and
start the engine w it h the master key with remote
control. A mechanical key is integrated in the re
mote control key
o page 30 .
@ Eme rgen cy key
The emergency key is not intended for constant
use. It shou ld only be used in an emergency.
Keep it in a safe place and do not carry it on your
key ring.
K ey replacement
If you lose a key, contact your authorized A udi
dea ler immediately to have the
lost key disabled.
Be sure to bring all yo ur keys with you.
Personal comfo rt sett ings
If two peop le use one vehicle, i t is recommended
that each person always uses "their own" master
key. Whe n the ignition is switched off or when
the vehicle is locked, personal convenience set
tings for the fo llow ing systems are stored and as
signed to the remote master key.
- Automatic climate control
- Central lock ing system
- Amb ience lighti ng*
- Seat memory*
- Parking system*
- Adaptive cruise control*
- Audi active lane assist *
-Audi side assist *
- Aud i drive se lect
- Night vision assistant*
- Heated steering wheel*
The stored settings are automatically recalled
when you unlock the vehicle, when you open the
doors or when you switch the ignition on.
- Do not leave your vehicle u nattended. A l
ways take your ign ition key with you and
lo ck your vehicle. Entry by unau thori zed per
sons could end anger yo u or res ult in theft or
damage the vehicle .
- Do n ot leave ch ildren unattended in t he ve
h icle, especi ally wit h access to vehicle keys.
Ungua rded a ccess to the keys provides chil
dren t he opport unity to start the engine
and/or activate ve hicle systems such as the
power windows, etc. Unsupe rv ised ope ra
tion of any veh icle system by c hildren can
result i n serio us in ju ry .
(D Tips
- The operation o f the remote control key can
be temporarily d is rupted by interference
from transmitters in the vic inity of the vehi
cle working in the same freque ncy range
(e.g. a cell phone, radio e quipment).
- For security reasons, rep lacement keys are
only ava ilable from Audi dealers .
- For Declaration of Comp liance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada reg ulations
~page 277.
Removing the mechanical key
Fig. 18 Remote cont rol mas te r key: removing the mechani-
ca l key .,._
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
.. Press the release button @¢fig . 18.
.. Pull the mechanica l key @ out of the master
key .
Using the mechanica l key, you can:
- lock and unlock the storage compartment on
the passenger's s ide ¢
page 60.
- lock and unlock the vehicle manually
¢ page 35.
-lock the front and rear passenger doors me
chanically ¢
page 36.
LED and batteries in the remote control key
Fig. 1 9 Remote control key: Remov ing the batte ry h olde r
LED in the remote cont rol key
The LED @informs you about the funct ion of th e
remote control key .
.. If you press a button qu ickly, the LED blinks
.. If you press a button longer (convenience open
ing), the LED blinks several times .
.. If the LED does not blink, the remote control
key battery is dead. The
Ill indicator ligh t and
t h e m essage
Plea se change key batt ery appear.
Replace the ba tte ry.
Replacing the remote control key battery
.. Remove the emergency key¢ page 30 .
.,. Press the release butto n ® on the battery
holder and pull the battery ho lder out of the
master key in the direction of the ar row at the
same time.
.. Insert the new battery with the"+" facing
.. Push the battery holde r carefully into the mas
ter key.
.. Install the mechanical key.
Open ing and clo sing
@) For the sake of the environment
Dead batteries must be d ispose d of using
methods that wi ll not harm the environment .
Do not d ispose of t hem in ho useho ld trash.
@ Tips
The replacement battery must meet the same
spec ificat ions as t he origina l battery .
Electronic immobilizer
The immobilizer helps to prevent unauthorized
use of your vehicle .
A compute r ch ip ins ide you r key au toma tically
deact ivates the electronic immobilizer when the
key is inside the vehicle . When yo u remove the
key from the vehicle, the electronic immob ilizer
is aut omatically activated once again.
-Always take the key with you when you leave
the veh icle. The key can disarm the electronic
engine immobilizer and permit an unauthor
i zed person to start the engine and enab le op
e ra ti on o f the ve hicle sys tems s uch as powe r
window or power s unroo f lead ing t o serious
personal injury .
@ Tips
- T he ve hicle cannot be started if an una u
tho riz ed key is used. The vehicle may not
s ta rt if another radio device s uch as a key
for ano ther ve hicle or a transpo nder is locat
ed on the key ring .
- F or Declara tion of Comp liance to United
States FC C and In du stry Canada reg ulations
¢page 277 .
Central locking
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all
doors and the rear lid simultaneously.
You can lock and unlock the vehicle centrally . Yo u
have the following choices:
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
unlocked to give access to the vehicle
occupants from the outside.
- If the power locking system should ma l
funct ion, you can lock the driver's door us
i ng the mechanical key¢
page 36.
- If the power loc king system should fail, yo u
ca n still open the fuel tank flap in an emer
¢ page 214.
- You are we ll advised not to keep valuables
i nside an unattended vehicle, v is ible or not.
Even a properly locked ve hicle cannot pro
v ide the secur ity of a safe.
- If the LED in the upper edge of the driver's
door panel comes on for about 30 seconds
after the vehicle is locked, there is a mal
funct io n in the power locking or the anti
theft warning system. Have the malfunction
cor re cted by a n authorized A udi deal ersh ip
or q ualified repa ir facility.
Setting central locking
In the Infotainment system, you can set which
doors the central locking system will unlock .
.. Se lect : the ICAR I function button > (Car )* Sys
control button > Vehicle settings > Cen
tral locking *.
Door unlocking -
You can decide if All doors or
only t he
Dri ver should unlock . The luggage com
partment lid also unlocks when
All is selected. If
you select Dr iver in a veh icle w ith a convenience
k ey*, only the door w hose handle you pull w ill un
l oc k.
If you s elect
Driver , all the doo rs and l uggage
compartment lid wi ll u nlock if you press the~
b utton on the remote co ntrol mas ter key tw ice.
Disable tailgat e handle -If you se lect On , the
luggage compartment lid handle is locked . In
this case the luggage compa rtment lid can be
ope ned wi th the
l""'I b ut ton on the maste r key or
with the
! ""' I button* in the driver's door . In
ve hicl es w ith a convenience key *, you can still
open the l uggage compartment lid using the
h andle if an authorized master key is nea r the
prox imity sensor *.
Open ing and clo sing
Fold mirror s when lo cking * -
If you se lect On ,
th e exterior rearview mirrors fold i n automatical
ly when yo u press the
[ml button on the remote
control master key or touc h the sensor* in the
Lock when driving -If you select On, the vehicle
locks a utomatically when d riving . All of the doo rs
and the luggage compartment lid lock.
Tone when locking -if you select On, a tone will
sound when you lock the vehicle.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle with the
remote control
Fi g. 20 Re mote control: funct io n buttons
Eithe r the driver's door on ly or the ent ire vehicle
will unlock when the unloc k button
m (@ ) is
pressed once, depending on the settings in the
MMI ¢page33.
"'Press button m (@ ) to u nlock the vehicle
¢ fig. 20.
.. Press button~( @) to lock the vehicle ¢ A in
General description on page 32.
.,. Press button C;j (@ ) briefly to unlock t he rea r
lid .
• Push the red
I PANIC i button (@ ) to activate the
pa nic function . T he horn sounds and the turn
signa ls flash . P ush the red
!PANIC I b utton again
to deactivate the panic f unction .
If the vehicle is un loc ked and no doo r, the rea r lid
o r th e hood is opened wi thin 60 seconds, the ve
hicle lo cks i tsel f ag ain au toma tica lly. This feature
prevents the vehicle from being acc identally left
u nlocked over a long period of time . ..,.
Opening and closing
depends on the settings in the MMI whether
the entire vehicle is un locked or only certain
¢ page 33.
Read and follow all WARNINGS¢.&. in Gener
al description on page 32.
(D Tips
- In order to make sure the locking function is
working, you should always keep your eye
on the vehicle to make sure it is properly
- Do not use the remote control if you are in
side the car, otherwise you may unintention
ally lock the vehicle, and then you would set
off the ant i-theft alarm when you try to
start the engine or open a door. In case this
happens anyhow, push the unlock button
-The vehicle can only be locked when these
l ector lever is in the P posit ion.
- Use the panic funct ion only if you are in an
emergency situation .
Locking and unlocking with convenience
Applies to veh icles: w ith conven ie n ce key
The doors and the rear lid con be unlocked and
locked without operating the master key.
Fig. 21 Conve nien ce key: Locking the vehicle
Unlocking vehicle
• Take hold of the door hand le . The door is un
l ocked automatically.
• Pu ll the handle to open the door.
Locking vehicle
• Select the P selector lever position. Otherwise
the vehicle cannot be locked.
• To lock the vehicle, close the door and touch
the sensor in the door handle
once ¢ fig. 21. Do
not reach inside the door handle.
The vehicle can be locked and un locked at any
door. The master key must be within a range of
about 1.5 m from the appropriate door or the
rear lid. It makes no difference whether the mas
ter key is in your jacket pocket or in your brief
case .
It is not possib le to re-open the door for a brief
period directly after closing it. This allows you to
ensure that the doors are properly locked .
It depends on the settings in the MMI whether
the entire vehicle is unlocked or one of the doors
¢page 33.
Read and follow all WARNINGS ¢.&. in Gener
al description on page 32 .
{!) Tips
If your vehicle has been standing for an ex
tended period, please note the following:
- The proximity sensors are deactivated after
a few days to save power. You then have to
pull on the door handle once to unlock the
vehicle and a second time to open the vehi
- To prevent the battery from being dis
charged and to preserve your vehicle's abili
ty to start for as long as possible, the ener
gy management system gradua lly switches
off unnecessary convenience functions.
It is
possible that you will not be able to unlock
your vehicle using these convenience func
- For Declaration of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regulations
¢page 277.
Opening and closing
Emergency locking
Each door must be locked separately if the pow
er locking system fails.
Fig. 25 Door: Emergency locking
0 9 Cl
the passenger's door and the rear doors (only
visible when door is open) .
.. Remove the mechanical key
c::> page 30 .
.. Pull the cover cap out of the opening c::> fig. 25 .
.. Insert the key in the inside slot and turn it all
the way to the right (right door) or left (left
Once the door has been closed, it can no longer
be opened from the outside . The door can be
opened from the inside by pulling the door han
dle. If the child safety lock in a rear door is acti
vated, you must first pull the door handle on the
inside. Then you can open the door from the out
Luggage compartment
Automatic luggage compartment lid
The luggage compartment lid can be opened and
closed automatically.
Fig. 26 D river 's doo r: Ope ning the lu g ga ge compart men t
li d
-- -
' c::::s @
Fig. 27 Luggage compar tme nt lid: @clos ing butto n,®
lock butto n (vehicles wit h convenience key *)
Opening the luggage compartment lid
.. Press and hold the~ button on the remote
control key for at least one second. Or
.. Pull the button ~ in the driver's door
c::> fig. 26
briefly . Or
.. Press the handle in the luggage compartment
lid .
Closing the luggage compartment lid
.. Pull the button~ in the driver's door until the
luggage compartmen t lid is closed
¢ .&_ . Or
.. Press the button in the luggage compartment
c::> fig. 2 7. The luggage compartment lid
will automatically close and lock
c::> .&_ . Or
.. Press and hold the button
la.I on the master key
until the luggage compartment lid is closed
(vehicles with convenience key*)
c::> .&_. Make
sure there is enough distance between you and .,..
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
the luggage compartment lid . There should be
at least 9 ft (3 m) of distance. Or
~ Press the Iii button in the luggage compart
ment lid
c::, fig. 2 7 (vehicles with convenience
key*). The remote control key must not be more
than approximate ly 4 ft (1.5 m) away from the
luggage compartment and it must not be in
s ide the veh icle. The luggage compartment lid
will automat ically close and lock . The vehicle
c::> & . Or
~ Press the handle in the luggage compartment
lid. The luggage compartment lid wi ll automat
ica lly close and lock
c::> &, .
Setting the lugg age compartment lid open
po sit ion
~ Bring the luggage compartment lid into the de
sired open pos ition
c::> (D. The position can be
stored at on ly one specific height .
~ Press and hold the la l button for at least four
seconds to store the new open position. A visu al and audio signal will follow .
~ To set a h igher open position, wait at least five
seconds and then carefu lly press the luggage
compartment lid upward.
~ Press and ho ld the l<=> I button again for at least
f our seconds and this wi ll store the new open
The opening/closing process w ill stop immedi
ately if:
- You pull the~ button in the driver's door, or
- You release the
l a l button on the remote con-
trol master key (veh icles with convenience
key*) , or
- You press the~ button or
Iii button (veh icles
with convenience key*) in the luggage compart
ment lid, or
- You push the handle in the luggage compart
ment lid , or
- You press against the luggage compartment lid against the d irection it is moving, or
- when something blocks the luggage compart
ment lid or makes it diff icult for the lid to
move .
If you press the handle or one of the~ or
Iii but
tons (vehicles with convenience key*) now, the
Op ening and cl osing
luggage compartment lid will either open or
close, depending on what angle it was at.
-Read and follow all WARNINGS c::> page 31,
General description.
- After closing the rear lid, always pull up on
it to make sure that it is properly closed.
Otherwise it could open suddenly when the
veh icle is moving.
- To help prevent poisono us exhaust gas from
be ing drawn into the veh icle, always keep
the rear lid closed while driving. Never
transport objects larger than those which fit
comp lete ly into the luggage area, because
then the rear lid cannot be fu lly closed.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended espe
cially with the rea r lid left open. A child
could crawl i nto the car through the luggage
compartment and pu ll the lid shut , becom
ing trapped and unable to get out. To reduce
the risk of personal injury, never let ch ildren
p lay in or aro und your vehicle . Always keep
the rear lid as well as the vehicle doors
closed when not in use.
- Never close the rear lid inattentive ly or with
out checking first. Although the clos ing
force of the rear lid is lim ited, you can still
serious ly injure yourse lf or others .
- Always ensure that no one is within range of
the rear lid when it is moving, in part icular
close to the hinges and the upper and lower
edges -fingers or hands can be pinched .
- Never try to interfere with the rear lid or
help it when it is be ing opened o r closed au
tomatically .
@ Note
The luggage compartment lid can bump into
objects such as the garage ceiling when open
i ng and become damaged.
(D Tips
- The settings in the Infotainment system de
termine if the luggage compartment lid can
be opened using the hand le r::;, page 33 . ..,
3 7
Opening and closing
- There are audio signals when closing the
luggage compartment lid with the remote
control key (vehicles with convenience key*)
or with the~ button in the driver's door.
- When the vehicle is locked, the luggage
compartment lid can be unlocked separately
by pressing the button
l a ! on the remote
control key. When the luggage compart ment lid is closed aga in, it locks automati
- You can close the luggage compartment lid
using the master key (vehicles with conven
i ence key*) up to a distance of approximate
l y 9 ft (3 m).
- The luggage compartment lid can be oper
ated by hand if the vehicle battery is low.
is necessary to use more force when doing
th is . Move the lid slowly to reduce the
amount of force needed.
Luggage compartment with movement
activated opening
Applies to veh icles: w ith conve nien ce key and senso r-contro l
led lugg age compart ment lid
Fig. 28 Rear of the veh icle : foot movement
Requirements You must be carrying your veh icle
key with you. You must be standing at the center
behind the luggage compartment lid. T he re
should be a distance of approximately 20 cm
from the rear of the vehicle. The ignition must be
switched off. Make sure you have firm footing.
.,. Swing yo ur foot back and forth below the
bumper ¢
fig. 28. Do not touch the bumper.
Once the system recognizes the movement, the
luggage compartment lid will open .
The luggage compartment lid will only open if
you make the movement as described. This pre-
vents the luggage compartment lid from opening
due to similar movements such as when you wa lk
between the rear of the vehicle and your garage
General information
In some situat ions, the function is limited or
temporarily unavailable. This may happen if:
- the luggage compartment lid was closed be
forehand .
-you park close to a hedge and the branches
move back and forth under the veh icle for a
long period of time.
-you clean your vehicle, for example with a pres
sure washer or in a car wash.
- there is heavy rain.
- the bumper is very dirty, for example after driv- ing on salt-covered roads.
- there is interference to the radio signal from
the vehicle key, suc h as from cell phones or re
mote controls.
Luggage compartment lid emergency
The luggage compartment lid can be released in
an emergency from inside the luggage compart
Fig. 29 Inside of the lu ggage compartme nt: access to the
e m ergency release
.,. Remove the emergency key ¢ page 30 .
.,. Pry the cover out using the eme rgency key
~fig. 29 .
.,. Press the lever in the direction of the arrow to
release the luggage compartment lid.