Instruments and indicator lights
th e e ngine and allow it to coo l. Follow the
warning stickers¢
page 218 .
(D Note
Do not conti nue d riving if the . symbo l ill u
minates. There is a malfunction in the engine
cooling system -you could damage your en
D Battery
This warning/indicator light detects a malfunc
t ion in the generator or in the vehicle's electrical
sys tem.
The . warning/indicator lig ht ill uminates when
you switch on the ignition and must go out after
the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery i s not being charg
If th e i nd ic ator lig ht tur ns on and the message
a ppears, the re is a m alfunction in the genera tor
or ve hicle elec trical system .
D rive to you r autho rized Aud i dea le r o r q ualified
wo rkshop imme dia tely. Because the ve hicl e b at
t ery is d isch arging, t urn off all unne cessa ry e lec
tr ica l equipmen t su ch as the radio. Seek p rofes
sional assistance if the batte ry charge level is too
low .
(•) Low battery : battery will be charged while
I f t he i ndi cator lig ht t urns on and the message
ap pears, t he re m ay be limi ted star ting abili ty.
If t his message turns off after a litt le w hile, the
battery cha rged enoug h wh ile d riving .
If the message does not turn off, have your au
thor ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop cor
rect the malfunct ion .
~ Engine stop while driving
• Engine stopped: No power ste ering and
brake support .
There is a malfunct ion in the engine or in the fuel
supp ly system .
More force is needed to s teer and brake the mov
ing vehicle when the engi ne is stopped.
If the ve
hicle is roll ing, try to stop it caref ully on the side
of the road away from moving traffic . See an au
thori zed Audi dea ler or authorized Audi Serv ice
Fac ility for assistance .
If the engine s tops w hile driving, you will
need to use mo re fo rce t o brake the vehicl e.
T his in cr eases the r is k of an a cc iden t. The re
will s till be powe r stee ring if the igni tion is
switched on while the vehicle is rolling and
there is suff ic ient battery charge. Ot herwise,
you must use greate r force whe n steer ing.
,~ - Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to pu t
on your safety bel t.
The . war ning/ indica to r li gh t illum ina tes w hen
the ignit io n is swit ched on to rem ind the driver
and any fron t passenger to p ut on the safety belt .
Additionally, an acoustic warni ng (gong) will a lso
sound .
Fo r more Info rm ation ¢
page 135, i Safety belt
warning light.
"t:::r. Engine oil pressure malfunction
The red engine oil p ressure warning symbol re
quires immediate service or repair . Driving with a
low-oil -pressure indication is likely to inflict se
vere damage to the engine.
• Swit ch off engine and check oil level
If th e indicato r ligh t turns on and the message
appea rs, the o il pressure is too low .
.. Pull off the road.
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tur n off the engi ne .
.. Check the engine oil level ¢ page 2 2 2 .
"'If the eng ine o il level is too low, add eng ine oi l
page 22 2. Make sure th at the oil press ure
warning symbol. appears no longer in the
disp lay before you start driving again .