Airbag system
Remember too, airbags will deploy only once and
only in certain kinds of accidents -your safety
be lts are always there to offer protection in those
accidents in which airbags are not supposed to
deploy or when they have already deployed, for
examp le when your vehicle strikes or is struck by
another after the first collision .
This is just one of the reasons why an airbag is
not a substitute for the safety belt. The airbag
system works most effectively when used with
the safety belts. Therefore, always wear your
safety belts correctly .
It is important to remember that while the sup
plemental knee airbag system is des igned to re
duce the likelihood of serious injuries, other inju
ries, for example, swelling, bruising and minor
abrasions and friction burns can also occur when
an airbag inflates.
The knee airbag system basically consists of:
-The electronic control modu le
- Two inflatable airbags (airbag and gas genera-
tor), one for the driver and one for the front
- The airbag indicator light in the instrument
The knee airbag system will not deploy:
-when the ignition is switched off
- in frontal collisions when the deceleration
measured by the control unit is too low
- in s ide collisions
- in rear-end collisions
- in rollovers
- in the event of a system malfunct ion (warning/
indicator light is on) ¢
page 18.
-Safety belts and the airbag system can only
provide protection when occupants are in
the proper seating position
¢page 152.
-If the airbag indica tor lig ht ¢page 18
comes when the vehicle is being used, have
the system inspected immediate ly by your
authorized Audi dealer. It is possible that
the airbag will inf late when it is not sup
posed to, or w ill not inflate when it should.
How knee airbags work
App lies to vehicles: wi th kne e airbags
The risk of injury to the leg area can be reduced
by fully inflated knee airbags .
Fig. 162 Inflated airbags protect ing in a frontal collis ion
The knee airbag system has been designed so
that the airbags for the driver and front passen
ger dep loy in certain but not all fronta l co llisions .
If the front airbags deploy, the knee airbags also
deploy in frontal collisions when the deployment
threshold stored in the control unit is met.
When the system deploys, the airbags fill with a
propellant gas, and inflate between the lower
part of the instrument panel and the driver and
the lowe r part of the instrument panel and the
front passenger ¢
page 152, fig. 159.
Although they are not a soft pillow, they can
"c ushion" the impact and in this way they can
help to reduce the risk of injury to the lower ex
tremities .
A ll of this takes place in the blink of an eye, so
fast that many people don't even realize that the
airbags have deployed . The airbags also inflate
with a great deal of force and it is important for
occupant safety that nothing should be in their
way when they dep loy .
F ull y inflated airbags in combination with proper
l y worn safety belts s low down and limit the oc
cupant's forward movement and help to reduce
the risk of injury .
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below the refe rence value p rogrammed into the
control unit, the side curtain airbag will not be
tr iggered, even though the car may be badly
damaged as a result of the co llision. It is not pos
sible to define an airbag triggering range that
will cover every poss ible angle of impact, since
the circumstances will vary considerably between one co llision and another. Important factors in
clude, for example, the nature (hard or soft) of
the impacting object, the angle of impact, vehicle speed, etc.¢
page 165, How side curtain air
bags work.
Aside from the ir normal safety function , safety
be lts work to help keep the dr iver or front pas
senger in posit ion in the event of a co llision so
that the side curtain a irbags can provide protec
The airbag system is not a s ubst itute for yo ur
safety belt. Rather, it is part of the overall occu
pant restraint system in your vehicle . Always re
member that the airbag system can only help to
protect you if you are wear ing your safety be lt
and wearing it properly. Th is is another reason
why you should always wear your sa fety bel ts,
not just because the law requires you to do so
¢ page 135, General information.
It is important to remember that while the side
curta in airbag system is designed to help reduce
the likelihood of serious injuries, other injur ies,
for example , swelling , b ruising, fr iction burns
and minor abras ions can also be associated with
these airbags upon deployment . Remember too,
these airbags will deploy only once and only in
certain k inds of accidents -your safety belts are
always there to offer protectio n.
The side curtain airbag system basically
consis ts of :
- The elec tronic contro l mod ule and externa l side
impact sensors
- The side c urtain a irbags above the front and
rear side windows with ejection mitigation fea
- T he airbag indicator light in the instrument
The airbag system is monitored elect ron ically to
make certa in it is function ing properly a t all
Ai rb ag sy stem
times . Each time you switch on the ign ition, the
airbag system indicator light will come on for a
few seconds (self diagnostics).
Th e s ide curtain airbag is not activated:
- if the ignition is sw itched off,
- in side co llisions when the accele ration meas-
ured by the sensor is too low,
- in rear-end col lisions .
-Safety belts and the airbag system will only
p rovide p rotection when oc cupan ts are in
the proper seating position ¢
page 52, Gen
eral information.
- If the airbag ind ic a tor light~ page 18
comes when the veh icle is being used, have
the system inspected immediately by your
authorized Audi dealer . It is possib le that
the airbag will inflate when it is not sup
posed to, or will not inflate when it should.
How side curtain airbags work
Side curtain airbags con work together with side
airbags to help reduce the risk of head and upper
torso injuries for occupants who ore properly re
strained .
Fig. 166 Illust rat ion of pr incip le : I n flated si de curtai n air
bags o n th e le ft side
The side curtain airbags inflate betwee n the oc
cupant and the w indows on the side of the veh i-
cle that is struck in a side collision ¢
fig. 166 .
When the system is triggered, the side curtain
airbag is filled wi th propellant gas and breaks
t h rough a seam above the front and rear side
windows identified by the A IRBAG label. In order
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Advanced front airbag system and children
Your vehicle is equipped wit h a front "Advanced
A irbag System" i n compliance w it h United States
F ederal Motor Vehicle Safe ty Standard ( FMVSS)
208 as applicable at the time your vehicle was
manufactured .
The Advanced Airbag system in your ve hicl e has
been certified to mee t the " low -risk" requ ire
ments for 3 -and 6-year o ld children on the pas
senger side and small adults on the driver side.
T he low risk deployment criteria are intended to
reduce the r isk of injury through interaction with
the airbag that can occur, for example, by being
too close to the steering whee l and instrument
panel when the a irbag inflates . In add it io n, the
system has been cert ified to comply with the
"suppression" requiremen ts of the Safety Stand
ar d, to turn off t he front airbag for infa nts up to
12 months who are restra ined on the front pas
senger seat in child restraints that are listed i n
the Standard.
E ven though yo ur vehicle is equ ip ped with an Ad
vanced A irbag sys tem, all children, especia lly
those 12 years and younger, should always ride in
the back seat properly restrained for their age
and size. The airbag on the passenger side makes
the front seat a potent ially dangerous p lace for
chi ld to r ide. The fro nt seat is not the safes t place
for a child in a forward-facing child safety seat . It
can be a very dangerous place for a n infant or a
l arger child in a rea rward-facing seat .
T he vehicle's Advanced Airbag System has a ca
pacitive passenger detect ion system in the front
passenger seat cush ion that ca n detec t the p res
e n ce of a baby o r a child in a c hild restra int sys
tem on this seat.
The capacit ive passenger detection system regis
ters the changes that result in an electrical field
when a ch ild, a child rest raint, and a baby b la nk et
a re on the fron t passenger sea t. T he change in
the meas ured c apac it a nce due to the presence of
a child,
a chi ld restraint, and a baby blanket on
the front passenger seat is re lated to the child re
straint system resting on the seat . The measu red
capacitance of a chi ld restraint system va ries de-
Child sa fety
pending on the type of sys tem and specific make
and mode l.
T he elec trical c apacit a nce of the va rious types,
makes, and mo dels o f child restra ints specifie d
by the U.S.National Highway Traff ic Sa fety Ad
ministration (NH TSA) in the relevant safety
standard are stored in the Advanced Airbag Sys
tem control unit together w it h the capacitances
typ ica l of infants and a 1-year old child. When a
c h ild restra int is used on the front passenger seat
a typ ica l 1 year-old in fant, the Advanced Air
bag System compa res the capacitance measu red
by the capacitive passenge r dete ction system
wi th t he dat a stored in the elec tronic con trol
u ni t.
Child restraints and Advanced front airbag
Regardless of the c hild restra int that you use,
make sure that it has been cert ified to meet Unit
ed States Federa l Moto r Veh icle Safety Standa rds
and has been ce rtified by its manufacture r fo r
u se with an a irbag. Always b e sur e t hat t he c hild
r est rain t is prope rly insta lled a t one of the rear
sea ting pos itions. If in excep tional circ ums tan ces
yo u m ust use it on the front passenge r seat, care
fully read a ll of the information on chi ld safety
and Advanced Airbags and heed all of the appli
cable WARNINGS. Make certain that the child
and child restra int are correctly recogni zed by the
capacit ive passenger detection system i n the
front passenger seat, that the front passe nger
airbag is turned off, and that the a irbag status is
always cor rect ly signa led by the
light .
Many types and models of child rest raints have
been available ove r the years, new mode ls a re in
t rod uced regu larly in co rporating new and im
proved de signs and older mode ls are take n ou t of
produ ct io n. Ch ild restra ints are not s tandar dized.
Child rest rain ts of the same type typ ically have
different weights and sizes and different "foot
prints", the size and shape of t he bottom of the
c hi ld restra int that sits on the seat, when they
are installed on
a vehicle seat. These d ifferences
make it virtua lly impossib le to cert ify compliance
with the requirements for advanced airbags with .,.
Checking and Fill in g
Checking and Filling
Releasing the engine hood
The engine hood is released from inside the vehi
Fig. 1 86 Driver footwell: release lever
Fig. 187 Rocker sw itch under the hood
Make s ure the wiper arms are not ra ised up from
the windshield . Otherwise the paint could be
damaged .
.. Wi th the driver's door open, pu ll the lever un
der the instrument panel in the direction of the arrow
c::> fig. 186.
.. Raise the hood s lightly c::> _A .
.. Press the rocker switch under the hood upward
Q fig. 187. This releases the catch.
.. Open the hood.
Hot engine coo lant can burn you.
- To reduce the risk of being burned, never
open the hood if yo u see or hear steam or
coolant escap ing from the engine compa rt
me nt. Wait until no steam or coo lant can be
seen or heard before carefully open ing the
Working in the engine compartment
Be especially careful whenever you work in the
engine compartment.
Whenever you mu st perform any w ork in the
engine comp artment , for example checking and
filling d iff erent fluid s, the re i s a risk of injury ,
burns and accidents. To p revent pe rsonal injur y
alwa ys ob serv e the follow ing WARNING S. The
engi ne compartment o f an y vehicle is a h azard
ous are a
i::>_6 .
To help avo id injury, before you check any
thing under the hood:
- Turn off the engine.
- Switch off the ignition.
- App ly the parking brake.
- Move selector leve r to P (Park).
- Always le t the eng ine cool down. Hot com-
ponents wi ll burn skin on contact .
-To reduce the risk of bei ng bur ned, never
open the hood if you see or hear steam o r
coo lant escaping from the engine compart
ment . Wait unt il no steam o r coolant can be
seen or heard before carefully open ing the
- Keep c hildren away from the engine com
partment .
- Never sp ill fluids on hot engine compo
nents. They can cause a fire.
- Never touch the radiator fan. The auxiliary
electric fan is temperature cont ro lled and
can switch on suddenly.
- Never open the coolant reservoir cap when
the engine is sti ll warm. The coolant system
is pressur ized and hot coo lant co uld spray
- Protect your face, hands and arm from
steam or hot engine coolant by placing a
thick rag ove r the cap w hen you open the
coo lant reservoir.