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Advanced front airbag system and children
Your vehicle is equipped wit h a front "Advanced
A irbag System" i n compliance w it h United States
F ederal Motor Vehicle Safe ty Standard ( FMVSS)
208 as applicable at the time your vehicle was
manufactured .
The Advanced Airbag system in your ve hicl e has
been certified to mee t the " low -risk" requ ire
ments for 3 -and 6-year o ld children on the pas
senger side and small adults on the driver side.
T he low risk deployment criteria are intended to
reduce the r isk of injury through interaction with
the airbag that can occur, for example, by being
too close to the steering whee l and instrument
panel when the a irbag inflates . In add it io n, the
system has been cert ified to comply with the
"suppression" requiremen ts of the Safety Stand
ar d, to turn off t he front airbag for infa nts up to
12 months who are restra ined on the front pas
senger seat in child restraints that are listed i n
the Standard.
E ven though yo ur vehicle is equ ip ped with an Ad
vanced A irbag sys tem, all children, especia lly
those 12 years and younger, should always ride in
the back seat properly restrained for their age
and size. The airbag on the passenger side makes
the front seat a potent ially dangerous p lace for
chi ld to r ide. The fro nt seat is not the safes t place
for a child in a forward-facing child safety seat . It
can be a very dangerous place for a n infant or a
l arger child in a rea rward-facing seat .
T he vehicle's Advanced Airbag System has a ca
pacitive passenger detect ion system in the front
passenger seat cush ion that ca n detec t the p res
e n ce of a baby o r a child in a c hild restra int sys
tem on this seat.
The capacit ive passenger detection system regis
ters the changes that result in an electrical field
when a ch ild, a child rest raint, and a baby b la nk et
a re on the fron t passenger sea t. T he change in
the meas ured c apac it a nce due to the presence of
a child,
a chi ld restraint, and a baby blanket on
the front passenger seat is re lated to the child re
straint system resting on the seat . The measu red
capacitance of a chi ld restraint system va ries de-
Child sa fety
pending on the type of sys tem and specific make
and mode l.
T he elec trical c apacit a nce of the va rious types,
makes, and mo dels o f child restra ints specifie d
by the U.S.National Highway Traff ic Sa fety Ad
ministration (NH TSA) in the relevant safety
standard are stored in the Advanced Airbag Sys
tem control unit together w it h the capacitances
typ ica l of infants and a 1-year old child. When a
c h ild restra int is used on the front passenger seat
a typ ica l 1 year-old in fant, the Advanced Air
bag System compa res the capacitance measu red
by the capacitive passenge r dete ction system
wi th t he dat a stored in the elec tronic con trol
u ni t.
Child restraints and Advanced front airbag
Regardless of the c hild restra int that you use,
make sure that it has been cert ified to meet Unit
ed States Federa l Moto r Veh icle Safety Standa rds
and has been ce rtified by its manufacture r fo r
u se with an a irbag. Always b e sur e t hat t he c hild
r est rain t is prope rly insta lled a t one of the rear
sea ting pos itions. If in excep tional circ ums tan ces
yo u m ust use it on the front passenge r seat, care
fully read a ll of the information on chi ld safety
and Advanced Airbags and heed all of the appli
cable WARNINGS. Make certain that the child
and child restra int are correctly recogni zed by the
capacit ive passenger detection system i n the
front passenger seat, that the front passe nger
airbag is turned off, and that the a irbag status is
always cor rect ly signa led by the
light .
Many types and models of child rest raints have
been available ove r the years, new mode ls a re in
t rod uced regu larly in co rporating new and im
proved de signs and older mode ls are take n ou t of
produ ct io n. Ch ild restra ints are not s tandar dized.
Child rest rain ts of the same type typ ically have
different weights and sizes and different "foot
prints", the size and shape of t he bottom of the
c hi ld restra int that sits on the seat, when they
are installed on
a vehicle seat. These d ifferences
make it virtua lly impossib le to cert ify compliance
with the requirements for advanced airbags with .,.
Intelligent Technology
shared, p le a se see yo ur contract with the
wireless telecomm unications provider and the
"About Aud i connect" tab in your vehicle's
! MENUI button> Audi connect > About
Audi connect .
Electronic Stabilization
Control (ESC)
ESC helps to improve road holding and vehicle
dynamics to help reduce the probability of sk id
d ing and loss of veh icle control.
It works only
when the engine is runn ing. ESC detects certa in
d ifficult d riving situations, including when the ve
h icle is beginn ing to sp in (yaw) o ut of control and
he lps you to ge t the veh icle back u nder cont ro l b y
selec tively braking the whee ls, and/or reduc ing
engine power and providing steering assistance
to help hold the vehicle on the driver's i ntended
course. The indicator light
DJ in the instrument
cluster blinks when ESC is taking action to help
you control t he veh icle.
ESC has lim itations. It is important to remember
that ESC cannot overcome the laws of physics. It
will not a lways be ab le to he lp out under all con
d itions you may come up against. For example,
ESC may not always be able to help you master
situations where there is a sudden change in the
coefficient of friction of the road surface. Whe n
there is a section of d ry road tha t is s udden ly cov
ere d wi th wa ter, s lush or snow, ESC ca nnot per
form the same way it wou ld on the d ry s urface . If
the vehicle hydroplanes ( rides on a cushion of wa
ter instead of t he road surface), ESC wi ll not be
ab le to he lp you steer the veh icle because contact
with the pavement has been i nterrupted and the
ve hicle cannot be b raked or steered. Dur ing fast
cor ne ring, particula rly o n w inding roads, ESC
cannot a lways deal as eff ect ively wi th d iff icu lt
d riving situat ions than at lowe r speeds.
Always ad just your speed and dr iv ing style to
road, traffic and weather conditions. ESC ca nnot
over ride the vehicle's physical limi ts, increase t he
ava ilab le tract io n, or keep a vehi cle on t he road if
roa d de pa rture is a res ult o f driver in att enti on.
I nstead, ESC improves the poss ibility of keeping
the veh icle unde r control and on the road dur ing
extreme maneuve rs by using the dr iver's stee ring
i nputs to help keep the vehicle going in the in
tended direction. If yo u are traveling at a speed
that causes you to run off the road before ESC
can p rov ide any assistance, you may not experi
ence the benefits of ESC.
ESC is switc hed on all the time. In certain s itua
tions when you need less tracti on, you can switch
off ASR by press ing the button
[ru c:> page 189,
fig . 178. Be sure to sw itch ASR on aga in when
you no longer need l ess traction.
The following systems are integrated in the ESC:
Anti -lock braking system (ABS )
ABS prevents the whee ls from locki ng when brak
i ng . T he veh icle can st ill be stee red even during
hard braking. App ly steady pressure to the brake
pedal. Do not pump the pedal. A puls ing in the
brake pedal indicates that the system is acting to
stab ilize the veh icle.
Brake assist sy stem
The bra ke ass ist system can decrease braking dis
tance. It increases bra king power when the driver
presses the brake peda l quickly in emergency sit
uat ions. You must press and hold the b rake peda l
u nt il the dange rous situat io n is over . In vehicles
with adaptive cruise co ntro l*, the brake ass ist
system is more sensitive if t he d ista nce detected
to t he veh icle a head is too sma ll.
Anti-slip regulation (ASR)
ASR red uces eng ine power when the drive wheels
begin spin ning and adapts the force to the road
cond it ions . Th is makes it eas ier to sta rt, acce ler
ate a nd dr ive up incl ines.
Electronic differential lock (EDL)
EDL applies t he brakes to a whee l that starts
sp inning a nd tra nsfe rs the d rive power to the
othe r drivi ng whee ls. This function is not ava ila
ble at hig he r speeds.
In extreme cases, EDL automatically sw itches off
to keep the brake o n the braked whee l from over
hea ting. The vehicle is st ill work ing cor rect ly. EDL ..,.
Checking and Fill in g
Engine compartment
Engine compartment overview
These are the most important items that you can check .
Fig. 188 Typica l layou t fo r con tainers and en gin e oil fille r cap
@ Jump start point( -) with hex head Engine oi L
screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 , 265
@ Jump start point(+) under a cover
@ Brake fluid reservoir (0)) ...... .
@ Eng ine oil filler cap
('t::71) .. .. .. .
® Coolant expansion tank (-L) .... .
@ Windshield/headlight washer con -
t .
(~ ) amer ~ ................. . .
The engine oil filler neck (item @) may be locat
ed in a different area depending on the version of
the engine .
Before you check anything in the engine com
partment, always read and heed all WARN
in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 218.
Engine oil specifications
The engine oil used must conform to exact speci
The service inte rval disp lay in the instr ument
cl us ter of your vehicle will inform you whe n it i s
time for an oi l change . We recommend that you
have your oil changed by an authorized A ud i Serv
i ce Advisor .
If you have to top off the o il between oi l changes,
use the Audi oil quality standard specifie d in the
table . ..,.
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-The oil fi ller ca p m ust be prope rly secure d to
preve nt oil from being sprayed on t he hot
eng ine and exhaust system when t he engine
is runn ing -fire haza rd!
- If your skin has come i n contact w ith the en
gine oil, you m ust subsequently clea nse it
th oroughly.
@ Note
-Check the oil level using the MMI. If the
Please red uce oil le vel a p pears,
contact your author ized Audi dealer or other
qualified workshop to have excess o il ex
tracted if necessary .
-Audi do es not recommend th e use of o il
additiv es. They ma y damage th e engin e
and ad ve rs e ly affect your New Vehicle War
rant y.
@ For the sake of the environment
-Under no circumstances can the o il come in
contact with the sewage network o r the soil.
- Observe and follow lega l regu lations whe n
dispos ing of empty oil conta iners.
Changing the engine oil
We recommend that have your oil changed by an
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified service sta
Before you check anything in the engine compart
alw ay s re ad and heed all WARNINGS c> .&.
in Working in the engine compartment on
page 218 .
The engine oil must be changed according to the
interva ls specified in your Warranty
& Mainte
n ance booklet . This is ve ry important because the
lub ricat ing propert ies of o il diminish gradually
du ring normal vehi cle use.
Unde r some circumstances the engine o il should
be changed more frequently. Change oil more of
ten if you d rive mostly short distances, ope rate
the vehicle in dusty areas or unde r predom inantly
s top-a nd-go tr aff ic condit io ns, o r have you r vehi
cle whe re temperatures rema in below freezing
for extended periods .
Checking and Fillin g
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil
l ook dark after the engine has been running for a
sho rt time. Th is is norma l and is not a reason to
change the oi l more often than recommended.
Beca use of the p roblem of p roper disposal, along
with t he specia l too ls and necessary expertise re
quired, we strongly recommend that yo u have
yo ur o il changed by an authorized
Audi dealer or
a qua lified service station.
If y ou choo se to change your oil yourself , please
note the following important informat ion:
To reduce the risk of personal in jury if you
must change the eng ine oi l in your vehicle
- Wear eye protect ion.
- To reduce the risk of burns from hot eng ine
oil, let the engine coo l down to the touch.
- W hen removing the o il dra in p lug with your
f ingers, stay as far away as possib le. Always
keep yo ur forearm parallel to the ground to
he lp prevent hot o il from running down your
- Dra in the oil into a container designed for
this purpose, one la rge enough to hold at
least the tota l amou nt of oil in yo ur engine.
- Engine oil is poisonous . Keep it we ll out of
the reach of ch ild ren .
- Continuous contact wit h used eng ine o il is
harmful to your skin. Always protect your
skin by washing oil off thoro ughly wi th soap
a nd water .
«I) Note
Never mix oil additives with yo ur engine oil.
These additives can damage your engine and
adverse ly affect your Aud i Limited New Vehi
cle Warranty.
@ For the sake of the environment
- Before changi ng your oil, first make sure
you know where you can prope rly dispose of
the used oi l.
- Always dispose of used eng ine oi l properly.
Do not dump it o n ga rden soi l, wooded
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
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Brake fluid
Checking brake fluid level
Fig. 192 Engine compa rtment : cove r on the brake f luid
-N ,::
Before you check anything in the engine compart
always read and heed all WARNINGS
¢ A in Working in the engine comportment on
page 218.
.,. Read the brake fluid level from the brake fluid
¢ fig. 192, ¢page 220, fig. 188. The
brake fluid leve l must be between the "MIN"
and "MAX" markings .
The location of the brake f luid reservo ir can be
seen in the engine compartment illustration
¢page 220.
The fl uid level may drop slightly after some time
due to the automatic adjustment of the brake
pads. This is not cause for alarm.
I f the brake fluid level falls
considerably below
the "MIN" mark, the brake warning/indicator
1111 (U .S. models)/ . (Canadian models)
will come on ¢
page 14. Do not cont inue to oper
ate the vehicle . The complete brake system
should be thoroughly checked by an authorized
Audi dealer or other qualified facility and the cause corrected. If the brake fluid level is too low,
the brake warning/indicator light will illuminate.
Contact an authorized Audi dealer
immediately .
Changing brake fluid
Hove the broke fluid changed by on experienced
technician .
Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air. If the
water content in the brake fluid is too high, cor-
Checking and Filling
rosion in the brake system may result after a peri
od of time. The boiling point of the brake fluid
will also decrease considerably and decrease braking performance .
T herefore, the brake fluid must be changed
two years.
Always use new brake fluid which con
forms to Federal Motor Vehicle Standard "FMVSS
116 DOT 4".
The brake fluid reservoir can be difficult to reach,
therefore, we recommend that you have the brake flu id changed by your authorized
dealer .
Your dea ler has the correct tools, the
right brake fluid and the know-how to do this for
you .
- Brake fluid is poisonous . It must be stored
only in the closed original conta iner out of
the reach of children!
- Brake failure can resu lt from o ld or inappro
p riate brake fluid. Observe these precau
- Use only brake fluid that meets SAE speci
J 1703 and conforms to Federa l
Motor Vehicle Standard 116. Always check
with your authorized Audi dealer to make
sure you are using the correct brake fluid .
The correct type of brake flu id is also ind i
cated on the brake fluid reservoir.
- The brake fluid must be new. Heavy use of
the brakes can cause a vapor lock if the
brake fluid is left in the system too long.
T his can seriously affect the efficiency of
the brakes as well as your safety. This
could result in an accident.
(D Note
Brake fluid will damage the paint of your vehi
@ For the sake of the environment
Because of the problem of prope r disposal of
brake fluid as well as the special tools re
quired and the necessary expertise, we rec
ommend that you have the brake flu id
changed by your authorized Audi dealer.
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Whenever working on the battery or on the
electrical system, there is the risk of injury,
accident and even fire. Read and heed the fol
lowing WARNINGS:
- Always wear eye protection . Do not let bat
tery acid or any lead particles get on your skin or clothing. Shield your eyes. Explosive
gases can cause blindness or other injury .
- Battery acid contains sulfuric acid . Sulfuric
acid can cause blindness and severe burns.
- Always wear gloves and eye protection. Do
not tilt the battery because acid could leak
out of the ventilation openings.
- If you get battery acid in your eyes or on
your skin, immediately rinse with cold wa
ter for several minutes and get medical at
tention .
- If you should ingest any battery acid, seek
medical attention immediately .
- Do not expose the battery to an open flame, electric sparks or an open light.
- Do not smoke.
- Do not interchange the positive and nega-
tive cables.
- When working on the battery, be sure not to short-circuit the terminals with tools or oth
er metal objects. This would cause the bat
tery to heat up very quickly, which could
lead to damage or explosion and personal
injury .
- When a battery is charged, it produces hy
drogen gas which is explosive and could
cause personal injury.
- Always keep the battery well out of the
reach of children .
- Before work is done on the electrical sys
tem, disconnect the negative ground cable.
- Before performing any work on the electri cal system, switch off the engine and igni
tion as well as any electrical equipment . The
negative cable on the battery must be dis
connected. If you are just going to replace a
light bulb, then it is enough to switch off
the lights .
Checking and Filling
-Before disconnecting the battery, switch off
the anti-theft alarm system! Otherwise you
will set off the alarm.
- When disconnecting the battery, first dis
connect the negative cable and then the
positive cable.
- Before reconnecting the battery, make sure all electrical consumers are switched off. Re
connect the positive cable first and then the negative cable. Never interchange the ca
bles - this could start a fire!
- Never charge a frozen or a thawed -out bat
tery . It could explode! If a battery has fro
zen, then it must be replaced. A discharged battery can freeze over at 32 °F (0 °C).
- Make sure the vent hose is always attached
to the opening on the side of the battery.
- Never use batteries which are damaged.
There is the danger of an explosion! Always
replace a damaged battery.
California Proposition 65 Warning:
- Battery posts, terminals and related acces
sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive problems.
Wash hands after handling.
([) Note
-Do not disconnect the vehicle battery when
the ignition is on or when the engine is run
ning, otherwise, you will damage electronic
components in the electrical system.
- If your vehicle is going to stand for a long
period of time without being driven, protect
the battery from "freezing", otherwise it
will be damaged and will then have to be re
- When opening the doors, the windows low
er approximately 10 mm automatically. This
function is not available when the battery is
disconnected, which means there is a risk
that the door seal or the window could be
damaged .
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(D Note
Never use a fast charger as a booster to start
the engine . This w ill seriously damage sensi
tive electron ic components, such as control
units, relays, radio, etc., as well as the battery
Battery replacement
The new battery must have the same specifica
tions and dimensions as the original equipment
battery .
Intelligent energy management in your vehicle is
responsible for distributing the electrica l energy
throughout your vehicle
c:> page 194. The intell i
gent energy management system will keep the
engine battery charged better than vehicles w ith
out this system . To make sure the additional elec
tr ical energy is available once again after you
have changed the battery, we recommend that
you install batteries of the same type and manu facture only (the same as those installed at the
time your veh icle was delivered). Specif ications
are listed on the battery housing. Your author
ized dealer must code the battery in the energy
management system to enable you to use the en
e rgy management functions correctly after re
p lacing the battery.
The new battery must have the same capacity ,
voltage (12-volts), amperage, construction and plug sealing .
When installing the battery, make sure the igni
tion and all electrical consumers are switched off.
Make sure the ventilation hose on the s ide of
the battery is connected, otherwise fumes or
battery acid can leak out.
- Vehicles with the Start-Stop-System* are equipped with a special cycle-proof AGM battery. Installing a different type of bat
tery can cause problems in the vehicle elec
trical system. When replacing the vehicle
battery, always install one with the same
specifications as the original battery.
Checking and Filling
{® For the sake of the environment
Because of the prob lem of proper disposal of
a battery, we recommend your authorized
Audi dealer change the battery for you. Bat
teries contain sulfur ic acid and lead and must
always be disposed of properly in compliance
with all environmental regulations. Disposing
of vehicle batteries improperly is very danger
ous to the environment.
washer container
Fig. 194 Engine compa rtment: cover on the winds hie ld
and head lig ht* washer fluid reservoir
The washer fluid container is marked with the
ip on its cap c:>fig. 194, c:>page 220,
fig. 188.
.. Before you check anything in the engine com
always read and heed all WARN
INGS c:> .&. in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 218.
.. Lift the filler cap tongue to add washer fluid.
You can fill the container to the top .
.. Press the cap back onto the filler neck after fill-
ing the container .
You can find the reservoir
capacity in the table in
Clean water should be used when filling up. If
possible, use soft water to prevent scaling on
washer jets. Always add a g lass cleaner solution
(with frost protection in the winter) . ..,.
the risk of an accident. Read and follow the important
safety precautions in
¢ page 245, Tires and vehicle
load limits .
-The tire must flex more if the
tire pressure is too low or if
the vehicle speed or load are
too high . This heats the tire up
too much. This increases the
risk of an accident because it
can cause the tire to burst and
result in loss of vehicle con
-Incorrect tire pressure increas es tire wear and has a negative
effect on driving and braking
Tire pressure table
Please note that the information
contained in the following table
was correct at the time of print ing, and the information is sub
ject to change. If there are differ
ences between this information
and the tire pressures specified
on the label on the driver's side Bpillar, always follow the specifica
tion on the B-pillar label
¢ page 243, fig. 197.
behavior, which increases the
risk of an accident.
(D Note
Replace lost valve caps to re
duce the risk of damage to the
tire valves.
@ For the sake of the environment
Tire pressure that is too low in
creases fuel consumption.
(D Tips
Audi recommends using the
tire pressure specified for a nor
mal load
¢ table on page 245
or for a full load when the vehi
cle is partially loaded .
Make sure that the tire designa
tion on your tire matches the des
ignation on the tire pressure label
and the tire pressure table.
The following table lists recom mended tire pressures in cold
tires according to the load and
the size of the tires installed. ...