124 Parking systems
orientation line* borders an object q .&. in
General information on page 122.
Appl ies to vehicles: with parking system plus and rear
Fig. 142 Infotainment: rear mode
This view assists you for example, in using the
full maneuvering range behind the vehicle.
The area behind the vehicle is displayed. The
vehicle surroundings are shown in the left
area of the display. You can switch between
optical display and camera image*
¢page 123 .
.,. Select the @symbol with the control knob.
You can choose between three different views in this mode.
.,. To cross park, parallel park, or position the
vehicle in front of a trailer, press the ® con
trol button on the unit repeatedly until the
symbol for the desired mode is selected.
Cross parking
Applies to vehicles: w ith park ing system plus and rear
This view may be used when parking in a ga
rage or in a parking space.
Fig. 143 Infotainment: aiming at a park ing space
Fig. 144 Infotainment: aligning the vehicle
Requirement: cross parking is selected
Qpage 124 .
.,. The orange colored orientation lines@
show the direction of travel of the vehicle.
Turn the steering wheel until the orange ori entation lines appear in the parking space
¢ fig. 143 . Use the markings @to help you
estimate the distance from an obstacle.
Each marking represents about 3 ft (1 m).
The blue area represents an extension of the
vehicle's outline by approximately 16 ft
(5 m) to the rear .
.,. While driving in reverse gear, adjust the
steering wheel angle to fit the parking space
with the aid of the orange orientation lines
¢ .&. in General information on page 122,
¢ (Din General information on page 122.
® marks the rear bumper. Stop the vehicle
when the red orientation line© borders an
¢ .&. in General information on
page 118.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Parallel parking
Applies to vehicles: with parking system plus and rear
This view may be used when parallel parking
along the side of a street.
Fig. 1 45 Infotainment: blue su rfaces aligned in the
parking space
F ig. 1 46 Infota inmen t: contact of the blue curved line
with th e curb
Park ing on the right is described he re. It is
ident ica l when parking on the left.
I f there is an obstacle next to the park ing
space (such as a wall), refer to information for
"Parking next to obstacles"
c::> page 125.
• Activate the turn s ignal.
• Position your vehicle next to a parked vehi
cle in front of the desired parking space . T he
distance to th is vehicle should be approxi
mately 3 ft (1 m).
• Turn the Infotainment on and shift into re
verse gear. The parking system is turned on
and the
cross parking indicator is displayed.
• Press the
CD c::> page 120 , fig . 133 control
button on the Infotainmen t unit repeatedly
unt il the
parallel parking view is displayed.
• Backup and align your vehicle so the blue
area @borders on the rear end of the vehi
cle or on the pa rking space line
c::> .&, in Gen-
P arking systems 125
era/ information on page 122 , c::> (Din Gen
eral information on page 122.
The b lue area
represents an extens ion of the vehicle 's o ut
line by approximately 16 ft (5 m) to the rear.
The long side of the blue area should be on
the curb . The entire blue area must fit into
the park ing space .
• With the vehicle stopped, turn the stee ring
wheel to the right as fa r as it will go.
• Back i nto the parking space unt il the blue
c::> page 120, fig. 134 to uches the cu rb
c::> .&. in General information on page 122,
c::>(D in General information on page 122.
Stop the vehicle .
• With the vehicle stopped, turn the steering
wheel to the left as far as it will go.
• Continue to back into the parking space un
til the veh icle is pa rked parallel to the curb
c::> &. in General information on page 122,
c::> (D in General information on page 122.
@ mar ks the rear bumper. Stop the vehicle ,
a t the la test, when the red orien tat ion line
@ borders an object . Keep an eye on the
front of your ve hicle while doing this.
Parking next to obstacles
When there is an obs tacle (su ch as a wall)
next to the parking space, c hoose a spa ce wi th
more spa ce on the s ides . Posit io n the long
side of the blue area so that there is su fficient
space from the curb. The area must not be on
the curb. You will also need to start turning
the steering wheel much earlier . There should
be a sufficient amount of space between the
cu rb and the blue curve, and the blue curve
c::> page 120 , fig . 134 must not touch the curb .
(D Tips
The left or right orientation lines and sur
faces will be disp layed, depending on the
turn s ignal being used .
128 Driving Safely
Driving Safely
General notes
Safe driving habits
Please remember -safety first!
This chapter contains important information,
tips, instructions and warnings that you need
to read and observe for your own safety, the
safety of your passengers and others . We have
summarized here what you need to know
about safety belts, airbags, child restraints as
well as child safety. Your safety is for us
ty number 1.
Always observe the information
and warnings in this section - for your own
safety as well as that of your passengers.
The information in this section applies to all
model versions of your vehicle . Some of the
features described in this sections may be
standard equipment on some models, or may
be optional equipment on others. If you are
not sure, ask your authorized Audi dealer.
- Always make sure that you follow the in
structions and heed the WARNINGS in
this Manual. It is in your interest and in
the interest of your passengers.
- Always keep the complete Owner's Liter
ature in your Audi when you lend or sell
your vehicle so that this important infor
mation will always be available to the
driver and passengers.
- Always keep the Owner's literature handy
so that you can find it easily if you have
Safety equipment
The safety features are part of the occupant
restraint system and work together to help
reduce the risk of injury in a wide variety of
accident situations.
Your safety and the safety of your passengers
should not be left to chance. Advances in
technology have made a variety of features
available to help reduce the risk of injury in an accident.
The following is a list of just a few of
the safety features in your Audi:
- sophisticated safety belts for driver and all
passenger seating positions,
- safety belt pretensioners ,
- safety belt force limiters for the front seats,
- safety belt height adjustment systems for
the front seats,
- front airbags,
- knee airbags for the front seats*
- side airbags in the front seats and outer rear
- side curtain airbags ,
- special LATCH anchorages for child re-
- head restraints for each seating position,
- adjustable steering column.
These individual safety features, can work to gether as a system to help protect you and
your passengers in a wide range of accidents .
These features cannot work as a system if
they are not always correctly adjusted and cor
rectly used.
Safety is everybody's responsibility!
Important things to do before driving
Safety is everybody 's job! Vehicle and occu
pant safety always depends on the informed and careful driver .
For your safety and the safety of your passen
before driving always:
.. Make sure that all lights and signals are op
erating correctly.
.. Make sure that the tire pressure is correct .
.. Make sure that all windows are clean and af
ford good visibility to the outside .
.. Secure all luggage and other items carefully
q page 64, q page 61 .
.. Make sure that nothing can interfere with
the pedals.
.. Adjust front seat, head restraint and mirrors
correctly for your height.
.. Instruct passengers to adjust the head re-
straints according to their height . .,..
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
.. Make sure to use the right child rest raint
correct ly to protect children
Q page 173,
Child Safety .
.. Sit properly in your seat and make sure that
your passengers do the same¢
page S3,
General recommendations .
.. Fasten your safety belt and wear it properly.
Also instruct your passengers to fasten their
safety belts properly ¢
page 138.
What impairs driving safety?
Safe driving is directly related to the condi
tion of the vehicle, the driver as well as the
driver 's ability to concentrate on the road
without being distracted.
The driver is respons ible for the safety of the
veh icle and all of its occupants.
If your ability
to drive is impai red, safety r isks for everybody
in the vehicle increase and you also become a
hazard to everyone else on the road ¢
.. Do not let yourself be distracted by passen
gers or by using a cellular telephone.
.. NEVER drive when your driving ability is im
paired (by medications, alcohol, drugs, etc .).
.. Observe all traffic laws, rules of the road
and speed limits and plain common sense .
.. ALWAYS adjust your speed to road, traff ic
and weather conditions .
.,. Take frequent breaks on long trips. Do not
drive for more than two hours at a stretch.
.. Do NOT drive when you are t ired, under
pressure or when you are stressed.
Impaired driving safety increases the risk
of serious personal injury and death when
ever a vehicle is being used.
Driving Safely 129
Proper occupant
seating positions
Proper seating position for the driver
The proper driver seating position is impor
tant for safe, relaxed driving .
Fig. 148 Correct seat ing pos it ion
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of
injury in the event of an accident, we recom
mend that you adjust the driver's seat to the
follow ing pos ition:
.. Adjust the driver's seat so that you can easi
ly push the pedals all the way to the floor
wh ile keeping your knee(s) slightly bent
¢.&_ .
.. Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is
in an upr ight position so that your back
comes in full contact with it when you drive.
.. Adjust the steering wheel so that th ere is a
distance of at least 10 inches (25 cm) be
tween the steering wheel and yo ur breast
Q fig. 148. If not possible, see your au
thorized Audi dealership about adaptive
equipment .
.. Adjust the steering wheel so that the steer
ing wheel and airbag cover points at your
chest and not at your face.
.,. Grasp the top of the steering wheel with
your elbow(s) slightly bent.
.. For adjustable head restra ints: Adjust the
head restraint so the uppe r edge is as even
as possible with the top of your head. If that
is not possible, try to adjust the head re
straint so that it is as close to this position
as poss ible. Move the head restraint so that
it is as close to the back of the head as pos-
sible . .,.
130 Driving Safely
• Fasten and wear safety belts correctly
9 page 141.
• Always keep both feet in the footwell so
that you are in control of the vehicle at all
t imes.
Fo r detailed information on how to adjust the
driver's seat, see
<=> page 54.
Drivers who are unbelted, out of position
or too close to the airbag can be seriously
injured by an airbag as it unfolds . To help
reduce the risk of serious personal injury:
- Always adjust the driver's seat and the
steering wheel so that there are at least 10 inches (25 cm) between your breast
bone and the steering wheel.
- Always adjust the driver's seat and the
steering wheel so that there are at least
4 inches (10 cm) between the knees and
the lower part of the instrument panel.
- Always hold the steering wheel on the
outside of the steering wheel rim with
your hands at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock
positions to help reduce the risk of per
sonal injury if the driver's airbag inflates.
- Never hold the steering wheel at the
12 o'clock position or with your hands at
other positions inside the steering wheel
rim or on the steering wheel hub. Hold
ing the steering wheel the wrong way
can cause serious injuries to the hands,
arms and head if the driver's airbag in
- Pointing the steering wheel toward your
face decreases the ability of the supple
mental driver's airbag to protect you in a
- Always sit in an upright position and nev
er lean against or place any part of your
body too close to the area where the air
bags are located.
- Before driving, always adjust the front
seats properly and make sure that all
passengers are properly restrained. -
For adjustable head restraints: before
driving, always also adjust the head re
straints properly.
- Never adjust the seats while the vehicle
is moving. Your seat may move unexpect
edly and you could lose control of the ve hicle .
- Never drive with the backrest reclined or
tilted far back! The farther the backrests
are tilted back, the greater the risk of in
jury due to incorrect positioning of the safety belt and improper seating posi
tion .
- Children must always ride in child seats
<=> page 173. Special precautions apply
when installing a child seat on the front
passenger seat <=>
page 147.
Proper seating position for the front
The proper front passenger seating position
is important for safe, relaxed driving.
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of
injury in the event of an accident, we recom
mend that you adjust the seat for the front
passenger to the following position:
• Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is
in an upright position and your back comes
in full contact w ith it whenever the vehicle is
• For ad justab le head restra ints: adjust the
head restraint so the upper edge is as even
as possible with the top of your head. If that
is not possible, try to adjust the head re
straint so that it is as close to this position
as possible
<=> page 132 . Move the head re
straint so that it is as close to the back of
the head as possible.
• Keep both feet flat on the floor in front of
the front passenger seat.
• Fasten and wear safety belts correctly
<=> page 141.
For detailed information on how to adjust the
front passenger's seat, see
<=> page 53. ...
140 Safety belts
occupant will slam violently into the steering
wheel, instrument panel, windshield, or what
ever else is in the way
c::> fig. 153. This imp act
with the vehicle interior has all the energy
t hey had just before the crash.
Never rely on a irbags alone for protection.
Even when they deploy, airbags provide only
additional protection. Airbags are not sup
posed to deploy in all kinds of accidents. Al
though your Audi is equipped with airbags, all
vehicle occupants, including the driver , must
wear safety belts correctly in order to mini
mize the risk of severe injury or death in a
Remember too, that airbags will deploy only
once and that your safety belts are always
there to offer protection in those accidents in
which airbags are not supposed to deploy or
when they have already deployed . Unbelted
occupants can also be thrown out of the vehi
cle where even more severe or fatal injuries
can occur.
It is also important for the rear passengers to
wear safety belts correctly. Unbelted passen
gers in the rear seats endanger not only them
selves but also the driver and othe r passen
gers ~
fig. 154. In a frontal collision they will
be thrown forward violently, where they can
hit and injure the driver and/or front seat pas
senger .
Safety belts protect
People think it's possible to use the hands to
brace the body in a minor collision . It's simply
not true !
Fig. 155 Driver is co rr ect ly re strain ed in a sudd en brak
ing maneuve r
Safety belts used properly can make a big dif
ference. Safety belts help to keep passengers
in their seats, gradually reduce energy levels
applied to the body in an accident, and help
prevent the uncontrolled movement tha t can
cause serious injuries . In addition, safety belts
reduce the danger of being thrown out of the
vehicle .
Safety belts attach passengers to the car and
give them the benefit of being slowed down
more gently or "softly" through the "give" in
the safety belts, crush zones and other safety
features engineered into today's vehicles. By
"absorbing " the kinetic energy over a longer
period of ti me, the safety belts make the
forces on the body more "tolerable" and less
likely to cause injury.
Although these examples are based on a fron
tal collision, safety belts can also substantial
ly reduce the r isk of injury in other kinds of
crashes. So, whether you're on a long trip or
just going to the corner store, always buckle up and make sure others do, too. Accident sta
tistics show that vehicle occupants properly
wearing safety belts have a lower risk of being
injured and a much better chance of surviving
an accident. Properly using safety belts also
greatly increases the ability of the supplemen
tal airbags to do their job in a collision . For
this reason, wearing a safety belt is legally re
quired in most countries including much of
the United States and Canada.
Although your Audi is equipped with airbags,
you still have to wear the safety belts provid
ed. Front airbags , for example, are activated
only in some frontal collisions. The front air
bags are not activated in all frontal collisions,
in side and rear collisions, in roll overs or in
cases where there is no t enough decelera tion
through impact to the front of the vehicle .
The same goes for the other airbag systems in
your Audi . So, always wear your safety belt
and make sure everybody in your vehicle is
properly restrained!
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Airbag system Important things to know
Importance of wearing safety belts and
sitting properly
Airbags are only supplemental restraints . For
airbags to do their job , occupants must al
ways properly wear their safety belts and be
in a proper seating position.
F or your safety and the safety of your passen
gers, before driving off, always:
"" Adjust the driver's seat and steering wheel
properly ¢
page 129,
"" Adjust the front passenger's seat properly
¢ page 54,
""Wear safety be lts properly r::::> page 141,
""Always properly use the proper child re-
stra int to protect ch ildren
r::::> page 173.
In a collision, airbags must inflate within the
blink of an eye and with considerable force .
The supplementa l airbags can cause injuries if
the dr iver or the front seat passenger is not
seated prope rly . T herefore in order to help the
a irbag to do its job, it is impo rtant, both as a
d river and as a passenge r to s it properly at all
By keep ing room between your body and the
steer ing whee l and the front of the passenge r
compartment, the airbag can i nflate fully and
comp lete ly and provide supp lemen tal protec
tion in ce rtain frontal collisions
r::::> page 129,
Proper occupant seating positions .
For deta ils
on the operation of the seat adjustment con
¢ page 54.
It's espe cially important that children a re
p roperly restrained
r::::> page 173.
There is a lot that the d river and the passen
ge rs ca n and must do to help the individua l
safety features ins talled in your A ud i work to
gether as a system.
P rope r seat ing pos ition is important so that
the front airbag on the dr iver s ide ca n do its
job. If yo u have a physical impa irment or con-
A irbag system 147
dition that prevents yo u from sitting properly
o n the driver seat with the safety belt properly
f astened and reach ing the peda ls, or if you
have concerns with regard to the function or
operation o f the Advanced Airbag System,
please contact your author ized Audi dealer or
qualified wo rkshop, o r call Audi Customer Re
l ations at 1-800-822-2834 fo r poss ible modi
fica tions to your veh icle.
When the airbag system dep loys, a gas gener
ator will fill t he a irbags, break open the pad
ded cove rs, and inflate between the steer ing
whee l and the dr ive r and between the instru
ment pane l and the fron t passenger. The a ir
bags will deflate immedia tely after dep loy
ment so that the front occupants can see
thro ugh the windshie ld again witho ut inter
ruption .
A ll of th is takes place in t he blink o f an eye, so
f ast that many people don't even realize that
the airbags have deployed. The airbags a lso
inflate with a great dea l of force and nothing
shou ld be in their way when they deploy.
Front a irbags in combination with properly
wor n safety belts slow down and lim it the oc
c u pant's fo rward movement . Togethe r they
help to preve nt the drive r and front seat pas
senger from h itti ng pa rts of the inside of the
vehicle while reducing the forces act ing on the
occupant dur ing the crash . In this way they
help to reduce the risk of injury to the head
and upper body in the crash. Airbags do not
protect the arms or the lower parts o f the
Both front airbags wi ll not inflate in all fronta l
collisions . The trigge ring of the airbag system
depends on the vehicle dece lerat ion rate
ca used by the co llision and registered by the
elec tron ic control unit. If t his rate is below
the reference value programmed into the con
tro l unit, the airbags will not b e trigge red,
even t hough the car may be bad ly damaged as
a res ult of the co llision . Ve hicl e damage, re
pair costs or even the lack of ve hicle damage
is not necessarily an indica tion of whether an
airbag shou ld inflate or not . .,. •
148 Airbag sys tem
Since the cir cumstances will vary considerab ly
between one collision and anot her, it is not
possib le to def ine a range of vehicle speeds
that will cover every possible k ind and angle
of impact t hat will always trigger the a irbags.
Important factors include, for example, the
nature (hard or soft) of the object which the
car h its , the ang le of impact, vehicle speed ,
etc. The front airbags will also not inflate in
side or rea r collisions, or in ro ll-overs .
Always remember : Airbags will deploy only
once, and only in certa in k inds of co llisions .
Your safety belts are always there to offer pro
tection in those s ituations in which airbags
a re not supposed to deploy, or when they have
a lready deployed ; for example , when your ve
hicle strikes or is struck by another vehicle af
te r the first co llision .
This is jus t one of the reasons why an a irbag is
a supplementary restra int and is not a substi
tute fo r a safety belt . The airbag system
works most effect ively when used with the
safety belts. There fore, always properly wear
your safety belts¢
page 138.
Sitting too close to the steer ing whee l or
instrument panel will dec rease the effec
t iveness of the airbags and will increase
the risk of personal injury in a collision .
- Never sit closer than 10 inches (2S cm)
to the stee ring wheel or instrument pan
- If you cannot sit more than 10 inches
( 2 5 cm) from the s teer ing whee l, investi
gate whethe r adap tive equipmen t may
be available to help you reach the pedals
and increase your seating distance from
the steering wheel.
- If you are unrestrained, lean ing fo rward,
sitting sideways or out of position in any
way, your risk of in jury is much higher.
- You will also receive serio us injuries and
cou ld even be killed if you are up against
the airbag or too close to it when it in
flates - even with an Advanced Airbag. -
To reduce the risk of injury when an a ir
bag inflates, always wear safety be lts
properly ¢
page 141, Safety belts.
-Always make certain that ch ildren age 12
or younger always ride in the rear seat. If
children are not properly restrained, they
may be severe ly injured or killed when an
ai rbag inflates .
- Never let children ride unrestrained or
improperly restrained in the vehicle. Ad
just the front seats prope rly .
- Never ride with the back rest reclined .
- Always sit as far as possible from the
steer ing whee l or the instrument pane l
¢page 129.
-Always sit upright with your back against
the backrest of your seat .
- Never p lace your feet on the instrument
panel or on the seat. Always keep both
feet on the floor in front of the seat to
help prevent serio us in ju ries to the legs
and h ips if the airbag inflates.
- Never recline the front passenger 's seat
to transport objects , Items can a lso
move into the a rea of the s ide airbag or
the front a irbag du ring bra king or in a
sudden maneuve r. Objects nea r the air
bags can become projectiles and cause
in jur y when an airbag inflates.
Airbags that have deployed in a crash must
be replaced.
- Use on ly orig ina l equipment airbags ap
proved by Aud i and installed by a trained
technician who has the necessary too ls
and d iagnost ic equipment to properly re
p lace any airbag in your vehicle and as
sure system effectiveness in a crash .
- Never permit salvaged or recycled air
bags to be installed in your vehicle .