ci u.. co ,...., \!) ..,.,
N ..,., ,....,
Door handle
Power locking switch
Memory buttons (driver's seat) . .
Button for side assist
A ir outlets
Control lever for :
- Turn signal and high beam
0 Multifunction steering wheel with :
- Horn
- Driver's airbag ....... .... .. .
- Audio/video, telephone and navi-
gation buttons
- Rocker switches for tiptronic op-
eration ................... .
@ ISETI button ................. .
® Instrument cluster ..... .. .. .. .
@ Reset button for trip odometer
Switches for:
- Windsh ield wiper/washer
- Trip computer . ....... .. .. .. .
I gnition lock ................ .
Adjustable steering column
Control lever for:
- Cruise control .............. .
- adaptive cruise control ....... .
@ Instrument lighting ........ .. .
@ Release lever for the engine hood
@ Data Link Connector for On Board
Diagnostics (OBD II) ........ .. .
@ Light switch ........ ... .. .. .. .
@ Adjuste r control for outside
mirrors . ... .............. ... .
@ Power window switches ... .... .
@ Radio-Disp lay1l or MMI-Display
l ) The image in t he d is pl ay w ill appear e ither in multiple col
o rs or in a single colo r, depending on the vehicle e quip
ment. The mult i color image will be u sed in this Owner 's
Manual because both multi co lo r an d single colo r ve rs io n s
are a lmost identical.
Depending on options:
- Radio system
- CD changer
Emergency flasher
Glove compartment (lockable) .. .
Front passenger's airbag ...... .
Depend ing on options, switches
- drive select .. .............. .
- Electronic Stabilization Control .
Deluxe automatic climate control
Selector lever for automatic trans-
mission . ..... .............. .
@) Ashtray with cigarette lighter
@ Depending on options:
- MMI control console or
- drive select . ............... .
- Electron ic Stabilization Control
button ...... ... .......... . .
@ Central power window switch
@ Power top switch . ... ..... ... . .
@ I START ENGINE STOPI button .. .
@ Electromechanical parking brake
0) Tips
- Some of the equipment or features shown in the general illustration may be standard
equipment on your vehicle or may be op
tional equipment depending on your model.
Always ask your authorized Audi dealer if
you have a question about your vehicle.
- Operation of the Multi Media Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manua l.
Instruments and indicator Lights
the I SET! button, you delete the warning thresh
Digital clock with date display and
Fig. 5 Instrument cluster: odometer
Fig. 6 Instrument cluster: reset button
Digital clock/GPS controlled clock*
Depending on the vehicle equipment level, you
may choose between the quartz clock or the GPS
controlled clock*~ in the radio or in the MMI*.
You can learn more about this in the MMI manual
or in the radio user's manual.
Odometer/trip odometer
The display of distance driven is shown in kilome
ters "km" or in miles "mi".
- USA models -Miles
- Canada models - Kilometers
The units of measure (kilometers/miles) can be changed in the radio or MMI* . You can learn more
about this in the MMI manual or in the radio us
er's manual.
The odometer @ shows the total number of kilo
meters or miles that have been driven on the ve
hicle .
The trip odometer @ shows the distance driven
since it was last reset.
It can be used to measure
short distances. The last digit shows distances of
100 meters or 1/10 of a mile .
The trip odometer can be reset to zero by press
ing the reset button
!O.OI ~ fig. 6.
Malfunction message
If there is a malfunction somewhere in the in
strument cluster,
DEF will appear in the tripod
ometer and will stay on. Contact your authorized
Audi dealer to have the problem corrected.
When the ignition is switched on, the data on the
ignition key are scanned automatically.
If an unauthorized key was used,
SAFE is dis
played permanently in the odometer display
field . The vehicle cannot be operated
¢page 30.
{i) Tips
-When you switch off the ignition or open
the driver door, the time, date, odometer
and temperature are displayed for an addi
30 seconds.
- You can also call up the display with the
!SET ! button¢ page 11 while the ignition is
switched off.
Fuel gauge
The fuel gauge works only when the ignition is on.
When the needle reaches the red area, the warn
lightliD in the instrument cluster will illumi
page 20. Time to refuel!
The total tank capacity of your vehicle is listed in
¢page 246.
(D Note
Never run the tank completely dry! An irregu
lar supply of fuel can cause engine misfiring
and fuel could enter into the exhaust system.
The catalytic converter could then overheat
and be damaged.
Instruments and indicator lights
safe to do so, proceed immediately at low
speed to the nearest authorized Aud i dea ler
or qualified workshop and have the brake
system inspected .
- Always keep in m ind that after several brake
applications, you will need greater pressure
on the brake pedal to stop your vehicle . Do
not rely on strained brakes to respond with
maximum stopping power in c ritical situa
tions . You must allow for increased bra king
distances. The extra dis tance used up by
f ading b rakes cou ld lead to an accident.
~.IC® ) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the ele c
trome chanical parking brake.
If the i ndicator lig ht . (USA models)/ . (Cana
da models) turns o n, the parking b rake was set .
The warning/indica tor light will go out when the
parking brake is re leased .
• (USA models) ;a (Canada models ) Cau
tion : Vehicle parked too steep
If the indicator lig ht blinks and the message ap
pea rs, there is not enough brak ing power to keep
the vehicle from roll ing. The brakes have over
heated. The vehicle cou ld roll away even on a
small incline.
Press brake pedal to release parking brake
To rele ase t he parking bra ke, press t he bra ke ped
a l and press the button<® or start driving with
starti ng assist at the same time¢
page 78.
Please release parking brake
To release the parking brake manua lly, press the
b rake peda l and press the button (®) at the same
time. The park ing brake only r eleases automat i
cally if the dr iver's safety be lt is fas tened.
Ill Parking brake!
If the l'IJ indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a parking brake malfunc
tion . Drive to your authorized Audi dealer or
qua lified workshop immed iately to have the mal
f u nction co rrected .
~ Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to put
on your safety belt.
The . warn ing/ indicator light illum inates when
the igni tio n is swi tched on to remind the driver
and (on USA models only) any front passenger to put on the safety belt . Addit ionally, an acoust ic
warning (gong) w ill also sound.
For more Informat ion ¢
page 124, Safe ty belt
warning light .
f::::l Battery
The. war ning/ indicato r light illum inates when
you sw itch on the ign it ion and m ust go out after
the engine has sta rted .
• Alternator fault : Battery is not b eing charg
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears, there is a malfunct io n in the generator
o r vehicle electr ica l system .
Drive to your authori zed A udi dealer or quali fied
workshop immediately. Because the vehicle bat
tery is discharging, turn off a ll unnecessary elec
trical eq uipment such as the radio . Seek profes
s iona l assistance if the battery cha rge leve l is too
l ow .
(•) Low battery: Battery w ill b e charged while
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears, there may be limited starting ab ility.
If this message t urns off after a little while, the
battery charged enough while dr iv ing .
If the message does not turn off, have yo ur au
thorized Audi dea ler or qualified workshop cor
rect the malfunction .
ci LL co
rl I.O
"' N
"' rl
Driver information
The Driver information display inside the instru
ment cluster provides you, the driver, with im
portant information.
Fig. 7 Instrument cluster: ce nter display
Fig . 8 Wipe r lever: controls fo r the men u display
Cent er dis play
With the ignition on, the display in the Driver In
formation System shows the following informa
tion :
- CD* inserted or Radio * station set
- Outs ide temperature* : At temperatures below
41 °f (+S
(), a snowf lake symbol appears in
front of the temperature display¢&. .
- Wa rning if one of the doors, front lid o r engine
compartment lid is not closed.
Additional function s
You can open the following functions in the Driv
er Information System display by pressing the
I RESET I button ¢ fig. 8 one or more times:
Digital speedometer*
T ire pressure monitoring*
Dr iver inform atio n sy stem
Trip computer Q page24
Efficiency program* ¢page26
Service interval display Qpage27
Speed warning ¢page 79
Gearshift selector positions Au -i=>page83
tomatic transmission
Adaptive cr uise control*
¢ page 90
Auto Chec k Control
Some functions and vehicle components are
scanned for their operating status when yo u
switch the ignition on and whi le you are driving.
Malfunctions or required service procedures are
signaled audibly and indicated by red and yellow
illuminated symbols and reminders in the dis
--- Never rely exclusively on the outside tem pe ratu re d isplay to dete rm ine if a road sur
face is icy or not. Keep in mind that road sur
faces, espe cially bridges and overpasses,
could be ice covered and slippery even at an
outside temperature above 41 °f (+S °C).
- Always remember, even if the "snowflake"
symbo l (ice warning) does not appear in the
display, black ice cou ld be on the road .
-Always red uce your speed and d rive with
specia l care in cold weather conditions when
the chance of encountering icy road surfaces
(j) Tips
If the vehicle is stationary, or if yo u are driv
ing at a very low speed, the temperature
shown in the disp lay might be slightly higher
than the actual outside temperature . This is
caused by the heat being radiated from the
ci u.. co ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N 1.1'1 ,....,
(memory level 2). The fuel pump nozz le iii
indicates the efficiency program*¢ page 26.
Single-t rip memory (Trip computer 1 )
The single -t rip memo ry s to res the trip informa
tion from the t ime the ig nit ion is tu rned on unt il
it is turned
off. If the t rip is con tinued within 2
hour s
from the time the ignition was turned off,
the new data wi ll be included in the calculation of
the current trip information .
If the trip is inter
rupted for
more than 2 hours the memory is re
set automat ica lly.
Total -trip memo ry (Trip computer 2 )
Unlike the single-trip memory , the tota l-trip
memory is not reset automatically. This permits
you to evaluate your driving data for the entire
period between manual resets.
Efficiency program*
The eff ic iency p rog ram can help you to use less
fuel ¢
page 26.
The trip computer is controlled by two switches
on the windshield wiper lever .
Fig . 11 W inds hield w ipe r leve r: co ntro ls fo r th e trip co m
p u ter
"'T o disp lay the t rip compu ter memory leve ls ,
press t he
I RESE T I but ton @¢ fig. 11 repeated
l y until the des ired memo ry level is shown in
t h e display .
"' To disp lay t rip information within a memory
l evel, press the top or bottom part of the func
t ion select io n switch @.
Dri ver information s ystem
The trip computer will not ope rate un less the ig
nition is on. When you turn o n the ignition, the
f unct ion that was in use when yo u last turned the
off wi ll be displayed.
In add ition to info rmation about the trip comput
er (trip computer 1, 2 and the efficiency pro
gram *), information about othe r systems can al
so be shown in the display. To switch the display betwee n the diffe rent information, tap the
I RESET ! button@ briefly .
Resetting values to zero
"' Select a value in the desired trip compute r or in
the effic iency program *.
"' Press and hold the
I RESE T I button @for at
least one second . All values in the selected trip
computer or in the eff ic iency program* a re re
set to zero .
If the data in tr ip computer 1 are deleted, then
t h e va lues in the eff iciency program* will also be
r eset.
With some vehicle equ ipment levels, the va lues
for the single tr ip or total trip memory can also
be reset i n the Infotai nment system
¢ page 25.
(D Tips
All stored va lues w ill be lost if the veh icle bat
tery is d isconnected .
Basic Settings for the trip computer
Applies to vehicles: with trip computer
The radio or MM!* operating unit is used for set
ting the trip computer 's basic settings.
"' Select: Function button I CAR!> Instrument
cluster > On -board computer 1 or On-board
computer 2 .
The values in the sing le-tr ip or the total-t rip
memory can all be reset to zero at the same t ime
u nder
Reset in the menu.
In addition, yo u can determi ne what info rmation
from t he trip computer sho uld be shown in the
instrument cluster display. If one of the pieces of
driver information is turned
Off , that driver .,.
ci u.. co ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N 1.1'1 ,....,
messages appear automatically and are only dis
p layed in the efficiency program . The fuel econo
my messages turn
off automatically after acer
tain period of time.
.. To turn a fuel economy message
off immed iate
l y after it appears, press the I RESET
I b utton
¢ page 25, fig. 11 @ , or
.. Press the function selection switch¢
page 25,
fig. 11
@ .
(D Tips
-Once you have t urned a fuel economy mes
off, i t will only appear aga in after you
turn the ignit ion on again.
- The fuel economy messages are not dis
played in every instance, but rather in inter
vals over a per iod of t ime .
Service interval display
The service interval display reminds you when
your next service is due .
Fig. 1 5 Dis p lay: Service interval d isp lay
~ 0 ci:
"' a,
The sc hed ule for the next oil c hange or inspec
tion is calculated a utomatically and displayed ac
cordingly. The display works in two stages :
Service reminder
30 days before the nex t servi ce is due, a serv ice
reminde r appea rs in the disp lay when you tu rn on
the ignition
¢ fig. 15.
Afte r about 5 seconds the display sw itches back
t o no rma l. The dis tan ce and t ime rem aining are
updated eac h time the ignition is turned on unti l
the date due for service is reached .
Driver information s ystem
Service due
When the d ue date for se rvice is reached, t he
Service due! appears in the inst rument
cluster immediate ly afte r yo u turn on the igni
tion . Additiona lly, a warning tone sounds. Afte r
about 5 seconds the display switches back to nor
Calling up the service schedules
If or when an oi l change or inspection is due, can
be shown in t he radio or
M MI* dis play by select
ing the service interval display in the ca r men u.
Se lect I CAR I funct ion button >
Service interval
or ICARI function button > Car systems *
control button > Servicing & checks .
Resett ing the service interval display
Your a uthorized Audi dea ler will reset the corre
sponding service schedule after performing the appropriate service on your vehicle. You also have
the possibility to reset the oil change schedule af
ter having performed an oi l change according to
Audi specifica tions . Select I CAR ! funct ion button
> Service interval display > Res et oil change in
o r! CARlfunction button> Car systems*
control b utton > Servicing & check s > Reset oil
change inter val.
(D Note
- Only re se t the oil change display when yo u
h ave comple ted an o il change.
- If you disconnect the batte ry termina ls, no
c al cul ations can be made for the se rv ice in
t erval disp lay during t his time and n o serv
ice reminder w ill appea r. R emembe r that
observing the p ro p er service interva ls is vi
tally impo rtant to exten ding the life of yo ur
vehicle, part icular ly the eng ine, and main
taining its va lue. Even if the mileage dr iven
is low, the maxim um per iod of one year
from one service to t he nex t must not be ex
(D Tips
The information in the Service Reminder re
mains stored even when th e vehicle battery is
disco nnecte d.
ci u.. co ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N 1.1'1 ,....,
Opening and closing
Central locking
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all
doors and the rear lid simultaneously.
You can lock and unlock the vehicle centrally. You
have the following choices:
- Remote master key
c:::> page 32,
-Door handles with convenience key*
c:::> page 32,
-Lock cylinder at the dr iver's door c:::> page 34,
- Power locking switch inside
c:::> page 33.
Au tomatic locking
The automat ic locking feature locks all the veh i
cle doors and the rear l id when you drive faster
than 9 mph ( 15 km/h).
The car is unlocked again once the ignition key is
removed . In add ition, the vehicle can be unlocked
if the opening function in the power locking sys
tem sw itch or at one of the door levers is actuat
ed. The Auto Lock function can be turned on and
off in the rad io or MMI*
c:::> page 34.
Additionally, in the event of a crash with a irbag
deployment the doors are automatically un locked to allow access to the vehicle .
Selective unlo cking
When you lock the vehicle, the power locking sys
tem w ill lock the doors and the rear lid. When un
lock ing, you can set in the radio or MMI* whether
only the drive r's door o r the ent ire vehicle should
be un locked
c:::> page 34.
Anti- theft alarm w arning sy stem
If the anti-theft alarm warning system detects a
break-in into the vehicle, acoustic and v isual
warn ing s ignals are tr iggered .
The anti-theft warning system is activated auto
mat ically when you lock the vehicle. It is deact i
vated when unlocking using the remote key, w ith
the mechanical key, and when you switch on the
i gnit ion.
Op ening and cl osing
The alarm also turns off when the a larm cycle has
Turn signals
When you unlock the veh icle, the turn s ignals
flash twice, when you lock it once. If they do not
flash , one of the doors, the luggage compart
ment lid or the hood is not locked or the ignition
is still switched on.
Unint entionally l ocking your self out
In the follow ing cases there safeguards to pre
vent you locking your remote master key in the
- The vehicle does not lock w ith the power lock
ing sw itch
c:::> page 33 if the driver's door is
- On veh icles with co nvenience key*, if the most
recently used master key is in the luggage com
par tment, the rear lid is automatically unlocked
again after it is closed .
Do not lock your veh icle w ith the remote master
key or co nvenience key* unt il all doors and the
rear lid are closed. In this way you avoid locking
yourself out accidentally .
-When you leave the vehicle, always remove
the ignition key and take it with you. This
will prevent passengers (children, for exam
ple) from accidentally being locked in the
veh icle should they accidentally press the
power locking sw itch in the front doors .
- Do not leave children inside the vehicle un
supervised . In an emergency it would be im
possible to open the doors from the outs ide
without the key.
(D Tips
- In the event of a crash with airbag deploy
ment all locked doors w ill be automatically
unlocked to give access to the veh icle occu
pants from the outside.
- If the power locking system should mal
function, you can lock the driver's door us ing the mecha nical key
c:::> page 34.
Opening and closing
Emergency unlocking of the ignition key
In the event of malfunctions in the electrical sys
tem, it may happen that you cannot remove the
ignition key.
.,. Remove the mechanical key <=>page 31.
.,. Lock the vehicle using the mechanical key
<=>page 34.
.,. Have the electrical system inspected by an au
thorized Audi dealership.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle with the
remote control
Fig. 20 Remote master key: function bu tt ons
"' 0 ±
"' OJ
.,. Press button ill to unlock the vehicle <=> fig. 20.
... Press button m to lock the vehicle ¢ A in Gen
eral description on page
29 .
.,. Press button c::5 briefly to unlock the rear lid .
.,. Press the button
c::5 for at least one second to
open the rear lid .
.,. Push the red
!PANIC I button to activate the
panic function. The horn sounds and the turn
signals flash . Push the red
I PANIC! button again
to deactivate the panic function .
If the vehicle is unlocked and no door, the rear lid
or the hood is opened within 60 seconds, the ve
hicle locks itself again automatically . This feature
prevents the vehicle from being accidentally left
unlocked over a long period of time .
It depends on the settings in the radio or
whether the entire vehicle is unlocked or only cer
tain doors
<=> page 34 .
On vehicles with automatic transmission, these
lector lever must be in the P position, otherwise
the vehicle cannot be locked .
Read and follow all WARNINGS
<=> .&. in Gener
al description on page
29 .
(D Tips
-In order to make sure the locking function is
working, you should always keep your eye
on the vehicle to make sure it is properly
locked .
- Do not use the remote control if you are in
side the car, otherwise you may unintention
ally lock the vehicle, and then you would set
off the anti-theft alarm when you try to
start the engine or open a door. In case this
happens anyhow, push the unlock button@.
- Use the panic function only if you are in an
emergency situation.
- Additional remote control key functions
¢page 37.
Locking and unlocking with convenience
Applies to vehicles: wit h co nvenience key
The doors and the rear lid can be unlocked and
locked without operating the master key .
Fig. 21 Door handle : lock ing t he vehicle
Unlocking vehicle
.,. Ta ke hold of the door handle. The door is un-
locked automatically.
.,. Pull the handle to open the door .
Locking vehicle
.,. Move the selector lever to the P position, other
wise the vehicle cannot be locked.
.,. To lock the vehicle, close the door and touch
the sensor in the door handle
once <=> fig. 21