Force limiter system
In the event of a collision, each force limiter
system will effectively absorb the load ap- plied to the seat belt to minimize the impact
to the passenger.Child restraint
When transporting children in your vehicle,some type of child restraint system should al-
ways be used according to the size of the child. This is required by law in most coun-
The regulations concerning driving with chil- dren in the front seat may differ from country
to country. You are advised to comply with the relevant regulations.
WARNINGl When possible, put children in the rear
seat. Accident statistics indicate that chil- dren of all sizes and ages are safer when
properly restrained in the rear seat rather than in the front seat.
l Holding a child in your arms is no substi-
tute for a restraint system. Failure to use
a proper restraint system can result in se- vere or fatal injury to the child.
l Each child restraint device or fixing is to
be used only by one child.WARNINGl When attaching a child restraint system
to the rear seat, prevent the front seat- backs from touching the child restraintsystem.
Otherwise, the child could be seriously in-
jured in the event of hard braking or a
Caution for installing the child
restraint on vehicles with a
front passenger airbag
The label shown here is attached on vehicles with a front passenger airbag.
WARNINGl Extreme Hazard!
NEVER use a rearward facing child re- straint on a seat protected by an ACTIVEAIRBAG in front of it, DEATH or SERI- OUS INJURY to the CHILD can occur.NOTEl The labels may be in different positions de-
pending on the vehicle model.
Use rearward facing child restraints in the
rear seat or turn off the front passenger’s air- bag ON-OFF switch (if so equipped). (Refer
to “To turn an airbag off” on page 4-28)
Child restraint
OGAE14E1Seat and seat belts4 AF0016297
Type 1
Type 2 Front passenger’s
airbag ON
Screen type 1Screen type 2CauseSolution (Reference)lThe automatic transmission
(A/T or CVT) fluid tempera-
ture is too high.Refer to “Automatic transmission
INVECS-II Sports Mode 6A/T
(Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle
Electronic Control System II)” on
page 6-25.
Refer to “Automatic transmission
(Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle
Electronic Control System III)” on
page 6-31.l You turned the ignition
switch to the “ON” positionor put the operation mode in
ON without fastening your
seat belt.l Fasten your seat belt properly.
“Seat belt warning” on page
4-11.l There is a fault in the fuel
system.l We recommend you to con-
MOTORS Authorized Service
Point.l You are driving with the
parking brake still applied.l Release the parking brake.
Refer to “Brake warning dis- play” on page 5-45.
Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list
5-36 OGAE14E1Instruments and controls5
Screen type 1Screen type 2CauseSolution (Reference)lThere is a fault in the Active
Stability Control (ASC).l We recommend you to have it
Refer to “Active stability con- trol (ASC)” on page 6-50.l There is a fault in the hill start
assist.l Have the vehicle checked at a
thorized Service Point. Refer
to “Hill start assist” on page 6-44.l There is a fault in the elec-
tronically controlled 4WD
system.l We recommend you to have it
Refer to “Electronically con- trolled 4WD system” on page
6-37.l There is a fault in the
A/T or
CVT.l We recommend you to have it
Refer to “Automatic transmis-
sion INVECS-II Sports Mode
6A/T (Intelligent & Innova-
tive Vehicle Electronic Con- trol System II)” on page6-25.
Refer to “Automatic transmis-
sion INVECS-III Sports
Mode 6CVT (Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic
Control System III)” on page
Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list
5-38 OGAE14E1Instruments and controls5
Economical driving............................................................................. 6-02
Driving, alcohol and drugs.................................................................. 6-03
Safe driving techniques....................................................................... 6-03
Running-in recommendations............................................................. 6-04 Parking brake...................................................................................... 6-06
Parking................................................................................................ 6-07
Steering wheel height and reach adjustment....................................... 6-08
Inside rear-view mirror....................................................................... 6-08 Outside rear-view mirrors................................................................... 6-09
Ignition switch.....................................................................................6-11 Steering wheel lock............................................................................. 6-13
Starting................................................................................................ 6-13 Diesel particulate filter (DPF)*........................................................... 6-16Turbocharger operation*..................................................................... 6-18Auto Stop & Go (AS&G) system*..................................................... 6-18
Manual transmission*......................................................................... 6-22 Automatic transmission INVECS-II Sports Mode 6A/T (Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control
System II)*......................................................................................6-25
Automatic transmission INVECS-III Sports Mode 6CVT (Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control
System III)*.................................................................................... 6-31
Electronically controlled 4WD system*............................................. 6-37 4-wheel drive operation...................................................................... 6-39
Inspection and maintenance following rough road operation............. 6-41
Cautions on handling of 4-wheel drive vehicles................................. 6-42
Braking................................................................................................ 6-43
Hill start assist*................................................................................... 6-44
Brake assist system............................................................................. 6-45Emergency stop signal system............................................................ 6-46
Anti-lock brake system (ABS)............................................................ 6-46
Electric power steering system (EPS)................................................. 6-49 Active stability control (ASC)*.......................................................... 6-50Cruise control*.................................................................................... 6-52
Reversing sensor system*................................................................... 6-57 Rear-view camera*............................................................................. 6-61
Cargo loads......................................................................................... 6-64Trailer towing......................................................................................6-66Starting and driving
Vehicles with A/TShift pointSpeed limit1st
gear15 km/h (9 mph)2nd
gear35 km/h (22 mph)3rd
gear60 km/h (37 mph)4th
gear80 km/h (50 mph)5th
gear110 km/h (68 mph)6th
gear125 km/h (78 mph)Vehicles with CVTShift pointSpeed limit“D” (DRIVE)130 km/h (81 mph)
In sports mode
position50 km/h (30 mph)2nd
position60 km/h (37 mph)3rd
position70 km/h (43 mph)4th
position90 km/h (56 mph)5th
position120 km/h (74 mph)6th
position130 km/h (81 mph)
Running-in recommendations
OGAE14E1Starting and driving6
Automatic transmissionINVECS-II Sports Mode
6A/T (Intelligent &
Innovative Vehicle
Electronic Control System
II)* E00603200866
Automatic transmission will automatically
change its gear depending on road and driv- ing conditions. This helps achieve smooth
driving and excellent fuel efficiency.
Also you can manually shift up and shift down the transaxle. Refer to “Sports mode”
on page 6-28.NOTEl During running-in period or immediately af-
ter reconnection of the battery cable, there may be a case where gear shifts are not
made smoothly. This does not indicate a faulty transmission.
Gear shifts will become smooth after the transmission has been shifted several times
by the electronic control system.Selector lever operation
The transmission has 6 forward gears and 1
reverse gear.
The individual gears are selected automati-cally, depending on the speed of the vehicle
and the position of the accelerator pedal.
The selector lever (A) has 2 gates; the main gate (B) and the manual gate (C).While depressing the brake pedal,
move the selector lever through the gate.Move the selector lever through the
gate.WARNINGl Always depress the brake pedal when
shifting the selector lever into a gear from the “P” (PARK) or “N” (NEUTRAL) po-sition.
Never put your foot on the accelerator
pedal while shifting the selector lever
from the “P” (PARK) or “N” (NEU- TRAL) position.NOTEl To avoid erroneous operation, move the se-
lector lever firmly into each position and
briefly hold it there. Always check the posi- tion shown by the selector lever position dis-
play after moving the selector lever.
l If the brake pedal is not depressed and held,
the shift-lock device activates to prevent the selector lever from being moved from the “P” (PARK) position.
Automatic transmission INVECS-II Sports Mode 6A/T (Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control System II)*
OGAE14E1Starting and driving6
When the selector lever cannotbe shifted from the “P” (PARK)position
When the selector lever cannot be shifted
from the “P” (PARK) position to another po-
sition while the brake pedal is pressed and
held down with the ignition switch or the op- eration mode in ON, the battery may be flator the shift-lock mechanism may be malfunc-
tioning. Immediately have your vehicle checked by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au-
thorized Service Point.
If you need to move the vehicle, shift the se- lector lever as follows
For LHD vehicles 1. Make sure the parking brake is applied.
2. Stop the engine if it is running.
3. Insert a straight blade (or minus) screw-
driver with a cloth over its tip into notch
(A) or the cover. Pry gently as shown to remove the cover.
4. Depress the brake pedal with the right
5. Insert a straight blade (or minus) screw-
driver in the shiftlock release hole (B).Shift the selector lever to the “N” (NEU-
TRAL) position while pressing the
straight blade (or minus) screwdriver
For RHD vehicles 1. Make sure the parking brake is applied.
2. Stop the engine if it is running.
3. Depress the brake pedal with the right
Automatic transmission INVECS-II Sports Mode 6A/T (Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control System II)*
6-26 OGAE14E1Starting and driving6
4.Shift the selector lever to the “N” (NEU-
TRAL) position while pressing the shift- lock release button (A).Selector lever position display
When the ignition switch is turned to the
“ON” position or the operation mode is put in ON, the position of the selector lever is indi-
cated in the multi-information display.
Type 1Type 2Selector lever positions (Main
This position locks the transmission to pre- vent the vehicle from moving. The engine
can be started in this position.
This position is to back up.
CAUTIONl Never shift into the “P” (PARK) or “R”
(REVERSE) position while the vehicle is in motion to avoid transmission damage.
At this position the transmission is disengag-
ed. It is the same as the neutral position on a
manual transmission, and should only be used when the vehicle is stationary for an ex-
tended length of time during driving, such as
in a traffic jam.
WARNINGl Never move the selector lever to the “N”
(NEUTRAL) position while driving. A se-rious accident could occur since you could
accidentally move the lever into the “P”
(PARK) or “R” (REVERSE) position or you will lose engine braking.
l On a gradient the engine should be star-
ted in the “P” (PARK) position, not in the “N” (NEUTRAL) position.
l To prevent rolling, always keep your foot
on the brake pedal when the vehicle is in “N” (NEUTRAL) position, or when shift-
ing into or out of “N” (NEUTRAL) posi- tion.
This position is used for most city and high-
way driving. The transmission will automati-
cally change its gear depending on road and driving conditions.
CAUTIONl To prevent transmission damage, never shift
into the “D” (DRIVE) position from the “R”
(REVERSE) position while the vehicle is in motion.
Automatic transmission INVECS-II Sports Mode 6A/T (Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control System II)*
OGAE14E1Starting and driving6