-If the power lock ing system should ma l
function, you can lock the driver's door
using the mechanical key
~ page 3 7.
- If the power locking system should fail,
you can still open the fue l tank flap in an
emergency <=>
page 215.
-You are well advised not to keep valua
bles inside an unattended vehicle, visible
or not . Even a properly locked vehicle
cannot provide the security of a safe .
- If the LED in the upper edge of the driv
er's door panel comes on for about
seconds after the vehicle is locked, there
i s a malfunction in the power locking or
the anti-theft warning system. Have the
malfunction corrected by an author ized
Audi dealersh ip or qua lified repair fac ili
Key set
Fig. 19 Key set
@ Remote cont rol k ey with me chanical
ke y
You can centrally lock and unlock your vehicle
and start the engine with the master key with
remote control. A mechanical key is integrat
ed i n the master key
<=> page 34 .
@ Emerg ency key
The emergency key is not intended for con
stant use.
It should on ly be used in an emer
gency, for example, in place of the ign ition key
<=> page 73. Keep it in a safe p lace and do
not carry it on your key ring .
Openin g an d clos ing 33
Ke y re plac ement
If you lose a key, contact your author ized Audi
dealer immediate ly to have the
lost key disa
bled. Be sure to bring all your keys with you .
Number of keys
You can check the number of assigned keys to
you r vehicle <=>
page 11. This allows you to
make sure you have re ceived all of the keys
when you purchase a used vehicle.
Data in th e mast er ke y
During driving, service and maintenance-rele
vant data is continuously stored on your mas
ter key. Your Audi service adviser can read out
this data and tell you abo ut the work yo ur ve
hicle needs . This applies also to vehicles with
convenience key*.
Person al comf ort settings
If two people use one vehicle, it is recom
mended that each person always uses "their
own'' master key. When the ignition is turned
off or when the vehicle is locked, pe rsonal
convenience settings for the following sys
tems are stored and assigned to the remote
master key.
- Climate control
- Powe r locking system
- Seat memory*
- Parking system*
- Adaptive cruise control*
- Audi side assist*
- Audi drive se lect*
T he sto red settings are automatically recalled
when you unlock the vehicle, when you open
the doors or when you turn on the ignition .
-Do not leave your vehicle unattended
with the key in the ignition lock . Entry by
unauthorized persons could endanger
you or result in theft or damage the vehi
cle .
- Do not leave ch ildren unattended in t he
veh icle, especially with access to vehicle
34 Openin g and clo sing
keys. Unguarded access to the keys pro
vides children the opportunity to start the engine and/or act ivate vehicle sys
tems such as the power w indows etc . Un
supervised operation of any veh icle sys
tem by ch ildren can res ult in serious in
- Do not remove the key from the ignition
lock until the vehicle has come to a com
plete stop. Otherwise the steering col
um n loc k co uld suddenly e ngage -caus
ing the risk of an accident.
@ Tips
- The operation of the remote contro l key
c a n be tempo rarily disrupted by in terfer
ence from tran smi tters in t he v ici nity of
the veh icle work ing in the same frequen
cy ra nge (e.g . a ce ll phone, radio equip
- Fo r security reasons, replacement keys
are on ly available from Aud i dea le rs .
- Fo r De clarat ion o f Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regu la
tions ¢
page 2 76.
Remov ing the mechanic al key
Fig . 20 Remot e mas ter key: re mov ing the mec hanic al
.. Press the release button@¢ fig. 20.
.. Pu ll the mecha nical key @ out of the mas
te r key .
Using the mechan ica l key, you can :
- l ock and unlock* the glove compartmen t on
the passenger's side ¢
page 60.
-lock and unlock t he lockable rear bench seat
and pass -th ro ugh ¢
page 63.
-lock and unlock the vehicle manua lly
page 3 7 if this should not be possible
w ith the master key.
- use the ignition key emergency release
¢ page 35.
Check light and battery in the master
Fig. 21 Re mote mas ter key: re m ov ing th e bat te ry h old
Check light in the master key
The check light@¢ fig. 21 in the mas ter key
provides information about different condi
t ions .
.. The check light turns on br iefly once when a
button is pressed , and during an " inquiry"
by the convenience key system .
.. If the check light does not come on , the
battery is dead and has to be replaced. In
add it ion, when the battery is dead the
ind icator light appe ars in the instrument
cl uster display as we ll as the message
Plea se change key battery.
Master key battery replacement
.. Remove the mechan ica l key ¢ page 34 .
.. Press t he re lease button @¢ fig. 21on the
bat tery ho lde r and at the same time pu ll the
battery ho lder out of the maste r key in the
d irection of the ar row .
.. Insta ll the new battery CR
2032 with the
"+ " sign facing down .
.. Push the battery holder carefully into the
master key.
.,. Install the mechanical key .
- You cannot open the doors or the rear lid
from the outside (increased security, for ex
amp le when you are stopped at a red light).
- The diodes in the power locking switc h illu
minate when all the doors are closed and
- You can unlock and open the doors from the
i nside by pul ling on the door hand le .
- If you have a crash and the airbag is activat
ed , the doors automatically un lock .
- The power locking switch works with the
ignition off and automatically locks the
entire vehicle when it is actuated .
- On a vehicle locked from the outside the
power locking system switch is inopera
t ive.
- locked doors make it more difficult for
emergency workers to get into the vehi
cle, which puts lives at risk . Do not leave
anyone behind in the veh icle, especially
children .
@ Tips
Your vehicle is locked automatically at a
speed of 9 mph (15 km/h) (Auto lock)
Qpage 32. You can un lock the vehicle
aga in using the opening function in the
powe r locking system switch~-
Setting power locking
In the radio/MM!*, you can set which doors
the centrol locking system will unlock .
~ Select : ICARI funct ion button > Central lock
ing .
~ Select: ~ IC_A_R~I funct ion button > Car system s
control button > Vehicle settings > (C entral
locking )* .
Sin gle door unlocki ng /Unl ock door s* -
can specify which doors u nlock when you open
the vehicle .
- Se lecting
off / All and pressing the Ii button
on the remote control key unlocks the entire
Opening and clo sin g 3 7
- Select ing o n/Dri ver and pressing the~ but
ton on the remote control key once u nlocks
only the driver's door . In vehicles w ith a con
ven ience key*, only the door whose handle
you pull w ill unlock . If you press the @! but
ton tw ice, the entire vehicle will u nlock . If
you press the [@] button, t he e ntire ve hicle
w ill always lock .
Luggage comp. lock /Lock e xterio r trunk han
dl e -
If you select On , you can no longer open
the luggage compartment us ing the rear lid
hand le
Q page 39, fig. 28 . In this case, the
r ear lid can be opened with the
l""I bu tton on
the maste r key
Q poge 35, fig. 22 or with the
I"" I* button in the driver's door .
Tone when locking -if you select On, a tone
will sound when yo u loc k the vehicle .
Auto Lock /Lock when driv ing -if you select
On, the entire vehicle w ill lock automatically
when the speed reaches 9 mph (15 km/h) .
Emergency locking
Fig. 25 D rive r's doo r: lock cylinder
Fig . 26 Fro nt p assen ger 's doo r/rear doors*: eme rgency
If the cent ral locking system malfunct ions,
yo u m ust unlock/lock the doors separate ly us
ing the emergency key or the mec hanical key . .,,.
@ Tips
-Pressing the button~ several times
consecutively can trigger the overload protection. The sun shade can only be ex
tended/retracted again after a brief wa it
i ng per iod.
- The rear window sun shade only func
tions when the veh icle inter ior is warmer
than 14°F (-10°C).
Wiper and washer system
Switching the windshield wipers on
Fi g. 45 Windshield wiper lever
Move the windshield wiper lever to the corre
spond ing position:
@ -Windshie ld w iper
CD -Interval mode. To extend/shorten the
wiper intervals, move the switch @to the
l eft/right. I n veh icles with a rain sensor* the
wipers turn on in the ra in once the vehicle
speed exceeds approximate ly 2 mph (4 km/h).
The highe r the sensitivity of the rain sensor* is
set (switch @to the right), the earlier the
windshie ld w ipers react to moistu re on the
windshie ld. In some models, you can switch
rain sensor mode
off and switch intermittent
mode on in the MMI*. Select:
ICAR I funct ion
> Car Systems contro l button > Driver
as sis t > Rain s en sor .
In inte rmittent mode '
you can adjust the interval time using the @
sw itch.
@ -Slow wip ing
® -Fast wiping
Clear vi sion 49
@ -Single wipe
® -C lean the w indshie ld. To elim ina te wate r
drople ts, the windsh ield w iper pe rform s one
afterw ipe operation after severa l se conds
whi le dr iving. You can sw itch this f unction
by moving the leve r to positio n® within 10
seconds of the afterwipe operat ion . The after
wipe function is reactivated the next t ime the
ignition is switched on .
Cleaning the headlights* . The headlight wash
er system * operates only when the headlights
are o n. If you move the lever to position @,
the headlights are washed in intervals.
- The rain senso r is only intended to assist
the dr iver. The d river is st ill responsib le
for manually switc hing the wipers on ac
cording to the vi sibility cond itions.
- The windsh ield may not b e treated with
wate r-repell ing windsh ield coating
agen ts. Un fa vo rable cond iti ons, s uch as
we tnes s, d arkn ess, low sun, can result in
increased g lare. Wiper blade c hatter is
a lso possib le .
- P rope rly f unct io ni ng win dsh ield wipe r
b lades are re quired for a clear view and
safe driving
~ page 50, Replacing
windshield wiper blades.
(D Note
- I n the case of frost, check whethe r the
w indshield wiper blades are frozen to
the winds hield. Switchi ng on the wind
shield wipers can damage the wiper
- Pr ior to using a car wash, the windshield
w iper system must be sw itched
off ( lever
in posit ion @). T his he lps to prevent un
intentional switching on and damage to
t he windsh ield wiper system.
@ Tips
- The windshiel d w ipers are switched off
when the ig nition is tu rned off. Act ivate
t he windsh ield wipers after the ignition
60 Seats and st o rage
• To adjust the arm @, swing it in the direc
tion of the arrow .
• Place the beverage in the holder and release
the arm. The arm swings back by itself and
automatically secures the beverage.
Clo sing cuphold ers
• To close the cupholder, press on the center
section between the two arms and push the
cupholder in the s lot as far as it will go.
Spilled hot liquid can cause an accident
and personal i njury .
-Never carry any beverage containers with
hot liquids, such as hot coffee or hot tea,
in the vehicle while it is moving. In case
of an accident, sudden braking or other
vehicle movement, hot liqu id could spill,
causing sca ld ing bur ns. Sp illed hot liq uid
can also ca use an accident and persona l
- Use only soft cups in the cuphol der. H ard
c u ps and g lasses can ca use in jury in an
- Never use the cupho lder or adapter as an
ashtray- risk of fire.
@ Note
On ly dr ink containe rs with lids should be
car ried in the cupho lde r. Liqu id could sp ill
out and damage your veh icle's e lectronic
equipment or stain the upholstery, etc.
Glove compartment
The glove compar tment is illuminated and
can be locked.
F ig . 62 G love compart men t
• To open the g love compartment, pull the
handle in the direction of the arrow ¢
fig. 62
and sw ing the cover down to open.
• To close the glove compartment, push the
glove compartment lid upward until the lock
The glove compartment can be locked using
the mechanical key¢
page 34.
On the right side in the glove compartment is
a holder with the key body into which the
emergency key must be clipped to be able to
start the vehicle.
--To reduce the risk of pe rsonal injury in an
accident or sudden stop, always keep the
glove compartment closed while d riving .
Additional storage
The re are a var iety of storage compartments
and fasteners in various places in the veh icle.
- In the roof headliner above the rearv iew
m irror.
- On the back of the front seat . The compart
ment can hold a maximum we ight of 1 kg .
- On the left and right of the luggage com
partment, behind the side trim.
- Garment hooks on the pillars in the rear of
the vehicle.
-- When driving, do not leave any hard ob -
jects on the rear w indow shelf o r allow
your pet to sit on the shelf. They co uld
become a hazard fo r vehicle occupants in
the event of sudden braking or a cr ash.
- Always remove objects from the instru
men t panel. A ny item s not stored could
slide around inside the vehicle wh ile dr iv
ing or when acce le rat ing or when app ly
ing the brakes or when driving around a
- When you are driving make sure that
anything you may have placed in the cen
ter conso le or other storage locations
62 Seat s a nd s tor ag e
- We recommend that you keep the installa
tion instructions for your roof rack system
together with your Owner's literature in the
Wh en shoul d th e roof rack b e re mo ved?
-Before going th rough an automatic car wash
(it is best to ask the car wash operator for
- When not in use, to reduce fuel consump
tion, wind no ise and to guard against theft.
- Use of an unapproved roof rack or incor
rect mount ing of an approved roof rack
can cause the roof rack or the items at
tached to it to fall off the roof onto the road .
- Objects fall ing from the roof of a vehicle
can cause a crash and personal injury .
- Only mount the roof rack on the desig
nated locations on the roof¢ fig. 63.
- The roof rack system must be insta lled
exactly according to the instructions pro
- When driving w ith a roof rack system,
changes to the center of gravity and wind
resistance can change the veh icle han
dling and lead to a collision . Always
adapt you r driv ing and you r speed to the
cu rrent conditions.
@ Note
- Your vehicle warranty does not cover any
damages to the veh icle caused by using
roof racks or mo unt ing structures not
approved by Audi for yo ur vehicle . T he
same applies to damage resulting from
i ncorrect roof rack installation.
- Always check the roof rack moun tings
and hardware before each trip and dur ing a trip to make sure everything is se
curely tightened . If necessary, retighten
the mount ings and check the ent ire sys
tem from t ime to t ime.
- After mounting a roof rac k system, or
when you transport objects on the roof
of your veh icle, the height of the vehicle is naturally increased
. Be careful when
driving under low bridges or in parking
garages for example . This cou ld cause
damage to the load and even the vehicle
- Make sure that the open rear lid and the sunroof do not come into contact with
objects on the roof.
Loading the roof rack
Always distribute loads evenly. Make sure anything on the roof rack is securely tied
.. Always distribute the loads on the roof rack
even ly.
.,. Always attach items to the roof rack secure-
ly before you drive off .
The maxim um permissible roof weight is
165 lb (75 kg ). The roof we ight is the total of
the weight of the roof rack, the attachments and the ca rgo you a re carrying. You must also
not exceed the max imum load we ight for the
r oof rack yo u are using.
When using a roof rack system which has a lower load carrying capacity, you must not use
up the tota l maximum permiss ible load carry
ing capac ity specif ied above. Ins tead, you
sho uld load the roof rack system only to the
maximum capacity specified by the manufac
turer of the roof rack system.
Weak, damaged or improper straps used
to secure items to the roof rack can fail
during hard braking or in a coll is ion and
cause ser ious persona l injury.
- Make sure the roof rack is installed exact ly as specified above¢ page 61.
- Always use s uitable mount ing straps for
secur ing items to the roof rack to help
prevent items from s hifting or flying for
ward .
- Items on the roof rack must always be
securely mounted.
-The use of a roof rack can negative ly af
fect the way a vehicle handles. Cargo
that is large, heavy, bulky, long or flat
will have a greater negative influence on
the vehicle's aerodynamics, center of
gravity and overall handling . Always
dr ive slowly, avo id sudden braking and
maneuvers when transporting cargo on
the roof of your vehicle.
- Never exceed the max imum permissible
load carry ing capacity of the roof of your
vehicle, the perm issib le axle weights and
the permissible total weight of your vehi
c::> page 269, Weights.
@) For the sake of the environment
As a result of the increased w ind resist
ance created by a roof rack, your vehicle is
using fue l unnecessarily . So remove the
roof rack after using it .
Luggage compartment
General information
Read and follow the important safety pre
cautions on c:>
page 130, Stowing lug
Enlarging the luggage compartment
App lies to vehicles: with fold ing rear seatback
The backrests can be folded forward sepa
rately or together using the two release lev
ers .
Fig. 64 Luggage compartment: re lease leve r
Seats and storage 63
Fig. 65 Backrest: release lever, securing knob and latc h
Release lever in luggage compartment
... Pull the release lever c:> fig. 64 in the direc
tion of the arrow to fo ld the backrest for
ward .
Release handle on the backrest
... Pull the release lever@c:> fig. 65 in the di
rection of the arrow to fold the backrest for
ward .
Folding the backrest b ack into the upright
... Fold the backrest back up again until it
latches and the red marking @ is no longer
c:> .&_ .
You can lock the backrest when it is latched in
place using the mechanical key
c:> page 34 ©
c:> fig . 65 . This prevents any access to the lug
gage compartment from the vehicle interior.
You can only enlarge the luggage compart ment if the backrest is not locked.
- The backrest must always be securely
latched so that the safety belt of the cen
ter seating position can work properly to
he lp protect the occupant.
- The backrest must be securely latched in
position so that no items contained in
the lu ggage compa rtment can slide for
ward upon sudden braking.
- Always check whether the latch is fully
e ngag ed by pull ing the seatback for
ward .
64 Seats and storage
-Never allow safety belts to become dam
aged by being caught in door or seat
- Torn or frayed safety belts can tear and
damaged belt hardware can break in a
crash. Inspect the belts periodically.
Belts showing damage to webbing, bind
ings, buckles, or retractors must be re
(D Note
- If you move the front seat back when the
rear seat backrest is folded forward, you
could damage the head restraints on the
rear seat.
- Slide the belt guide on the outside safety
belt all the way up before folding the
backrest back forward. Make sure the
seat belt is not pinched or damaged
when the rear seat backrest if folded
back. Other objects should be removed
from the rear seat bench to protect the
seatback from damage.
Tie-downs and cargo net
Applies to vehicles: with cargo net
The cargo net prevents small objects from
Fig. 66 Luggage compartment: cargo net stretched
ou t
Fig. 67 Luggage compart ment : cargo net at the top of
t he lu ggage compar tmen t
Net stretched out
.. To secure objects with the cargo net, hang
the front hooks on the net in the tie-downs
first and then hang the rear hooks~
fig. 66.
Net at the top of the luggage
.. Hang the hooks on the cargo net in the tie
downs on the floor at the rear of the lug
gage compartment ~
fig. 67.
.. Fold down the hooks at the upper area of
the luggage compartment down, pull the
net up and hang the eyelets on the net on
the hooks .
In a collision, the laws of physics mean that
even smaller items that are loose in the vehi
cle will turn into heavy missiles that can cause
serious injury. Items in the vehicle pick up ki
netic energy which varies with the vehicle and
the weight of the item. Vehicle speed is the
most significant factor.
For example, in a frontal collision at a speed
of 30 mph (48 km/h), the forces acting on a
10-lb (S kg) object are about
20 times the
normal weight of the item. This means that
the weight of the item would suddenly be the
equivalent of about 200 lbs (90 kg). One can
easily imagine the injuries that an item of that
weight flying freely through the passenger compartment can cause in a collision at a
speed considered relatively low.