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Page 35 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual -If  the  power  lock ing  system  should  ma  l­
function,  you  can  lock the  drivers  door 
using  the  mechanical  key 
~ page 3 7. 
- If  the  power  locking  system  should  fail, 
you  can

Page 36 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 34  Openin g and  clo sing 
keys.  Unguarded  access  to  the  keys  pro­
vides  children  the  opportunity  to  start  the  engine  and/or  act ivate  vehicle  sys­
tems  such  as  the  power  w in

Page 39 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual - You cannot  open  the  doors  or the  rear  lid 
from  the  outside (increased  security, for  ex­
amp le when you are  stopped  at  a red light). 
- The diodes  in the  power locking switc h illu

Page 51 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual @ Tips 
-Pressing the  button~ several times 
consecutively  can trigger  the  overload  protection.  The sun shade can only  be ex­
tended/retracted  again  after  a brief  wa it­
i ng per iod. 

Page 62 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 60  Seats and  st o rage 
•  To  adjust  the  arm @, swing  it  in the  direc­
tion  of the  arrow . 
•  Place  the  beverage  in  the  holder  and  release 
the  arm.  The  arm  swings  back by

Page 64 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 62  Seat s  a nd  s tor ag e 
- We recommend  that  you  keep the  installa­
tion  instructions  for  your  roof  rack system 
together  with  your  Owners  literature  in the 
Wh en shoul

Page 65 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual -The  use  of a  roof  rack  can  negative ly af­
fect  the  way  a vehicle  handles. Cargo 
that  is  large,  heavy,  bulky,  long  or flat 
will  have  a  greater  negative influence  on 
the  vehi

Page 66 of 294

AUDI A5 COUPE 2013  Owners Manual 64  Seats  and  storage 
-Never  allow  safety  belts  to  become  dam­
aged  by being  caught  in door  or  seat 
- Torn or frayed  safety  belts  can  tear  and 
damaged  belt  hardware
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