In addition to t his Owner's Ma nual, your A udi
comes w ith a Warranty
& Maintena nce book
l et.
Mor eover , d ep en ding on the mode l and t he
e quip ment, there may be additiona l ins truc
tion boo klets delivered w ith your vehicle (for
e x amp le, Ope rat ing Instr uctions fo r yo ur
Sound System, Navigation System etc .).
If yo u are m iss ing one of these publicat ions,
or if you believe that the inf ormation is not
comp lete, contact you r auth orized Audi dea le r
for assistance.
The Warranty & Maintenance booklet
explains how yo u can kee p your A udi in top
d riving conditi on by hav ing it serviced regular
l y and conta ins deta iled in fo rmat ion about
the wa rranties covering your Aud i. Always
h ave the book let with yo u when yo u take your
ve hicle to an auth orized Audi dealer for serv
i ce . Y our Aud i Service Adviso r will record each
sche duled service and can answer any ques
tions you may have r ega rding how to ma intain
your ve hicle.
In Canada,
the vehicle lite ratu re is also avai lab le in
Fr ench . T o obtai n a co py, c ontact your dea ler
or w rit e to :
Au Canada, on peut se procure r un e xempla ire
e n fran~ais de ce doc ument aupres du conces
sionna ire ou de :
Vo lkswagen Canada, Inc.
Client Assistance
Assistance a la Clientele
77 7 Bayly Street, West,
A jax, On tario LIS 7G 7
If you sell your Audi
all literatu re should be left in the veh icle to
make the Warranty terms as we ll as a ll oper
ating, safety and ma intenance information
ava ilab le to the ne xt owne r.
Vehicle literature 5
If you change your address or if you
bought this Audi used
b e s ure to send in a "Notice of A ddress
I " N otice of Used Car Purchase" post
ca rd. T his card can be fo und in the War ranty
M aint enance booklet or obtained from your
a utho rized Aud i dea le r.
It is in your own interest that we are able to
contact you should the need arise .
(!) Door handle
Power locking sw it ch
Memory buttons (dr iver's seat)
Button for side ass ist
A ir outlets
Control lever for :
- Turn signal and high beam
0 Multi-function steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag ........... .
- Audio/video , telephone and
navigation buttons
- Rocker switches for tiptronic
operation .... .... ... .... .
@ ISETI button .... ....... .... .
® Instrument cluster ......... .
@ Reset button for trip odometer
@ Switches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer
- Trip computer ............ .
@ Ignition lock ............ .. .
@ Adjustable steer ing column
~ Control leve r for :
- Cruise contro l .. ... ... .... .
- adaptive cruise contro l ... .. .
@ Instrument lighting .. ... ... .
@ Release lever for the engine
hood .. .. .. ............. .. .
@ Data Link Conne ctor for On
Board Diagnos tic s (OBD II) ... .
@ Light switch ........... .. .. .
@ Adjuster control for outside mir-
rors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
@ Power window switches . . . . . . 39
@ Radio-Displayll or MMI-Display
@ Depending on options:
- Radio system
- CD changer
l) The im age in t he d ispl ay will app ea r either in mu lt ipl e
col ors or in a singl e co lor , de pen din g o n th e vehicl e
e q ui pment. Th e m ulti co lo r im age w ill be use d i n this
O w ner's Manual becau se bo th mult i co lo r and sin gle
col or vers io ns are almost iden tic al.
Instruments and controls 9
@) Emergency flasher ......... .
@ Glove compartment (lockable)
@ Front passenger's airbag .....
@ Depending on options, switches
for :
- drive select .............. .
- Electron ic Stabilization Con -
trol ..... ... .. ..... ..... .
@ Deluxe aut omatic climate con-
tro l ...................... .
@ Selector lever for automatic
transmission ......... ..... .
@ Ashtray with cigarette lighter
@ Depend ing on options:
- MMI cont ro l console or
- drive select ......... ..... .
- Electron ic Stabili zation Con-
trol button .............. .
@ Central power window switch
@ Powe r top switch ........... .
@ Electromechanical parking
brake .. .. .... ... .. ....... .
(D Tips
66 ,66
17 9
-Some of the equipment or features
shown in the general illustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be optional eq uipment depending
on your model. Always ask your author
ized Audi dealer if you have a quest ion
about your vehicle.
- Operation of the Multi Media Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manual.
Consumer Information
Warranty coverages
Your Audi is covered by the following war
ranties :
- New Vehicle Limited Warranty
- Limited Warranty Against Corrosion Perfo-
- Emissions Control System Warranty
- Emissions Performance Warranty
- California Emissions Con trol Warranty (USA
vehicles only)
- California Emissions Performance Warranty
(USA vehicles only)
Detailed information regarding your warran
ties can be found in your
Warranty & Mainte
nance booklet .
Operating your vehicle
outside the U.S.A. or
Government regulations in the United States
and Canada require that automobiles meet
specific emission regulations and safety
standards. Therefore, veh icles built for the
U.S.A. and Canada differ from vehicles sold in
other countries .
If you p lan to take your vehicle outside the
continental limits of the United States or Can
ada, there is the possibility that:
- unleaded fuels for vehicles with cata lytic
converter may not be available;
- fuel may have a considerably lower octane
rating . Improper fuel may cause engine
damage ;
- service may be inadequate due to lack of
proper service facilities, tools or testing
equipment ;
- replacement parts may not be readily availa
- Navigation systems for vehicles built for the
U.S.A. and Canada will not necessari ly work
in Europe, and may not work in other coun
tries outside of North America.
Consumer Information 269
@ Note
Audi cannot be responsible for mechanical
damage that could result from inadequate
fuel, service or parts availability.
Audi Service Repair Manuals and Literature
Audi Offic ial Factory Service Manuals and Lit
erature are published as soon as possible after
model introduction. Service manuals and lit
erature are available to order from the Audi
T echnical Literature Ordering Center at:
' General
Your vehicle has been designed to help keep
maintenance requirements to a minimum.
However, a certain amount of regular mainte
nance is still necessary to assure your vehicle's
safety, economy and reliability . For detailed
vehicle maintenance consult your Warranty
Maintenance booklet.
Under difficult operating conditions , for ex
ample at extremely low outside temperatures ,
in very dusty regions, when towing a tra iler
very frequently, etc., some serv ice work
shou ld be performed between the intervals
specified. This applies particularly to:
- oil changes, and
- cleaning or replacing the air filter .
® For the sake of the environment
By regularly maintaining your vehicle, you
help make sure that emission standards
are maintained, thus min imizi ng adverse
effects on the environment .
Important considerations for you and
your vehicle
The increasing use of electronics , sophisticat
ed fuel injection and emission control sys-
tems, and the genera lly increasing technica l ..,_