Some gasolines that are not reformulated for low
emissions can contain an octane-enhancing additive
called methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl
(MMT); ask the attendant where you buy gasoline
whether the fuel contains MMT. We recommend against
the use of such gasolines. Fuels containing MMT can
reduce the life of spark plugs and the performance of
the emission control system could be affected. The
malfunction indicator lamp might turn on. If this occurs,
return to your dealer/retailer for service.
Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol)
The 8th digit of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
shows the code letter or number that identifies the
vehicle's engine. The VIN is at the top left of the
instrument panel. SeeVehicle Identification Number
(VIN) on page 6‑118.
If your vehicle has the 2.2L L4 engine (VIN Code B) or
the 2.4L L4 engine (VIN Code V), you can use either
unleaded gasoline or ethanol fuel containing up to
85% ethanol (E85). See Fuel
on page 6‑5. In all
other engines, use only the unleaded gasoline
described under Gasoline Octane on page 6‑6. Only vehicles that have the 2.2L L4 engine
(VIN Code B) or the 2.4L L4 engine (VIN Code V)
can use 85% ethanol fuel (E85). We encourage the
use of E85 in vehicles that are designed to use it. The
ethanol in E85 is a
“renewable”fuel, meaning it is made
from renewable sources such as corn and other crops.
Many service stations will not have an 85% ethanol
fuel (E85) pump available. The U. S. Department
of Energy has an alternative fuels website
that can help you find E85 fuel. Those stations that
do have E85 should have a label indicating ethanol
content. Do not use the fuel if the ethanol content is
greater than 85%.
At a minimum, E85 should meet ASTM Specification
D 5798. By definition, this means that fuel labeled E85
will have an ethanol content between 70% and 85%.
Filling the fuel tank with fuel mixtures that do not meet
ASTM specifications can affect driveability and could
cause the malfunction indicator lamp to come on.
The tethered fuel cap is located behind a hinged fuel
door on the passenger side of the vehicle. If the vehicle
has E85 fuel capability, the fuel cap will be yellow and
state that E85 or gasoline can be used. SeeFuel E85
(85% Ethanol) on page 6‑8.
To remove the fuel cap, turn it slowly counterclockwise.
The fuel cap has a spring in it; if the cap is released too
soon, it will spring back to the right.
While refueling, hang the tethered fuel cap from the
hook on the fuel door.
Fuel can spray out on you if you open the fuel cap
too quickly. If you spill fuel and then something
ignites it, you could be badly burned. This spray
can happen if the tank is nearly full, and is more
likely in hot weather. Open the fuel cap slowly and
wait for any hiss noise to stop. Then unscrew the
cap all the way.
Be careful not to spill fuel. Do not top off or overfill the
tank and wait a few seconds after you have finished
pumping before removing the nozzle. Clean fuel from
painted surfaces as soon as possible. See Washing
Your Vehicle on page 6‑114.