Instruments and controls
General illustration
Power window switches .. ...... .... ... .. ...... . .
Door handle
Memory buttons (driver's seat)
Power locking switch ................ .......... .
Adjuster control for outside mirrors .. .... .. .. ... . .
Air outlets ..... .. .. . ... .... .... .. . ..... ... .... .
Light switch ...... ....... .. .... .... .... .... ... .
Control lever for :
- Turn signal and high b eam .......... ...... ... .
- Lane assist .... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... ... .
G) Control lever for:
-Cruise control .... ... .. .. ... ... .. .... .... ... .
- Adaptive Cruise Contro l .. .. .... .... .......... .
@ Multifunction steering wheel with:
- Horn 63
- Driver's airbag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
- Shift buttons ..................... ... .... .... 158, 165
- Button for steering wheel hea ting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
@ Instrument cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
@ Switches for
-Windshield wiper /washer ....... .... .... ... ... .
- Trip computer ..... .. .... .... ...... ....... .. .
St eering lock/ignition /starter sw itch
Buttons for
Reset button for trip odometer ... .. .... .... ... .
- !CHECK] .. ... ... ..... ...... ........ ... .. ... .
- Instrument lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Controls and equip
Instruments and controls
@ MMI Display
@ Depending on equipment , switches for:
- Elect ronic Stabilization Program (ESP)
- Emergency flashers .. ..... .... ... ... ... .... .. .
- Power sunshade ... ..... .... .... ... .... .. . ... .
- Valet key function . .... .... ..... ..... ... .. ... .
@ Buttons for
- Switching MMI display on/off
- Unlocking glove compartmen t
@ Glove compartment .. .... ... ... .. ..... ..... ... . .
@ Front passenger's a irbag ...... .... .... ... ..... . .
@ Climate controls .... . ... .... ... .. .... .... ...... .
@ Ashtray ... .. .... ................... .... ...... .
@ Shift lever for automatic transmission
- 6-speed automatic transmission .... .... ..... .. .
I .
® -mu t1trornc ... .. ... .... ... .... .... ... .. .. .. .
@ MMI Terminal
@ Storage with cupholder ... ..... .. .... .... ... .. .. .
@ Elec tromechanical parking brake ......... .. ...... .
@ ISTART ]-~STOP ] button .. ... .... .... .... .... ... .
@ Adjustable steering wheel, depending on equipment:
- mechanical .. .... .. .... ... .... .... .... .. .. .. .
- electrica l ... ...... ... .... ...... ...... .... ... .
@ Data Link Connector for On Board Diagnostics (OBD II)
@ Hood release ... .. .... ... .. .. .... .... .... .. . ... .
@ Switch for
- unlocking the fuel filler door ... ..... ... .... ... .
- unlocking the trunk lid ....... ...... .......... .
I • •
58 ...
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
USA models :
Air bag system
Canada model s:
Airbag system
Tire p ressu re monitorin g system
L ef t t urn signal
Mal function I ndicator Lamp (MIU
Lane assist (system is ready)
L ane assist (system is not ready)
Sa fety belt
Ada ptive A ir Sus pen sion*
<.:) Ada ptive A ir Suspe nsi on*
D H igh bea m
¢ R ight turn signa l
CRUISE USA models:
Cru ise c ontro l act iv ate d
Canada models :
Cruise contro l activated
USA models :
Ant i-lock bra ke system (ABS) defec
t iv e
=> page20
=> page20
=> page20
=> page20
=> page 20
=> page 21
=> page 21
=> page 21
=> pa ge 21
=> page 21
=> page22
=> page 2 0
=> page22
=> page22
=> pag e22
Canada models :
Ant i-lock brake system (ABS) defec
USA models :
Ele ctrom ech ani ca l park ing br ake
Canada models :
E lect romechanica l pa rking b rake
----·--USA models :
B ra ke mal function
((D) Canada models:
Brake malfunction
=> page 22
=> page23
=> page 23
-=> page23
=> page 23
Vehicles wit h the Adaptive Cruise Control * have the following addi
t io nal ch eck lamps:
II II c;::::::::::, Ope n road
--c;::::::::::, 11 11 c;::::::::::, D r i v i n g i n t r aff i c
c;::::::::::, 11 11 c;::::::::::, R e q u e st f o r d r iv e r t o
assume control
=> page 143
=> p age 14 3
=> page 1 43
• Failure to heed warning lights and other important vehicle
information may result in ser ious personal injury or veh icle
damage .
• Whenever stalled or stopped for repa ir, move the vehi cle a safe
di stance off the road, stop the engine, and turn on the emergency
=> page 73 .
• The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is a potentially
hazardous area . Before you che ck anything in the engine compart-
ment , stop the engine and let it cool down . Always exer cise
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
For more information about the ESP=> page 258. •
Airbag system
~ (USA models) / !_q· (Canada models)
This warning/indicator light monitors the airbag and the
tensioner systems.
The I (USA mode ls) t!l (Canada models) warning light illuminates
for a few seconds each time you switch on the ignition .
If the m (USA models)
t!.! r (Canada models) warning light does not
go out, or if it illuminates while you are driving, or if it starts to blink,
then there is a malfunction somewhere in the system. If the light
does not illuminate when you switch on the ignition, this also
means there is a malfunction.
If you have a malfunction in the airbag system, contact your autho
rized Audi dealer immediately. Otherwise the airbag or the belt
tensioner may not work properly in an accident . •
Tire pressure monitoring system -telltale
indicator lamp
The warning/indicator light appears in the event of a
significant loss of air pressure.
The i warning/indicator light il luminates for a few seconds after
the ignition is turned on as function check and then goes out.
If the .., symbol appears, pressure is too low in at least one tire.
When the system detects a malfunction, the warning/indicator light
wil l flash for approximately one minute and then remain continu
ously illuminated . This sequence wi ll continue upon subsequent vehicle starts up as long as the malfunction exists. Contact your
authorized Audi dealer and have the malfunction corrected.
For more information =>
page 44. •
Turn signals ¢ ¢
The indicator light blinks when you use either turn signal.
Whenever you use the left¢ or the right¢ turn signal, the indicator
light blinks . When you use the emergency flashers, both indicator
lights flash.
If one of the turn signa l light bu lbs burn out, the turn signal wil l
blink twice as fast as normal. •
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) U
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is part of the On-Board Diag
nostic (08D Ill system . The symbo l lights up when the ignition is
turned on and will turn off after the engine has started and has
settled at a constant idle speed. This indicates that the MIL is
working properly.
The warning light il luminates when there is a malfunction in the
engine electronic system. Contact your authorized Audi dealer and
have the malfunction corrected.
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also cause the MIL light to
=> page 293 .
For more information => page 29. •
& WARNING (continu ed )
• USA model s: If the BRAKE warnin g light and the warning
light come on together , the rear wheel s could lo ck up first under
hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of veh icle control
and an accident . Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop . Drive slowly and
avoid sudden , hard brake applications .
• Canada models : If the brake warning light
«D> and the ABS
warning light
le come on together , the rear wheels could lock up
first under hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of
vehicle control and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired imme
diately by your authorized Aud i dealer or a qual ified wor kshop .
Drive slowly and avoid sudden , hard brake applications. •
Electromechanical parking brake
~[ (USA models)
/(®) (Canada models)
T he warnin g/in dic at or l ight mo nitors the ele ctromechan
i c a l pa rkin g brak e.
With the parking brake applied and the ignition turned on, the
warning/indicator light ill uminates . After the ignition ha s been
turned off, the warning/indicator light continues to i lluminate for
about 30 seconds . If the parking brake is applied with the ignition
turned o ff, t he wa rn ing/ ind icato r light illum inates fo r ab out 30
Th e war nin g/ind ica tor light w ill g o out when th e p arking b rak e is
released .
I f the warning/indicator light f lashes continuou sly after applying the
par king brake, brakin g force is not suffic ie n t to prevent t he vehic le
from rol ling unintentional ly. Please note the fo llowing:
• I f the s lo p e of th e ground is too s teep to park t he veh icle, the
addit ional drive message appears Caution: Vehicle parked too
Controls and equip
Instruments and warning /indi cator lights
• I n the event of a parking brake ma lfunction, the yellow symbo l
appea rs in the instru ment c luster display a nd the d rive r message
Parking brake malfunction! is displayed . Have the malfunction
r epai red a s soo n as possible by a qualified Audi dealership .•
Brake system BRAKE (USA models) / (CD) (Canada
models )
The warning/indi cator li ght flashes if b rake fluid level is
l o w, i f th ere is an ABS s ystem m alfunctio n or a pa rk ing
br ake malfun ction .
The light i lluminates when the ignition is turned on. It goes out after
t he eng ine has been sta rted. Th is indica tes that the brake warning
li g ht i s function ing properl y.
If the brake warning light does not light up when the engine is
cranking , there may be a malfunction in the electrical system . In this
case , contact your Audi dealer.
If the brake syste m wa rn ing/indicator ligh t flashes, there is a b rake
system mal funct ion . By pr essin g the
I CHECK ] button, you can bring
u p a d rive r mes sage which e xplains t he m alf un ction in mo re de tail
=> page
If the ABS fai ls, the ABS warning/indicator light , (USA
mo dels)/ .J (C an ada mode ls) flas hes toge ther wi th th e br ake sys tem
warning/ indicato r light=> &.
When the l igh t co mes on, an a udible warning signal is a lso given .
• USA models: If the BRAKE warning light and the~ warning
light come on together , the rear wheels could lo ck up first under
hard braking . Rear wheel lock -up can cause loss of vehicle control
and an accident . Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop. Drive slowly and
avoid sudden , hard brake applications.
I • •
Digital speedometer
Fig. 11 Display: Digital
Current speed appears in the display . Speed is shown in 1 mph
measures (USA models) or 1 km/h measures (Canada models).
You can switch the display from miles to kilometers and vice versa
via the MMI. •
Open door or trunk lid warning
The pictogram alerts you when doors or the rear lid have
been left open.
., ., N N t1. ;g
Fig . 12 Display: open
door or rear
With the ignition switched on, the open door or rear lid warning illu
minates when at least
one door or the hood or the trunk lid is not
Con tro ls and eq uip
Driver information display
closed. The symbol also shows you which door(s) or lid is not
In the illustration=> fig. 12 it is the driver's door, the left rear door
and the rear lid. As soon as all the doors, the hood, the rear lid and
the fuel filler cap are properly closed, the door and rear lid warning
turns off and the Driver Information System functions selected are
displayed again .•
Defective light bulb warning
The defective light bulb warning tells you when a vehicle
light bulb has become defective.
Fig. 13 Display: defec
tive light bulb warning
The defective light bulb warning monitors the function of the light
bulbs . If a defective light bulb is detected, or if a light bulb has
burned out, a yellow symbol appears as well as a pictogram in which
the defective light bulb is shown=> fig. 13.
Defective brake light
(USA models)/ (Canada models)
If the symbol illuminates, a brake light has failed. The burned out
light is shown in the pictogram.
Defective bulb L.
If this symbol 'illuminates, a turn signal (front or rear), a headlight,
the backup light, a fog light or a rear fog light has failed . _,,
Vehicle care I I Technical data
Driver information display
Electronic speed limiter
Your vehicle may be factory equipped with tires that are rated for a maximum speed of 130 mph (210 km/h) . This is less than the
maximum speed of your vehicle. To reduce the risk of sudden tire
failure and loss of control if the vehicle is operated at excessive
speeds, your vehicle also has an electronic speed limiter. The elec
tronic speed limiter prevents your vehic le from going faster than the
tire speed rating . For more information=>
page 325.
If the vehicle approaches the tire speed rating, the engine control
unit wi ll turn off the fuel injectors. You will notice an immediate loss
of engine power and a drop in road speed .
If the engine control unit receives faulty vehicle road speed signals,
the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIU will illuminate . If this
occurs, contact the nearest authorized Audi dealer for assistance .
Always observe the posted speed limits and adjust your speed to
suit prevailing road, traffi c and weather conditions. Never drive
your vehicle faster than the maximum speed rating of the tires
installed .•
Auto Check Control
The Auto-Check control monitors the function of certain vehicle
features and components . It simply makes sure these features and
components are working properly. The Auto-Check control works as
long as the ignition is on, as well as whenever the vehicle is driven.
If a component is malfunctioning or if the need for an urgent repair
has been detected, this will appear in the instrument c luster display. You will
also hear an audible warning tone. The disp lays are co lor
coded in either red or yel low depending on their level of priority.
A red symbol means Danger , a yellow symbol indicates Warning . In
certain situations, information message for the driver appear in
addition to the red and yellow symbols.
Function test: automatic transmission
The Auto-Check Control will automatically perform a test each time
you switch on the ignition. With the selector lever in
P or N, the
following message appears in the display:
When stationary apply footbrake while selecting gear.
When you a se lect a different gear (for example: R, D , etc.l, the
message will disappear and the Auto-Check function is displayed.
If there is a malfunction, then the malfunction message wi ll appear
about 15 seconds after the you start the vehic le. At the same time
you will hear a warning tone .•
Driver information messages
Driver information messages are shown in the instrument
cluster display in addition to the red and yellow symbols.
Fig. 17 Instrument
cluster: CHECK button ..
Openin g a nd clo sin g
for using the rear lid release handle in conjunction with the
advanced key*.
For this reason, be sure to only hand over the
valet key to the person
who wil l take charge of your vehicle.
[ i ] Tip s
Be sure to activate the function before handing over the valet key to
someone else. The valet key only fits the lock in the driver's door and
the ignition lock. •
The remote control device comp lies with
• USA model s: Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
• Cana da mo dels: RSS -210 of Industry Canada.
Operation is subject to the following conditions:
• this device may not cause harmful interference, and
• this device must accept any interference received, inc luding
interference that may cause undesired operation .
0 Note
The manufacturer is not responsible for ANY RADIO OR TV interfer
ence caused by unauthor ized modifications to th is equipment .
Changes or modifications to this unit not express ly approved by the
party responsib le for comp liance could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment. •
Power locking system
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all doors and
the rear lid simultaneously.
T he power locking system in your vehic le incorporates the fol lowing
functions :
• Central locking function
• Selective unlock feature~
page 55
• Remote contro l feature ~ page 49
• Advanced Key*~ page 59
• Anti -theft alarm system ~ page 61
All the doors and the rear lid are locked by the central locking
system when you lock the vehicle . You can set whether genera lly
only the driver's door or all doors and the rear lid should be
unlocked when you open the v ehicle in th e MMI menu
lo cking
to suit your individual desires~ page 55 .
Un loc king t he vehicle
You can un lock the vehic le from outside either by using the remo te
or by inserting and turning the key in th e driver's door lock.
When you
unlock your vehicle :
• The anti-theft alarm system is deactivated briefly.
• The vehicle interior lights illuminate for approximate ly 30
seconds .
• All turn signal lights will flash twice when the car is unlocked.
• After un locking the vehicle, you have 60 seconds to open a door
or the rear lid. After 60 seconds, the vehicle automatically loc ks and
the anti-theft a larm system activates again .
The rear lid can be locked or unlocked either by using the remote
o r by inserting and turning the key in the driver's door lock . _,,
Unlocking the vehicle with the remote control wi ll only unlock the
rear lid, t o
open it, the lid handle needs to be pressed .
Locking the vehi cle
You can lock the vehicle from outside e ither by using the re mote
or by inserting and turning the key in the drivers 's door lock.
When you
l oc k th e vehicle:
• All doors and the rear lid are locked .
• All turn signal lights w ill flash once when the car i s locked.
• T he anti -theft alarm system is activated . The horn of the anti
t hef t alarm syste m wi ll sound and the an ti-the ft alarm sys tem readi
ness light, located in the upper part of the driver's door panel, wil l
sta rt to bl ink.
• T he vehicle interior lights turn off .
Unlocking and lo cking with Ad van ced Key *
On vehicles which a re equipped with the Advan ced Key * authoriza
tion system, the doors are unlocked
wi thout a key by means o f a
proximity sensor in the door hand le. The doors are simi lar ly locked
without a key usi ng t he locking button . Each door has a prox imity
sensor and a locking button .
Power side door closer*
The vehic le is equipped with a power side door closer. When c losing
a door, you simply need to gently push on the doo r. The door wil l
then automatica lly c lose by itself~
page 56.
Automatic lo cking
The automatic locking feature locks all the vehicle doors and the
rear lid when you drive fas ter than 9 mph (15 km/h) . This funct ion
can be turned on and off in the
MMI Central lo cking Menu
~ p age 55.
You can unlock the vehicle from the inside by :
• removing the key from the ignition switch (the vehicle will auto
matica lly un lock itself) or
Controls and equip
Opening and clo sing
• pressing the unlock part of the power lock sw itch rw or
pull ing the door handle (twice to open the rear doo rs) .
• When you lock your veh icle from outside , nobody -especially
c hildren -should remain in side the vehi cle . Re membe r, when you
lock the vehicle from the out side the windows cannot be opened
from the in side .
• When you leave the vehicle, alway s remove the ignition key and
t ak e it with you . Th is will prevent passengers (children , for
example ) from accidentally being locked in the vehicle should they
accidentally p ress the po wer lock ing s witch in the front doors .
• Do not leave children ins ide the vehicle unsupervised. In an
emergen cy it would be impo ssible to open the doors from the
outside without the key.
[ i ] Tips
• I n the eve nt of a crash with airbag deploymen t all locked do ors
wi ll be automatically un locked to give access to the vehicle occu
pan ts from the ou tside.
• I f the power lock ing system should malfunction, you can lock
each door individua lly using the vehicle key~
page 57.
• If the power locking system should fail, you can still open the
fu el t ank flap in an emerg ency ~
pag e 295.
• You are well advised not to keep va luables inside an unattended
vehic le, visible o r not. Even a properly locke d veh ic le can not provide
the security of a safe .•
I • •