Driver information messages
Along with some particular warning/indicator lights and instrument cluster symbols, additional messages will
appear in the display .
A driver information message will appear in the display when, for
example :
a light bulb has burnt
out => page 35,
or if you drive off with the parking brake s till engaged (pulled up).
or before you move the selector lever in gear (automatic transmis
Driver information messages can be switched o n by the driver when
a priority 1 symbol appears and flashes =>
page 28.
Sw it c hing on th e dri ver inf orm ati on me ssage
For example, if there is a malfunction in the engine oil pressure, the
~ symbo l will appear in the display . If you press the CHECK button ,
the following message will appear:
Sw itch off en gin e, check oil l evel
The message goes out after approximately 5 seconds. Press the
CHECK button to display the message again.
[ i ] Tip s
The following two messages, Handb ra ke i s a pplie d and Wh en
s tati onary ap ply foot br ake while selecting g ear ,
cannot be
switched on again . T hese messages will remain in the display until
you release the parking brake or unti l you move the selector lever
into a gear .•
Controls and equip
Dri ver inf orma tio n di spl ay
Parking brake warning
To release the parking brake, first press the release button in the
lever and lift the lever s lightly. Then lower it all the way down.
If you should drive off with the parking brake still engaged, a
warning tone will sound to remind you to release the pa rking brake.
Also, the following message will appear in the display :
Handbrake is a pplied
The parking brake warning is activated when you drive longer than
3 seconds and faster than 3 mph (5 km/h) .•
Ap plies to vehi cles: w it h ma nua l trans mission
Function test : manual transmission
Fig. 17 Dis pl ay:
man ual trans missio n
fu ncti on test
perfo rmed
The Auto -Check Control will automatically perform a test each time
you switch on the ignition.
If the functions monitored by the Auto-Check Control are working
properly, the
O K => fig. 17 will light up for a few seconds. .,_
irechnical data
Malfunction in the brake system
Canada models:
Malfunction in the brake system
Engine coolant level too low/
engine coolant temperature too
Engine oil pressure
too low =>
page 31
=> page 31
=> page 31
=> page 32
Red symbols indicate a priority 1 malfunction -Danger!
When a red symbol appears , a warning tone will sound consecu
tively three times. The symbol continues to flash until the malfunc
tion has been repaired. If there are more than one priority 1 malfunc
tions, the symbols appear one after the other for about two
seconds .a
Brake system malfunction BRAKE (USA models)/
(CD) (Canada models)
A malfunction in the brake system must be repaired as soon as possible.
When BRAKE/ (CD) (Canada models) appears in the display
and flashes, this means there is a malfunction in the brake
system. In addition to the symbol, one of the following two
messages also appears in the display:
Stop vehicle, check brake fluid and hydraulic fluid levels
Warning! Fault in ABS brake system. Contact workshop!
- Pull of the road and stop the vehicle.
- Check the brake fluid
level :::;, page 284.
Controls and equip
Driver information display
USA models : if there is a malfunction in the ABS system, the ABS
warning/indicator light illuminates along with the BRAKE system
malfunction warning/indicator
light=> ,&..
Canada models: if there is a malfunction in the ABS system, the 0
warning/indicator light illuminates together with the ((l)) brake
system malfunction warning/indicator
light =>,&. .
• Always observe the warnings in => page 265, "Engine compart
ment", before opening the engine hood and checking the brake
• Driving with low brake fluid is a safety hazard! Stop the car and
get professional assistance.
• If the brake system warning/indicator light illuminates
together with the ABS warning/indicator light, then the ABS
system is malfunctioning. The rear wheels could quickly lock up
when you apply the brakes. This could lead to loss of control and
your vehicle could slide! Drive carefully to the nearest authorized
Audi dealer and have the malfunction corrected. •
Engine cooling system malfunction -L
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must be
repaired as soon as possible.
When the - L symbol in the display flashes, then either the
engine coolant
temperature is too high, or the coolant level
is too low. In addition to the symbol, the following message
also appears in the display:
Switch off engine, check coolant level
- Pull off the road and stop the vehicle.
- Turn off the engine.
Driver information display
-Check coolant level :::> page 281.
-Add coolant if necessary=> page 282.
-Continue driving only after the engine coolant
warning/indicator light goes out.
-Contact your authorized Audi dealer for assistance if
If the engine coolant level is correct, then the radiator fan may be
the cause of the malfunction.
I f the generator warning/indicator light should also illuminate
=> page 22, then the fan belt may be damaged.
• If your vehicle should break down for mechanical or other
reasons, park at a safe distance from moving traffic, turn off the
engine and turn on the hazard warning lights
=> page 79, "Emer
gency flasher
A" .
• Never open the hood if you see or hear steam or coolant
escaping from the engine compartment -you risk being scalded .
Wait until you can no longer see or hear steam or coolant escaping.
• The engine compartment of any vehicle is a dangerous area.
Before you perform any work in the engine compartment, turn of
the engine and allow it to cool. Follow the warning stickers
=> page 265, "Engine compartment" .
0 Note
Do not continue driving if the-~-symbol illuminates. It indicates a
cooling system malfunction likely to result in serious damage to the
engine. •
Engine oil pressure malfunction ~
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol requires
immediate service or repair. Driving with a low-oil-pres
sure indication is likely to result in serious damage to the
If the 9=::;,. symbol appears in the display and blinks, the oil
pressure is too low. In addition to the symbol, the following
message also appears in the display:
Switch off engine, check oil level
Immediate actions
-Pull off the road and stop the vehicle.
-Shut the engine down.
-Check the engine oil level with the dipstick=> page 277.
Dipstick reading checks too lovv
-Top off oil to the proper level => page 278.
-Make sure that the oil pressure warning symbol 9=::;f.
appears no longer in the display before you start driving
Dipstick reading checks OK
-If the 9=::;f. symbol starts flashing again even though the
engine oil level checks OK on the dipstick,
do not start
driving again and do not let the engine run at idle .
Instead, contact your authorized Audi dealer for assis-
[ i J Tips
• The engine oil pressure symbol ~ is not an indicator for a low
engine oil level. Do not rely on it . Instead , check the oil level in your
engine at regular interval s, preferably each time you refuel , and
always before going on a long trip.
• The yellow oil level warning indication requires oil refill or
workshop service without delay . Do not wait until the red oil pre s
s ure warning symbol
~ starts to fla sh before you respond to the
low oil level warning
-... . By then , your engine may already have
s uffered serious damage. •
Yellow symbols
A yellow symbol means WARNING .
Yellow symbols mean:
Controls and equip
Fig . 2 0 Display : lo w
fu el lev el warn ing
( priority 2 )
Driver information display
Low fuel leve l ~ page34
Check engine oil level ~ page34
Engine oil sensor malfunction ~ page34
Light/rain* senso r defective ~ page34
Worn b rake pad s ~ page34
USA models: ~ page34 Speed wa rn ing 1 ..
Canada models: ~ page34 Speed wa rning 1
Dyn amic headl ight ra nge con-
~ page34 trol* defect ive
W inds hield washer fluid level low
~ page34
USA models : ~ page34 Speed warn ing 2
Canada models : ~ page34 Speed war ning 2
Battery voltage too high or too
~ page35 low
Defective light bulb
~ page35
Adaptiv e light* defective ~ page35
Ye llow symbo ls ind icate a p riority 2 mal funct ion - Warning!
When a yellow symbo l appears, a warning tone wil l sound
Check the displaye d functio n as so on as possi ble. I f more than one ._
irechnical data
llffl.___l_n _t _e _ll _ig =- e_n _ t_ te_ c_h _n_ o_ lo-'g'"'-=- y ___________________________________________ _
&, WARNING (continued )
• Before des cending a steep grade , reduce speed and shift trans
mi ssion into a lo wer gear or lower driving po sition . Do not ride the
brake s or hold the pedal down too long or too often . This could
cau se the brake s to get hot and dimini sh braking efficiency .
• Do not ride the brakes by resting your foot on the ped al when
you do not intend to brake. This may cause the brakes to overheat, premature wear and in creased stopping distan ce.
• Under certain climati c and operating conditions such a s
passing through water, driving in heavy rain or after washing the
v ehicle , the effectiveness of the brakes can be reduced . In winter ,
ice can a ccumulate on the brake pads , linings , discs and drums .
Cautiously apply brakes for a te st. Brakes will dry and ice coating s
will be cleaned off after a few cautious brake applicat ions .
• Driving for an extended period of time on salt-co vered roads
without using your brakes can also affect braking effi ciency . Clean
off accumulated salt coating from brake discs and pads with a few
c autious brake appli cations .
• If you damage the front spoiler , or if you install a different
spoiler , be sure the air flow to the front brakes is not obstructed .
Otherwise the brake system could overheat reducing the effective
ness of the entire brake system .
• Failure of one brake circuit will impair the braking capability
resulting in an increased stopping distance . Avo id driving the
vehicle and have it towed to the nearest Audi dealer or qualified
workshop .•
Brake booster
T he brake booster add s ex tra braking power.
The bra ke booster works wit h vacuum pressure which is created
only whe n th e e ng in e is
runn ing=> &,.
• Never let the vehi cle roll to a stop with the engine shut off .
• If the brake booster is not working , for example when towing
your vehicle , or because the brake booster has somehow been
damaged, the brake pedal must be pre ssed considerably harder to
make up for the lack of booster assistance . •
Functioning of Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS)
A BS preven ts th e wh eels fr om lock ing up und er b rak ing.
T he ABS contributes effectively to vehicle contro l since it prevents
th e w heels from
lo cki ng w he n t he brakes a re a ppli ed. T h is mea ns
that the vehicle remains steerable and is less likely to skid.
With ABS you do not need to pump the brake . Just hold the brake
pedal down .
However, do not expect that the ABS shortens braking distance
u nder all circum sta nces. Whe n driving o n gravel or on newly fa lle n
snow on top of icy surfaces, braking distance may be even longer,
t herefore, under these ci rcums tances, it is espec ial ly i mpo rtant th at
you driv e slowly and with great care.
How the ABS system works
An automatic check is made when a speed of about 4 mph (6 km/h)
i s r eac hed . Wh en th is happe ns, a pumpi ng noi se can be hea rd.
I f a n indiv idual wheel be gins to rotat e too slowly i n relation to
vehic le speed and tends to lock, the ABS automatical ly reduces
brake pressur e to prevent tha t whee l from loc king .
Th is a utomatic adjustment process wi ll cause a
slight vibration of
t he brake peda l a nd s om e noi ses t o a lert y ou th at ve hicle spee d
must be adapted to existing road and traffic conditions. _..
___ C_ h_ e_c _k _ i_n ~g _ a_n_ d_ f_il _li _n_ g~--------------------------------------------
-Read the engine coolant level in the open coolant expan
tank => fig. 211. With a cold engine, the coolant level
should be between the "min" and "max" markings. When
the engine is warm, the level may be slightly above the "max" marking.
The location of the coolant expansion tank can be seen in the
engine compartment
illustration=> page 275 .
To obtain an accurate reading, the engine must be sw itched off.
The expansion tank in your vehicle is equipped with an electric
coolant level sensor.
When the coolant level is too low, the warning light in the Auto
Check System
=> page 31 will blink until you add coolant and the
level has been restored to normal. Even though there is an electric
coolant level sensor, we still recommend you check the coolant level
from time to time.
Coolant loss
Coolant loss may indicate a leak in the cooling system . In the event
of coolant loss, the cooling system should be inspected immedi
ately by your authorized Audi dealer . It is not enough merely to add
In a
sealed system, losses can occur only if the boiling point of the
coolant is exceeded as a result of overheating.
The cooling system is under pressure and can get very hot. Reduce
the risk of scalding from hot coolant by following these steps.
• Turn off the engine and allow it to cool down.
• Protect your face, hands and arms from escaping fluid and
steam by covering the cap with a large, thick rag.
& WARNING (continued)
• Turn the cap slowly and very carefully in a counter-clockwise
direction while applying light, downward pressure on the top of
the cap.
• To avoid being burned, do not spill antifreeze or coolant on the
exhaust system or hot engine parts. Under certain conditions, the
ethylene glycol in engine coolant can catch fire.
0 Note
Do not add any type of radiator leak sealant to your vehicle's engine
coolant. Adding radiator repair fluid may adversely affect the func
tion and performance of your cooling system and could result in damage not covered by your New Vehicle Limited Warranty. •
Adding coolant
Be very careful when adding engine coolant.
Before you check anything in the engine compartment,
always read and heed all WARNINGS => & in "Working in
the engine compartment" on
page 273.
-Turn off the engine.
-Let the engine cool down.
-Place a thick rag over the coolant expansion tank
=> page 281 , fig. 211 and carefully twist the cap counter
=> & .
-Add coolant.
-Twist the cap on again tightly.
Replacement engine coolant must conform to exact spec ifications
=> page 280, "Coolant". If in an emergency coolant additive G12 + is .,,
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
&, WARNING (continued)
crashes and serious personal injuries . Have worn or damaged tires
replaced immediately.
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
low speed.
Glossary of tire and loading terminology
Accessory weight
means the combined weight (in excess of those standard items
which may be replaced) of automatic transmission, power steering,
power brakes, power windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to
the extent that these items are available as factory-installed equip
ment (whether installed or not).
Aspect ratio means the ratio of the height to the width of the tire in percent.
Numb ers of 55 or lower indicate a low sidewall for improved
steering response and better overall handling on dry pavement.
Bead means the part of the tire that is made of steel wires, wrapped or
reinforced by ply cords and that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead separation
means a breakdown of the bond between components in the bead.
means the strands forming the plies in the tire.
&, WARNING (continued)
• Never mount used tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
their "previous history." Old used tires may have been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and loss of vehicle control.
• If you notice unusual vibration or if the vehicle pulls to one side
when driving, always stop as soon as it is safe to do so and check
the wheels and tires for damage.
Cold tire inflation pressure
means the tire pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer
for a tire of a designated size that has not been driven for more than
a couple of miles (kilometers) at low speeds in the three hour period
before the tire pressure is measured or adjusted .
Curb weight
means the weight of a motor vehicle with standard equipment
including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, air condi
tioning and additional weight of optional equipment.
Extra load tire
means a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher infla
tion pressures then the corresponding standard tire. Extra load tires
my be identified as "XL", "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or
"RF" on the side
Gross Axle Weight Rating ("GAWR")
means the load-carrying capacity of a single axle system, measured
at the tire-ground interfaces .
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ("GVWR")
means the maximum total loaded weight of the vehicle.
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
make, there w ill be six to eight of t hem evenly p laced around the
tir e. M arks o n the tire s idewall ( for example "TWI " or oth er sy mb ols)
indicate th e positions of the tread wear indicators. Worn tires must
b e re placed . Di fferen t fig ure s m ay apply i n other
c ountr ies=> & .
Tire pressure
Incorr ect tir e p ress ure c auses prematu re wear a nd can ca use
sudden tir e blow -out . For th is r eason, tir e pressur e must b e check ed
at leas t once a month
=> pa ge 299 .
Dri ving style
Drivi ng fa st aro und curv es, heavy acce le ra ti on and ha rd bra kin g
increase tire wear .
Rotating tires for more even wear
For all four tires on your vehic le to have the same service life, we
r ecom mend t hat the front a nd rea r tires ar e rotate d accord ing to the
tire manufacturer 's suggested tire rotation interva ls. Please
r e m emb er t he fo llo wi ng :
• Ti re rotation interva ls m ay d iffer from th e vehic le servic e inter
vals outl ined in y our M aintenance and Warran ty Boo kle t.
• T he longer one tire is used in one location on the vehicle, the
mor e it wea rs a t ce rtain points ; the re fo re, we rec omm end that yo u
fo llow t he ti re manufactu rer's su ggested tir e rotat ion int ervals .
• Vehi cle s with front -wh eel d rive e xper ience mo re trea d wea r on
the front wheels compared to al l-wheel drive (quattro®l .
• Ple as e ro tat e ti res as
sh ow n=> page 303, fig. 220.
• Extra care must be taken when rotating direction -specific tires
=> pag e 32 4.
Wheel balancing
T he wheels on n ew vehic les are bala nced. However, various situa
tions during eve ryday driving can cause them to become unba l
ance d, res ulting i n vi brat ions you ca n us ual ly f eel thro ugh t he
steering whee l. U
nba lanc ed wh eels must be rebalanced to avoid excessive wear on
s tee ring, s uspen sio n an d tir es. A w heel m ust also be reba la nced
when a new tire is install ed.
Incorrect wheel alignment
Incorrect whee l alignment can cause excessive tire wear, impairing
t he sa fety o f the vehicl e. If ti res sh ow ex cessiv e w ear, h av e the
whee l al ignm ent check ed by an autho riz ed Aud i d eal er or qualifi ed
w ork shop.
All Wheel Drive
Ve hicl es wi th qu attr o® must alw ays h ave t ires of t he sa me siz e,
construction and tread type . For deta ils
see=> page 242 .
Sudden tire failure can lead to loss of control , a crash and serious
personal injury!
• Never drive a vehicle when the tread on any tire is worn down
to the wear indicators .
• Especially in wet and slick driving situations , a preferably large
profile depth of the tires is necessary , and an approximately
similar profile depth of the front and rear axle tires.
• The diminished driving safety , caused by too small of a tire
profile, is negatively perceivable especially in handling , in danger
of hydroplaning when driving through deep puddles and ponds,
when driving around curves , and in braking behavior.
• Worn tires are a safety hazard , they do not grip well on wet
roads and increase your risk of "hydroplaning" and loss of control.
• Always keep chem icals that can cause tire damage , such as
grease, oil, gasoline and brake fluid away from tires .
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly ,
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
lower speeds .