To set the date, for example, proceed as follows :
- Press the [R eset] button . The Start menu appears
=> page 41, fig . 30.
- Tap the rocker
switch => page 42, fig. 3 1 until Set
=> page 44, fig. 34 is activated.
- Press the [Reset] button. The men us avai lab le under
- Tap the rocker switc h unti l
Clock => page 44, fig . 35 is
disp layed .
- Press the [Reset] button . The c lock settings menu
appears .
Continued => page 45, "Practica l examp le (part 2)" . •
Practical example (part 2)
Continue w ith se tting the date as follows :
- Tap the rocker
switch => page 42, fig. 3 1 until Date is acti
- If there a n empty box in front o f Date, press the [Reset]
button. Now a check mark appears in t he box .
- Tap the rocker switc h until the date display is activated
and press the [Reset] button. The day flashes.
- Tap the rocker switc h up or down until the correct
number for the day appears . Press the [Reset] button .
Now the month flashes.
- Chan ge the mon th and th e year as needed in the same
Controls and equip
Dri ver information di spl ay
Continued=> page 45 , "Practical example (part 3)" . •
Practical example (part 3)
Close setting the da te as follows:
- Tap the rocker
switch => page 42, fig. 31 until Back is act i
- Press the [Reset] button. The
Set menu appears again .
- Press th e [Reset] butto n again. The Star t menu appears
agai n.•
Tire pressure monitoring system
Applies to veh ic les: with tir e pr essure monitor in g system
General notes
As an adde d safe ty feature, your vehicle has been equ ipped wit h a
tire pressure monitoring sys tem (TPMS) that i lluminates a low tire
pressure te llta le when one or more of your tires is significant ly
under-inflated . The TPMS only provides a low tire pressure warning
and does not reinflate your tires.
According ly, when the low tire pressure te llta le i llum inates, you
shou ld stop and check your tires as soon as possib le, and infla te
them to the proper pressure . Driv ing on a significantly under
inf lated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure.
Under -inflation a lso reduces fue l efficiency and tire tread life, and
may affect the vehicle 's hand ling and stopping ab ility .
0 Note
• Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire
maintenance , and it is the driver's responsibility to maintain correct
Driver inf ormation di spl ay
tire pressure, even if under-inflation has not reached the level to
t rigger il lum ination of the TPMS low tire pressure te llta le .
• Each tire should be checked month ly when cold and inflated to
the infla tion pressure recommended by the vehic le manufacturer
on the vehicle placard , tire inflation pressure label, or in chapter
=> page 297 . (If your ve hicle has tires o f a different size than t he size
indicated on the vehicle placard or tire inf lation pressure label, you
should de termine the proper tire inflation pressure for those
tires.) •
Applies to vehi cles : with tire p ress ure mo nit o ring system
TPMS malfunction indicator
Your vehic le has also been equipped with a TPMS ma lfunction indi
cator to indicate when the system is not operating properly. The
TPMS ma lfunct ion indicator is combined with the low tire pressure
telltale . When the system detects a ma lfunction, t he tellta le wi ll
f lash for approximately one minute and then remain continuous ly
il lum inated. T his sequence wil l continue upo n subsequent veh icle
star ts up as long as the malfunction exists.
When the ma lfunc tion ind icator is ill uminated, the system may not
be able to detect or signal low tire pressure as intended .
TPMS malfunctions may occur for a variety of reasons, including the
installation o f rep lacement or a lternate tires or wheels on the
vehic le that prevent the TPMS from functioning properly . A lways
check t he TPMS malfunction tellta le after replac ing one or more
tires or whee ls on your v ehicle to ensur e that the replacement or
a lternate t ires and wheels al low the TP MS to continue to function
proper ly. •
Ap plies to ve hicles : w it h tir e pressu re m oni to ring sy ste m
T he tire pressure monitoring system monitors air pressure
in all four road wheels while the vehicle is moving.
As soon as the tire pressure monito ring system se nses a significant
loss of air pressure in one or several tires, text messages and yel low
symbo ls appear in the instrument clus ter disp lay to a lert the driver.
(l) warning light in the instrument cluster comes on when the
t ire is significa ntly under inflated.
The warning light
(l) also lights up during a system failure .
When the whee l is turning, the system receives radio signals from
sensors located inside each tire.
A factory spare wheel is delivered with sensor . However, the spare
whee l is not checked by the ti re pressure monitoring sys tem. Such
monitoring can on ly occur after the spare wheel has been insta lled
initia lized => page 50.
Be aware that t ire pressure is a lso dependent o n the temperature of
the tire . For every 18 °F (1
O °C) increase in tire temperature, tire pres
su re increases by about 1.5 psi (0 .1 barl. The tire warms up wh ile the
vehic le is moving and t ire pressure rises. So you should adjust tire
pressure only when they are
cold, when tire temperature is roughly
the same as ambient air temperature .
I n order to keep the tire pressure moni toring system prope rly ca li
brated, tire pressure on all four tires shou ld be checked at regular
intervals, adjusted if necessary and saved in the proper sett ing
(reco mmended
pressure) => page 48.
The tire pressure is shown on the tire pressure label. On USA vehi
cles, the tire pressure label is located on the dr iver's side B -pillar. On
Canada vehicles, the tire pressure labe l is located either on the
driver's side B -p illar o r inside the fue l fi ller flap. The tire pressure
label l ists the recommended cold tire inflation pressures for the
vehic le at its maximum capacity weight and the tires that were on
your vehicle at the t ime it was manu factured . For recommended tire
Driver inf orma tion di spl ay
-Push the I RESET I button.
-Push in the upper (lower) protrusion on the function
se lector switch
@ to select the Sto re pre ssure s option
~ page 49, fig. 41.
Following each intentional change in specified pressures , tire pres
sures must be resaved .
Af ter the pressures are saved, the tire pressure monitoring system
measures the current tire pressures and saves them as the new
specified pressures .
[ i] Tips
• The tire pressure is shown on the tire pressure label. On USA
vehic les, the tire pressure label is located on the driver's side 8-
pillar. On Canada vehicles, the tire pressure labe l is located either on
the driver's side 8 -pillar or inside the fuel filler flap . The tire pressure
label lists the recommended cold tire inflation pressures for the
vehicle at its maximum capacity weight and the tires that were on
your vehicle at the time it was manufactured. For recommended tire
pressures for normal load cond itions, please see chapter
~ page 297.
• The tire pressure monitoring system he lps the driver to keep an
eye on tire pressures. But the driver stil l has the responsibility for
mainta ining the correct tire pressure. •
Applies to vehic les : w it h tir e press ure m onit oring sys te m
Changing a wheel
When you change a wheel, the new tire mus t be initial
Fi g. 4 2 C enter display :
t ir e pr ess ure se lected
Fig . 4 3 Ce nter displa y:
W heel ch ang e se lecte d
-Act ivate and proceed through the menu as specified in
step 1
above~ page 48, .,
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
&, WARNING (continued)
crashes and serious personal injuries . Have worn or damaged tires
replaced immediately.
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
low speed.
Glossary of tire and loading terminology
Accessory weight
means the combined weight (in excess of those standard items
which may be replaced) of automatic transmission, power steering,
power brakes, power windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to
the extent that these items are available as factory-installed equip
ment (whether installed or not).
Aspect ratio means the ratio of the height to the width of the tire in percent.
Numb ers of 55 or lower indicate a low sidewall for improved
steering response and better overall handling on dry pavement.
Bead means the part of the tire that is made of steel wires, wrapped or
reinforced by ply cords and that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead separation
means a breakdown of the bond between components in the bead.
means the strands forming the plies in the tire.
&, WARNING (continued)
• Never mount used tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
their "previous history." Old used tires may have been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and loss of vehicle control.
• If you notice unusual vibration or if the vehicle pulls to one side
when driving, always stop as soon as it is safe to do so and check
the wheels and tires for damage.
Cold tire inflation pressure
means the tire pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer
for a tire of a designated size that has not been driven for more than
a couple of miles (kilometers) at low speeds in the three hour period
before the tire pressure is measured or adjusted .
Curb weight
means the weight of a motor vehicle with standard equipment
including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, air condi
tioning and additional weight of optional equipment.
Extra load tire
means a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher infla
tion pressures then the corresponding standard tire. Extra load tires
my be identified as "XL", "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or
"RF" on the side
Gross Axle Weight Rating ("GAWR")
means the load-carrying capacity of a single axle system, measured
at the tire-ground interfaces .
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ("GVWR")
means the maximum total loaded weight of the vehicle.
__________________________________________________ T_ ir_e_ s_ a_ n_d _ w_ h_ e_ e_l_s _____ llll
means the space between two adjacent tread ribs.
L oa d ratin g (code)
means the maximum load that a t ire is rated to carry for a given
inflation pressure. You may not find this information on all tires
because it is not required by law.
M ax imum l oad r atin g
means the load rat ing for a t ire at the maximum permiss ib le infla
tion pressure for that tire.
Ma ximum l oaded vehicle we ight
means the sum of :
(al Curb weight
(b) Accessory weight
(c) Vehicle capacity weight, and
(d) Production opt ions weight
M ax imum (permissibl e) infl ati on press ure
means the maximum cold inflatio n pressure to wh ich a t ire may be
inflated. Also ca lled "maximum inflation pressure ."
No rm al occ upant we ight
means 150 lbs. (68 ki lograms) times the number of occupants
seated in the vehicle up to the total seati ng capacity of your vehicle .
Occupant distributi on
means distribution of occupants in a vehicle .
Outer diameter
means the overal l diameter of an inflated new tire.
Ove rall width
means the linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewa lls of
an inf lated t ire, including elevations due to labe ling, decorat ions, or
protective bands or ribs .
means a layer of rubber -coated para lle l cords.
Pr odu ction opt io ns weig ht
means the comb ined weight of those installed regular product ion
options weighing over 5 lbs . (2.3 kg) in excess of those standard
items which they replace, not previously cons idered in curb weight
or accessory weight, inc luding heavy duty brakes, ride levelers, roof
rack, heavy duty ba ttery, and specia l trim .
Radi al pl y tir e
means a pneumat ic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the
beads are laid at substantially 90 degrees to the centerline of the
tread .
Recomm ended infl ati on p ress ure
see => page 294, "Cold tire inflat io n pressure".
Reinfor ced tir e
means a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher infla
tion pressures then the corresponding standard tire. Reinforced
t ires my be ide ntified as "XL", "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" on the
means a metal support for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon
wh ich the t ire beads are seated.
Rim di ameter
means nom inal d iameter o f the bead seat. I f you change your whee l
size, you wi ll have to purchase new tires to match the new rim diam
Rim siz e design ation
means rim diameter and width.
R im width
means nominal distance between rim flanges .
Vehicle care
________________________________________________ T_ i_ r _e _s _ a_n_ d_ w_ h_ e_e _l_s _ __._
O cc upant loading and distribution for vehicle no rmal load for various d esignated s eating capa cities
Designated seating capacity , num
ber of occupants
Cold tire inflation pressure
Vehicle normal load , number of
Occupant distribution in a normally
loaded vehicle
2 in front, 1 in back seat
T ire pressure affec ts the overall ha ndling, performan ce and safety of a vehicle.
Fig . 21 7 Tire pre ssu re
label : located eit her on
driver's side B-pillar or
in side the fuel filler fl ap
9 ,-, ~ ------------------.. j;l
Thea,mtwd""'9/Wdoocu,,.....andQ1Vo.....,.....,-,ed .logo, _ .,.
Fig . 218 T ir e pr essu re
w arm tir e to matc h "cold t ire in flation press ure" recommenda tions .
The tires wou ld then be underinflated and cou ld fai l suddenly .
M aintaini ng proper t ire pressure is one of the most im po rta nt
thi ngs you ca n do t o help avo id sud den t ire fa ilu re. Underi nflated
tires are a major cause of sudden tire failure. Keeping tires at the
ri ght pressure is also importa nt for safe and r espo nsive ve hicle
handling, traction, braking and load carrying.
Tire pressures are
particularly important when the vehicle is being driven at higher
speed s, and then especially when heavily loaded even within the
T ire pressure generally refe rs to the amou nt of air in a t ire that it
needs it to do its job and safely carry the combined load of the entire
veh ic le and i ts c ontents. Tire p ressu re is measu red in kilopascals
(kPa), the international measuring unit and in pounds per square
inch (PSI) . Tir e p res su re is based in part on th e vehic le's design and
load lim it - the greatest amount of weight that the veh ic le can carry
safely and the tire size . The proper tire pressure is frequently
re ferred to as the "recommended cold t ire infla tion pressure." A ir in
the tires expands when the tire heats up because of internal friction
when it fl exe s i n us e. The tir e press ure is high er w he n th e t ire has
warmed up than when it is "cold." It is the inflation pressure in a "c old" tire that c ounts. Theref ore , yo u sho uld never le t air ou t of a
permissible load -carrying capacities approved for your vehicle. ...
Ve hic le care Technical data
___ T_ ir_e _ s_ a_ n
_ d_ w_ h_ e_ e_ls _________________________________________________ _
The recommended tire pressures for your Audi depend on the kind
of tires on your vehicle and the number of passengers and/or
amount of luggage you will be transporting.
The tire pressure label located either on driver's side 8-pillar or
inside the fuel filler flap on your Audi lists the recommended cold
tire inflation pressures for the vehicle at its maximum capacity
weight and tires that were on your vehicle at the time it was manu
fac tured .
If you wish to improve comfort when operating the vehicle at
normal load (up to 3 occupants), you can adjust tire pressures to
those specified for normal vehicle load. Before operating the vehicle at maximum load, you must increase the tire pressures to those
specified for maximum vehicle load
~ & .
If your vehicle is equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system*,
bear in mind that the system can only monitor the tire pressures you have stored
. The system does not recognize the load condition of
your vehicle.
The effectiveness of the tire pressure monitoring system will be
impaired if you store normal load pressures but then operate the
vehicle at its maximum
load~& .
See the illustration~ page 297, fig . 217 for the location of the label
either on driver's side 8-pillar or inside the fuel filler flap (color of
the actual label and exact location on the vehicle will vary slightly).
Note that the following table is accurate at the time of going to
press and is subject to change . In the event of discrepancies, the tire
pressure label (e ither on driver's side 8 -pillar or inside the fuel filler
flap) always takes precedence.
The table below lists the recommended cold tire inflation pressures
for the Audi model covered by your Owner's Literature at the
vehicle's capacity weight and the tire si zes installed on the respec
tive models as original equipment, or as a factory option.
Engine Tire size designation Tire pressure front Tire pressure rear
(displace- normal load normal load
ment in condition (up to full load
condition (up full load
liter) condition
3 occupants) to 3 occupants)
4-cylinder 215/55 R16 93H All Season 35 240
36 250 35 240
36 250
235/45 R17 94H All Season 33 230 35 240 33 230 35 240
235/45 R17 94V High Performance 30 210
32 220 30 210
32 220
235/40 R18 95V XL High Performance 35 240 39 270 35 240 39 270
6-cylinder 215/55 R16 93H All Season 36 250 36 250 35 240 36 250
235/45 R17 94H All Season 35 240
35 240
33 230 35 240
235/45 R17 94V High Performance 30
210 32 220 30 210 32 220
235/40 R18 95V XL High Performance 38 260 42 290 38 260 42 290
XL = reinforced or extra load tire. It may also appear as xi, EXTRA LOAID, or RF on the tire sidewall.
________________________________________________ T_ i
_ r_e _s_ a_n_ d_ w_ h_ e_e _ l_s __ fflll
The correct tire pressure for the spore wheel is located on a label
either on the driver's side B-pillar or inside the fuel filler flap.
Because technical changes may be made to vehicle equipment
during the model year, always compare the tire size designation on
the tire pressure label on your vehicle with the tires on your vehicle.
Make sure that the tire size information on the vehicle label is the
same as the size of the tires on the vehicle. This is especially impor
tant if the vehicle belongs to someone else or you bought the
vehicle with different rims/tires or you bought the vehicle as a previ
ously owned vehicle .
Remember, your safety and that of your passengers also depends
on making sure that load limits are not exceeded. Vehicle load
includes everybody and everything in and on the vehicle. These load
limits are technically referred to as the vehicle's Gross Vehicle
Weight Rating ("GVWR"l. The Gross Axle Weight Rating ("GAWR"l is
the maximum load that can be applied at each of the vehicle's two
axles. The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating and the Gross Axle Weight
Rating are listed on the safety compliance sticker label located
either on the driver's side B-pillar or on the inside of the fuel filler
flap. The tire pressure label on your Audi lists the maximum
combined weight of all of the occupants and luggage or other cargo
that the vehicle can carry. For the location of the tire pressure label
=> page 297, fig. 217.
Overloading a vehicle can cause loss of vehicle control, a crash or
other accident, serious personal injury, and even death.
• Carrying more weight than your vehicle was designed to carry
will prevent the vehicle from handling properly and increase the risk of a loss of vehicle control.
• The brakes on a vehicle that has been overloaded may not be
able to stop the vehicle within a safe distance.
• Tires on a vehicle that has been overloaded can fail suddenly
causing loss of control and a crash.
& WARNING (continued)
• Always make sure that the total load being transported -
including the weight of a trailer hitch and the tongue weight of a
loaded trailer -does not make the vehicle heavier than the
vehicle's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.
• Incorrect tire pressures and/or underinflation can lead to a
serious or fatal accident.
• Incorrect tire pressures and/or underinflation cause increased
tire wear and can affect the handling of the vehicle.
• Incorrect tire pressures and/or underinflation can also lead to
sudden tire failure, including a blowout and sudden deflation,
causing loss of vehicle control. •
Checking tire pressure
The correct tire pressure for the tires originally installed
on your vehicle is listed on the tire pressure label located
either on driver's side B-pillar or inside the fuel filler flap.
The recommended tire pressures are on the tire pressure label and
in the
table=> page 297, "Cold tire inflation pressure". This means
that the pressure must be checked and adjusted when the tire has
not been driven for more than a couple of miles (kilometers) at low
speeds during the previous three hours. Air in the tires expands
when the tire heats up as a result of internal friction as it flexes in
use. The tire pressure is higher when the tire has warmed up than
when it is "cold."
It is the inflation pressure in a "cold" tire that counts. Therefore, you
should never let air out of a warm tire to match "Cold tire inflation
recommendations=> page 297. The tires would then be
underinflated and could fail suddenly. .,._
Vehicle care